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Fans go crazy over Lee Dong Wook in platinum blonde hair

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A set of pictures of Lee Dong Wook aka, the Grim Reaper from Goblin in blonde hair is going viral in Korea.


With the popular tvN drama “Goblin” making headlines lately, Lee Dong Wook‘s popularity faced a resurgence in his acting career as he plays the lonely amnesiac Grim Reaper in the drama.

In the drama, Lee Dong Wook has been known for his pale skin and red lips that suit his dark brown hair and black attires. His wonderful proportions made magic for his spruce appearance in suits and coats, pulling off the Grim Reaper look well for the drama.

However, it appears that Lee Dong Wook looks just as good with blonde hair as he is with brown hair! His tall height, perfect proportions, pale skin, red lips, chiseled jaw and deep-set eyes make him look like a prince from a fairy tale!

So, what do you think? Does he look better with blonde or brown hair?


NB.i am sorry i have a problrm sharing video from instagram thats why i used YT link

@miecha welcome in our king's thread , thanks for sharing such a wonderful article 



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On 1/12/2017 at 2:50 PM, willenette said:

tvN Releases Statement About Goblin’s Finale and Special Episode

Fans of Korea’s favorite drama series, Goblin, will be thrilled to find out that the network will be airing a special episode of the show in two parts.



With ratings as high as 17%, many fans of the series are saddened to hear there are only 4 episodes left.

Goblin’s broadcasting channel tvN has revealed that the script for the final episode has been finalized and the staff is currently focusing on completing the filming for the last episodes.

They also announced:


Goblin will reach a turning point in the storyline in the 13th episode. Being a combination of multiple genres such as tales of fantasy, romance, life, and death, we have received a variety of speculative guesses and opinions. We want to ensure our viewers are able to easily enjoy the rest of the episodes, so we will be releasing a special episode on the 14th, divided into 2 parts, encompassing the knotty relationships between the characters; they’ll foreshadow the rest of the episodes in an interesting way.

Episode 14 will be aired on the 20th, and episodes 15 and 16 will be aired consecutively on the 21st.


Source: Sports Chosun / koreaboo


Wait. So does that mean that on the 21st, it will be a FINALE MARATHON? OMO. I'm not yet prepared for the series to end and for GR to be away... :dissapointed_relieved:

22 hours ago, triplem said:

Welcome dear...wah 50 shades..ooo, I'm not the only one with wild, pervy imagination here...:phew::phew:


I'm innocent!!! :joy::innocent: Yes. Him as Christian Grey. *imagination on!*

@MaysoonD and @winterdew, chinggus! Thank you for the greetings and those pics. See those perfect abs and chiseled jawline? :heart::mrgreen: To think that one of my set standards for the man that I'm looking for is the jawline. *imagination on again!*

@miecha, WELCOME! Have you watched his other series chinggu? :blush:

4 hours ago, MaysoonD said:

Fans go crazy over Lee Dong Wook in platinum blonde hair

A set of pictures of Lee Dong Wook aka, the Grim Reaper from Goblin in blonde hair is going viral in Korea.


With the popular tvN drama “Goblin” making headlines lately, Lee Dong Wook‘s popularity faced a resurgence in his acting career as he plays the lonely amnesiac Grim Reaper in the drama.

In the drama, Lee Dong Wook has been known for his pale skin and red lips that suit his dark brown hair and black attires. His wonderful proportions made magic for his spruce appearance in suits and coats, pulling off the Grim Reaper look well for the drama.

However, it appears that Lee Dong Wook looks just as good with blonde hair as he is with brown hair! His tall height, perfect proportions, pale skin, red lips, chiseled jaw and deep-set eyes make him look like a prince from a fairy tale!

So, what do you think? Does he look better with blonde or brown hair?


REAL TALK about this video:

So I was sitting down on our sofa the other day. I was lurking around FB and saw this post from my friend. It was the video of Blond LDW's BTS of his photoshoot. Obviously, I clicked and watched it. I didn't notice that I was already giggling whilst watching the video. I even didn't notice my nieces presence. When suddenly, I heard one of them shouted: "Grandma! Auntie is smiling like crazy!" 

