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Guest phat mole
lol of course i'm happy for holidays, but i have assignments T_T

AND THE REPORTS AAAAAAAAAAAH i'm not going to be happy on that day. my whole life is going to come crashing down. :(


So thankful it's holidays now hey!


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Guest TrainDriver

hmm went to the city yesterday, not much to do there. just me or do u guys see the strangest ppl in perth city? theres so many weird ppl

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hmm went to the city yesterday, not much to do there. just me or do u guys see the strangest ppl in perth city? theres so many weird ppl

I work in the city driving the cat buses and believe me the whole place is a freak show. It's worse for me at the moment because I'm on uni brake and so i'm not used of working during the week.

My favourites are :-

The bird lady. She is a homeless woman who carries around some pidgins that she has captured.

The dude that wears woman's shoes. Every thing else he has on is very typical Australians male clothing's, except his shoes.

The 1000 aboriginals that sit around all day fighting and sniffing paint.

The 4-6 people I hit every Friday and Saturday night with my bus because they walk straight in front of my bus.

Any stupid old lady that gets on the bus that says "Are you old enough to drive this bus sunny". Now I respond with, "No, I've stolen this bus and the uniform, just like that kid did in Melbourne with that tram".

All the stupid typical idiots that are around spitting, pissing, chucking litter, and other wise being the crap of our society.

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Guest sixth.

... yeah you can find a lot of weird people in the city.

i used to think it was mostly at night, but now they're everywhere at any time =/

holidays are getting boring cos perth has hardly anything to do )i seem to always be saying that..)

the only thing me and my friends ever seem to be doing is wandering around winthrop, ghost-hunting.. fun -_-

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Guest <3 Kim

Haha, I got my report yesterday xD it wasn't as bad as I thought, my parents knew what my grades were anyway, so they just told me to try harder next time and then left my reports alone.

Holidays is so boring now >< Everyday its just going to the library and study -__-

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I got 2 or 3 B's, the rest were A's. I don't get why we have to have grades now -_- It's more in-depth with levels. *sighs*

There is nothing to do here. Just eat or watch a movie =/

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I'm studding to be a teacher and I can tell you the new reports are crap.

The grade levels that it spits out are not given by the teacher. The teacher has to fill in your levels from the progress maps then it gives you a result.

The great thing is that one of the students in my prac class got a B for maths, yet he is working on a year level 10 for maths (he is in primary school). My teacher just changed his grade.

The other annoying thing is that it spits out really high grades for aboriginal students. Apparently it takes it in to consideration.

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

i got my units results on monday! i'm quite satisfied lol..only 1 and a half weeks left till uni...so soon!! i've been vegetating too much for the past 3 and a half weeks though so whatever..

HARRY POTTER IS OUT TOMORROW YAY! i'm gonna go watch it tomorrow night...actually since it's past 12am it'd be tonight right?

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Yeah my brother was telling me about the levelling because he's a teacher, and my econs teacher was telling my class about it.. he was like "you have to give a mark, then level it, then the computer will turn it back into a mark" or something o_O i was like, errr.. LOL.

i haven't shown my family the reports yet. i told them i got C's again but i didn't tell them about the D. my mum was like "where's your reports then!?" and i was like oh crap because i thought she found out LOL. but i said that i got it from school because they told us.... so hopefully they won't ask for the reports. i'll just say it got lost in the mail. :X it didn't go well AT ALL when i told my mum about the C's.. T_T so if i tell her about the D, who knows what will happen. -__-"

oh wow z80, you're a CAT bus driver? omg you may have drove me once then, i dunno LOL. your favourite encounters are hilarious. i've seen the bird lady before :D and a few others there haha. i saw this guy the other day and he was wearing a net, basically, as his top. it was soo gross. ><"

hehe yup harry potter tomorrow!! :D no wait it's wednesday today O_O TODAY! TODAY! TODAYYYY!

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

^ lol my yeachers are like "we just put the marks through, and the computers do it for us!! amazing!!"

hehe :P


im watching it tomorrow <333

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Guest <3 Kim

I went to watch transformers today haha. I SO wanted to sneak into the Harry Potter cinema when it finished T__T I have to wait till next tuesday T___T

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

ohh i saw transformers like i dunno when, last week? or whenever it came out anyway i thought it was awesome!

watched harry potter tonight, there wasn't as many people as i expected can't believe we booked tickets cause the cinema was only about 2/3 full. the movie wasn't as great as i expected, they cut out a lot from the book (not that i liked the order of phoenix anyway)..the first four movies were just better..

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Guest <3 Kim

haha yeah I was dragged along to watch transformers xD I really didnt want to, I thought it was some random show about cars or something, since I dont watch TV much and never saw the previews :x haha. But I thought it was really good :P I loved the special effects haha. Bumblebee <3333

AHHH im dying, im so desperate to watch harry potter T___T and the last book T___T i want to read it now!! haha

I heard they cut out alot from the book in the 5th movie, but hopefully the movie will still be ok, i've been waiting ages for it xD

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ah yeh everyone has watched transformers! my sis went to watch it the other day. i cant wait to see Harry Potter as well even tho i havent even finished reading my book AHHA. i'll just wait for the movie =D

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Guest sulfuric_ACID

i can't wait to see the simpsons movie, it's way more popular than HP i should think..coming out in next two weeks i think.. "spiderpig, spiderpig.." the preview looks hilarious..not many other movies i have to look forward to after that..

yeah i'm kinda eager for the final HP book..i wonder if harry dies..my sis told me like they're preparing psychiatrists and stuff to help kids "mourn" for harry's death or some crap lol...sounds ridiculous i think

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Yeah, my maths teacher said nobody in our class got an A because we didn't get level 5 or 6 for Chance + Data -_- It's stupid.

I really want to see the Simpsons movie!! ^_^ Transformers was better than I thought it would be.

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I'm been lurking around Soompi for some years, but I never came to this thread before. ^^; Technically, I'm not from here, but since I'm studying in Perth now... Anyway, just wanna say Hi to everyone here! :) The holidays here are really quiet~~~~ -_-

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