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Guest DivineX

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Actually, I heard someone say before that Keep The Faith's chorus reminds them of a Pokemon song

ROFL. I see it now . Gotta catch them all

yup that was jin singing (just checked it)

that family skit was cheesy but funny :P

ah his bakanis is cute... my fav. clip is this one:


when he bumps into the camera. It's my screen saver on my phone (yeah i'm evil XD)

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Guest Hιtσмι

hahaha i loved that clip *bumps into camera*

that moment was priceless!


jin does too much of the tounge sticking out now!

I remember in the concert he constantly does it and its just after a while.."eww"


only pv i actually liked was

real face and signal the rest are eh.....could be better.

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Guest jesseski

^ I really like those two pvs (Especially SIGNAL :3). But I think the others are dead boring. Especially YOU & Bokura no Machi de >__< Hopefully whatever they do next will be better. And more mulitcolored >:D

ah his bakanis is cute... my fav. clip is this one:


when he bumps into the camera. It's my screen saver on my phone (yeah i'm evil XD)

Wahaha what the- LOL. So stupid XD

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Guest superfreakk

^Yes he was... :tears:

I miss old Jin. -____-

Like I said, KAT-TUN should be producing better PVs considering how they actually get a budget for them, unlike other groups.


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Guest jesseski

^ I miss him too ;~;

I think KAT-TUN need to take things more seriously or something. I also think they get waaay too much attention, even though they aren't as great as some other groups.

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Guest heartkiller


theres always enough room for improvment but maybe its not that they get too much attention right now maybe its their taking on too much work and thats why the quality of their music and whatever is disinigrating

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^Could be....but I love the boys no matter what

I agree there voices need alot of improvement

but they will get better, when I saw this


I was really really impressed

I didnt think Kat-tun could pull off such a song and it really changed my opinion about them

yeh it was only 2 minutes long but still I was impressed, there voices were a lil shaky but I can say I took off my hat to them there.

only thing is that the fangirls on youtube thinks that's kat-tun's song when it really isnt lol

Kat-tun FTW

besides they make really catchy songs that stick in your head

gotta give them credit for that, it's not like they are just winking there eyes through the whole video and getting credit for that only unlike some j-artists *coughLeahDizoncough*

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Guest superfreakk

I think KAT-TUN need to take things more seriously or something. I also think they get waaay too much attention, even though they aren't as great as some other groups.

You know, sometimes I find myself thinking, "Why the heck is KAT-TUN so popular?" I mean, honestly, nobody's vocals there really blow me away or anything, although I have to admit that Jin can sing. And they aren't the hottest people ever. On the other hand, NewS is like, a crowd of hottness but then, not as popular. I mean, why exactly are they so popular in the first place? I mean, there are other groups that deserve some more attention. *coughNewSandTOKIOcough*

besides they make really catchy songs that stick in your head

gotta give them credit for that, it's not like they are just winking there eyes through the whole video and getting credit for that only unlike some j-artists *coughLeahDizoncough*

Well, they do get better songs, seeing as JE gives them a better budget compared to other groups. And eww, Leah Dizon. Why the heck is she even singing anyway? Isn't she one of those gravure idols? Ugh, and why does Ryo-chan like her anyways, I think her face looks so weird. I mean, sure hot body, but face is not that great. >__>

Don't get me wrong, I like KAT-TUN, or at least, the members individually, but their popularity is rather mind-boggling.

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You know, sometimes I find myself thinking, "Why the heck is KAT-TUN so popular?" I mean, honestly, nobody's vocals there really blow me away or anything, although I have to admit that Jin can sing. And they aren't the hottest people ever. On the other hand, NewS is like, a crowd of hottness but then, not as popular. I mean, why exactly are they so popular in the first place? I mean, there are other groups that deserve some more attention. *coughNewSandTOKIOcough*

Well, they do get better songs, seeing as JE gives them a better budget compared to other groups. And eww, Leah Dizon. Why the heck is she even singing anyway? Isn't she one of those gravure idols? Ugh, and why does Ryo-chan like her anyways, I think her face looks so weird. I mean, sure hot body, but face is not that great. >__>

Don't get me wrong, I like KAT-TUN, or at least, the members individually, but their popularity is rather mind-boggling.

Well it's not mind boggling for me, but I see what you mean

like I said, catchy songs, 6 very attractive guys and don't forget they are models..kind of, they have alot of endorsements

and all of them are actors except Ueda, plus they have there show Cartoon Kat-tun and not to mention they have the sweetest personalities

they are getting way more exposure than NEWS and that could be why they are more popular.

But reading what you posted

..that could be another reason why the seniors in JE including Kinki Kids dislike them.

