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KAT-TUN Official topic

Guest DivineX

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Guest superfreakk

Firstly: HOMY. People with a hell of a lot to say have appeared. O__O Eep. In any case, I still love KAT-TUN (I have all their dvds o_o My money~ TT^TT), though I know I hate on them a lot ^^; I'm not trying to start an argument; everyone has their own opinions :3

I know, right? I was like...woah, calm down, okay? I like to criticize bands I like. lol, just like you.

Ueda used to scare me though that appears a common thing with me and KAT-TUN XD. But OHMYGOSH. He is *___* And he's so.. strange XD But the way he holds his microphone has a habit of annoying me.

UGH#@&$(^@# I love LOST *___*

Ehh, I never found Ueda cute or anything before, and I always thought he looked weird. :/ But yeah, he is freaking strange, and doesn't he like Gackt? Haha, Gackt. Oh man. But now I think he is just the cutest thing ever. *squishes*

Ahh~ Oops. Maybe my insulting went too far *snorts* And I like Keep the faith too :3

Yeah, see, it took me about a year to even consider he was good looking. I could never ever understand it. I mean, I see it more these days, but I still think he has a square face and a scary mouth XD But his eyes are pretty *____*

Ehh, I always thought Jin was cute, but nothing really special. But yes, his eyes. *___* Takeru has pretty eyes also. And Keep the Faith never really grew on me. It still sounds like a Pokemon opening/ending song. English dub version because I have no idea what Japanese Pokemon songs sound like.

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i'm currently listening to "lips"

it's a bit slow. it sounds like an anime song (not sure which one. I've watched so many... -_-)

I definitely like Keep the Faith better. Perhaps I should wait for the HQ version to be leaked

well on the topic of scary KAT-TUN members

my first "exposure" to JE was with Nobuta wo produce... Kame's eyebrows scared me. I was reluctant to admit I liked his singing...

Ueda - his quietness and prettiness still scares me.

Koki used to scare me because of his actions... (cross dressing as a female and how he danced with Jin in jin's pinky solo o_O)

Maru, Junno and Jin seems the least scariest to me :P

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@mc_rox18 - NewS got more attention than KAT-TUN, are you kidding me? When NewS debuted, their singles were sold only on department stores. KAT-TUN had a concert in Tokyo Dome before they even debuted, the first and only group so far to achieve such feat. NewS debuted in 2003 and has released 8 singles so far, KAT-TUN on the other hand debut in 2006 and already has 6 singles and their coming out with a new one next month. KAT-TUN has their own show and NewS doesn't. NewS gets the crappy song, KAT-TUN gets the awesome songs. In my opinion, it's KAT-TUN that gets the most attention in JE.

@LucasBunny - I think all artists in the industry work hard even if they don't get noticed. I mean Kame was underweight when he was working for Nobuta Wo Produce. Even Akanishi lost hella weight, you can even see dark circles around his eyes on Keep the Faith PV.

If you guys are wondering why KAT-TUN is so popular, why don't you ask yourselves, the KAT-TUN fans. Why do you buy your merchandise, why are you a fan in the first place?

Well, yeah, whatever. It's your opinion, you can say whatever you want.

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Guest 80slitenite

Kat-Tun really won me over with their show Cartoon Kat-Tun. Their personalities were great and how they interact with each other.

I find rather funny that even the Kat-Tun thread here has more posts than the NEWS one. XDDD

I haven't heard Lips yet D: *cries* will do that now!


ok now i've heard Lips. -_^ gotta say i too like Keep the Faith better. it has that "hook" no no no you show me the faith~~~ hehe anyway i think it'll be a hit. i hope the mv will rock as hard as the song

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Guest superfreakk

^Not surprising that KAT-TUN has more posts because more people like KAT-TUN than NewS, I find. Don'tcha know KAT-TUN is more popular? I wish NewS had a freaking show. >_> I'd watch it. Koyama is such a great MC; he should make the show interesting.

