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Song Il Kook 송일국


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Before i've created JYS thread, someone who admires urri Jumong ( and only saw SIK acting in that drama ) had already opened it...that i'm very grateful... :wub::wub:

I will still come here to talk about SIK acting in JYS...i need special thread for JYS because i have plan to do live recaps when the drama is airs...i use to do it when my fav. actors/actresses have drama projects... :wub::wub:

Besides, i believe many people from JYS who never knew SIK before will migrate to SIK thread after the drama finishes...they will fall in love with his acting... :phew:

@badsmular, have you created JYS thread?  If so, can you please post the link here.

JYS thread has already started by valsava:



Thanks for loving SIK (and his kids).  We're thrilled to have an active member like you in this forum.

Charmy, this will always be a loving home for SIK and his loyal fans.


Get in the mood for SIK's coming drama, SIKERs:


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Episode 96 - The Song Family (NO Subs)






Older episodes.  

Links are available in limited time only. Download now if you're interested.

Episode 48 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficNE1sZG1VNWVJYjg

Episode 49 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficdHRna0RiQXRZMTQ

Episode 50 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficbmdISldNZGlqRHc

Episode 51 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficZ2dqdXFsZzNWWnM

Episode 52 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficLTBpbjhkOVZEc28

Episode 53 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficbG1RZjl3NHdSSHc

Episode 54 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficWkR1dkxOSEFEV1E

Episode 55 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficeUN6cmxvcm95RWs



Episode 91 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficbHJ4YlNKSkdyazQ

Episode 92 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficTHBEU2V3SHJIVzA

Episode 93 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficbUZTVC1uNTQzdlU

Episode 94 - The Song Family (ENGLISH Subs)  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-dQdF0UYficeU5pZ2kxVDZqVms

Episode 95 with Subs is not available yet.

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@badsmuler wow so your planning to do the live recap?I will look forward to that and can't January come fast? Wish  triplets will have cameo for the drama that would be awesome!! Or 1 episode for ROS visiting appa in the set!?

Happy Sunday to all!!!! Its ROS day!

 With my limited understanding for Korean language, i hope you will still read my recaps...LOL :P

@badsmular, have you created JYS thread?  If so, can you please post the link here.

JYS thread has already started by valsava:


Thanks for loving SIK (and his kids).  We're thrilled to have an active member like you in this forum.

Charmy, this will always be a loving home for SIK and his loyal fans.


JYS thread had created by @larus and i've already posted the link at page 1133...lets support this thread...i will talk about SIK acting here while about the story lines and the progress i will discuss it there... :wub::wub:


Edited by badsmuler
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Gosh, how does a less than 4 years old kid know about the function of funnel (siphon) of octopus?


The octopus has a funnel, sometimes called a siphon, which is a tubular opening that serves as a pathway for water. It expels the trapped water forcefully through its funnel, which propels the octopus in the opposite direction at speeds of up to 25 mph (40 kph). Using this method, which is a lot like filling up a balloon with air and then letting it go, the octopus can change its direction by pointing its funnel a different way.

Daehan: Octopus has funnel. Appa, octopus can float because it has funnel.

Look at his serious yet cute expressions explaining to appa about octopus's funnel (siphon)...:D

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Was wondering if there's anyone who shared subbed videos of X-file Part 3 of Samdoongs?

Here is the link of Eng sub video clip of triplets X-file 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Mzdlk3VGFU

Thank you! I didn't realize that I already have it! Is there a Part-4 coming up?

Eng sub video clips for triplets X-file 4:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rL9SEYZHQs

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsyZf5EyeGA


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I was hoping SIK will colaborate with wellknown younger actress, but who knows this reunite couple can got good chemistry. 

I hope some other cast are from idols or younger actor/actress to gain attention from younger viewers.

Hi, I completely agree with you - a well-known actress. I don't really dig historical genres but I missed SIG in this kind of drama. So NICE to know that she has also previously acted in historical dramas. As far as I remember this isn’t the first time that the two have worked together. By the time I'm writing this post here they have already started filming. I hope we could get some still cuts soon. Can't wait for January next year..... Good that despite the genre the drama will have only 24EPs. I missed SIG on the small screen. 



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Song Il Kook with some of his "I Am You" juniors/friends went for a long ride yesterday.

A very casual day for him but we all know that he's doing this in preparation of his drama "Jang Young Sil".

He will start shooting next month. Yay!







Source: https://www.facebook.com/kowenichi/posts/892793187442304?pnref=story

Edited by Chellsee
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Song Il Kook with some of his "I Am You" juniors/friends went for a long ride yesterday.

A very casual day for him but we all know that he's doing this in preparation of his drama "Jang Young Sil".

He will start shooting next month. Yay!


Source: https://www.facebook.com/kowenichi/posts/892793187442304?pnref=story

Hi chelsee, thanks for sharing the photos. NICE. Always so good to see SIG looking chill and happy. I hope he gets some well-deserved relaxation just before he starts filming next month. Looking forward in watching this one.  Happy for him. :P

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