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Just want to drop some wallpapers here before going to sleep. I have never had wallpaper either on my laptop or my phone, but I/m so tempted to put on my phone either one of this or where Wookie appears as a King :phew:

Have a great day, chingus! 2 more days till Wookie and hopefully WangSun (tho I don't think we'll see King's story in ep11)






@siddy09 gosh I love your avatar and banner. :w00t::wub:

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@Princi_86 @siddy09 maybe because they didn't show us Sunny being heart broken so it gave the impression that she doesn't really care. The writer should give Sunny more screen time,show us how she miss him otherwise she seems heartless. The writer have to give more attention to Sunny's character. Hope she will do it next episode :confused:

@Princi_86 whoa thanks for sharing your edit :wub: so dreamy

@selenette I watched his drama from dramanice/dramacool  and viu.com. all his drama are available

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As you can see, we're now watching Goblin and Dong Wook potrays as the second lead character, The Grim Reaper. I can't deny his chemistry with Sunny (Yoo In Na) and I think their love story is more interesting than the first lead couple love story (Sorry Gong Yoo's fans! I'm also a fan of him though). Anyway, Dong Wook is just a sweetheart will all his cold-hearted-look and his coolness-when-silence :wub::heart:lee-dong-wook_1477621641_20161028100742_

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He's soooo handsome :wub: The Oliver Sweeney pictorial was awesome and now we have a BTS video of it. Be still, my heart...

@chaterinegunawan Welcome here, chingu! Thanks for joining us in this thread ^^ We're all eagerly awaiting more scenes and development of WangSun as well. I really hope they get a story that does justice to them because there's so much potential for a powerful love story between them. It's a pity they're only the secondary couple here because their backstory and current situation can easily make for a drama on its own.

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Okay, I know I haven't checked in for a looong time (back when Goblin hadn't even started airing), but so much has happened that the month or so in between has felt like years! I'm so glad LDW is finally getting public recognition (again), and I'm so happy that the cast as a whole get along so well and are being appreciated by the public for their collaboration. 

I wanted to drop by because many of the goblin k-twitters I'm following were passing this article around today: http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=009&aid=0003867304

I'm awful at Korean and never really officially started learning, but from what I can piece together out of Google Translate, the article describes how LDW essentially casted himself by appealing to KES (scriptwriter). If I'm not wrong, I think KES turned LDW down at first because she didn't think he would fit the role, but he met with her again to convince her (and the rest is history). 

I could be completely wrong though so if you actually are fluent in Korean please correct me! I don't really want to request translations from the major translating blogs bc this article doesn't have that many upvotes, but I thought it'd be useful to share here in case someone does want to translate it. 

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20 minutes ago, kyuhyus said:

Okay, I know I haven't checked in for a looong time (back when Goblin hadn't even started airing), but so much has happened that the month or so in between has felt like years! I'm so glad LDW is finally getting public recognition (again), and I'm so happy that the cast as a whole get along so well and are being appreciated by the public for their collaboration. 

I wanted to drop by because many of the goblin k-twitters I'm following were passing this article around today: http://m.entertain.naver.com/read?oid=009&aid=0003867304

I'm awful at Korean and never really officially started learning, but from what I can piece together out of Google Translate, the article describes how LDW essentially casted himself by appealing to KES (scriptwriter). If I'm not wrong, I think KES turned LDW down at first because she didn't think he would fit the role, but he met with her again to convince her (and the rest is history). 

I could be completely wrong though so if you actually are fluent in Korean please correct me! I don't really want to request translations from the major translating blogs bc this article doesn't have that many upvotes, but I thought it'd be useful to share here in case someone does want to translate it. 

Hi Kyuhyus, 

Thanks for letting us know that, I didn't know LDW was turned down and convinced KES to cast him. That makes me admire him more. I didn't know it had been so hard for him to get this role. Then, it is like fighting upstream to convince the writer that you are indeed the perfect guy for the role. Wow he is really amazing, no wonder he researched and prepared so much for the role! He really is a great actor, dedicated to his craft!

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@chaterinegunawan welcome to our thread :) check out his other works if you have time 

@Puppywookie It makes me admires him even more too.Whoa KES rejected him at first and look how well received his GR is. I hope he keep doing this,Pursue the great roles and don't just wait for offers.What a fighter and passionate actor :) 

@winterdew I can't breath :astonished: that video is too breathtaking 

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Thanks for sharing the article, @kyuhyus. I chanced upon a Chinese translation of the article, so will share the gist of it here as accurately as I can. Yes, that's indeed what the article says--that LDW fought hard to get the role of the Grim Reaper in Goblin. Hats off to Wookie for his determination, persistence and passion as an actor. He really is a gem in an industry where actors are offered and take up cookie-cutter roles.

