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OMG - thank you @gemmie for all the pictures of our hero!!!  Yes, I do agree with @j3di on his choice of the tux - he is one "dude" who can wear the tux handsomely.  Also when he came out with Yuri - don't they look good as a couple.   Ok, where is @shinobu?  He can sum up on how our guy look..


:(|) =D>
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Guest bluemoonlight

You're welcome @kaciemom & thanks @gemmie for sharing :)
He looks even manlier in a tux...sooooo handsome! I love that the length of his pants is appropriate and long enough. I've seen so many Korean actors/singers/stars with pants that are way too short and just look funny. 
Here's the winners' group photo & the photographer sucks! Our LSW is stuck in the back and you can only see his head. He's not even standing next to his co-star, SYR. Not just LSW, but the way the other winners are positioned is awkward too. Anyhow, congratulations again to LSW & SYR for their awards! :-bd
Has anyone been watching "Horse Doctor (Healer)"? I'm not watching it as sageuks aren't really my thing...even though I love LSW. I'm hoping his next drama is a rom-com...
Happy New Year everyone! <:-P<:-P

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Ladies, I'm sorry I'm late to the party.  I just got back from the holidays again.  Thank you so much for the vids and pictures.  I wish for bigger close-ups so I can crop them and put them on my cellphone.  ;)  The one I currently have on my cellphone is a screen capture I made from FotG, you know the one with him pouting when he was making dough dolls.  So I see my man in tux on the red carpet.  Oh, my Mr. Hotcake looks dashingly handsome alright.  And the gorgeous smiles just make me weak in the knees.  I disagree that he makes a nice couple with SYR.  He's my man.  (This is the first time I'm claiming so you know how LSW rates in my book.)  I ain't sharing.  ;)

I have to be honest that I don't have a whole lot of faith in their judgment of merit in these so-called awards program however I completely agree that Lord Sang Woo certainly deserves recognition.  From what I know, SYR got top excellence and he only got excellence or something?  You notice how they emphasize shows with high ratings and give tons of awards to those as if the merit of performance or quality correlates with popularity.  I beg to differ but anyways I'm happy with he got something finally.  And hopefully this means he gets more main roles at MBC (and getting main roles at MBC seems to be something big.  There's this prestige vibe thing from MBC I sense.)

Party on yo'all.  Happy New Year!  (I just got back so I ain't got no munchies for the party.  We can head to kaciemom's place.  She always has food.) 

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hello hello everyone chingus! how was your new yr! happy new yr!
missing you all, been also busy this holidays catching up with the threads reading latest news and so forth! ahhaha and what a great news I saw for our LSW! at least he got awards best actors (special series) love it! he is really gorgeous! doesnt he have pics with SYR? hihihihi

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Happy New Year all!!  As Shinobu said, come on over - just got back home from a New Year feast and we have all kinds of leftover.  I too agree with @shinobu on MBC giving out awards.  I kept looking at the list of people winning the awards and our hero only got mentioned as not a top excellence with Suri but just a pat on the back award.  And the main actor in Doctor Horse got the "biggie".  So the awards means nothing to MBC people. 

As for our hero, I can't wait to see him in something better.  Going to go to bed now. 


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Guest Gemmie

Happy New Year! Nice to see everyone checking in.  ;)
SBS Entertainment Awards & MBC Drama Awards, highest 1 minute rating went to Yoo Jae Suk and Lee Sang Woo, respectively.
MBC average rating for the awards night was 13.4%. The highest rating was 18.7% during the announcement of best actor for special production drama, naming LSW as the winner. :D 
@kaciemom - The stats speak for all of us. MBC can give their biggie award to JSW for all I care. :-q Viewers love our lord....Cheers to 2013!! More great projects for LSW and no more second lead, please!
FM http://media.daum.net/entertain/enews/view?newsid=20121231091313718&srchid=IIM%2Fnews%2F62317323%2Fb1188a737319aa48cfb94740e03bf041#A20121231091313455.jpg

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Guest bluemoonlight

Happy New Year again!  :)
I agree with you gals about the MBC awards, they're really just "pat on the backs" for a job well-done. Actually all the year-end station awards including KBS & SBS are similar in this way. There are way too many categories and multiple winners in each category. I wouldn't take them too seriously and just enjoy it more as recognition & appreciation for the winners, especially LSW. He needs more recognition and more 1st lead roles. Can't wait to see what his next project is!

Adios amigas! :-h

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Guest jasLSW

Hello you sweet dearies out there.. 

a very Happy 2013 to you. may 2013 brings forth much joy, peace and happiness to you and your family, and also to our beloved Lord SW!

