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Guest shzzle8dizzile


its his natural skion..whatever you do to it it'll still look the same..LOL

well,we can't do anything about that..

the soompi king competition was over some time ago..and kim jaejoong of DBSK won as prince but he was promoted as the king because someone cheated in the polls..even in the soompi princess poll,soompi queen and yah, the soompi king..

i didn't know that people will take this poll so seriously..


thanks for the precious family links! *muah*

gaah~ where are the other pervies? the thread is so slow this days...they're probably in school


thanks for the chinese translation..hope somebody could translate it in english..

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Guest piyawanpp

thanks to mandalaywith

I finished your present Ep. of Precious but I didn't see subtitle. Ha HaHa! Just see his face, I can smile.

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Guest kler

found translations in chinese of the article in the japan mag with the super gorgeous pics of wookie..

credit to 超級芒果 and youkei from leedongwookbaidu

here is the link


anyone wants to translate in english? he he he..

sigh... no one to translate.. roddy and ripgal must be busy, have not seen them around..

maybe I should give a preview of the article, he he he.. ok from the google translator I could figure out these in random order (the questions are translated better than the answer, so i just list down the questions):

- the reporter was really impress with wookie

- wookie was asked about playing squash in My Girl, the kisses in My Girl (with PSY and LDH), what would he do if he is in the situation of GC, will he accept PSY back and his role in My Girl

- what he would do if he is n love triangle (not so sure about this)

- when dating will he go to see opera (like in My Girl) or roadside stand

- he was also asked about LDH

- asked about his freinds

- the comics/manga he likes

- whether he has been to Japan (yes he did, once)

- asked about his skin as white as milk

- asked about Strongest Romance

- asked about most romantic moment in the past

- what kind of actor he would like to be

ok that is the rough questions I got from google translator... he he.. however the answer translated is all jumbled up.. so we better wait for a better translation...

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Guest sherrying

sigh... no one to translate.. roddy and ripgal must be busy, have not seen them around..

maybe I should give a preview of the article, he he he.. ok from the google translator I could figure out these in random order (the questions are translated better than the answer, so i just list down the questions):

- the reporter was really impress with wookie

- wookie was asked about playing squash in My Girl, the kisses in My Girl (with PSY and LDH), what would he do if he is in the situation of GC, will he accept PSY back and his role in My Girl

- what he would do if he is n love triangle (not so sure about this)

- when dating will he go to see opera (like in My Girl) or roadside stand

- he was also asked about LDH

- asked about his freinds

- the comics/manga he likes

- whether he has been to Japan (yes he did, once)

- asked about his skin as white as milk

- asked about Strongest Romance

- asked about most romantic moment in the past

- what kind of actor he would like to be

ok that is the rough questions I got from google translator... he he.. however the answer translated is all jumbled up.. so we better wait for a better translation...

haha~dear kler~~~in fact some of our baidu members are already translating it^^

as the interview is a little long, it'll take them some time^^

so~~~just wait pls^^ :) you'll see a man who is worth of our love~~~ :lol:

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Guest shzzle8dizzile

I'm so excited to read the interview!

thanks for the rough translation there kler!

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Guest powder

sigh... no one to translate.. roddy and ripgal must be busy, have not seen them around..

maybe I should give a preview of the article, he he he.. ok from the google translator I could figure out these in random order (the questions are translated better than the answer, so i just list down the questions):

- the reporter was really impress with wookie

- wookie was asked about playing squash in My Girl, the kisses in My Girl (with PSY and LDH), what would he do if he is in the situation of GC, will he accept PSY back and his role in My Girl

- what he would do if he is n love triangle (not so sure about this)

- when dating will he go to see opera (like in My Girl) or roadside stand

- he was also asked about LDH

- asked about his freinds

- the comics/manga he likes

- whether he has been to Japan (yes he did, once)

- asked about his skin as white as milk

- asked about Strongest Romance

- asked about most romantic moment in the past

- what kind of actor he would like to be

ok that is the rough questions I got from google translator... he he.. however the answer translated is all jumbled up.. so we better wait for a better translation...



