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[OFFICIAL] Rowoon ❤️ Park Eun Bin (RoBin/Park-Ro Couple) | The King's Affection


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[ロウン]バンド音楽は日本の曲も、韓国の曲も、その他の海外の曲も大好きです。 僕はONE OK ROCK さんの大ファンで、「Wasted Nights」という曲が本当にいい曲で大好きです! 実はこの間、知り合いのつながりでTakaさんとビデオ通話をしました!


[矢吹]すごい! びっくりなお話ですね。日本でも活動をしている私もお会いできたことがないので、とても不思議な気持ちです!


[ロウン] 彼らの公演を見ることがバ ケットリストの一つなので、末永く活動してくださいとお願いしました。



[TL] 最後に、2023年に成し遂げたいことを教えてください。


[ロウン]僕は今撮影している作品があるので、元気にその作品を終えるということが今の一番の目標です。 また、見知らぬ環境に置かれて、新しい挑戦をしたいという考えが、昔からずっと変わらず僕の中にあります。そういった考えを大切にしながら、無事に2023年も過ごせたらいいなと思います。



⬇automatic translation⬇


[RoWoon] I love band music, Japanese songs, Korean songs, and other foreign songs. I'm a big fan of ONE OK ROCK, and I really like the song "Wasted Nights"!


 [Yabuki] Wow! That's a surprising story. Even though I'm active in Japan, I've never met him, so it's a very strange feeling!


[RoWoon] Seeing their performances is one of my bucket list, so I asked them to continue their activities.




 [TL] Finally, what do you want to accomplish in 2023?


[Rowoon] I have a project I'm filming right now, so my number one goal right now is to finish that project in good spirits. Also, I have always wanted to take on new challenges in an unfamiliar environment. I hope I can spend 2023 safely while cherishing such thoughts.




















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①너 자신에게

열심히 쉬지않고 활동을 하면서 심적으로 여유가 없을 내게 조금 여유를 가져도 될것같아. 누가 뭐라고 해도 흔들리지 않고 너를 믿으면서 나를 소 활동하기를 바래 혹시나 너를 잃어버릴것 같을때는 용기있게 쉬어가고 너가 그냥 행복했으면 좋겠어 화이팅 건강하자!!




②SF9의 성공과 배우 로운의 성공 둘 중에 더 기쁜 쪽은?

쓰면서 보니 뭐 이런 질문이 다 있나ㅋㅋ

별개라고 저는 생각을 해요.

둘 다 저희 성공이지만.

그리고 SF9도 저도 성공했다고 생각하지 않아요.

불안한 마음도 있어요.

이만큼 저를 지켜보고 있는 분들이

많아지는 거니까 아직까지는 좀 조심하고

그렇게 활동해야될것같다는 생각이 들어요.

그래서 뭔가 둘 중에 하나를 고르자면

답은 없는 것 같아요 (정답)

그리고 아직까지 성공이라고 생각한다기

보다그냥 한 단계 올라왔다. 라고만.




③그런 로운이지만 MBC '어쩌다 발견한 하루'로 많은 인 기를 받은 후 도리어 불안한 마음이 생겼다고 털어놨다. 그는 "잘돼서 좋고 붕붕 뜨는 것보다 무섭다. 더 실수하 지 말아야지 싶다"고 밝혔다.

이어 "엄청 노력해서 어떻게든 여기까지 왔는데, 이제 한 단계 올라온 건데 실수해서 내려갈 수 있지 않냐"며

두려움의 이유를 설명했다.












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ロウン 『恋慕』 『明日』


ある陰謀により生後すぐに 「死んだ」 として王宮から出された、 王子の双子の娘パク・ウ ンビン。 十数年後、運命に導かれるように王宮の女官となった彼女は、兄である世子と出会いそのそっくりぶりを買われて、王子が外出中の替え玉に。 ところが彼女の生存を知っ たかつての陰謀の首謀者たちは、女装した世子をそうとは知らず殺害。 母である王妃に請 われ、ウンビンはそのまま王宮で世子として生きるハメに・・・・・・


10 of 28.


ストーリーも何もかも面白すぎるこのドラマ、でも日本ではそこまで知られていないキャストなのにここまで大ヒットしたの は、やっぱりロウンがかわいすぎたから! まるで時代劇に迷い込んじゃった天衣無縫 な現代のイケメンって感じのロウンは、自 分がゲイだとかウンピンの性別とかまった く意識することなく、お慕いし始めちゃうのである。この展開は 『コーヒープリンス1 号店』以来なんですが、ロウンのすがすが しい自由さは、すみませんがコンユがかす むほどの眩しさ、 もうキラッキラ。 さらに ウンビンを 「お守りします」と言いながら 刀もって出て行って必ずケガして帰ってく るところとか、 でかい体 (190cm) であちゃこちゃ動いた挙句にこけそうになって、 身長半分くらいのウンビンに抱きかかえら れて「ドキドキ」しちゃうところとか、ヒロインか! お前がヒロインか!と言いたくなり ます。 「恋慕しております」 っていう言葉のクラシックさにも、妙にキューンとします。








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On 9/11/2022 at 10:14 PM, yong44 said:

It's not possible to overtake no 1 without using money. I'm saying as I'm in peb voting team and we have spent a lot just to reach 100k votes. Imagine those with 700k votes.