(cross dressing as a female and how he danced with Jin in jin's pinky solo o_O)

Maru, Junno and Jin seems the least scariest to me

Hehe, cross dressing is rampant in JE. It's just one of those things that you either find hilarious, or have to adjust to. I remember Massu and Shoon's weird cross dress roleplay thing. OH SHOON. ;_____; Also, the doctor and family skits KAT-TUN used to do; Jin was always the girl, whether he was the mother or the nurse. XDXD

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Guest modelwal_k

^ agreed

half the posts now are comparing news and kat-tun hahaha.

you know what makes jin look REALLY good well to me at least..

if anyone watched the cartoon kat-tun episode where leah dizon was on

jin styled his hair away from his face so you could see all of it.

wow i thought he looked really good like that...

i guess it doesn't hurt that he also wore a shirt with no sleeves hhaha.

and right now i love kame's hair well, the cut i mean.

i kind prefer if he had the cut he had now with the usual brown shade he has, but black makes him look really young too~

i was watching old jr clips and i really liked ueda with short hair too, but that may be just a personal preference.

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Guest superfreakk


I just watched this clip of Kame talking about his dream Christmas or whatever and it is so freaking depressing. He wanted to have like, a Christmas party with lots of people and exchange gifts and he looks like he's about to cry.


KAT-TUN I hate you so much. Why can't you guys be happy and have member ai like NewS???


i don't care if i am comparing KAT-TUN and NewS again because dammit, if they had NewS's member-ai, Kame would NOT be lonely on Christmas. T__T

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Some Jin quotes I found. Just reminiscing on his bakaness. I hope these weren't posted yet. Credits goes to Hadaka no Johnny's, I added the last two qoutes.

Nakamaru: "Iya, we've really hit it off right from the beginning this year, haven't we." (2003)

Kame: "True. In baseball terms, we had a real rocket start."

Akanishi: "In soccer terms, it's a penalty kick!"

Taguchi: "I have no clue what you're talking about."

Jin, during a concert MC: "Thank you to all the fans who gave me a japanese dictionary with the note 'please get more intelligent soon'!"

(For fans who don't understand japanese this may be new, but Jin often gets the reading of kanji compounds wrong or doesn't know how to read a kanji. Even Kôki asked him once when Jin was supposed to read a fan letter on SC if he needed a dictionary.)

(Suddenly, when Nakamaru has been talking about his interest in space)

Jin: "There are people living on Mars."

Nakamaru: "Hah?"

Jin, in all earnesty: "No really, it's true!"

Jin: "I went to the beach with YamaPi and my parents, and I saw a ufo there. I quickly made a wish 'may I become happy'."

Jin: "One of my ancestors was Italian, so Italy is practically my hometown."

Jin: "No, I don't like writing mails on my cellphone. It's much easier to make a phone call than to press those tiny buttons one after the other."

Jin: "I've seen a lot of molesters, especially on the subway. There's men and women. But actually more men than women. There are actually five or six times more men than women."

Jin: "Huh, notify other people when I change my telephone number? I tell them when I meet them the next time."

Jin: "Kame ne, I expected him to be really bad at driving. But unexpectedly, he drives pretty normal."

Kame: "Hey! I drove in Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa, Hokkaidô and Okinawa, everywhere."

Jin: "Me too, I also got around. I was in Nerima, Futogotamagawa and such......."

Kame: "Aren't those all places in Tokyo?"

Jin: "Well, okay..."

Jin: "I caught a cold recently. It was quite cold, wasn't it? A friend then said to me 'If you wrap a towel around your neck and sleep like that, it'll be gone in the morning!'. I immediately did as he said, but there was no change in my condition. I thought that was strange and called him to make sure I had done it correctly. Well... it turned out you have to do that *before* you get a cold..."

Jin who's too late: "It's true that I fell asleep on the train and missed my stop. But you can't really blame me, in my dream, I was also on the train, and when it was my stop, I got out like I was supposed to."

Jin: "When I snuggle into my warm bed on a cold morning, that's the best time ever. Ah, but at the moment I don't have a bed, I sleep on a futon. The bed that I had before, I jumped on it and now one of the metal pipes is bent so that you can't use it anymore."

