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Song Il Kook 송일국


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Finally, my man is back.

Love this look of Song Il-Kook.

One of few never-seen-before photos from his new Instagram account. 






And thanks to shandyclaws@instagram for continuing drawing our beloved triplets, even from edgy fanpics.









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Song Il Gook Joins Instagram With the Triplets


Actor Song Il Gook has created an Instagram account for the triplets’ fans!

On February 14, Song Il Gook made the account and greeted his fans with a selca and several photos of Daehan, Minguk, and Manse.

In the revealed photos, the triplets are still their silly selves, wearing a t-shirt the wrong way or wearing their dad’s boots and looking playful.


On the caption for a video clip he uploaded, Song Il Gook wrote, “This is a video that Daehan, Minguk, and Manse filmed for me because I am tired from filming.”

In the video, the triplets are singing a support song for their dad, who is currently busy filming his latest drama “Jang Young Shil.”

Source: http://www.soompi.com/2016/02/14/song-il-gook-joins-instagram-with-the-triplets/

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1 hour ago, adelinetew said:

Song Il Gook Joins Instagram With the Triplets

Actor Song Il Gook has created an Instagram account for the triplets’ fans!

On February 14, Song Il Gook made the account and greeted his fans with a selca and several photos of Daehan, Minguk, and Manse.

In the revealed photos, the triplets are still their silly selves, wearing a t-shirt the wrong way or wearing their dad’s boots and looking playful.

On the caption for a video clip he uploaded, Song Il Gook wrote, “This is a video that Daehan, Minguk, and Manse filmed for me because I am tired from filming.”

In the video, the triplets are singing a support song for their dad, who is currently busy filming his latest drama “Jang Young Shil.”

Source: http://www.soompi.com/2016/02/14/song-il-gook-joins-instagram-with-the-triplets/


I do wonder if this is legit, but looking at the never-before-seen-pictures, it DOES look legit. So, thank you thank you 송일국님 for continuing to share your family with us.

On the other hand, I hope that netizens and fanatics won't continue to poke cameras in their faces and respect their privacy. Sometimes, parents hope that by sharing their kids thru SNS, the public will respect their privacy, but the opposite happens which results in them shutting us out all together. Let's hope this doesn't happen to the Nation's Triplets. 

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from songilkook instagram

저녁 먹고 잠시(?) 쉬면서... 핸드폰에 있는 대한이가 만들었던 작품 감상 중~^^ 고가 사다리와 고층건물(?)

작품명... 트리? 소나무? (나의 나쁜 머리가 아이들의 상상력과 창의력에 부디 방해가 안되길...T.T)

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Song Il Gook Shares Photos and Video of Daehan’s Imaginative Block Creations on Instagram


Song Il Gook and his beloved triplets left the reality show “The Return of Superman” last week, but we can thankfully now catch glimpses of their daily lives through Instagram!

On February 16, Song Il Gook posted photos to his new Instagram of his eldest son Daehan constructing towers and other buildings with toy blocks. Although he’s clearly amazed by his son’s work, he’s also hilariously not totally sure what all of his creations are.

On the first photo, in which Daehan holds up one of his creations for display, Song Il Gook writes, “As I’m taking a short (?) rest after dinner… I’m admiring the works of art that Daehan made in photos on my phone~ ^^ They’re a tall ladder and a high-rise building (?).”

In the second photo, Daehan stands next to another of his colorful constructions. Song Il Gook writes as the caption, “The title of this piece is… Tree? Pine tree? (I hope that my thickheadedness will not hamper the imagination and creativity of my children… T.T).”


Song Il Gook also shared a short video on Instagram starring Daehan and his blocks, as well as Manse making his own construction in the background. The caption says, “The piece that surprised me the most! A conveyer belt for luggage at the airport. You can move things all the way to the end, and the details are really amazing… I’m such a fool for my son.”

In the video, Song Il Gook asks Daehan, “If a bag goes on here, it goes all the way to the end?” Daehan replies proudly “Yes!” and Song Il Gook says, “Wow!”

Daehan then says, “If someone comes along and falls over onto it, they get hurt and go, ‘Ouch, ouch!’”

In the last photo, Daehan sits in front of some toys as well as a painting. Song Il Gook writes as the caption, “Daehan is really into these magnet blocks lately. He made a camper-van for us, and said he wanted to go camping with his dad!”


He then writes that that’s all for today, and promises that the next time he’s free, he will upload photos of Minguk!

Be sure to follow Song Il Gook on Instagram: @songilkook.

Source: http://www.soompi.com/2016/02/16/song-il-gook-shares-photos-and-video-of-daehans-imaginative-block-creations-on-instagram/



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Finally started to watched JYS, just finished episode 3 only, kind of waiting for it to be on my kbsworlds screen, can see him better! ;p   Boy, very intense and interesting to learn about the stars/moon's..from the beginning!  It reminds me how they found Jumong sword, from maps/stars and snakes!  :)  And course lots of familiar faces, and old favorites is in here!  Looking forward!   Fighting!  





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@lina26435 thanks for the link of Triplets X files 09. Wish somebody will do the English translation for this file, and also for file 07 & 08. :blush:

@hoonwoodjoon I think JYS is already on KBSworlds screen. It's on Monday & Tuesday 01.30 KST.

Daehan is such a creative boy. Daehan jjang.  He really like to build or make something. This 3 boys really has different personality & interest. Daehan the makers / doers, Minguk the thinkers / problem solvers, & Manse the charmers.


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I know this message or post is not to you all, the true fans of SIK.

I hope people really stop focusing on who the celebrities IG accounts is following whose IG accounts. It is their own personal IG. Who they following is none of any of our business, why be bothered about who Appa is following? Why he have to follow korean IG accounts just because he is Korean? He not following Korean IG accounts, so it is a fake account?

Those he is follow, some of the fan's artwork can be seen in some of the TROS episodes. Real smart people don't look and base on who the account is following to know whether the account is a real account or a fake account. Smart people look base on what the account posted in the account to justified whether is it a real account or a fake account.

So, "smart people", have you seen all the posts been shared in @Songilkook IG account been shared before 14 Feb 2016? If yes, proof to me the links with the dates indicated before 14 Feb 2016. All the photos and videos are all never been seen before, sonwhy still doubt that the account and still says Appa IG is fake? The proofs is already been shown. The photos and videos been posted is the proof that it is the real appa IG.

It is his personal IG, he have every rights to choose which IG accounts he want to follow. Respect each celebrity decisions on who they want to follow.

Fans should also respect celebrities of when they will update new posts. It is not as if he must follow fans every single requests. And fans didnt even go and check what time is it in Korea. It is between 11pm to 11.50pm KST when he updates his account. It is very late already. Plus his filming location is no where near his home, too, which means it is a long journey to work and also long journey to home, and filming is tiring for him especially when filming from morning to all the way to 9pm or 10pm. I hope fans should put themselves in Appa's shoes and think. Appa is not a robot or anything, he is human just like us, too. We can get tired, appa will, too. Appa will update his IG when he is free. So please stop asking him to post more, when he is updating his IG at late hourat night. Check what time is in Korea first. He will when he is free as he already stated he will when he is free. Be appreciative to him and be understanding.

End of my ranting.

I apologise if I sound rude to any of you.

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26 minutes ago, KonaBeans said:

@sikfan, I think you chose a wrong forum to post your ranting.

I'm here everyday and I read almost all the posts, no one is pestering SIK to upload photos to his IG or wants to know who's following him or who he's following.

Im not saying ppl in this forum doing it, i mean the people in the instagram. Which forum should i rant this?

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