Basically, the article says that KES originally didn't want to cast Wookie as the Grim Reaper. It's said that KES' initial idea of the Grim Reaper didn't fit with Wookie's image at all. Wookie had seen the script, and even after expressing his interest in taking up the role even if it's a secondary role, and even after a representative from Wookie's agency helped put in a word for him, KES remained unmoved.

However, Wookie was really intrigued and interested by the way KES had written the characters (this should be the rough idea), and he didn't want to give up on his opportunity. Eventually, his agency managed to clinch a 1-to-1 meeting with KES, which led to Wookie landing the role.

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Lee Dong Wook Almost Didn’t Make It As The Grim Reaper In tvN’s “Goblin”

Lee Dong Wook

Lee Dong Wook is arguably one of most enjoyable characters to watch in tvN’s “Goblin.”

No matter what scene he’s in, the grim reaper has chemistry with any character from the show. Whether it’s his bromance with Gong Yoo, the cute friendship with Kim Go Eun, or his bashful interactions with Yoo In Na, viewers are always entertained when Lee Dong Wook is onscreen.

While the public is well aware that “Goblin” screenwriter, Kim Eun Sook, spent five years trying to cast Gong Yoo in one of her dramas, it is not the case for Lee Dong Wook. As a matter of fact, Lee Dong Wook had to fight until the end to receive the role of the grim reaper.

Lee Dong Wook

Kim Eun Sook had originally rejected him because he didn’t fit with the image of the grim reaper she had in mind. Even after a representative from Lee Dong Wook’s agency tried to persuade her, Kim Eun Sook was not convinced. However, Lee Dong Wook was too smitten with the role to give up.

The representative was able to get Lee Dong Wook a one-on-one meeting with the “Goblin” writer, and he was able to successfully appeal to her during the meeting. Kim Eun Sook was finally moved and offered him the role of the grim reaper.

After receiving the role, Lee Dong Wook worked tirelessly to get ready by repeatedly analyzing and studying the script and his character. Because of his efforts, Lee Dong Wook is able to show viewers a new kind of grim reaper!


Check out the comments on the article, guys. As well as on Soompi's FB post of the article. I'm getting quite emotional reading the comments :')

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On 1/3/2017 at 1:29 AM, Princi_86 said:

@joyezz the translation of Korean caption (the part about his plans):

올해는 자주 열심히 만나요 - Let's meet more often next year.


I wonder as well if he means projects or fan meetings/fan signings. I hope both. In any case he hints that he will be more active. Of course we want him to have at least 1 acting project in 2017. I'm ready to wait till Autumn, but please not more. 

Like @giegie mentioned I would love him to be kidnapped by PD Na for some of his variety, I want him to visit Daebak again and Taxi. I'm also sad that Running Man ends and we will not see his chemistry with all cast and competitive self again. Maybe SeHo will invite him to one of his shows as a guest. Then he's do some pictorials for magazines, take some CFs (he will not take a lot, since he doesn't like to pack his schedule with lots of CFs promotions), then he's probably do FMs in Korea, Japan and hopefully outside. And all of this for sure will be till Summer. In a meanwhile I hope he'll find good script and character either in movie or drama. Personally I want movie and drama. But I know I'm too greedy. 



 I really hope PD Na will kidnapped him with Mr. Gong Ji-Chul for Ahjussi Over Flower :blush: jaebal PD Na .. we love him.

Last night, i watched Rommate season 1 , Lee Dong Wook was a good and caring person toward his sister and also Rommate cast. He looked worried and give a full attention towards Song Ga-Yeon before her debut in MMA. Lots of love for him. 

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Another version of translation for this article from Allkpop. The article has got so many views wow. But actually this info differs a bit with what we have got from his interview for Singles and KES telling on Press con that it was an honor for her that LDW applied for this role. Maybe she had really different image of GR. So no we know who did all this magic. KES should be grateful to Wookie. Maybe that's why she writes him so many scenes and interesting ones.

Lee Dong Wook was repeatedly rejected by writer of 'Goblin' before finally landing his role?



Can you imagine the role of the grim reaper on tvN's currently airing drama 'Goblin' being played by anyone other than Lee Dong Wook?

