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Yeahh I think I'm going with some friends since it's Curtin free week (againnn T__________T so luckyyyy)

Haven't decided for sure yet but most likely will go :D

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I hate shows. They have lots of smelly animals there, and they have farm animals and stuff like that too. I don't know but these days they probably have drunk white pricks too.

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^^ Hahahaha

Last year I went to the show but I didn't really walk around or even go on any rides. The guest nation at the show last year was Indonesia, so they had these displays of the different styles of weddings from the different areas of Indonesia, and I had to be the guy(groom) for one of them, embarrassing.

Might go this year.

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^ agreed not really worth it. i remember going on the roller coaster it was so lame.

i don't think i'll go this year cos its been the same kinda thing for the past shows.

^^ Hahahaha

Last year I went to the show but I didn't really walk around or even go on any rides. The guest nation at the show last year was Indonesia, so they had these displays of the different styles of weddings from the different areas of Indonesia, and I had to be the guy(groom) for one of them, embarrassing.

Might go this year.

you were asked to model! how cool is that.

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

Some of us are going to Eurobar then to ASIA. A bit crazy but I'll just be going to the first one.

I still need to organize transport though, there was some miscommunication of the carpooling arrangement.

We were thinking taking the train home from NB but on Friday night is probably not the safest option.

I think there's going to be too many people at the ASIA one.

I've done all my mid-sems, they were all last week and the last one was I think on Tuesday? I can't remember anymore.

I have Fridays off~

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

Argh, I completely forgot about bringing ID, it just occurred to me a moment ago. =__=

That sucks - I don't have an proper small ID card because I haven't applied for one yet and I hate carrying my passport. @_@;;

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carrying a passport was really annoying. so bulky. if you're not getting your license soon, you should really get the proof of age card

my friend says some places like the deen require double id. like a bankcard or something. i don't think metros is like that yet?

i would like to meet... but i don't want people's first impression of me to be some alcoholic :P

maybe next time :)

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

Whoa, double ID. That's extreme.

Yea I didn't get the proof of age card because I didn't think I'd need it. )=

but i don't want people's first impression of me to be some alcoholic

hehe. hmmm. I've seen you sober. d:

Completely Offtopic!- :lol:

This is funny:

How Men and Women Shower

The funniest parts were: "Drawing the penis and boobs on the mirror, and spend most of time washing private parts" haha!

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^ HAHAHAHAH and shaking at the wife xD xD

Ahh you serious? you might need double ID?

Yeahh get a proof of age card, much better than carrying around a passport xD

I'm probably not drinking tonight. I don't like drinking, tastes funny :x

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

After 30 mins, my friend and I wanted to leave and go to Metros, but we decided to stay. I didn't have $25 only $20 on me too so I couldn't enter Metros anyway.

Yep, it was disappointed on so many levels. I could have provided a better party at home and played better music off my laptop.

Also, it's really not a good idea to wear 9cm heels when you're going out either.

They played house music the whole time and all the songs had the same beat. =__=

No DJ with turntables. The supposedly "DJ" was standing hidden in the top corner of the stage and pressing some buttons.

There was this random woman dancing on the stage thing by herself, didn't think she was that drunk but it was hard to tell.

One of the worst things was the big screen they had there. It was just showing 1000s of photos of girls in bikinis and other random people. (The whole time). >.>

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^ I got to metros around 10 and left around 11.40. The security guards were assholes. THey took SO long to check our freaking IDs <____< Lucky we got to metros a bit earlier though, when I left there was a HUGE line outside lining up to get in.

When I was there they girls poledancing behind a screen so it got projected bigger. One of the worst things was seeing this fat chick pole dance T__T

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Guest Xiaoba1tu


Hmm that didn't sound too good. Maybe you guys look really young. d:

You only stayed there for 1 hour 40 mins. It must have been boring. ):

Yea I heard that Metros only starts filling up with people at 12.

Gee, more pole-dancing. <___< that sucks.

There was a pole at the Eurobarf too. I don't like how they have to have these semi-naked people and poles around. I mean, if it was a strip club then that's something I can understand.

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that's why i dont go to events anymore... especially asia events, they always seem to pack as many people as they can into wherever it is.

tickets cost so much more than last year too

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Guest Xiaoba1tu

Yeah sometimes it's better to stay at home because you have exams, tests, and you're still in the middle of the academic weeks with so much work to do.

Then there's only a limited amount of things you can do at home for entertainment. For my home at least. d=

(ie. especially after end of year exams, you can't just be staying at home doing nothing, unless you are physically unable to move due to medical reasons).

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metros is always empty before 12. cocktail was ok... a couple years back they had actual cocktails. this year was just cheap drinks ><

there were a few dudes that were dancing pretty nuts, thought i was gonna get hit in the face :P

and a lot of guys wearing scarves. O_O

and some dude passed out on the roof... i saw him around 1 and then my friend saw him still there at around 3...

i went to metros on sat night for a friends birthday and i guess everyone was tired from the night before.

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