30votes :~USD4

100k : ~USD14K 

700k : ~USD94K

i think only 1-5% of votes are free votes 


But worry not the time will come for him. To have that huge fanbase that willing to spend on him. But honestly these capitalist app shall stop milking money from fans . They have all of data that could compare their popularity level but i guess this is how these awards show funded their event.


Wow! What a farcical, abusive, money-hungry, criminal enterprise. Sorry to say!

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On 9/21/2022 at 4:52 PM, MT220214 said:

Not sure if you have seen this .. another opportunity to purchase TKA Blu-ray, perhaps? 

Hello my friend! I didn't know where else to go. I had to let someone know aside from myself? hahahaha. I am writing this on 2 15 2023.

But PEB is plastered all over New York Times Square on Valentines Day 2 14 2023 for about 15 seconds (maybe on a loop). Like a Valentines Take Over! WOW!


Not sure if I copied this right. So sorry to write you again and post! I was just so proud of my Baby! hahaha!



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On 9/26/2022 at 8:20 AM, sydneygirl2000 said:


Is APAN not prestigious in South Korea??

Sorry late to the game but still managed to show up.

My opinion: Don't you find it scandalous though that you have to pay (or fans pay) for the Popularity Award at APAN? Isn't that a form of corruption and bribery? Hence, Rwn can not win?

I mean that Lee Jun Ho guy or whoever...... or what if a celebrity's family has rich family members and friends? They are not their real, organic fans but they can buy their Award?

Theoretical question:

1) What if that actor/actress has only 2 fans for example but s/he comes from a very wealthy family that have all the money to buy the award? Then that person only won the award because of money and nothing else?

2) In contrast, what if that actor/actress is very popular because s/he has tremendous talents but they only have poor fans. They don't get the awards?

Wow! And I thought my country was/is corrupt? hahaha.


1) And NO. The APAN is not or should not be funded that way. Sorry to say. They are only an award-giving body. TV/online advertisers fund these award shows, memberships or charged seats to the public. NO MONEY JUST TO WIN AWARDS.

2) And NO. The Popularity Award is not for the fans. It's for APAN's pockets.

What a scam. So sad.

On 9/28/2022 at 7:14 AM, MT220214 said:

She’s wearing similar earrings. Sponsorship? 


Late to the game but my 2cents may be worth something?

Looks like it is/was sponsored. Rwn doesn't seem like he splurges that much on himself. He drives a truck for goodness sake. I only saw that when he was filming HOW and picking up his friends, unless that truck was a deliberate fake. But Rwn doesn't strike me as someone who will intentionally deceive the public (except with his relationship with PEB ofc hahaha). 

Rwn rides economy if he is not performing with SF9. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders.

PEB wearing same brand earrings could be sponsored, too.

If I am wrong or if ever Rwn or PEB bought these out of pocket, they are given huge "employee discounts". hahahaha.

On 9/28/2022 at 7:25 AM, sydneygirl2000 said:

Hmmm Rowoon first wore the Bulgari bracelet at the airport on his way to Japan.

Sponsored ..

but he may have purchased earings set for EB’s birthday.

NOW .. EB wore the matching ring on her thumb meaning it is BIG SIZE - may be Rwn’s as part of his bracelet & ring set given by Bulgari. 


Ayayay .. 





Guys .. I blame the drought period ..


Hahaha. I love your comments. Late to the game but my 2cents may be worth something?

Looks like it is/was sponsored. Rwn doesn't seem like he splurges that much on himself. He drives a truck for goodness sake. I only saw that when he was filming HOW and picking up his friends, unless that truck was a deliberate fake. But Rwn doesn't strike me as someone who will intentionally deceive the public (except with his relationship with PEB ofc hahaha). 

Rwn rides economy if he is not performing with SF9. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders.

PEB wearing same brand earrings/ring could be sponsored, too.

If I am wrong or if ever Rwn or PEB bought these out of pocket, they are given huge "employee discounts". hahahaha.

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1 hour ago, Pen G said:

PEB wearing same brand earrings could be sponsored, too.

Highly likely the earrings are her own. She wore similar earrings when she was the MC for Seoul Drama Awards around late 2021. Too early in their friendship to be giving someone such an expensive gift. That’s my opinion anyways.



1 hour ago, Pen G said:

Rwn doesn't seem like he splurges that much on himself

Rwn seems like a simple guy. From what I have seen so far, he does dresses simply. Just like any ordinary twenty something person. Very humble and endearing for a popular idol. 


But again, from what little I have seen and read about him, he is darn generous towards his friends and colleagues looking at the number of coffee trucks and food trucks he sent to them. They don’t come cheap! 

I may even go as far as to say that part of his love language is “splurging” on people closest and nearest to him

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