Thanks so much kler for yr. question translation... ^^

Although my imagination already fly in the air and has the answer in my mind :phew: , I'd like to know the answers reallyyyyyyyyyyy hee..hee..ee :w00t:

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Guest ripgal

Guys, sorry for being MIA in this thread for so long. I just read the Japanese Interview.. and like what sherrying said, he's definitely worth our love. This interview yet showed another side of Wookie that we've never really known in the past.. and he's revealed a lot more personal stuff, like his fav anime..etc...But regarding his relationship with LDH, still the same old answer that they're close friends but not a couple..:rolleyes:

Since sherrying said translation's in progress, I will not translate the interview to avoid a clash. I believe the baidu members will surprised you guys with a proper translation of the interview. It's really one worth reading to get to know Wookie better, as a person and as an actor.


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Guest kler

haha~dear kler~~~in fact some of our baidu members are already translating it^^

as the interview is a little long, it'll take them some time^^

so~~~just wait pls^^ :) you'll see a man who is worth of our love~~~ :lol:

he he.. thanks sherry, I knew the interview was really good by the comments posted by baidu members in the post.. so I tried all the online translators, he he he..

million thanks for all the baidu members who are trying to translate... no pressure, take your time, I know it would be worth the wait..

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Guest powder

His fav anime name is NaNa.., right?? I'm not sure because i read fr. baidu and just understand Eng. Lang. :sweatingbullets:

NaNa is japan anime i like it also. Good story about love relationship ^^

"It's really one worth reading to get to know Wookie better, as a person and as an actor."


Whaa...a u make me really wanna know what chinese comment. fr.baidu talk about this article, Ripgal >_____<

Thanks so muchhhhhhhhh whenever u guys translate it, we can wait. Take yr. time guys!! Really thanks again. :)

As kler said that it would be worth the wait.. :w00t:

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Guest dinflora

The super interview of wookie in the japan mag -「HANAVi」

credit: www.leedongwook.baidubar.com

translation by mayb_juz_coz,thanks a lot!!!

Picture 1.

Content from the first picture ! ( by youkei )

Between sober and passionate ! Lee Dong Wook

Carry on from the big hit << MY GIRL >> and << Strongest Romance >> which box office had exceeded million, everywhere he goes, he becomes the centre of the attractions. Now is his brightest time since he joined the entertainment industry. However, he insists humbly that " now is just the beginning ... I still need to work hard " . His passions in acting is getting more and more sizzling.

Before I conducted my interview with LDW, I got very nervous for the first time. That was because I recalled his role in MG - Seol Gong Chan was too cool. I was worried he is as cool and as cold as his role in the show. Besides, I read about his profile. He said " he is someone who distinguishes clearly between love and hatred and he judges a person at first sight. " With this in mind, I felt that LDW is not a mellow guy. This kind of preconceived ideas had made me more or less get very nervous.

However this disappeared the moment LDW stepped in politely and saying hello with smiles. During the photo shooting session, I saw the LDW who was completely different from what was in my mind. He posed according to the photographer's instructions and telling them, the poses earlier on were really pretentious ! and when he was asked to pose as if he was very happy, he said, " he recalled the funny program he watched on the tv the night before ! " He was telling all these happily to the crew.

Prior to the interview, I told him my thoughts about him changed before and after meeting up with him. He confessed that he used to emphasize the first impressions. After all, he has been in the industry for 8 years.. he tries to put aside those preconceived ideas. Although for most of the times, the first impression from his judgement are not very pleasant, he tries to understand what are the causes that resulted that and hence, he looks more easygoing now.

He suggested we chat along while having our coffee. He even helped me to take my coffee. I have interviewed a lot of artists but that was the first time an artist helped me to fill up my coffee cup. The aroma of the coffee was the same as usual but it has somehow turned out to be more fragrant, may be it was due to the kind gestures from him !

Journalist : is it because of you look cool that's why being accused as not very friendly ?

LDW :Yes. People always said that when I was a kid. It is because I don't have much facial expressions, I look as if I am angry when I remain silent. All along I have been like this but people will start to ask, why do you get angry suddenly for nothing ? The bad thing is, it takes a long while to get along with strangers. The good thing is, people tend to deal with me in better manners and respect me, in a way.


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Guest dinflora

The super interview of wookie in the japan mag -「HANAVi」

credit: www.leedongwook.baidubar.com

Picture 2.

Journalist - Seems like you have good terms with some unexpected people, for example, soccer player Lee Chun Soo, singer Kim Tae Woo and comedian Jun Ha Jeong etc. They come from different walk of life. How did you get to know them ?