I looked at them and saw them smiling at me. I said: "What? Look!" I showed to them the video. "Isn't he handsome?" I asked them and then giggled again. 

Then my other niece ran towards my mom and began pulling her whilst saying, "Grandma! Auntie has a crush! Auntie has a crush!" 

Felt like I was a suspect back there. :joy: Well, I also showed the video to my mom and teased me saying that I should go to S. Korea then. My nieces also agreed that LDW oppa, indeed, is so handsome. They even asked me, "Is he your boyfriend, auntie?" And I nodded. :innocent::smirk:

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What an episode mahn..the whole episode belongs to Wookie..he was crying throughout and I was like please stop..don't cry your eyes would start hurting with all the pain.:(

The best part was the mad, suicidal king..I wanted more of him..gahhh..I miss the funny, clumsy Grim Reaper who cooked meals and cleaned the house. I can't take this crying GR anymore..:(


Anddd..about the negative comments made against LDW..well I read it somewhere, 'if you are not pissing someone off, it means you aren't doing anything right'. LDW getting more appreciated on platforms outside of soompi and that's pissing people who are fans of a certain better actor or actress. Blah!!!

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this review especially mention  Wookie perfomance :glasses:


The latest episode has showcased Lee Dong Wook’s versatility as an actor as a tormented Grim Reaper without his memories and later as a miserable and broken king. The Hallyu star recently went viral when a photo of him from 2015 surfaced online. The photo featured an unrecognizable Dong-wook with blonde hair. The shots were from the actor’s modeling stint for PAT brand. Comments from fans include the actor not looking like a Grim Reaper at all, but rather a vampire. This resulted in fan speculations that producers will probably take notice and come up with a fantasy vampire drama for the actor.


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Agreed with all of you, I just watched 13rd eps and LDW's performance is daebak! I cried together with WY, it felt like his pain and sadness is also became my sadness. It's amazing on how LDW succesfully transformed from the guy who such a cutie pie and sing an underwear song at the first half to become a guy full with burden and pain as WY. Kuddos to him and KES who managed to wrote a multilayered character like GR/WY beautifully.

@siddy09 I read your post at Goblin, and agreed on how LDW set the acting-bar so highly and he competed with himself from previous eps. @soultree yes, I'm so proud of him, not only in a fan girl type but also like a proud mommy when his boy succeed. LOL

@joyezz  @MaysoonD his blonde hair now also got recognition! YAY! I remember hisblonde-time at 2nd season of Roommate. Quite surprised at first but then enjoyed it too! He looked like a scandinavian vampire guy. LOL

@lucifercorner thank you so much for the picspam for the mind blowing eps!

@longleg indeed, at first, I want him to win excellent actor category, but now.... I WANT HIM TO WIN DAESANG! during my k-drama watching history, I never see such a complex character like WY. Beside being vampire, king at sageuk drama, I also want him to play bipolar character

@miecha welcome to LDW thread, dear! Thanks for the article, such a comprehensive article! She should be join this thread too since she looked like a total fan. LOL

@puuuumash happy birthday dear! Hope you have a wonderful year ahead!  You already had so many hawt shirtless of LDW, i hope you didn't faint, LOL. it's a short clip LDW did kiyomi song, such a cutie! 

Happy weekend dear! Eventho' we don't have new eps tonight, I'm glad bcos the team could have a longer time to shoot for next 

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Everytime I think I've seen Wookie at his best, he proves me wrong--and gladly so. You guys know when they say a role is written for an actor, because he or she plays it so well? That's precisely Wookie and his Grim Reaper role. From the moment they released his character teaser before the drama aired, where he dons a black suit and a black hat, I was sold. But little did I expect I go from swooning at the elegant appearance and cool demeanour of the Grim Reaper to empathising so deeply with his past and wishing with all my might for his happy ending.

