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[drama 2007] Dal Ja's Spring [달자의 봄]

Guest ovette

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Guest babymarzy07

Min Ki wears/needs glasses; if you look at photos, taken candidly by friends/fan, before he became popular as he is now, you'd see him with glasses. He also did mention in one of his interviews that his eyes get irritated easily, leading those at the photoshoots to think he was tired/angry in his modeling days.

oh.. i havent seen any before pics though.. just the RRLY days.. :) so he does wear contacts on something like that? lol actually, eventhough its unusual i like his eyes.. them being red or slightly glossy or what.. makes it interesting and unique :)

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gifs from chaerim thread


from fashionista and accdg to her it was from an ng clip from when they were wishing the audience a happy new year.

more from fashionista



sweet DJ and TB moments




ep16 parody.. really funny one!


the panel for ep17


yah none of them were looking at each other, but at least DJ and TB held hands.. unlike SJ and SD with no contact at all? lol

edit: wait i think DJ and SJ are looking at each other? maybe they'll help each other with their love problems?

OH as i take great notice of the picture.. SeDo was resting his arms on SJ's shoulder.. so both couples are clsoe to each other, yet something is preventing them to be REALLY close.

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Guest javabeans

Phew, lots more happened in episode 16, so here's the recap:

Episode 16 Summary

Tae Bong's mother insists that Dal Ja seduced her son, and reveals the two are living together. Dal Ja and Tae Bong arrive, and Dal Ja's mother demands to know if it's true: Are they living together? Taking their silence as consent, Dal Ja's mom grabs a broom and starts to hit Dal Ja with it... but Tae Bong leaps in and uses his body to shield Dal Ja, as Whitney Houston sings "I Will Always Love You" a la The Bodyguard.


Tae Bong tells Dal Ja's mother: "If you are going to hit someone, hit me. I'll accept it all. It's true that Dal Ja and I are living together. It's also true that we both have feelings for each other. If that is reason for Dal Ja to be hit, then it's only fit that I receive the beating as well. Please hit me as much as it takes to ease your feelings. I will receive it all."

Dal Ja's touched at Tae Bong's words, but possibly not as much as her grandmother is.


Dal Ja's mother throws everyone out. She's so upset at Dal Ja that she essentially disowns her, telling her to leave. She didn't raise her daughter that way. So Dal Ja and Tae Bong go to their respective homes, trying to ease things with their families. Tae Bong implores his mother to stop interfering. When Tae Bong's father finds out that his wife caused a ruckus at Dal Ja's mother's restaurant, he angrily packs his things to leave the house. He told his wife that if she went after Tae Bong, they were over. He'll have his lawyer send over divorce papers.

Tae Bong confronts his father, defending his mother. He blames his father for turning his mother into the woman she is -- it's his father's fault, since he never treated her well. He never once smiled at her warmly, or held her, or said he loved her. "You were always cold and unresponsive. You always ignored Mom, like she was an annoyance. Because she couldn't win your love, she clung to me instead. I don't know what others may think, but Father, you're not even a man." His father slaps him, but he continues: "The reason I can't live here isn't because of Mother, it's because of you. Because I don’t want to become a man like you."

Meanwhile, Dal Ja attempts to appeal to her mother in a grand gesture in a Goong-like parody. But her mother isn't having any of it, and stays mad.


Tae Bong doesn't understand the dynamic between his parents, so his grandfather explains their history:

When they were younger, Dal Ja's mother was his father's first love, while Tae Bong's mother secretly loved his father. When Dal Ja's mom broke his heart by leaving him for a rich man, Tae Bong's mom stepped in and comforted him.



When Tae Bong tells the story to Dal Ja, she wonders if they could possibly be related. Tae Bong laughs: "You've watched too much television. So, between the two of us, is one of us going to get cancer and die?"

They decide to stay with their families for the time being, until things smooth over. That means they won't be able to see each other for the next day or two. As they leave each other, Tae Bong kisses Dal Ja goodbye twice, reluctant to be parted. Dal Ja's mom watches them from a distance.


At work, Seon Joo is tired due to her pregnancy, although Sae Do still believes she had the abortion. She has a craving for pork, and Sae Do notices how big her appetite is -- they've eaten four portions. She thinks about the meat they can go eat the next day as well. Sae Do wonders what's wrong with her and blurts out: "What are you, pregnant?" He apologizes for talking without speaking, but as he leaves Seon Joo's apartment, he sees pregnancy books and things lying around. He becomes suspicious, and goes to the hospital to confirm that she didn't go through with her operation.

Dal Ja's grandmother and mother talk. Granny defends the couple, saying that being opposed to the match won't stop the two from being together. When Dal Ja's mom married her son, Granny was opposed to it and did everything she could to keep her son from her. But in the end, it didn't work out. So try to understand Dal Ja's heart. Granny also tells her that when Dal Ja's married, she's intending to go off to a nursing home -- she knows it was hard for her daughter-in-law taking care of her after her husband died so early.

Tae Bong goes to see his father in the hotel where he's staying. His father tells him to leave, but Tae Bong kneels and apologizes, while his father listens silently.