LDW - First of all, I am in good terms with almost all of the artists whom I have worked before. Through these artists, I get to know people from different circles. Among them, Lee Chun Soo and Kim Tae Woo are same age as me, that's why we soon became good friends. We are not like other artists who always hang out together. We contact each other only when something happens.

Journalist - Honestly speaking, I felt that your luck had not been good prior to < MY GIRL > .

LDW - ( laugh ). Even now my luck is not very good. On and off there are people commenting that it has not been easy for LDW to get famous ha ( laugh ). I think now is just the beginning.

Journalist - Have you ever thought of giving up ?

LDW - Never. Until now I have never thought of quit. That's because, an artist aims for a lifelong career path. Although I mentioned before that now is just the beginning, once an actor is over 30, he more or less knows about life. It's because of that, he will really get to learn about acting by then. Therefore, I feel that I should not be worried at this stage. I have not joined national service yet. As a man, there are a lot of things which I should do but have not been done yet.

Journalist - Heard that fortune telling predicted that you do not have any luck with ladies prior to 2011. Is it true ?

LDW - Yes. Seems like my luck with ladies gets better as I age ( laugh ). Luck aside, I am the type that behave over cautiously when dating with ladies. I usually take about 1-2 years to start a relationship. ( laugh)

Journalist - Looks like people do compliment that your skin is as fair as milk ?

LDW - Used to have but there isn't any more. I think one with darker skin looks more like a man. I did try to tan my skin but it only turned into red after went under the sun, soon it got back to its original colour. Doom ( laugh ) Moreover, I realised that looks does not contribute much to one's manliness. That's why, I do not bother much now.

Journalist - How do you interprete manliness ?

LDW - When a man at 30, it is time to firm up his mind, meaning - to establish something. I think that is called manliness. One who challenges himself, beats himself, moving forward with strong will and without any hesitation, only then is considered true manliness.

Journalist - Isn't it not necessary to wait until 30 if one has already firmed up his goals ?

LDW - I don't mean that. I am still young ( laugh). When I socialise with closed seniors, I always find that I am very far behind them. They are very different in terms of experiences.

Journalist - Heard that you love to read comics including female comics ? I cannot imagine the ways you read female comics.

LDW - Not confine to comics but also includes movies and music. I read anything that I could grab. I am not particular so long they are good. Each has its own uniqueness.

Journalist - What are your favourite female comics ?

LDW - I love Ai Yazawa's comics eg << Paradise Kiss >>, << Na Na >>. For Korean comics, I like Park xxx 's << Motels. Africa >>. I keep them at home.

Journalist - Do you read comics to practise your acting skills ?

LDW - Yes but also because I love to read comics. The settings in comics are the same as the scenes in movies. They both segregate different scenes according to the flow of storyline and atmosphere. It is meaningful to figure out the setting and different kind of stuff as you read.

Journalist - You did mention that Mr Mitsuri Adachi is one of your favourite comics artists. Which characters would you like to play if his comics are made into tv drama ?

LDW - Yes. ( laugh ) I love all the characters in his comics. It's very tough to choose.<< H2 >> and << Touch >> are not bad. It would be my honour to play in any roles. The paintings and settings in Mr Mitsuri Adachi are excellent. They are interesting and perfect. All the characters are delicately portrayed. I think he must have visualized the story in his mind before he started to draw the pictures. Same must have applied to multi series with single release comics. I felt that he must have outlined the story from the first to the last copies before he inserted paintings in. Or else his work would not turn out to be so perfect.

Journalist - What do you like about Japan other than Manga comics ?

LDW - Music. I am a fan of Dragon Ash. I like their music especially the album << Viva La Revolution >>. The ban on Japanese culture was not lifted during my high school times but my friend managed to get me their album. I loved it the moment I first listened to it. Rock and hippop are blended together. It's very unique and fresh. I never heard that in Korea.

Journalist - Have you been to Japan ?

