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Song Il Kook 송일국


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1 hour ago, sikfan said:

Im not saying ppl in this forum doing it, i mean the people in the instagram. Which forum should i rant this?

I think you should have said these words to those Instagram users. Why not send them DM?

I totally agree with @KonaBeans that you chose the wrong forum ~ hehe 

We celebrate love for the Song family here and I have never seen any fellow SIKer accusing uri Ilkooknim before. I believe we're elite fans, you know~^_^

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For Your Viewing Pleasure: Hanbok Fashion


Welcome back to For Your Viewing Pleasure, where we take time out of the week to appreciate various fashion pieces from the K-pop landscape.

This week we get a chance to enjoy the colourful hanbok fashion that populates pictorials and Instagram every year during the Lunar New Year period.


(skipped unrelated.....)


Song triplets (Daehan, Minguk, Manse) | C-Jes Entertainment




source : seoulbeats

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8 hours ago, suellen88 said:

@lina26435 thanks for the link of Triplets X files 09. Wish somebody will do the English translation for this file, and also for file 07 & 08. :blush:

@hoonwoodjoon I think JYS is already on KBSworlds screen. It's on Monday & Tuesday 01.30 KST.

Daehan is such a creative boy. Daehan jjang.  He really like to build or make something. This 3 boys really has different personality & interest. Daehan the makers / doers, Minguk the thinkers / problem solvers, & Manse the charmers.


@suellen88 hai...xfile eps 7 & 8 engsub is already available ^^

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@sikfan aigoo my dear friend hahha why did you bring here that issue! I already told you don't mind and ignore those people! We chatted like everyday in IG and talking about this,I thought you're done with this issue! Chill out and have fun! Don't  be so stressful and I know you want to defend appa  but most people knows that's a real account:wub:

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@starfire182921 I think @sikfan is just worried and concerned about those bashing uri Ilkooknim might be getting on Instagram. I don't really know about this issue because I don't read comments on his posts. Hehe~

The thing is, I thought I missed something. I thought there's a commotion here. Haha~


Anyway, I so love it that he is actively posting on Instagram ~ :heart:

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Song Il Kook Shares Videos of Baby Minguk, Bringing You Your Daily Dose of D’aww

Song Il Gook Shares Videos of Baby Minguk, Bringing You Your Daily Dose of D’aww

These videos are sure to put a smile on your face!

Actor Song Il Kook, also famously the father of the Song Triplets, recently created an Instagram account in which he has been sharing photos of toddler Daehan, Minguk, and Manse, current and past. Today, he shared three videos and a photo of baby Minguk, which has fans of the triplets melting over the cuteness.

For this video, Song Il Kook writes that Minguk is moving his head for his grandmother.


In this video, Minguk makes adorable baby sounds, amused by the rattle.

For this video, Song Il Kook writes that this t is Minguk soon after birth, when he was with his mother at the post-natal care center.

Song Il Kook also shares a image of baby Minguk making the face we love him for. Song Il Kook calls him “expression rich Ming-goo-gi.”

Although the triplets leaving “The Return of Superman” left a big hole in our hearts, these videos are helping to make it easier!


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Just watched JYS Epi. 9 and 10 on KBSWorld and by far my favorite!! The building of the astronomy clock part was super exciting, especially when JYS made it chime! And the way he spoke to the princess was funny! Commanding her to do things for him...hope to watch more scenes of sciences and astronomy in the coming episodes too! Wanna watch episode 10 again!:grin:

And SIK has been quite active on his instagram, posting 3-4 vids/photos and a time. I guess he's also reliving the moments when the triplets were just babies...so much love! :heart:

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'Superman' Minguk 'Wink' Baby Photos Make Fans Squeal

Just so timely when we're missing the triplets so much, Song Il Kook generously shares some adorable baby photos of Minguk, and it'll make you wanna pinch him due to the overload cuteness.
A collage photo of baby Minguk is uploaded on the actor's instagram. Netizens especially the avid fans of Minguk are melting over his cuteness especially on the photo where he is winking and showing his tongue out .
Check it out below, who wouldn't squeal over this cuteness? Meanwhile, they may have left the show but we can still hope to see what the triplets are up to thanks to their instagram account.
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Triplets' popularity hasn't melt down.  Every IG photo made the news.

Thank you appa Il-Kook for 'letting us be part of your world'.

I also see the appa Il-Kook is following only artists.  This tells me how much he's interested in the arts and illustrations made of his beloved triplets.

Is everyone watching Jang Young Sil?  


On other news, Mother Dragon Kim Eul-Dong put up a billboard for her re-election campaign  that drew a ironic controversy when people asked "Where are the triplets?".  This is not the first time SIK appears in her billboard.  In 2012, she even had SIK picture in Jumong's costume.



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*** Hahaha - I can't tell who is who -  I'm so glad SIG has time to share updates on the triplets via IG. Ahhhhh...so cute. :P



Daehun, Minguk and Manse flaunt their cuteness on Song Il Gook’s Instagram



Image: Song Il Gook's Instagram


Despite leaving Superman is Back, Song Il Gook continues to delight his followers by posting cute photos of the triplets. 

