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[Official] HyunJae~MinWon*KangMinHyuk-HaJiWon*0628*Couple


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here's to hoping HJW will watch CNBLUE concert just like LSG concert. hahahaha but who knows haist..  i just wish them well after this show. and hope they will continue thier communication as friends or maybe more..  haist..  i think i will stop RL ship now.  cause it will just break my heart..  just as my hubby hopes i will be back to normal after the show ends hehehe, 

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Hi everyone! Thanks for the gifs! I can’t decide yet which BTS I like the most but the one on the barge is one of my favorites. HJW nearly falling off the barge and accidenatlly cutting her palm were not planned so their reactions were all natural. The sweetness was just overflowing. 


Oh that group picture is giving me heartache. It’s a painful reminder that the drama is ending. :(


@ara8 Glad you joined us here. I agree, KMH is a really good match for HJW in RL. Their personalities really match each other and they are both successful with their respective careers. Both are very close and loving to their families too. The problem is that we don’t know if KMH is ready to settle down anytime soon and he still has to complete military service. HJW on the other hand needs to settle down very soon if she is looking to have babies of her own. 


@hjwtokyo thanks for all the info about KDW. I don’t know KDW that much but I do know they had to learn a particular dance for the movie Duelist and it looks like it required a lot of body contact. They also had to practice a lot of the fight scenes so I guess spending that much time together made them really close. Too bad KDW doesn’t do dramas, I think he would be a perfect leading man to HJW.

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1 hour ago, hjwtokyo said:

@happyy  He is probably exhausted from filming long hours and balancing his CNBLUE duties for the past few months.  Who wouldn't?!  I saw that he posted on his IG that he set up his electronic drums to start practicing for the Japan tour.  I can't imagine doing both but those CNBLUE guys do work hard (I think all of them have been filming while touring for CNBLUE except for Yonghwa b/c his was pre-produced).  Plus, he must be feeling something as HS drama is coming to an end -- his first lead role!  Sadness? Satisfaction? Happiness? He's probably experiencing all emotions . . . particularly since the drama was well-received.  

thanks for the great comments @hjwtokyo! Now i can work quietly. If they date, at least KMH is not too depressed by seeing smiles and laughter HJW eonni. I think you are the biggest fan of HJW eonnie, you know every detail about her, how lucky you are. Have you seen photos of HJW eonnie_KMH meetings with their mothers. As a true fan, what do you think?

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imo if she did reject him, I don't think they would have such interactions in the photo taking video which just happened yesterday:tongue: and for JW and KDW, tho I didn't look into this ship, after reading some of the comments, I guess they could be dating at that time and remain friends after break up...(if they really did)

I know MH is a shy guy but I can't really sense his shyness when he's with JW but rather so comfortable to almost confident most of the time I would say.


btw, MH said he wants to marry early in this show (Part1 2:43-2:47) 

Part 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-dyGhVaHrnidFhoc1FGb3lOeHc/view?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C4861608485

Part 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-dyGhVaHrnidjZUREhzUUQwazQ/view?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C1814094143

I've already mentioned this show earlier but I think it's definitely worth watching if any of you would like to know more abt MH, that's why I post it again. 

p.s. I see some new faces here haha welcome all!! :heart:


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27 minutes ago, elfvanvan said:

here's to hoping HJW will watch CNBLUE concert just like LSG concert. hahahaha but who knows haist..  i just wish them well after this show. and hope they will continue thier communication as friends or maybe more..  haist..  i think i will stop RL ship now.  cause it will just break my heart..  just as my hubby hopes i will be back to normal after the show ends hehehe, 

You are exactly right, we have to go back to normal life. But for me it's the first time to become a shipper and it feels so excitings as if i feel the first love again. I will continue to be a shipper, it makes my days more colorful. Of course, i can't break the limit as a fan

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Ha ha ha! Why stop the rl ship? I think a good number of us here have had our hearts broken my our beloved HJW one too many times.  Though looking back on SeGa bts, it does seem like she and HB were just very very good friends and hit it off super well, and he took care of her then. All this with the benefit of hindsight, of course :wink: i wonder why j was so crazy then. It does bring back memories of that time in my life though ... 

we'll get through this together! It'll be ok, real life will help us too.