Kinki Kids worked hard to get where they are

they work hard on there songs and can sing there butts off, but Kat-tun doesnt work nearly as hard and yet they are breaking records same way they are in the short time they were around.

but I have nothing against Kat-tun at all, they have alot of potential and as time goes by they will get better

I have alot of faith in them

they were my first JE boyband that I listened to and I will always support them

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Guest jesseski

You know, sometimes I find myself thinking, "Why the heck is KAT-TUN so popular?" I mean, honestly, nobody's vocals there really blow me away or anything, although I have to admit that Jin can sing. And they aren't the hottest people ever. On the other hand, NewS is like, a crowd of hottness but then, not as popular. I mean, why exactly are they so popular in the first place? I mean, there are other groups that deserve some more attention. *coughNewSandTOKIOcough*

I think Jin can sing when he tries. Sometimes his voice just annoys me though. I never really was wow'd by KAT-TUN's looks, especially not Jin or Kame. I think their popularity confuses me even more than KAT-TUN as a whole because I mean, KAT-TUN has Junno & Maru XD WHY does everyone like Jin so much O__O Seriously, I don't think he's that great looking, and he's an richard simmons >__< I can understand Kame a little more though, just not to the extent that some people like him. At least he's hardworking. But his face scares me O_o

And you're right. NEWS is like, a big ball of likeableness and KAT-TUN is just.. not. KAT-TUN are really un-JE-like, I think that's what annoys me.

But I like them, heh ^^;

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Well I like KAT-TUN's music style, they're catchy but not too poppy :)

I like their personalities as well.

I don't listen to JE boybands for their singing techniques.... if i wanted to hear awesome boyband singing, i would probably listen to the gospellers or something (they are so good).

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Guest mc_rox18

hah. one reason why KT's popular would be that they established their fanbase over a span of 5 years before debuting. gokusen 2 also helped matters. they also held concerts every year even before they debut, i dun really doubt why they're so popular especially after gokusen 2. in the sense of vocals wise, non in JE has vocals that can blow you off immediately. jin's one of the better ones alrdy. looks wise, i think all JE boys have the looks, it juz depends on wad appeals to you. i doubt bout the big budgest. cuz if you're a JE fan, you'll know that KT's not veyr much favoured by the management in JE, the old man johnny prefers NewS alot more. for sure, their debut had a big budget, but you cna tell slowly from their latest PVs(Keep the faith is one good example), their budgest are getting lesser. and about the songs, haha at least they're not singing some really gross bubbly gum pop song.

about the popularity of other groups, haha its juz cuz KT had established a fanbase for about 6-7 years by now, hence they have more fans. NewS was a group that was haphazardly put together and many JE fans disliked them cuz yamapi was pulled out from 4tops(a jr grp) and placed together with a few non-popular jrs. but NewS is getting there alrdy. well KT's disliked by many of their seniors because and they have admitted why also. ahha bcuz they like to act cool too much (like backdancing adding a few moves here and there to look better) and they're a very individualistic group where each member's character is so diff.

about their image, people always complain bout jin's unenthusiasiam. but i'm sure if you were a fan long enough, you would know jin is a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve and his emotions are plain to see and he is a guy who is abit slow-witted. he responds slower than the rest, you just have to notice carefully. he and kame are really diff, kame's a real pro but jin can never be like that which is bad for him seeing that he's a celebrity.

i may sound like a biased fan but i think KT's come a long long way, debutting only 5 yrs of formation. kanjani8 and NewS have debuted before them even though they were just formed before their debut. it's nice to see them receiving the fruits of their labour. and bout jin's study trip to LA, there's definitely more them meets the eye, come on it's JE, they'll never let one of their up and rising stars leave the country, wad more jin who's one of KT's main vocals. (you cannot doubt that, did you hear real face when he was gone?) no one will ever noe the true reason for his departure.

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Guest superfreakk

Yeah, I knew that Jin's departure was more than just to "further his education".

And actually, I think Ohno's vocals are also impressive. As well as Tegoshi, but around NewS, he tends to sing as bad as the rest of them.

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Guest chubbyone

hah. one reason why KT's popular would be that they established their fanbase over a span of 5 years before debuting. gokusen 2 also helped matters. they also held concerts every year even before they debut, i dun really doubt why they're so popular especially after gokusen 2. in the sense of vocals wise, non in JE has vocals that can blow you off immediately. jin's one of the better ones alrdy. looks wise, i think all JE boys have the looks, it juz depends on wad appeals to you. i doubt bout the big budgest. cuz if you're a JE fan, you'll know that KT's not veyr much favoured by the management in JE, the old man johnny prefers NewS alot more. for sure, their debut had a big budget, but you cna tell slowly from their latest PVs(Keep the faith is one good example), their budgest are getting lesser. and about the songs, haha at least they're not singing some really gross bubbly gum pop song.

about the popularity of other groups, haha its juz cuz KT had established a fanbase for about 6-7 years by now, hence they have more fans. NewS was a group that was haphazardly put together and many JE fans disliked them cuz yamapi was pulled out from 4tops(a jr grp) and placed together with a few non-popular jrs. but NewS is getting there alrdy. well KT's disliked by many of their seniors because and they have admitted why also. ahha bcuz they like to act cool too much (like backdancing adding a few moves here and there to look better) and they're a very individualistic group where each member's character is so diff.

about their image, people always complain bout jin's unenthusiasiam. but i'm sure if you were a fan long enough, you would know jin is a guy who wears his heart on his sleeve and his emotions are plain to see and he is a guy who is abit slow-witted. he responds slower than the rest, you just have to notice carefully. he and kame are really diff, kame's a real pro but jin can never be like that which is bad for him seeing that he's a celebrity.

i may sound like a biased fan but i think KT's come a long long way, debutting only 5 yrs of formation. kanjani8 and NewS have debuted before them even though they were just formed before their debut. it's nice to see them receiving the fruits of their labour. and bout jin's study trip to LA, there's definitely more them meets the eye, come on it's JE, they'll never let one of their up and rising stars leave the country, wad more jin who's one of KT's main vocals. (you cannot doubt that, did you hear real face when he was gone?) no one will ever noe the true reason for his departure.