Nakamaru: "Did you know? In Turkey, you put a piece of cube sugar in your mouth before you drink your tea."

Jin: "Oh, I was going to feign disinterest, but, is that really true?"

Nakamaru: "It's true! I'm sorry, I'm someone who knows these tidbits of interesting info." [AN: To get the joke, you have to know that in japanese, "tidbits of info" means "mame chishiki", literally "beans knowledge".]

Jin: "Jaa, then you're new nickname is now 'beans'. By the way, in middle school I also had the nickname 'beans'."

Nakamaru: "Eh? Why? Did you also like to collect pieces of knowledge?"

Ueda: "Not at all, it was just that he was so bean-like." *laughs*

Nakamaru: "I knew it. It's just impossible to imagine Jin hunting for this kind of knowledge." *laughs*

Jin: "What the hell are you saying? I'm sensitive in strange spots!"

Ueda: "Yeah, it's certainly true, you get mad about strange things." *laughs*

Jin: "I can tell the weather by Nakamaru's hairstyle. If it's normal, that means 'clear sky'. If it's wavy, that means there'll be clouds or even rain."

Jin: "I want to be able to fly through the sky. Not with some technical means, but just like that, freely. Uoh! Wouldn't that mean I'd never be late again!?"

Jin: "Ano sa, you know, when you cry your face becomes all ugly, right? I can't stand to look at my face when I cry. So I always only cry when I'm all alone."

(Question in a magazine): Are there times when you look into the mirror and think, woah, I'm really cool?

Jin: "Yeah. Whenever Nakamaru is standing next to me."

(Advice to Kôki who started going to the gym regularly to work out)

Jin: "Ah, but don't take too many proteins! That will make the colour of your eyebrows change."

Jin: "Why, Jennifer?"

Jin: "Repeat after me, Car Shrimp"

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Guest superfreakk



Jin: "I can tell the weather by Nakamaru's hairstyle. If it's normal, that means 'clear sky'. If it's wavy, that means there'll be clouds or even rain."

This reminds me of that girl from Mean Girls who could tell if it was going to rain with her boobs. lulz, Jin.

(Question in a magazine): Are there times when you look into the mirror and think, woah, I'm really cool?

Jin: "Yeah. Whenever Nakamaru is standing next to me."


and apparently this is baby Jin.


Also, here is the "Why Jennifer?" and "All go to helicopter sky," for people who haven't seen it before.


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Guest 80slitenite

thanks for the quotes nelly! very funny

hahaha Why Jennifer XDD thanks for sharing that clip.

Where's the Car Shrimp quote from?

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Guest jesseski

And Keep the Faith never really grew on me. It still sounds like a Pokemon opening/ending song. English dub version because I have no idea what Japanese Pokemon songs sound like.

Just for your information, Japanese Pokemon songs were awful XD Like seriously, worse than the dub hehheeh.

If you guys are wondering why KAT-TUN is so popular, why don't you ask yourselves, the KAT-TUN fans. Why do you buy your merchandise, why are you a fan in the first place?

LOL. I don't even know myself. Basically because of Junno and Maru. If they weren't there I don't think I'd even bother with KAT-TUN :3

Uhh LIPS listening time .__. I've been at work all day and whatnot so..

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Guest superfreakk

LOL. I don't even know myself. Basically because of Junno and Maru. If they weren't there I don't think I'd even bother with KAT-TUN :3

lulz, I only really like Kame and then maybe Ueda and Nakamaru for his awesome beatboxing. o.o I don't buy KAT-TUN merchandise. :D

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Guest jesseski

I listened to LIPS.

I don't like it. It's boring -_____-;

lulz, I only really like Kame and then maybe Ueda and Nakamaru for his awesome beatboxing. o.o I don't buy KAT-TUN merchandise.

I shouldn't buy KAT-TUN stuff. Because I should spend my money on better things, but I always do anyway. And being me, I'll be gettings LIPS as well even though I don't like it. My money saving skills suck lately.

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