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[OFFICIAL] GUM COUPLE ❤ | Kim Nam Gil & Kim Ah Joong | Im ❤ Kyung


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46 minutes ago, Casper168 said:

Hold on....so if there is director's cut, does that mean kaj n kng have to reunite to do the commentary?? :huh: i've seen dots did it with the second lead as well. 


Im going to be over the moon if they are going to do it too. 

Been on delurking mode for the past couple of days as I enjoyed reading all your analysis. Keep it coming guys. :) And to all new shippers we have here, welcome aboard! Lets enjoy spazzing and having fun for these two beautiful people. 


Yes, they will surely work together again for the DCut. I also saw it to WFKBJ/DOTS where the lead star work again for commentary. I noticed, that this two lead actors became couple in reality. :) 


@sukbin and @starrymaze -I really love your post. Keep it coming. I would not mind reading all your long analysis for out Gum Couple. 


And for the DCut, im so excited for it. I hope it was already release when I visit Korea this thanksgiving. :)

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56 minutes ago, icedmilktea said:

 In the 4th video he was singing Nandemonaiya by Radwimps (for the film Kimi no Nawa) 

His soft voice really fits the song! :wub:


@icedmilktea fulfills KAJ's criteria of a man with nice voice. :grin:


4 minutes ago, sight_stv said:

@clare009 omg... so i must imagine the next chapter on my mind? lol, ok because the situation is similar to how they are now, like KNG still busy.. and only KAJ do the interview, i guess i will be waiting the next chapter in "real life" version lol . Thank you again! its such amazing fanfic that touch ma heart :D 


@sight_stv I know right... Its like another interview with KAJ praising KNG to the skies and she is like totally happily in love! Hope this is another couple transformed from reel to real life!

2 minutes ago, ehy0301 said:

Been on delurking mode for the past couple of days as I enjoyed reading all your analysis. Keep it coming guys. :) And to all new shippers we have here, welcome aboard! Lets enjoy spazzing and having fun for these two beautiful people. 


Yes, they will surely work together again for the DCut. I also saw it to WFKBJ/DOTS where the lead star work again for commentary. I noticed, that this two lead actors became couple in reality. :)


@ehy0301 OMO they will work together again? So all of these couples fall in love in reality? YAY! Can't wait to see them together and may the sparks continue to fly! hehe if only they do CF together. Sure drive us crazy with their chemistry!

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@mantleprey yes SongSong Couple from DOTS and now they are getting married. 8 more days to go before the D-Day. and NamLee for WFKBJ, sadly they broke up and just been on a relationship for 4 mos. I hope our Gum couple will be like SSC who continue their story after their drama.


 Surely when the dcut will release we will have more scene to spazz. I'm so excited for it, chingus. 

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30 minutes ago, mantleprey said:


@sight_stv I know right... Its like another interview with KAJ praising KNG to the skies and she is like totally happily in love! Hope this is another couple transformed from reel to real life!



Yes lol, she is already testing the water maybe 2 or 3 times.. and her agency already do it with post her photo with KNG lol, and for the d-cut of course they will watch together again and give their commentar lol! gonna be epic and a lot of things to spazz! maybe we just gonna wait another month not year until they announce it lol!

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15 hours ago, sight_stv said:

@gilgirl welcome aboard!! ahh so you watch running man too, after i watch LUTYN i cant watch any drama, i just watch running man to keep my shipper heart keep intact :D 

Sorry oot. Yup, I am a devoted runningman fan that religiously follow every ep but since gary left and get married, i feel empty and just watch runningman to entertain myself with no feeling attach anymore.


Hoping my ultimate OTP this time will sail succesfully cause i'm afraid of another painful heart of mine due to sinked ship T_T.  *fingercross

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50 minutes ago, sight_stv said:


Yes lol, she is already testing the water maybe 2 or 3 times.. and her agency already do it with post her photo with KNG lol, and for the d-cut of course they will watch together again and give their commentar lol! gonna be epic and a lot of things to spazz! maybe we just gonna wait another month not year until they announce it lol!

I'm starting to imagine the kiss scene while our Gum Couple watching it and giving their comments. Nyahaha :)

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9 minutes ago, gilgirl said:

Sorry oot. Yup, I am a devoted runningman fan that religiously follow every ep but since gary left and get married, i feel empty and just watch runningman to entertain myself with no feeling attach anymore.


Hoping my ultimate OTP this time will sail succesfully cause i'm afraid of another painful heart of mine due to sinked ship T_T.  *fingercross


Yes, lets keep our hope high chingu! because our queen already drop so much hint, all we need is KNG point of view right now, cheer up :D 

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12 minutes ago, ehy0301 said:

I'm starting to imagine the kiss scene while our Gum Couple watching it and giving their comments. Nyahaha :)


LOL!! maybe they just gonna say "aigo... aigo... omo..." because they are too shy to give a comment lol! :D but they already watch it together before right? on the wrap up party if im right, they watch it with all the staff lol 

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On 10/19/2017 at 11:04 PM, shiqin3381 said:

I think KNG is so creative to suggest the CPF pervert scene for the opening to lighten up the episode.


