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Guest Xiaoba1tu
wow everyone here doing tee exams!! >.<

im doing my uni exams now (which explains the absence from soompi hehe... ) ...almost fin, juz 1 more on tues. so i kiinda get the StReSseD out mood....

goOd LucK!!! in all ur remaining exams lol, cause most of u seem to be almost done also ^^

u must be from Udub ... mine are VERYVERY soon ...on Monday!! - so i gtg now... :(

I am officially @*$#&'d .. :tears: (& stressed) :crazy:

laters everyone!! <3 ;)

Don't login in here too much kks !!

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yehh it was hard >< like everything was alright just the money, sequences and problem solving put me down =(

venn diagrams? what's with him and venn diagrams? the venn diagram qus were really easy LOL. even the tree diagram in the exam was harder than the venn diagram haha >< actually i didnt understand the tree diagram qu, it was hell confusing with the wordings. ah im so scared when i get my results back =( im just try to forget all about it while im in Taiwan. haha i think the Applicable mocks were easier than this discrete exam haha even though i did crap in the mocks lol.

LOL yeah he's overly obsessed with venn diagrams, but omg. can't believe you guys get it THAT easy. gahhhhh.

aww yeah i went through creelman and like wth, the money and that stuff looks so confusing o_O

eeew tree diagrams. awww, yeah, everyone told me just to enjoy the holidays until results, because you can't really do anything about it... i'm pretty freaked out about getting the results, bleh.

i loved the applic mocks. actually, not really LOVED.. but i really really liked it. : D weird, i really despise applicable. bleh!

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LOL yeah he's overly obsessed with venn diagrams, but omg. can't believe you guys get it THAT easy. gahhhhh.

aww yeah i went through creelman and like wth, the money and that stuff looks so confusing o_O

eeew tree diagrams. awww, yeah, everyone told me just to enjoy the holidays until results, because you can't really do anything about it... i'm pretty freaked out about getting the results, bleh.

i loved the applic mocks. actually, not really LOVED.. but i really really liked it. : D weird, i really despise applicable. bleh!

AHAH yehh. we usually get straight forward venn diagrams. but last yr's TEE venn diagram was quite confusing/hard though, but usually for exams and tests we get easy ones xD

yehh haha i still dont get the money stuff LOL it gets confusing sometimes. hehe yeh dw about results now ey, just think that you've finished before everyone else and get to enjoy the hols and have more time! haha

LOL yeh the mocks were good cuz i didnt even study AT ALL haha and i still passed LOL. which is weird cuz ive failed like every applicable test haha.

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^ lol! omg i still haven't even showed my parents my results yet. when i do, i'll just show them the paper without the envelope, since it has the date it was sent :x

yeah but then again, i was kinda bummed today that some people finished their TEE today.. darn! LOL. nah it's all okay. more people to hang out with, tehehe.

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Guest TrainDriver

hmm were there even any tree diagrams in this year's applic? all the past ones had straight forward questions and there was always a tree diagram question for 4 or 5 marks. i own tree diagrams :D i've always managed to understand them, complicated probability is where i fall :( hmm hopefully the accounting exam will cheer me up, econs did for me after applic. i'm quite scared about info sys though, i suck at it simply because its so freaking hard to remember word for word definitions and know the practical.

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Guest rain.lee.bow

havent been here for agess ==;

anyways lucky to those who has finished..

applic was so.. weird... such a change of style from the last couple of years. and econs was good! english was also a bit different.

hmmm. i have biol left. been studying in the lib everyday ==;

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Guest mystique

^ english was so good!! coz they made it for 2a and 2bs as well so it wasnt as hard as mocks -_-

and yeah econs was good.. think everyone died in applic T_T

im so free now ^^ mauhuahaa wat u guys got plannned for summer?