LDW - Only been there once. Did some photo shooting in Tokyo. It is very much like Seoul. I went to Harajuku and Shinjuku, they are almost the same as Myung Dong, Sin Chon and University Road in Korea. I still remember I went there to buy a zippo lighter. I collect zippo lighters. I will buy a zippo lighter whenever I travel overseas. There are a lot of good stuff in Japan. I chose one that I liked the most but unfortunately I lost it within one month. I also lost the Dragon Ash album that I just mentioned. That's why I bought another one in Japan. I do not speak Japanese. I described to the shopkeeper with my hands and still managed to find it. I was contented with that.


posting: http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=222838212

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Guest mandalaywith

he's that one guy from My Girl! but Lee Junki is hotter!

그래서 어저라고 꼬라지하고는 ;) :

I donot like Girl Junki :tongue2:

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Guest dinflora

Picture 3.

Journalist - < MY GIRL > was already aired in Japan. You have since gained more Japanese fans. Are there any fans who have impressed you ?

LDW - I met few Japanese fans who specially made a trip to Daegu when I was there to promote my movie << Strongest Romance >>. It is not a big city like Seoul. It is just a city town. Later on, they also looked up for me when I did promotion in Seoul. It was very rare. I was very touched. They were freezing while waiting for me. I felt so sorry about that. I gave them my autographed poster and OST.

Journalist - I would like to ask things related to << MY GIRL >> ? The role of Seol Gong Chan suits you very much. Instead of complimenting about your acting skills, might as well put it as you are playing yourself in the drama. How much does the role resemble yourself ?

LDW - So far, for all the roles that I have played resembled myself. My acting skills are not matured yet. I still cannot create something from nothing. For all my previous roles, they were not newly created.A role is like a mould, I cast my true characters into it and bring out the role in the show. I have to become an actor who manages to create a role out of nothing. I have tried my best now. My previous roles resembled me in one way or another especially Seol Gong Chan kind of cold attitude and once fell in love, he would not bother about any other things.

Journalist - At the beginning of the show, former lover Kim Seo Hyun ( played by Park Shi Yeon ) left Seol Gong Chan in pain to chase for her dreams. Seol Gong Chan refused to accept her. If it was you, what would you do ?

LDW - I won't know as I have not experienced it before but I think I would be different from Seol Gong Chan, I would accept her. In the show, Seol Gong Chan reckoned that he was dumped by Kim Seo Hyun which indeed it was not the case. She left him to materialize her dreams. I think we should not hold back our lover from chasing their dreams. Of course, Seol Gong Chan needed support while he was in pain. However, to insist his lover to stay by his side because of this is very stubborn. ( ponder over for a while ). Despite having said that, if it really happens to me, I still don't know what I would do ( laugh )

Journalist - In the show, Seol Gong Chan told a white lie for the sake of his grandpa's health. What was the biggest lie that you have ever told ?

LDW - When I was a kid, I spent the money that given by my mum to buy some reference textbooks on something else instead. I am not a good lier. Whenever I told a lie, I would be caught red handed very soon. Moreover, once a lie has been started, more lies would be told to cover up the previous ones. I hate that. That's why I am never a two-timer. I never told any lie to my girl friend.

Journalist - Even females would find You Rin was very cute. After worked with her, have you discovered anything cute about her ?

LDW - She was superb cute when she sang the carrot song to me ( laugh ). You Rin and Gong Chan did not fall in love at first sight. They stepped into each other's heart unknowingly. That's why there was not any particularly passionate scene. I did recall some memorable moments, for example, scenes of You Rin cried after being discovered by grandpa and at the airport. Da Hae had been crying for more than an hour, her body was shaky. She said she was still crying even after she reached home. I got heartache when I heard that.

Journalist - In the show, you were good in squash. Are you good in that ? What sports do you normally do ?

LDW - Lee Jun Ki and myself had never played squash before. We picked it up nervously upon the shooting. Thanks to the drama editor. We looked as if not bad ( laugh ). In fact, we really could not play, really funny ( laugh ). But i do like to play sports. I always do exercises but there isn't any that I am good in ( laugh )


credit: www.leedongwook.baidubar.com

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ohya. this ar, is he trying to hint us???: LDW - Yes. Seems like my luck with ladies gets better as I age ( laugh ). Luck aside, I am the type that behave over cautiously when dating with ladies. I usually take about 1-2 years to start a relationship. ( laugh)

me; how long since he acting my girl with lee da hae?? more than 1 and a half years! what does he mean?? it might mean that he just hooked lee da hae or is still trying!!! HAHA! go ldw! i support! FIGHTING! aja aja!


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