**missing you all, enjoy reading all the interesting threads and photos >< *drooling~~

was really so happy when I read the threads on Lord SW's recent award..FINALLY (thank you for all these threads and photos... you dearies are fab!!!!)

then, was kinda disappointed when realised there was another Excellence Award for BEST.. LSW gotten just the Male Excellence Award, but SYR was awarded with the Female Best Excellence.

on the bright side, its really a very good year for Lord SW to start with.. isnt it?! we really should be thankful, and continue to support him.

thumbs UP!! yes agree wif u all sweeties.. finally Lord SW is being recognised,, a long tough journey though... well, wondering if those film bosses/investors are blind? the directors, producers? Lord SW is such a good actor.. I really like him in "LIB" he was such a jovial and warmth person... I cant help laughing with him when I heard his hahaha, hehehe though I dun even understand a single word he was saying... but he was really so natural in his looks and acting.. his giggles/laughters were contagious ><||| why didnt he get any award on this serial? thought he was the one leaded Song Chang Ui in this serial.. he acted better than Song.. but all credits went to Song and Song ended up with the Excellence award?!

sorry, I was not familiar with all those... so many TV awards, categories... was a bit loss.. BTW, what is the Daesang award ?

my eyes almost popped out when I read about the biggest winner for 2012 MBC Drama Award was

Jo Seung Woo, he nabbed both the coveted Daesang and Best Excellence...

wondering if the Korean knows how popular and hot Lord SW is outside Korea?

his birthday is coming... anyone going to join him in the celebration? I guess I will faint if I ever get a chance to see him in person =p

Happy New Year again, you all sweeties

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@ja5berh, DAESANG means Best of the Best Awards. It's means JSW is the Best Actor from all the Best that night. I'm not watching HD, only 2 episodes of the adults, so I can't say much about that :D, I watched him first and only in "Classic" with Son Ye Jin, but not so memorable for me. JSW really highly regarded as "multi talents" actor in Korea.

As Gemmie said, the ratings speaks "louder" as the proofed that LSW had received much recognition than any metal symbolic plaque to take home . :x

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Happy New Year Ladies!!

Congratulations Lee Sang Woo!!

What a great news to start the new year.so happy to see Sang Woo in formal attire again, looking so suave and handsome :x

Totally agreed that the awards are more like 'pat on the back' for the actors. Nevetheless, i guess it means his hard works are being recognised, and getting the award means more people will get to know him.

I hope that with this, he will be getting a lead role in his next drama.

PS: gave up on HD totally, the storyline is so predictable and the medical skill of that one person is totally unbelievable. Now just look at his handsome pics. Poor LSW still have another 2-3months of shooting to go.

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Guest jasLSW

@gingerine, @j3di, @Gemmie, @Bluemoonlight, @Shinobu, @Kaciemon, thought since 2009, Lord SW made a big name for himself after the award from "THe First Wives Club", LS was made the main lead for "Dont Hesitate" and "The Road Home".  what happen after that?  'cos seems like all the serials after 2009 were 2nd lead or supporting role? 
*I thought this was the twist, though he was not the main lead, but the roles he played were always important that contributed a big share of success.. 'cos the film makers know that you and me will definitely chase after the drama even our beloved gorgeous was not the lead? e.g. the "Thousand days".. sorry, I thought he looked so much more outstanding and dashing than the main....
Happy New Year 


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@ja5berh, Don't Hesitate & The Road Home was the daily drama. Usually the daily drama has a long episodes, and tight budget, so most of the hallyu star (popular) not interested with that. LSW seem was underated actor, so they gave him the 2nd lead instead to joined with the hallyu star which obviously received the role as main lead for the "good" projects.

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@gingerine, two thumbs up for your devotion to Sang Woo =D> , you still watched HD until now, for many of us already abandoned that wagon long long time ago >:)

By the way I failed to finished The Road Home too :((

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Guest jasLSW

@j3di, LSW is not a hallyu star in KR? that's the reason why he is not the hot favourite among the film makers and no scripts tailored specially for him? does it mean if he 'proudly' rejected those projects, he will have nothing to film?! OMG:(( I feel so heartache to hear this...

so sorry for him.. he is really a talented and serious actor... the only negative about him is he's not witty and fast enough.. I thought he always looks so tense up in the variety shows and interviews... oooooooh these film makers should do some market research and will really suprise with LSW's popularity outsinde KR!

again, I guess its really very competitive in KR with so many TV stations, so many singers/actos...producing so many damas/movies.. everyone is good.. so its really very important to have that luck to cling on a good script and become famous overnite..

not like in my country, its monopolised by only one TV station..

**how many of them can be like Rain, entered Hollywood.. HK big bro Jackie Chan thought highly of Kim Hee Sun and had her in his movie, and the recent blockbuster, "Chinese Zodiac" with Kwon Sang-woo.. and Jackie makde all the casts to wear the Urwerk’s UR-202, which retails for $165,000 :-??

yeah, hope the recent award opens more opportunities for our babe! FIGHTING! FIGHTING! FIGHTING!!!!

"The Road Home" you didnt finish its 'cos of female lead, Jang Sin Yeong? oh I dislike her in this serial, find her no chemistry with LSW.. I almost gave up too, but since LSW was the main lead in this serial, I decdied to give it a short :P. I like LSW with Lee Tae Im in Dont Hesitate

oh yeah, I gave up HD too... since ep16..

Cheerios :x

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