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Guest Haengb0kk


omgosh. i soo have to beg my mom to let us go to thailand again

in the summer >.<

Or atleast i hope they have it on tv so i can watch it on satelite >.<

My love for xing <3

aha ^ that was so corny.

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Guest canityo
Hi! I don't think I've posted in here before, and if I have sorry!

But wow!! I love Xing's music!!!

But how are they? Can someone update me on them?

Well, Kibum just recovered from his nose surgery for rhinitis and.....XING IS GOING TO THIALAND!! You probably already know that anyways. :D


omgosh. i soo have to beg my mom to let us go to thailand again

in the summer >.<

Or atleast i hope they have it on tv so i can watch it on satelite >.<

My love for xing <3

aha ^ that was so corny.

T_T You're lucky you can even get a chance to go. T_T As for me, I'll patiently wait for XING, once again.




I didn't use the normal tag because it's too fat for a small picture like this. :] Doesn't he look good? For more PD pictures AND a dance video of him go to CYNOSTAR.NET :]

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Guest loveprint

Jin, you are one fiiine man. Guy... kid? I don't even know what to call him. But. Way too many girls for comfort. XD

Thanks for the pics, Maiza.

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*twitch twitch* thanks for sharing the pictures maiza. I see girls in the background, @_@ everywhere, and they're all grinning!!!!

He's really going out of his way to strip. Now I REALLY want to go to a XiNG concert. Honestly, the ground that JinHyun's performing on doesn't look too good.

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Guest micnmin4eva

i would participate that thai-korea football match!

Here the link if someone need the information: Click ME >__<

They announced that Xing, Chon Ho Yong [from G.O.D] and one thai singer gonna held the mini concert after the match.

T_T I'm dying to go there and wishing I could be there!!

If I can participate I would take ton of pics and clips to share with u guys!!!

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Guest silver_byul

Chon Ho Yong [from G.O.D]

hah! it's Son Ho Yong..they made a mistake..sorry this doesn't really have anything to do

with xing though -____-;;;

gaaahh i hope they record the match..i'm pretty sure they will...until then~

*runs off*

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Guest canityo

Apparently, PD's been included in some popularity poll for an event for HELLO STAR. Yeah, it's confusing.


Credits: CRAZY + helloamp + CYNOSTAR.NET.

@__@ Go to CYNOSTAR for more information, even though it might not help much. :x

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Guest PloY_JaeJoonG

hi u guys!!!

long time i'm not visit here....so damn busy for my university >O<

HeHe...I'm gonna make my schedual free for waitin' them come to Thailand !!

Yo...It's my best news in this month >O<

Finally , i can c them here ^O^

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Guest mandapanda

hii guys!

wow i havent heard from xing for a long time lol

is there a new member or something?

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Guest HoiSang

KYAAAA! thanks so much for the piccy of PD (he looks GOOOOD <3) Aand waaaah, he's number 2 on the popularity poll?! that's so cool!....and quite surprising ^^; haha, but glad to know he's making a good impression, wooot! (tho, actually, wut is the poll about? most popular, kinda thing izit? haha xD PD <3)

and yeah, i agree that the ground Jin Hyun was performing on didnt look that good and stable 0_o; hope everything went allrite! and i realized that if he sumhow slipped ir sumtin, he would've fallen right into the arms of one of the many girls that were surrounding him (mann! if only xD)

and yeah, XING going to thai... *siigh* seriously, i was reallllly bummed when i heard they were going, coz since it's in thai, it's like a cheap, flight away from hometown in Malaysia and i sooooo would've gone... but yeah, am currently in Perth, so T.T

and THEN! as if i was not bummed enough, i went on to find the main post to see who were the other guests were, and then suddenly, i saw Ho Young's name too, and...

well, if u look at my nick and avatar, u can understand why i nearly had a mental breakdown in my room >.<;

gahh *notthinkingaboutit!* but hmmn, it seems that only 4 of the usual Xing boys will be going? aawww, wish and hope PD and jin hyun will be going too - sho' cute, them playing football with all the other stars *includingmyhubbiegahh*, so yeah, i hope there'll be a recording of the match later! *fingers crossed*

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Guest jack_yamap

About the All Stars THAI vs KOREAN Football Match 2007

I edited the Korean Star list coz many problems happend and Some stars canceled

We're still not sure about this event.

I asked my friend about XING's coming to Thailand but no one could confirm bout it !!

.... very confused now ...(-_-!)

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Guest silver_byul

pics~ ;] i think you guys may have seen some of them though >_<;;


heehee i like this pic the best..i've been looking everywhere for it -___-;;



PD..acting?! O_O









yuppp that's all folks! haha oh yeah..and i also found the meanings for their names

Yume means dream in japanese :]

Chun Hye Sung - Chun means sky, Hye means star that shines, and Sung means star.

Altogether Hye Sung's name means "A star that shines from the sky"

Marumir means Pure and a sky dragon in korean.

(hmmm kibum's name is interesting..no?)

and Kevin..is just Kevin (american name) Okay bye now~!! :]

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Guest sweetharmony


lol...he is truly adorable.

So...they are going to TAIWAN? im excited for them


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Guest canityo

lol...he is truly adorable.

So...they are going to TAIWAN? im excited for them


Their going to Thailand not Taiwan. XD

Geh. I knew the meanings of their names except for ZEN. I dislike that name already. D: Going to stick with Jin Hyun.

Thanks Sylvia for the random pic spam. It made me smile. D: It makes me want for pictures. T__T

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Guest silver_byul
Geh. I knew the meanings of their names except for ZEN. I dislike that name already. D: Going to stick with Jin Hyun.

Thanks Sylvia for the random pic spam. It made me smile. D: It makes me want for pictures. T__T

hmmm well i looked it up and in japanese it said something about buddhism which doesn't fit into the name, so i looked it up

again and found out that zen also means goodness or virture..but somehow i think it's meaning is something in chinese

since his hobby is learning chinese - i think....>_<

hmmm no prob with the pics and i'll have the translations by...tom? i'll have both of them ready :]

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