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Guest TrainDriver

^aww i want to be in HK now. how long u there for?? btw is it easy to spot celebs in HK? i want to find some of the action stars.

YAY passed my practical driving test :D time to ask dad for a car.

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^^ heysssss! aww i just want to be anywhere overseas T_T sighh! i feel like i'm wasting my time here doing nothing. D:

^ ooh CONGRATS! i havent taken driving lessons yet... i'd rather have a few lessons from my brother or something before i do the real lessons thing. D: i dunno when to start! eep!

and yeah, apparently it's easy to spot celebs in HK. haha. i remember my brother told me when he went, he was in the same restaurant as some famous HK celeb but he can't remember who ._.

or rather, he said something like everyone looked like a celeb there, ahahahha.

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yeahh its pretty easy to spot the local "celebs". so far i've seen quite a few randomly on the street. the first day back i saw that new girl group hotcha having a photoshoot near my friends place, and saw fala chen when i went to go get my new id card. yesterday i met shirley yeung, who is prettier in real life and super nice, compared to other celebs. haha i've been pretty fan girl-ish, stalking a few celebs :ph34r:

but yeah lots of people look like they should be celebs cos everyone is so well dressed / made up here... makes me feel like a hobo lol

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^ That's so awesome xD I guess since its HK, a lot of the celebs live there and stuff? Its the same in Jakarta in Indo, you'll see TV stars hanging out with their friends in the mall and things hahaha

I got rejected from KFC xDD Honestly, who gets rejected from KFC Oo; Gosh, I must suck -___________-

I applied for HJ's in South Perth and am filling in a form for Target. *sighs* I'll take anything at this rate. Officeworks in Subi has positions available but they're looking for permanent part time with around 20 hours. I'm way too busy to do that when school starts T_T

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Guest TrainDriver

^^haha. i sorta blend in when i'm there though, unless i'm wearing summer clothes, its too hot too wear jeans but the locals do :P gah, 2 weeks till TER :( hope scaling will be on my side :D

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I haven't even applied ANYWHERE yet. But at least I've done something: I did most of my resume, TEEHEE! *yay me*

GAHHHH TER T_T I'm freaking out SOOOOOOOOO much OMG. T_T_T_T_T_TTT i'm getting REALLY worried now...

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Guest ayaka_sorano

can u really see celebs in Indo? Cos everytime I go back there I dun see any.... LOL?^^

I saw a model before at the airport.... what's her name.......I dun even remember but she used to be all famous and stuff... I wonder if she is......

Hope all goes well with everyone's job applications!!

But work is def tiring.....

I'm so happy I'm getting more shifts now! I got Sunday shift again!! =)

OMG! I got called by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry yesterday and they offered me an interview!! AHHH! But I dun even think my TER is gonna be high enough for it..... I guess my UMAT is enough... haha

TER...... 0.0 scary!

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good luck for the interview!! i remember i got hell nervous and had no idea what i was going on about. prepare before hand, definitely. but not too much, you just want to at least have an idea of what they're going to ask you so that your mind doesn't go blank, like mine did -__-

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Guest TrainDriver
and saw fala chen when i went to go get my new id card. yesterday i met shirley yeung, who is prettier in real life and super nice, compared to other celebs. haha i've been pretty fan girl-ish, stalking a few celebs :ph34r:

but yeah lots of people look like they should be celebs cos everyone is so well dressed / made up here... makes me feel like a hobo lol

did u take photos with any of them :lol: i want to see alex fong, cos i like his songs, jackie chan and donnie yen, cos they are legends in action films, and sammi cheng, theresa fu, janice and stephy tang, cos they are awesome :D my cousin from singapore managed to bump into jackie chan, but she didn't notice till later, but she wanted to see andy lau (she's a lot older than me, so during her time it was the andy lau craze)

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ayaka_sorano: I've seen like, 1 or 2 people in the malls. Umm..if you go to the fancier restaurants (which I don't -__-) you'll see a lot of celebs. Like my friend met Ello at umm...I dunno what its called ahahaha

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ Ohhhh.... I guess I dunno much Indo celebs anyways since I've been in Oz more than half my life ^^" I take it ur an Indo too?

Yeah... I have to prepare for my interview... But I decided to take the 23rd Jan interview instead of the one today or tomorrow...I mean if I did it on Fri 14th which is the latest Dec interview, I wouldnt be able to prepare properly! I dunno what I want to do anymore~ haha....

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

hey ayaka_sorano !!

Nice work !! You are halfway into getting into MED !! oh.. or is it Dent. ?!

Neway good on you - hope you get in !! :lol:

There's still a possible second round offer too, if you didn't get in the first time.

I know someone last year who got 99.10 for her TER but didn't do well for the UMAT. In the end, she got offered Dent. in the second round offers.

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ayaka_sorano: ahaha I've been here for like...11 years and I'm 15 =D I dunno many celebs either. My friend's mum pointed it out -_____-; Yeah, I am. But I'm not going to indo this year T_T

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ I'm not going back to Indo either.... I'm so sad! My parents are there at the moment for holidays... Whenever they call they always say they're going shopping! I wanna go shopping too LOL...


Yeah... I know I'm halfway there... I sorta wanna do Chiropractic science now, but I guess I'll just wait til TER comes out and if I got below 96, then a complete IMPOSSIBLE to Medicine. I guess I'll be happy to go either way haha =)

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