On February 18th, Song Il Gook posted the old, baby photos of Daehun, Minguk and Manse on his personal Instagram account. The update featured the triplets in a variety of unusual facial expressions, which earned a lot of praise from his followers for their cuteness.

At some point, the actor managed to capture Minguk sticking his tongue out while giving a wink.

Song ll Gook also flooded his followers with these adorable updates by posting old videos of the three.



source : koreaboo


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K-netz comments on the above article posted by @willenette





Article: "Cuties since birth" the birth of the triplet babies

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+694, -27] Wow~ I can tell them apart immediately ㅋ They've definitely been cuties since birth~~ grow up well Daehan, Minguk, Manse~

2. [+644, -24] I can tell who's who right away ㅋㅋ the three are so uniquely different

3. [+509, -30] Manse, Daehan, Minguk ㅋㅋㅋ such cutie pies

4. [+42, -6] Their mom's so amazing, can't believe she held them in her stomach at once.

5. [+40, -6] They look similar but different enough to tell them apart instantly ㅋㅋ

6. [+38, -7] I'm so glad Song Il Guk is sharing updates on them through Instagram like this. It really makes me feel better about not being able to see them on TV anymore.

7. [+28, -8] Ahhhhh, so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm so glad Song Il Guk started Instagram ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


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10 hours ago, ardently said:

Yes, i am watching it.  I'm glad to see him in his new uniform.  

I think it is still inappropriate for the triplets to be dragged in politics.  

Totally agree! They are children, they have to live their childhood, not a political play! (but I'm sure Mother Dragon will appear sometime, during the campaign, together with her grandchildren. After all she suggested their names :)

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대한민국만세와 고궁박물관에 장영실이 만든 (복원) 자격루를 보러 갔습니다. 자격루를 본 민국이가 "엄청 커요 장영실은 힘이 센가봐요!" 라고 하더군요 ㅎㅎㅎ

고궁의 관계자분께서 장영실 왔다고^^ 실제 움직이고 있는 자격루 내부를 보여주셔서 작동원리를 이해하는데 큰 도움이 되었습니다. '그는 시대를 너무나 앞서간 천재다!' 라는 걸 다시 한 번 느끼고, 감탄사만 연발하다 왔습니다.

더 놀란 건 고궁박물관이 공짜더군요...ㅎㅎㅎ

정말 왜 이렇게 늦게 갔을까 후회가 될 정도로 장영실 드라마에 나오는 많은 것 들이 잘 보전 되어 전시 되어있더군요. 바로 옆 전시관엔 궁중음악에 관한 것들이 있는데, 이제 곧 드라마에 방송이 될 내용이어서 정말 재미있게 보고 나왔습니다.

사극을 좋아하시거나, 어린 자녀를 두신 분들은 시간되실 때 견학해보시면 정말 좋을 듯 합니다.

저는 오후 3시쯤 갔는데 단체와 외국관광객이 많이 빠져나가서 정말 한적하게 보다가 나왔습니다~
장영실 드라마를 좋아하시는 분들이라면 꼭 한번 가보시라고 추천하고 싶어요! 물론 장영실 본방사수도 잊지 마시구요^^

My brief translation from the Chinese translation I saw at Facebook:

I went with Daehan, Minguk and Manse to look at the restoration piece of self-striking water clock or striking clepsydra made by Jang Yeong-sil at National Palace Museum. After seeing the striking clepsydra, Minguk said: "It's big! Jang Yeong-sil seemed to be very strong."

The staff at the Museum granted us the permission to look at the inner parts of striking clepsydra as a warm welcome to Jang Yeong-sil and the explanation is helpful for understanding the automatic principle. "He is such a genius at that past era!" I felt this once again followed by endless admiration.

I am surprised to learn about free admission to National Palace Museum!

I feel regret for not paying a visit earlier. Those inventions appears in drama Jang Yeong-sil are properly conserved and exhibited here. The next hall exhibits court music related showpieces, it is interesting to come here before the broadcast of drama Jang Yeong-sil. For those who love history or for parents, if time permit, come visiting here and you will have a good and memorable experience.

I was there at 3 pm, after the tour groups or oversea tourists have left, I had a quiet and serene visit. If you love the drama Jang Yeong-sil, I highly recommend you pay a visit to this museum at least once! And of course please do not forget to watch the live broadcast of Jang Yeong-sil ^^


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Will someone tell me why they think the boys are being dragged into politics? Only Song picture is on the billboard also it is none of our business anyway. I have seen nothing but great parenting by both Song and his wife plus the boys are very smart they ask questions most children their age would not have a clue about. It just seems to me that some people are looking to find flaws in the way they raise their children which again is none of our business. Ardently I know you are a huge fan of Song's but there are some things that need to be kept private they deserve that. What they do will be in the best interest of the children their grandmother has been doing this for a long time and I think taking advantage of her grandsons is not on her to do list. Even so it is none of our business anyway. Let us just enjoy the memories from Return of Superman and the the many memories left to come. Sorry if fans do not like what I have said but I am firm believer in their right to raise their children as they see fit. Do not believe you would want people telling you what is appropriate and what is not when raising your children.Their so many new fans none of us want to them give them the wrong idea about a subject that is not our concern. Song IL Kook gives so much joy that joy should be returned with our support not negative comments. Sincerely Yvonne Allen


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