I was thinking about it some more. Do you think the real reason for all these HJW ships is because we are actually fangirling HJW and not actually the guys  ? I feel like it's like that for me. Haha. I just find her so intriguing. Although with the benefit of working and having my own family, I know she probably has a boring life in the sense that she is work and family focused, and that doesn't leave a lot of time for love. I admire her commitment to her craft but lady! Get married and put me out of my shipper misery so i can watch more of your dramas without falling so hard. Hahahahaha

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54 minutes ago, valc22 said:

imo if she did reject him, I don't think they would have such interactions in the photo taking video which just happened yesterday:tongue: and for JW and KDW, tho I didn't look into this ship, after reading some of the comments, I guess they could be dating at that time and remain friends after break up...(if they really did)

I know MH is a shy guy but I can't really sense his shyness when he's with JW but rather so comfortable to almost confident most of the time I would say.


btw, MH said he wants to marry early in this show (Part1 2:43-2:47) 

Part 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-dyGhVaHrnidFhoc1FGb3lOeHc/view?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C4861608485

Part 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-dyGhVaHrnidjZUREhzUUQwazQ/view?_e_pi_=7%2CPAGE_ID10%2C1814094143

I've already mentioned this show earlier but I think it's definitely worth watching if any of you would like to know more abt MH, that's why I post it again. 

p.s. I see some new faces here haha welcome all!! :heart:


Thanks @valc22, looks like you have a lot of resources on KMH. Watching his interviews definitely help to understand him better as a man. I find I like him more and more as i get to know him better. I just finished watching the part 1 of the links your provided. He is  obviously not a player, truthful, quick witted and wise/mature, someone who doesn't play guessing games with woman , will let her know if he likes her, he wants to get married early? (this is new to me. I thought he had said he either get married late or doesn't get married at all?). He obviously made the younger host Jun Hyosung (?) blushed when they dialogued in front of the group, so funny to watch. 


I am going to continue shipping because I have never shipped any actors before so never experienced a broken heart, haha...just don't dampen my upbeat mood. LOL . Because I like HJW enough, I am interested in the man in her  life currently, I feel like I am a mother goose looking for a good potential son in law ...lol.


OK, i did say I would count how many times HJW touched KMH in the BTS, it's 11 times (exclude the time when he saved her from falling) , KMH touched her 4 times :)



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Ugh sorry i keep thinking of stuff i wanna say.

Why all this focus on HJW and KMH age gap though? There was a drama earlier this year where go so young (JDG wife) was paired with Sung Joon who is like 27 and she is 44. Poor HJW in a way i guess, fame and being a kdrama sweetheart has its price :'( 

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9 minutes ago, lemonysnicket said:

Ugh sorry i keep thinking of stuff i wanna say.

Why all this focus on HJW and KMH age gap though? There was a drama earlier this year where go so young (JDG wife) was paired with Sung Joon who is like 27 and she is 44. Poor HJW in a way i guess, fame and being a kdrama sweetheart has its price :'( 

I watched that. Not much chemistry though!

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@monki there wasn't right?? But i like yoon sang hyun (is that his name, i just call him OSKA that was his character's name in SeGa) and the story was.... weird but not bad so i tried to watch it but gave up in the end. 

Ok, if we are gg to continue shipping, from past experience we need to tap on international fans resources. Specifically are there any chinese forums? I will try to do a tieba search later but I'm not hopeful. Lol. Instagram will only lead us so far though i must say the various 1023s resources are quite something... they always update so fast! And they started following KMH on instagram too. 

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54 minutes ago, monki said:

Thanks @valc22, looks like you have a lot of resources on KMH. Watching his interviews definitely help to understand him better as a man. I find I like him more and more as i get to know him better. I just finished watching the part 1 of the links your provided. He is  obviously not a player, truthful, quick witted and wise/mature, someone who doesn't play guessing games with woman , will let her know if he likes her, he wants to get married early? (this is new to me. I thought he had said he either get married late or doesn't get married at all?). He obviously made the younger host Jun Hyosung (?) blushed when they dialogued in front of the group, so funny to watch. 


I am going to continue shipping because I have never shipped any actors before so never experienced a broken heart, haha...just don't dampen my upbeat mood. LOL . Because I like HJW enough, I am interested in the man in her  life currently, I feel like I am a mother goose looking for a good potential son in law ...lol.

I came across this video when I was watching clips from his previous drama on youtube (to see if he's really capable to act alongside with JW)...I'm always attracted by such kind of guys:tongue:, that's why I started watching "I live alone". But I didn't watch the other shows until I started shipping them sooooo hard. I watched that show a few days ago and I found it quite useful for our analysis hahahahahaha and ofc it's so funny to watch that's why I shared it to u guy. I'm sure MH's fans can provide more resources lol


I can totally relate hahaha tho I can't even find one for myself


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2 hours ago, elfvanvan said:

here's to hoping HJW will watch CNBLUE concert just like LSG concert. hahahaha but who knows haist..  i just wish them well after this show. and hope they will continue thier communication as friends or maybe more..  haist..  i think i will stop RL ship now.  cause it will just break my heart..  just as my hubby hopes i will be back to normal after the show ends hehehe, 