I'm so amazed, because in this episode alone, we got to see him as the cold, intimidating grim reaper; the guilt-stricken, devastated King; the lost and tormented man who's trying to come to terms with his past identity; and the hurt, heartbroken lover. He shed tears many times tonight, but each time, it felt as if he were portraying a different type of sorrow that was befitting of the scene. I really hope he gets all the awards and recognition that he deserves for his role in Goblin. Wookie truly has a knack for playing multilayered anti-heroes, and after Goblin, I hope he gets offers to play a lead role that will allow him to further showcase his impressive acting abilities.


I really loved this scene. I thought it was cool how you could see Wang Yeo's calm, king-like demeanour even as Kim Shin grabs his throat. He stands there, with tears of pain glistening in his eyes, trying to understand it all, "Am I Wang Yeo?" We didn't blame him for living in blissful oblivion of all the sins he had committed in his past life, but instead, we felt his pain and wished those memories weren't coming back to him. How he managed to bring so much emotional depth to a villain really amazes me. Of course, he's not a true villain like Park Joong Won, but let's not forget that he did kill Kim Shin and Kim Sun in his past life. But after everything, we still want him to be with Sunny in this life and hope that Kim Shin will forgive him. I think that's because Wookie portrayed the character's redemptive arc so well.


I also loved every moment of the flashback scenes of the King in the days long after the Queen's death. Wookie really shone as the devastated, grief-stricken King. You could sense his desperation as he downed bowl after bowl of the tonic soup, knowing fully well it contained poison, as he struggled to express, albeit too late, his love for his Queen whose death he was responsible for, in the form of a painting... before he finally collapsed next to it. And how he completely broke when he saw her blood-stained robes and the ring that he gave her :bawling: 


Seeing his beloved Queen's gown was probably what pushed him over the edge. He could no longer contain the deep sorrow that he felt with every fibre of his being, so much so that he had to go out on the streets to let out those emotions. He was so tormented by those emotions that it didn't matter to him if his people were going to see him in the state he was in. Everything, from the way he held the gown to his chest, to the way he walked with heavy footsteps and spoke wearily and deafeatedly... Wookie really nailed this scene. It was so poignant to see him throw both his and his Queen's robes into the fire. It was like he was saying that he couldn't have his Queen by his side, all that power and status meant nothing to him.


And when he ordered his own death in the final scene we saw of the King... his desperation to take his own life rang deeply in his words and voice, and was evident in his unfaltering gaze. I'm so impressed that even when the King was at his most vulnerable, he'd always had a very strong screen presence. I think that's why so many people want to see Wookie in a sageuk drama. 


Yet another scene where Wookie delivers a brilliant performance. We can tell just how much those memories have tortured WY in those 600 years and for him to have them all hit him again in one shot... :bawling: He might have misused his abilities for personal reasons, but he had also used them for selfless reasons, such as to save ET when he revealed details on ET's name card to KS multiple times.


"Every day, my heart broke from missing you." :bawling:

This scene. This scene. Wookie's eyes speak so much. He is just standing there, looking at her... his eyes filled with sadness. He has such expressive eyes. I was holding out hope that she wouldn't actually be leaving him, even though the preview already showed her walking away from him. I thought that things start to look up for them since her love for him ruled over the memory erasure, as even in the sad and tough moments with him, she felt happy. But no, they just had to break up again :cold_sweat: 

I really love their story and how deep it is. I really do. Their love story is so compelling, it could easily be a full-length drama on its own. But I can't really can't get over how they've had so little development and screen time for their loveline in their present lives. Their had very few dates... and even then, those were short and most of them ended in angst. Of course, we are WangSun fans and can appreciate their storyline, little angst or a lot of angst. But if their story had been written such that they'd forged a strong and deep relationship in their present lives, then the general audience would be able to connect with them even more, and when their past surfaces, their pain and tragedy will be felt even more deeply by viewers. But for the limited screen time Wang Sun has been given, Wookie and YIN have done a great, great job in captivating viewers. What do you guys think?