It turns out, Lee Dong Wook was initially rejected for the role of the grim reaper by writer Kim Eun Sook multiple times! According to news outlet 'Daily Economy', Lee Dong Wook, an actor whose career includes numerous lead roles in dramas like 'Wild Romance', 'Iron Man', 'Bubble Gum', and more, came across the script for Kim Eun Sook's 'Goblin' and expressed his wishes to participate even if it meant taking on a secondary lead role. The CEO of his management company, King Kong Entertainment, personally stepped up to help Lee Dong Wook get in touch with writer Kim Eun Sook, but the writer's reason for not casting the actor was that he simply didn't seem to fit the role. 

Even though the King Kong CEO himself gave up after writer Kim Eun Sook's initial response, reports say that Lee Dong Wook persisted in asking to meet up with the writer face-to-face and was finally able to convince the writer of his charms as an actor. 

Viewers are currently praising Lee Dong Wook's work in 'Goblin' for his sexy and dark, yet comical character as well as his hilarious chemistry with Gong Yoo, Kim Go Eun, and more. Aren't you glad he pursued his grim reaper role as strongly as he did?

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@chaterinegunawan welcome to LDW thread, dear! I hope you'll enjoy fangirling with us, Have you ever watch his previous projects? what's your fave one beside Goblin?

@kyuhyus Glad you're back! How's your exam result? I hope it's great so you could finally enjoy holiday by watching Goblin! Thanks for the info about KES-LDW's first impression. Thanks to @winterdew for clarification, so did  @Princi_86 thanks for the articles, I also glad KKE helped him a lot to get in touch with KES. yay!

Guys, if that's the case, I think one of reasons behind KES's rejection maybe she didn't believe a veteran actor like LDW want to be part of the project only as the second lead. Based on her previous projects, I never see her to pick two actors as famous as GY-LDW. Jin Goo less famous than SJK, so did KWB at The Heirs. But Thank God, LDW could make KES believe in him, just like all those comments at Soompi and Allkpop where I saw some of your names too LOL, none could fit the GR role as great as LDW. It also led me to another stupid assumption about KDY cancellation. Maybe he was replaced by KMJ bcos he couldn't fulfill Goblin's schedule whereas they need him for more shooting times. After seeing the preview for 11th eps, I'm glad for seeing KSH-KMJ again at flashback this week. For actors who said to be only a cameo, KSH-KMJ already had many screentimes which led me to believe it happened bcos KES changed a lil bit of her script or maybe based on the growing love for WY and Sunny characters.

I read somewhere but I forgot who post about KES's signature cheesy line which missing at Goblin. I agreed that Goblin is a lil bit different from KES's previous projects, but LDW's angel concept reminded me with KJW character who said the same angel concept, but when LDW who brought the line, it felt romantic rather than cheesy. He's my bias. LOL

@aniliaz Roommate 1st season is daebak! He is a great hyung to MinWo, KangJoon and also became a great Oppa to Nana ect. Do you mean at this eps? I also cried with LDW and friends during Ga-Yeon match.

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14 minutes ago, giegie said:

@chaterinegunawan welcome to LDW thread, dear! I hope you'll enjoy fangirling with us, Have you ever watch his previous projects? what's your fave one beside Goblin?

@kyuhyus Glad you're back! How's your exam result? I hope it's great so you could finally enjoy holiday by watching Goblin! Thanks for the info about KES-LDW's first impression. Thanks to @winterdew for clarification, so did  @Princi_86 thanks for the articles, I also glad KKE helped him a lot to get in touch with KES. yay!

Guys, if that's the case, I think one of reasons behind KES's rejection maybe she didn't believe a veteran actor like LDW want to be part of the project only as the second lead. Based on her previous projects, I never see her to pick two actors as famous as GY-LDW. Jin Goo less famous than SJK, so did KWB at The Heirs. But Thank God, LDW could make KES believe in him, just like all those comments at Soompi and Allkpop where I saw some of your names too LOL, none could fit the GR role as great as LDW. It also led me to another stupid assumption about KDY cancellation. Maybe he was replaced by KMJ bcos he couldn't fulfill Goblin's schedule whereas they need him for more shooting times. After seeing the preview for 11th eps, I'm glad for seeing KSH-KMJ again at flashback this week. For actors who said to be only a cameo, KSH-KMJ already had many screentimes which led me to believe it happened bcos KES changed a lil bit of her script or maybe based on the growing love for WY and Sunny characters.

