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JYP Entertainment

Guest JYP Casting Team

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When I was at the auditions, they only let one person audition for only one thing. Do they still let one person audition for 2 things? Maybe if you're doing it online or by mail? ㅡㅡ;;

For a monologue, just pick anything you're comfortable with doing. Something you know by heart.

It doesn't matter if it's in Korean or any other language. Heck, it probably could be in Spanish if you want. All they want is the talent, I guess :] Which I'm pretty sure you've got :D

You CAN write it by yourself, I guess. But I suggest you go with the original one you find. Good luck.

ohh thank you so much for replying :P

I went as moral support for a friend last year actually.

She got number 265 or something and was in the last bunch.

When you arrive at the JYP building the JYP people will hand out a application form for you to fill out. Then they'll give you a number. People line up with 50 pple in each line.

First the batch is let into one of the rehersal rooms. Everyone lines up in 5 lines on the floor and wait. If you're a dancer you have to give them a cd with a note with the track you want to use. If you're a singer you just go as you are. 20 people enter the room. The first 10 are lined up in front of the judges while the next 10 are waiting behing as 'audience'.

The judges say 'Go' and give each contestants a few seconds to show off their talent. While you sing/dance they also film you. If they like it, they let you sing out the verse, if not they will probably cut you off short.

Once your line is done you are escorted out.

It might sound a bit scarey since the don't really give the contestants a lot of time but there is only one judge and that person barely pays attention since it takes a lot of time. The rest of the JYP reps will review the video together I assume and take it from there.

I don't know how many people go every other weekend but I assume around 200-300 people.

Hope it answered your question^^

ok m still confuse lyk how can 10 people sing infront of one judge i mean rnt dey gonna sing different songs

soooo how....... i dun get it :huh:

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Guest teukstrid

^Okay 10 people are lined up. They have all prepared whatever song they wanna sing. Starting from the right the first person starts singing. Once the judge says 'thanks' the camera is moved from the first person to the second person who shortly after will get the 'go' signal and sing. This goes on till all have done their audition. People just get a short time to sing though.

I don't know how else to explain it^^ sorry if you still don't get it.

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^Okay 10 people are lined up. They have all prepared whatever song they wanna sing. Starting from the right the first person starts singing. Once the judge says 'thanks' the camera is moved from the first person to the second person who shortly after will get the 'go' signal and sing. This goes on till all have done their audition. People just get a short time to sing though.

I don't know how else to explain it^^ sorry if you still don't get it.

ohhhh hehehhe i gt it

n thnx alott forrr clearing things up for me

well wat im gonna do is apply online :D soo

wish me luck ppl


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Guest kimchipoot

I was just curious about what JYPE does with all the audition tapes. Do they only keep the audition tapes of the people who were accepted into the company so that they can show the public how they were before they debut? Or do they keep all of the tapes no matter what? It would seem strange of them to keep all of the tapes since there are so many people auditioning all the time. I was just wondering.

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Guest smilesunwoo_

ahh really? thanks for info!

someone got accepted by JYP? how old was he?

I have no clue ㅡㅡ;; Sorry.

But I heard he was somewhere in his freshmen year in College.

So probably 18 or 19? That's what I think.

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Guest saranghaeyobby

I recently auditioned for JYP in Korea, he has a large audition recently so I was just wondering when the call backs would start -.-

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I recently auditioned for JYP in Korea, he has a large audition recently so I was just wondering when the call backs would start -.-

omg :o

how was it ?......... i mean can u plz tell me what dey mostly look for????

coz i wanna apply for singing and acting both

ohhh btw im not korean buh im south asian.

Does it matter ?

andd ya sorry eheheh m actually way too much questions

buhh i realy wish that ull make it :D

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Guest saranghaeyobby

omg :o

how was it ?......... i mean can u plz tell me what dey mostly look for????

coz i wanna apply for singing and acting both

ohhh btw im not korean buh im south asian.

Does it matter ?

andd ya sorry eheheh m actually way too much questions

buhh i realy wish that ull make it :D

pretty much what everyone said it was

they called our numbers

lined us up in groups of 30 and we sat in a waiting room to be called out in groups of 20 and we had to sing in front of two guys. One with applications and one with a camera. If he liked your voice he would let you sing all the way through. If you were bad he would cut you short.

I'm not even fully asian

and he let me sing my full chorus :] so I'm happy

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Guest BattleRoyale

Hi, is anyone else having trouble uploading videos on the jype website?

At first when I tried to select the file i wanted to upload, a popup would say "notcodec". So then I downloaded codec from the link where it tells me to and it still says the same thing? It's a .mov but I don't think it matters since it's in the options right? well even if it did, i downloaded a converter and changed it to .mpg and it still said "notcodec".

Then i realised i had a different codec pack on my comp, so i uninstalled it and re-installed the codec pack jpye linked us to. I then tried uploading both .mov and .mpg files and it still says "notcodec". ???! It's so frustrating and I've been trying to almost an hr!

Does anyone else experience this?


ok it works now after i converted it to .wmv, though the file quality has decreased.. but now i'm getting that http//1.1 500 server error or whatever that most people seem to be getting.. U___________U''


oh i tried the next day and my app went through. i guess it also depends on the time of day since the web traffic would be bombarded? iernos? =S

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Guest victorv87

Is anyone else having trouble signing up for the new JYP audition site??? I put in the email and stuff but i never get a verification number in an email so i cant join!!

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Guest BattleRoyale

^ oh? that's strange cause i remember getting the email verification number as soon as i registered? unless it got sent to ur junkmail, or maybe you can try using another email? unless the website is malfunctioning...? .___.

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Did anyone received a comment/reply on their JYP online auditon yet? i didn't yet. i send it on december 30 too! T.T

btw, TOP A PAGE!

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i got a automatic reply today

but i have no idea what it says....


heres the link

can someone translate it?

It says something along the lines of:

"Hello, this is the JYPE New Talent Casting team.

Thank you for uploading an audition application to the JYPE Online Auditions.

Your application and files have already been evaluated.

We will delete those evaluated files within 7 days.

We will contact those individuals that are sucessful after 3 weeks.

Thank you."

Question: Did you get that through e-mail or did was it a pop up on your page?

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Guest mimishou

It says something along the lines of:

"Hello, this is the JYPE New Talent Casting team.

Thank you for uploading an audition application to the JYPE Online Auditions.

Your application and files have already been evaluated.

We will delete those evaluated files within 7 days.

We will contact those individuals that are sucessful after 3 weeks.

Thank you."

Question: Did you get that through e-mail or did was it a pop up on your page?

i applied online like a month before and they now just sent me an email.

so i guess i have to wait another 3 weeks...

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Guest theJAPANties

apparently i cant visit the jype site or audition site anymore because my browser is saying that it is a reported attack site S: anyone else got this problem?

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