I know, I'm a biased fan of KAT-TUN. I also think that they worked hard for their fame. I actually enjoy their performances and concerts. I haven't like a japanese boy group for a long time before KAT-TUN came along. I wish them all the best in years to come and hope to hear and see more of them.

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Guest Hιtσмι

I've liked KAT-TUN and noticed them while they were still backdancers for many other seniors

and they've improved at one time

trying last couple years before they debuted

and they debuted quite sucessfully! got to give them credit for that

but now feels like KAT-TUN has died again, ever since their debut they never came out strong again

their songs are little weird...the PV's are O__o"""

Jin now is kinda slacking off, but i guess he slacked off for an whole entire year

but other other members of kat-tun are really trying to pull their fame together

beforeu dont see much of the members talking and contributing much ideas

but now Koki and Maru has really come out strong

Junno is getting there too!

and Ueda i gave up on that guy quite to long ago

hes really emo-ish hes more off better to be in a Jrock group

since he likes alot of Jrock people

and his song and style is really there

he hardly talks which is weird....like hello ur part of the group -waves-


and yes personally i think gouksen 2 did really give kat-tun a really big push

espically jin and kame

maybe dats why before they were more popular than

but kat-tun has some catchy songs, their solo songs arent bad

but their dancing pisises me off

they keep moving their hips way to much

jin needs to stop licking his lips and dance properly!

All of them need to dance AS A GROUP


KAT-TUN is really starting to dissapoint me alot....

hope they'll come back strong again

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Guest superfreakk

Weelll, biased fans or not, I hope nobody here starts making a huge deal about all this. I'm a biased NewS fan, so the attention KAT-TUN gets makes me wonder sometimes. Just calm down before anything ugly happens 'kay?

Anyways, I think you made some valid points and I think I understand why they're so popular now. Thank you.


and he seems like he's just a quiet person to me. :/

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I think Jin can sing when he tries. Sometimes his voice just annoys me though. I never really was wow'd by KAT-TUN's looks, especially not Jin or Kame. I think their popularity confuses me even more than KAT-TUN as a whole because I mean, KAT-TUN has Junno & Maru XD WHY does everyone like Jin so much O__O Seriously, I don't think he's that great looking, and he's an richard simmons >__< I can understand Kame a little more though, just not to the extent that some people like him. At least he's hardworking. But his face scares me O_o

And you're right. NEWS is like, a big ball of likeableness and KAT-TUN is just.. not. KAT-TUN are really un-JE-like, I think that's what annoys me.

But I like them, heh ^^;

Lol but Jin wasnt always an a-word

he got a lil conceited after america

but maybe J.Kitagawa is gettin on his nerves

I don't find Kat-tun's music dissappointing at the moment either

keep the faith is a freakin good song <3

and as for there looks

I always thought all of them were attractive

especially Jin lol, dun no one gotta agree with me but Jin is one of the freakin sexiest men in JE

His face is like woah!

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Guest jesseski

Firstly: HOMY. People with a hell of a lot to say have appeared. O__O Eep. In any case, I still love KAT-TUN (I have all their dvds o_o My money~ TT^TT), though I know I hate on them a lot ^^; I'm not trying to start an argument; everyone has their own opinions :3

Weelll, biased fans or not, I hope nobody here starts making a huge deal about all this. I'm a biased NewS fan, so the attention KAT-TUN gets makes me wonder sometimes. Just calm down before anything ugly happens 'kay?

Ehehhe I'm obviously a biased NEWS fan too. But even so, NEWS and KAT-TUN are really different so... *shrug* ^^


and he seems like he's just a quiet person to me. :/

Ueda used to scare me though that appears a common thing with me and KAT-TUN XD. But OHMYGOSH. He is *___* And he's so.. strange XD But the way he holds his microphone has a habit of annoying me.

UGH#@&$(^@# I love LOST *___*

Lol but Jin wasnt always an a-word

he got a lil conceited after america

but maybe J.Kitagawa is gettin on his nerves

I don't find Kat-tun's music dissappointing at the moment either

keep the faith is a freakin good song <3

and as for there looks

I always thought all of them were attractive

especially Jin lol, dun no one gotta agree with me but Jin is one of the freakin sexiest men in JE

His face is like woah!

Ahh~ Oops. Maybe my insulting went too far *snorts* And I like Keep the faith too :3

Yeah, see, it took me about a year to even consider he was good looking. I could never ever understand it. I mean, I see it more these days, but I still think he has a square face and a scary mouth XD But his eyes are pretty *____*

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