I read somewhere but I forgot who post about KES's signature cheesy line which missing at Goblin. I agreed that Goblin is a lil bit different from KES's previous projects, but LDW's angel concept reminded me with KJW character who said the same angel concept, but when LDW who brought the line, it felt romantic rather than cheesy. He's my bias. LOL

@aniliaz Roommate 1st season is daebak! He is a great hyung to MinWo, KangJoon and also became a great Oppa to Nana ect. Do you mean at this eps? I also cried with LDW and friends during Ga-Yeon match.

He daebak !! Yup.. this episode chingu.. he was my 1st actor in K-Drama. Pray for the best & healthy life for him. KES thanks for accept uri Ahjussi @ oppa.. hehe 




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If not GY and DW's big names and their bromance, Goblin surely wouldn't have become such a big hit. So, the writer should actually thank LdW for showing interest in the role & Making her drama a huge success.


I saw this badass love letter to the grim reaper & thought of sharing with U all

Hey Grim Reaper,

This is my love letter to you. I love you!!!

So, if things don't work out with "Sunny- not-Sun-Hee" then I shall accept your whole existence.

& guess what, I'm a vegetarian. So imma hit you up with some lit A** food.

SO MARRY ME, you cute yet sexy yet handsome yet adorable yet many more things.

Love yours truly,



you. So if things don't work out with "Sunny-not-sun-hee" then I shall accept your whole existence. 
& guess what, I'm vegetarian. So imma hit you up with some lit richard simmons food. 
So marry me yo

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I am now at eps 14 of Bubble Gum and LDW's chemistry with the female lead is spot on. So sweet. I think Wookie is a chemistry station. Also that kiss scene leading to implied bed scene at the beginning was damn hot...I had to rewatch it a few times..kekeke. Ok, just stopped by here to fangirl. :blush:

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@giegie woahh, I though I'm the one who has noticed "Angel concept". I remember clearly how KJW in DOTS said the same to JG's character is when they went to that wedding of his ex. I think that writer has her own favourite lines or small things which she loves to add in many dramas. The same has LOTBS writer does. But I do think Goblin has cheesy lines which are her own style. Maybe not that cheesy  as in some other dramas but main couple receives them a lot, Cheesy epic KES lines lol. I think KES likes Wookie's character a lot as she loved KJW's that's why she pays a lot attention to him and I hope Wookie will benefit from Goblin even more then KJW. And I'm not talking about CFs. I want him to receive a lot of acting offers. In really good projects. 

Regarding casting issue. I will post here the same as in Goblin's thread. When article about his possible casting has been out, he had Interview for magazine just in few weeks and his confirmation article came much more later. In that interview on reply to question why he has chosen to play secondary role after playing leads. He replied, that "Even 10 minutes of screen time can make you leave strong impression, like Anthony Hopkins did in "The silence of the lambs". When I have read Goblin's script I liked Grim Reaper's character a lot and felt I want to play it. the production company of Goblin is the same as Bubblegum, so I have applied fo the role. They have replied "Are you sure you wand and can play such a character?" Their reply made me want to take this role even more." There is no mentioning of writer directly but most likely after today's article it was she who rejected him. Why she did it? From various sources I know that GR'srole wasn't that big and important as we see now. In addition she used to take less known and establishet actors as a secondary lead. Did she have someone in mind already? It will be interesting to know. But have feeling that Wookie has received this role before she has made a clue whom she wants. I bet he met her and just convinced that he's ok to play secondary lead. And then we have seen news about how he inspires crew and cast with his passion and diligence in studying his character. And then KES said on press con that it was an honor for her that he has applied for this role. 

@giegie and like you've said I also think that she has brought more of WangSun past and overall added their storyline 1st because of Wookie's casting and 2nd because of growing interest to WangSun couple. And I do hope we'll have some happy scenes for them as well and not only angst. 

@triplem yas, Bubbly couple's chemistry was off charts! I love all their moments especially in apisode 14.  And Wookie singing was for dessert. :wub: How do you find the story overall and narrations?

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@joyezz I'm laughing at all the Twitter reactions. Too accurate. Hahaha! Thanks for sharing them, chingu! I love how that 3-second clip of him as the King and these stills are enough to make us and many others crave to see him play a Goryeo king in his next drama. That's the LDW effect ^^ But yes, hot damn, he's looking so, so fine in those new stills. The article on those stills has made it to Naver's main page and is ranked #2 most popular article. Wow.

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