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Song Il Kook 송일국


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Song IL-Kook and Mother Dragon were invited to Persian New Year celebration at Iranian Embassy in Seoul.
Re-posted from Negin @ http://cafe.daum.net/GeNtLeSongillgook/9vR/103225-Mar-2014




SIK in Iranian Nowruz Celebration

google Translate :Jumong's Song Il Gook actors , South Korea celebrates New Year with Iranian and Persian, the Iranian New Year congratulations .
According to IRNA , the fourth day of the spring feast of the Year by the Iranian Embassy in South Korea 's capital Seoul was held in one of the forums .
In celebration of the Iranian cities of Seoul , Daegu , Busan , South Korea Dyjvn and other cities attended was a special guest .
Korean Actress Song Il Gogh her ​​role in Jumong series has brought fame amongst Iranians were present at the event was received .
Presence without notice Jumong Korean holiday of Nowruz , Iranians and Iranian audience surprised.
Jumong, the Persian New Year and congratulated for being able to bridge the communication and cultural Tamalat Korea and Iran are two countries , expressing joy and jubilation .
He said that all its power to further cultural excellence between South Korea and Iran will do.
Epic poems read Korean , Persian classical music performances by students of Iranian Azeris with Srvdkhvany , performances and reading Persian poetry by Iranian students from other parts of the program this year was celebrated in Seoul .

Photo exhibition of scenic places Iran in the entrance hall spirit and lend a certain sense to the participants .


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서경덕 교수, 송일국과 막걸리 홍보.."전통주 살릴것"
2014.03.28 08:48

서경덕(왼)과 송일국 / 사진제공= 서경덕

한국 홍보전문가 서경덕 성신여대 교수가 배우 송일국과 막걸리 홍보에 나선다.

서 교수는 28일 "'막걸리 유랑단'을 조직해 오는 4월 초부터 전국 유명 전통시장을 방문하고 각계 유명인사들을 초청해 토크쇼를 펼친다"며 다음달 10일 오후 7시 서울 광장시장 서문광장에서 개최되는 첫 행사에 배우 송일국이 참석한다고 밝혔다.

송일국은 "막걸리와 전통시장에 대한 정겨운 추억들을 시민들과 함께 나누며 좋은 시간을 가질 예정"이라며 "앞으로 막걸리의 대외적인 홍보에도 열심히 동참할 계획이다"고 전했다.

서 교수는 "막걸리의 해외 홍보도 중요하지만 국내시장에서 '막걸리 붐'이 많이 사그라 들었다"며 "우리가 먼저 막걸리를 사랑하고 전통시장을 많이 방문하는 것이 전통주를 살리는 가장 중요한 방법"이라고 덧붙였다.

서 교수는 "독일하면 맥주, 일본하면 사케인 것처럼 글로벌 시대에 술은 국가 이미지를 좌우하는 문화의 상징이자 수출 최대상품"이라며 "대한민국의 이미지를 높일 우리의 전통주 개발과 홍보는 매우 중요한 사안이 됐다"고 강조했다.

한편 이번 행사에는 향후 디자이너 이상봉, 방송인 서경석 등 각 분야 유명인사들이 동참할 예정이다.

이지현 기자 starjiji@mtstarnews.com
http://star.mt.co.kr/view/stview ... ;outlink=2&SVEC

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If I'm reading (or guessing) it right, there's a musical 'So Seo No' going on at Seoul Art Center now.A fan went to see and reported it at http://cafe.daum.net/GeNtLeSongillgook/1oxw/49221
The below 8-minute clip is awesome. At the end, you'll see Seo So No and Jumong tied the knot.
I read the reference book in Jumong boxset, that Jumong writer Choi Wan Kyu offered Han Ji-Won the role of Seo So No but she turned down and took the lead role in Hwang Jin Yi instead.



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Wow…thanks KB for all these goodies photos..during the shootings!!  It's great fans can take time and help them make work more fun!!   Fightings..v  
He sure loves to take photos..much as we do!  ;p..  
Wow….nice photos of him attending the Persian New Year, nice of him to attend..!  Especially with his busy schedule..always have time for others..  

Hi loverhyojoo, welcome to soompi and songie form..  Hope you enjoy your stay here..  :)  

Nice goodies, Celiap, that Mariana was kind enough to share.. Can say his siggie is good enough to make into collections..NOT just on photos!!  Earrings, pins, necklaces..   Nice idea!  

Waves to  metal, gab, such, poh,  song,

 Aww..too bad I can't add photos..pb..have changed the system again??  I can't find a link sharing yet??  Hope to figure this out??  v

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id="watch-headline-title" class="yt" style="font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 24px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; margin: 0px 0px 5px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; word-wrap: normal; text-overflow: ellipsis;"ARTS AND CULTURE: The Legend of Soseono  and Jumong on the Stage

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Wow, so many interesting posts this week!  Thank you celia, kona, hnwdj and pohhooi!
If I understand pohhooi's article correctly, there will be an event April 10 at 7 pm to promote makkeoli and traditional markets in Seoul Plaza.  Song Il Kook will attend along with other celebrities.  He says he plans to work hard in promoting makkeoli as a representative of Korean culture (like Japan's sake and Germany's beer). 

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Songmira, what a great find, Arirang news in English.I'd love to watch this play.j
I read that the writer wanted to cast Han Ji-Won in Jumong so bad that he was willing to change the title to So Seo No.Aren't we glad it didn't happen?  
Read from 'September 8'  on below.13472815485_72f6c08d52_o_d.jpg


Metaltiger, thanks for the clarification.Per Google translation, I could guess some event will be on April 07.We miss another chance to see SIK.

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said: Songmira, what a great find, Arirang news in English.I'd love to watch this play.j

I read that the writer wanted to cast Han Ji-Won in Jumong so bad that he was willing to change the title to So Seo No.Aren't we glad it didn't happen?  

Read from 'September 8'  on below.

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Song Mira, i also wonder what would it be like if Ha ji won played the role of soseno. I know she is an excellent female action actress but han hye jin has that sad looks in her eyes that spells the difference. Her portrayal of the soseno role has made me hate yesoya, even more than daeso (no offense meant to their fans).

Btw, i'm busy watching eots again. Aish, i can never get over with my first love, yeum moon. :x

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