"I was wrong, Father. To me, you were always strong, and Mother was weak. So I always sided with Mother, and hated to disappoint her. The school she chose, the university she wanted, the law firm she picked. I lived my life following what Mother wanted for me. It was not fun. I was not happy. In those times, I resented you. You didn't listen to my wishes for my life, so I hated you. But I also wanted to at least once share in conversation with you. Like other fathers do with their sons. Talking in the saunas, drinking soju together, talking about life, about women. I wanted to tell you I've met a woman I like, and found work I enjoy."

Tae Bong's father opens the door, and takes Tae Bong out to breakfast together in a tacit reconciliation. Tae Bong is surprised when his father puts his arm around him, because it's possibly the first time he's ever shown him affection.


Tae Bong's mother goes to Dal Ja's mother again. This time, they come to an agreement: Both don't want their children dating each other. But Dal Ja's mom says that even if she opposes it, if the kids want to be together anyway, she won't chase after them to interfere.

Sae Do asks Dal Ja for advice about pregnancy, and how to make things easier for Seon Joo. So Dal Ja asks her unni about tips in helping a pregnant woman, i.e. what to eat, what to avoid. But because Dal Ja has not learned her lesson about talking about private matters in the bathroom, Kang Team Manager has overheard, and assumes Dal Ja's the pregnant one.



Tae Bong's mother goes to see Kang Team Manager as a last resort, begging her to transfer Dal Ja far away, where Tae Bong can't follow. Kang Team Manager has one caution, though: She's not certain, but Dal Ja may be pregnant.

Outside, Dal Ja and Tae Bong are waiting for the meeting to be over. His mother starts hitting Tae Bong (I almost expected Dal Ja to interfere in a reverse-Bodyguard scenario -- how great would that have been?), then demands of Dal Ja: "How many months along are you? I hear you're pregnant!" Tae Bong (and the entire office) asks, "Are you pregnant?" Dal Ja says no, she's not pregnant, as everyone stares at her....


And that's it until next week!

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Guest simply_dream

oh so i watched ep 15 so i guess they did do it but after i watched it i was like... THAT'S IT i expected so much more, especially when they sorta compare that scene with the 1 from 'a nice day to have an affair(?)' but at least at the end was sweet, and i so knew sae do was goin to find that ring, in the back of my mind, he sorta paid those ppl to bump into him and had another ring inside his pocket HAHA maybe im just thinking too much XD and i ALSO knew that seon ju wouldnt abort the baby she was giving so much thoughts into it, it's obvious she still want it... =P

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Guest Dreamss

oomgg im on the 4th ep of it, and im so obsessed w/ it<3!!

that crazy woman that that er...man that dal ja thought was the perfect guy

is CRAZY. seriously. -0-;..well imma continue watching now.

and i dunno what might happen but i think shes gonna end up w/ min ki.

I HOPE! SHE BETTER RAWER!! hes so nice to her ...love is in front of her..aghh aghh


RAWR i just wnana eat him up. LOSL]

nd chae rims acting is good and so are the other actors, this is the first drama i watched of hers.

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Guest javabeans

JAVA BEANS, looking forward to the continuation of Ep16. I am watching it at KBS WORLD and its still Ep7. I am wondering why you are almost at the end of the series. Thanks and when are you going to share with us the continuation?

raewonkim, i'm watching the series raw, pretty much at the same time it's airing in Korea, and my summaries are just to help those who are also watching the raws who may not understand everything that's going on. KBS World is about a month or so behind the original airdates, I believe.

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thanks so much for the synopsis javabeans, i also need those to better understand the episodes. it's greatly appreciated! i love how you include pictures in your synopsis lol!

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Guest babymarzy07

thanks to javabeans for the summary :) things are surely getting interesting for our couple.. awww.. i felt sorry for TB when he was liking pouring his heart out to the dad asking for forgiveness.. im realizing how lonely he really has felt without that kind of affection.. although, it pretty much lead him to be how he is today i still sympathize with him how hard that was and to have the blow of the 'failure'.. im wondering what will happen with the ex gf i hope it will be short lived and our couple will have lots of happy time together... arghh.. im sad to think that it may come to an end soon, totally loving this drama :( thanks to Suz, love thos TB looks.. :)

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can anyone translate some parts of the NGs 2-25-07? i wanna know what Kijeong kept saying that DalJa laughed. and also when Gagamal was scolding SeDo and he blurted out something :) thanks

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Guest babymarzy07

just wondering.. does Dalja or TaeBong name's have any meaning? like when you add the two syllable's etc? just curious.. I think Dalja must mean something since her mom's restaurant is named Dalja something Jib i think.. or i read wrong.. hahhaha they have a nice ring to the name though. anyone know? ^^

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Dal means daughter

Ja means person

if we add the two? i think it doesnt really mean anything, does it?

and maybe since DJ's mom loves DJ so much, and couldnt think of any other name for the store, she just named it DalJa ne Chib... (DalJa's house) :)

im gonna post some gifs from fashionista




havent seen gifs like these before.. it's nice!


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I just saw Ep 15..it was so sweet and romantic. I'm pretty sure they got the dating idea from Goong! Or is it common for couples in Korea to do that? :P

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