I'll end this off with this collage of his crying scenes in yesterday's episode, which is a testament to Wookie's acting abilities. I know we've said many times, but I wanted to say it again: Wookie, we're so proud of you :blush:


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@joyezz @MaysoonD @puuuumash @giegie Thank you all for your welcoming replies.

I don't know much about LDW but his character as GR/WY that makes me swoon everytime he appears in the show. He nailed it and I am proud of him as well as other casts in Goblin. His loveline with Sunny is however under developed compared to the main loveline, and I can understand if viewers are not really invested into their story. But luckily despite of such limited on-screen time, they managed to bring out their awkward-love chemistry. (just like what @winterdew said).

Other GR-Sunny couple fans may disagree with me on this but I wish for a bittersweet ending for their loveline. Because Sunny is Sunny. In this present life, she is actually not related at all with GB-GR past story. I don't want her to love GR because of Kim Sun's past life. It will become pitiful to our GR. As for GR, I am not sure what will be the best for him as he already regained the painful memories, maybe some sacrifice? to payback for all his sins. (But he's already dead, I know). Hehe. Am I masochist? 

On the other hand, I love that reapers organization have some quite noble or royal kind of feelings. They are actually very dutiful despite having a lot of paperworks, like working in a company. Of course their reputation are all known among the deaths. 

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Hey @miecha..welcome to the world of LDW...the girls here are really sweet and loving:wub:

I can actually somewhat agree to your thoughts about a bitter-sweet ending for GR-Sunny and I have kind of actually braced myself for a sad one too if the time comes. A bitter ending for them will be more relatable considering the resentments and sins that their story is comprised of; if the writer somehow manages to give them a happily ever after, I am thinking how will it be justified after all? What will GR do that might make Gods pity on him? Unlike Goblin he doesn't have a great record of nobility..he is just a sinner. Regret and redemption for his sins, but then why should god be merciful on him only, there is a whole lot of other grim reapers who want to be set free from this 'grimreaper-ship'  too. I guess, a satisfactory ending for them would be Grim Reaper to continue being a reaper, and Sunny well, she ages as a human and eventually somehow manages to 'not-break-up' with GR anymore. Gahhh..I think I have written the worst possible ending for them. But lets just face it, we are shipping a couple who has made us cry buckets, their ending should be equally painful and tearful so that we could remember them for a long, long time. Sad endings are hard to forget.

PS. I am posting this on Goblin thread also, we have to promote GR Sunny there too..if possible reply me there...chingu:D

3 hours ago, miecha said:

@joyezz @MaysoonD @puuuumash @giegie Thank you all for your welcoming replies.

I don't know much about LDW but his character as GR/WY that makes me swoon everytime he appears in the show. He nailed it and I am proud of him as well as other casts in Goblin. His loveline with Sunny is however under developed compared to the main loveline, and I can understand if viewers are not really invested into their story. But luckily despite of such limited on-screen time, they managed to bring out their awkward-love chemistry. (just like what @winterdew said).

Other GR-Sunny couple fans may disagree with me on this but I wish for a bittersweet ending for their loveline. Because Sunny is Sunny. In this present life, she is actually not related at all with GB-GR past story. I don't want her to love GR because of Kim Sun's past life. It will become pitiful to our GR. As for GR, I am not sure what will be the best for him as he already regained the painful memories, maybe some sacrifice? to payback for all his sins. (But he's already dead, I know). Hehe. Am I masochist? 

On the other hand, I love that reapers organization have some quite noble or royal kind of feelings. They are actually very dutiful despite having a lot of paperworks, like working in a company. Of course their reputation are all known among the deaths. 


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I don't like historical dramas and being Wookie's fan was the only reason that made me watch his historical one.

but after ep .13 and the marvelous scene of Wookies' i think i am gonna submit a petition pleading Wookie to play a king in his next project .Wookie was crying for 2 episodes but his crying in that scene was different , was surprising for long lasting fan like me who has watched all his previous works and can memorized all his crying scenes 

I know life is not fair but if Wookie didn't receive an award for his role ,  i think i am gonna lose faith in many things 

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