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

omg i've wasted my entire study break and even most of exam week. i've been totally on holiday mode. i think i screwed up one of my exams. and i've been writing the wrong dates on my exams! had exam on 7th and 8th, dunno what i was thinking but i wrote 17th and 18th. like what the hell...i'm worried now haha..

oh yeah chinese second language...got scaled down heaps too...exaactly 19%. it sucked. my friend got in the 90s so he didn't get scaled down. i hate him lol

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Guest ayaka_sorano

^ wow! That's a lot...... I hope Japanese isnt gonna be too bad with scaling this year..... My bro sed he got scaled too but not by a lot since he's good at Japanese.....

I can't believe so many people's finished!!

Why do I do six TEE's.......... How horrible....

I'm supposed to be in study mode and all but I just couldnt concentrate! I wanna finish toooooooo....

My Human Bio is on Monday and I havent started to study yet..... bah.... I hope I manage to finish studying in 2 days...... Then I have Japanese and Physics... great......

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tree diagrams.. oops, i think i drew one in the exam. ._." crap!

but there wasn't any proportional medians! every year has had proportional medians except our one o_O grr so ghay!

i hate probabilities too, hey. T_T there was so many in the exam. i couldn't do half the exam T__T chem and applicable stuffed me up. english and econs were good <3

ahh finally i'm staying at home today after going out to the library and etc every day for the past month or two o.O it's soo hot today T_T

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^^i think im also one of the last ones to finish since CSL is like the second last TEE exam.

^ohh too bad we dont learn proportional median in discrete haha. cuz i like them in applicable lol. Hehe yeh i think Econs was my fav exam lol.

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Guest rain.lee.bow

haha omg im stayin at home from lib today too. after like 2 weeks ==; being there everyday. but going again tmr. my last one on tues! woot. biol.

i knowww! therre was always prop median. and ours didnt have any! and so many prob qs

yeh eng and econs was good. but eng was a tad different. ahh.

i wanna no how i went now. but oh wellz.

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Guest TrainDriver

well technically the 27th isn't boxing day, is it? haha :lol: such a long wait we have. yeh b4 exams i sorta had my own prediction range of wat i'd most likely get and the worst case scenario, but now its impossible to expect wat i'm gonna get.

EDIT: also, even though they say 27th, its usually out by the 26th. i'm gonna be camping all day mashing on the refresh button :D stay positive guys!!!!!

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looks like i'm the last one here to finish. i finish on monday? or tuesday? of the last week.

haha i finish on monday :P same with moo_cow (if she still goes on here O__O) haha

im so not motivated to study for music T_T

argh i've slacked off so much for tee T_T

LOL jo xD we only like proportional median cos we have our secret weapon to work everything out for us xD HAHA

btw anyone else who does calc here? did you guys get that tan question? T_T

The first part of calc was hell easy, then it got so hard at the end O__O

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Guest rain.lee.bow

^ is scaling different for all schools? coz comparing that to a table my school gave me for scaling last year. its diff :S

its so confusing

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Guest TrainDriver

^scaling is a big mess. first they moderate all the schools so that they can tell the difference between schools, then they look at every1s results, then i dunno they look at our results? haha, my friend showed me all these documents on the curriculum council site relating to TEE and i'm freaked cos outcome looks bad.

EDIT: its prob best that us year 12s don't think about it at all. haha its just gonna make u stress if u care about ur marks.

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haha i finish on monday :P same with moo_cow (if she still goes on here O__O) haha

im so not motivated to study for music T_T

argh i've slacked off so much for tee T_T

LOL jo xD we only like proportional median cos we have our secret weapon to work everything out for us xD HAHA

btw anyone else who does calc here? did you guys get that tan question? T_T

The first part of calc was hell easy, then it got so hard at the end O__O

HAHA same i'm slacking off now cuz of Chinese when i shouldnt be ><

Haha yeh where's Yenni? i guess she's still studying hard! hehe

AHHA yeh our special weapon LOL, without that, i still dont know how to do proportional median by hand LMAO :X

hmm i dunno how scaling is gonna work, but look at this document clicky

o___O ah if that's real or if that's close to what's it gonna be this yr, it's not looking good for me =(

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