Personally i don't mind ship RL, the hardest for me is ship in Real Times. My heart can't handle it :lol:. Usually from the previous ship..i ship not really real times. This couple is the first ship i've been waiting day by day, investigation from bts to next bts, waiting their update on IG..and next after drama ended the homework still continues..lol. Never knew before being shipper in real times affected to my routine. :D

Thanks that we have this thread. So i m not crazy alone hahahaha

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1 hour ago, lemonysnicket said:

Ha ha ha! Why stop the rl ship? I think a good number of us here have had our hearts broken my our beloved HJW one too many times.  Though looking back on SeGa bts, it does seem like she and HB were just very very good friends and hit it off super well, and he took care of her then. All this with the benefit of hindsight, of course :wink: i wonder why j was so crazy then. It does bring back memories of that time in my life though ... 

we'll get through this together! It'll be ok, real life will help us too.


I was thinking about it some more. Do you think the real reason for all these HJW ships is because we are actually fangirling HJW and not actually the guys  ? I feel like it's like that for me. Haha. I just find her so intriguing. Although with the benefit of working and having my own family, I know she probably has a boring life in the sense that she is work and family focused, and that doesn't leave a lot of time for love. I admire her commitment to her craft but lady! Get married and put me out of my shipper misery so i can watch more of your dramas without falling so hard. Hahahahaha

Yess..i think the reason is we just tooooo love her!! :D

I personally want hjw find a good guy. She already hard working in her career and had a hard path in her life when her father passed away. I hope she will be happy with anyone she choose

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I think the majority of us here are HJW's fans correct? With a few CNBLUE/Min Hyuk's fans?

Most of her fans here (esp the long time fans) have established that she is fond of him  based on how well we know about her, anyone disagreed or have a different view?


Now, I think we are not as confident that we know if  he likes her romantically although she seems to meet his some of his ideal type criteria (someone who is comfortable like a friend, beautiful eyes and cute smile).

Thankfully, he is someone that would act decisively if he is certain of the girl he likes (according to that much I know about him from his interviews), so hopefully we don't have to wait for too long to know if this ship is sailing or sinking. 

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23 minutes ago, lemonysnicket said:

Hahaha @monki it may be days or weeks or YEARS before we know anything if at all. 

Anw nothing on tieba, boo. Chinese fans just love HJW and that's it. 

Really? Is soompi shippers paradise the only forum that ships actors in rl? Do we have anyone here from China/Taiwan/HK ?


Her age can make the wait shorter, she can't wait for too long if she wants to settle down. 

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4 hours ago, lemonysnicket said:

Ha ha ha! Why stop the rl ship? I think a good number of us here have had our hearts broken my our beloved HJW one too many times.  Though looking back on SeGa bts, it does seem like she and HB were just very very good friends and hit it off super well, and he took care of her then. All this with the benefit of hindsight, of course :wink: i wonder why j was so crazy then. It does bring back memories of that time in my life though ... 

we'll get through this together! It'll be ok, real life will help us too.


I was thinking about it some more. Do you think the real reason for all these HJW ships is because we are actually fangirling HJW and not actually the guys  ? I feel like it's like that for me. Haha. I just find her so intriguing. Although with the benefit of working and having my own family, I know she probably has a boring life in the sense that she is work and family focused, and that doesn't leave a lot of time for love. I admire her commitment to her craft but lady! Get married and put me out of my shipper misery so i can watch more of your dramas without falling so hard. Hahahahaha

hahahaha guess you are right i like her and hoping she will settle down,  that is why iam so invested in this ship and i really really like it to sail..  and if this sink i think my heart cant take it..  this is my first real and invested RL my other RL iam not so invested on sails well hehehe though recently they broke up, my anime/ manga ship sails well too except for the last one that author cause me a heartache..  so that why,  but i will still support them even if this ship will sink..  so fighthing!! hahahahaha

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@monki nah there are lotsa forums but it depends on whether the couple wins people's hearts all over Asia. I guess SeGa was just super duper huge and had a great impact so there were many avenues people took to to express their shipping hearts.  


Btw to @urie888 and... I'm not sure who was the other one who posted, can you believe it actually crossed my mind as well that KMH may have told HJW he likes her??? This was before i read either of your posts. I wanted to respond earlier but felt it was a bit delulu.... Haha  ok but that makes 3 of us delulus. I dont know why but i just feel he has been rather emo in the bts and on Instagram. I mean tiredness and emotional drain of rehearsing drums and filming aside, I got that vibe from him too. Omg. 


@elfvanvan totally feel you. I am preparing for my shipper heart to shatter in a million pieces but for some reason i can't help myself. Why. WHY. What is so different about this time? Or are we just encouraging each others' delulu. 

And I'm sitting in my parked car typing this as the rain falls, while my mum and two children are waiting for me upstairs. Times like this i feel so juvenile lol 


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