Come to think, i had the feeling the bra scene and the leg rubbing under the table also NG idea. 


NG must have alot of erotic ideas on set.

Heol!! You've make me think it again. 

Aigu~ Micchingo gattaeyo~ :D

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On 10/21/2017 at 6:07 PM, Ohsh said:

Agree that it is not ideal to force the issue now, especially since KNG is away on film site and they are not able to communicate properly. They need time and space to talk it out first. However if it really blows up then I would hope that the guy speaks up else now it does give the impression that it is one sided on the girl’s part and that is not good for her image. KNG, please man up!

Ah whaegurae geu journalist deul. I felt pity for KAJ. :( If there's no statements from KNG side, geureom eoteokkhae? Hope she was fine and doesnt really get her mind away. We all knew she was being in good state for loving phase after LUTYN filming with him, we all knew she could be hard to be in love, if she could, and things that happened like this actually can distracted her intension to keep her will and their relationship for future. If anything happened, blame should be poured to them~ :angry:

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53 minutes ago, sight_stv said:


LOL!! maybe they just gonna say "aigo... aigo... omo..." because they are too shy to give a comment lol! :D but they already watch it together before right? on the wrap up party if im right, they watch it with all the staff lol 

Yes during the wrap up party but this time they will watch it with the few number of people and they already out of their character now. Plus, they will remember how their "T" works during that scene.:lol:

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14 minutes ago, ehy0301 said:

Yes during the wrap up party but this time they will watch it with the few number of people and they already out of their character now. Plus, they will remember how their "T" works during that scene.:lol:


LOL!! their T, laughing so hard on that, yes cant wait!! hope on the upcoming event we can get something new :D:D 

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12 hours ago, clare009 said:

Well, since it's okay, here's a little RPF short that I wrote in response to all the lovely posts I've read in this forum. I hope you enjoy. 


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and in no way describes the actions any real people. Any mistakes are my own.


From Seoul to Busan


The text came in at 2 am.


-- Are you awake?


I am now, she thought, rubbing her eyes. She hadn't been sleeping very well anyway, and her heart gave a little squeeze when she saw the writing on the soft glow her phone screen. In the beginning, they'd texted back and forth like crazy, but she hadn't heard from him at all in the last five days. She typed back:


-- Yes. What's up?


His reply was instant.


-- I'm tired. Filming just wrapped for the night. 


She could only imaging how much of an understatement that was. He'd gone straight from their drama into this movie with no break. He threw himself, body and soul, into his work, and she'd seen some of the photos on the net that his fans had captured. He was exhausted. She didn't want to admit that she was being a bit of a stalker searching for signs of him online. 


-- How much longer do you have for this project?


-- Tomorrow is our last day on location. 


She knew that wouldn't officially be the end of it. They'd have studio time. Audio work. Promotion. She really wanted to know when he'd be back in Seoul. She wanted to know if he would want to see her when he was.


-- Then get some sleep, Oppa. 


She waited for a minute, but didn't get a response. He must have taken her advice right away. 

Her lips twitched and she stretched to put her phone back on the table. She should do the same. She had an upcoming fan meeting in Japan to prepare for, and already scripts were coming in and her manager was pressing her to choose her next project. Her career was her priority, and she shouldn't forget that. She had to take full advantage of the success of her last drama. That success, she knew, all came down to the electric chemistry that she had shared with her co-star. 


Her heart clenched a little more tightly. 


She was a veteran. She knew that the emotions experienced while filming shouldn't be translated into reality, but damn if it didn't hurt in the same way. 


Just as she was starting to drowse off again, her phone dinged. 


-- When I get back to Seoul, let's talk. 


Her heart rose to her throat as she read the words in black and white. She typed back quickly.


-- About what? 

-- We'll talk when I get back. Just promise that you'll wait for me. Get some sleep, too. Good night.


Her fingers hovered over her phone. She had so much to say. So much to ask. But not like this. She bit her lip for a moment, then made her decision. Her manager was going to kill her. 




He was more than tired. His body ached from head to toe and his cough had gotten worse. His mind was in a fog, and he couldn't sleep with all the thoughts he had swirling through it. That's probably why he had broken his rule and texted her. 


A week ago he had forced himself to put down his phone and step away from the messages they'd been sending back and forth. He had been going crazy, and he didn't know if what he felt was real or fake. All he knew was that he wanted to touch her, hold her… kiss her. 


PD nim had pulled him aside, noticing he was off his game. That's when he had decided he needed a clean break and to focus solely on his acting.


It hadn't worked. He missed her still, as if she had always been some part of him that now he'd lost. Even now his chest ached as he stared at the words he had not been able to hold back from sending to her. 


Let's talk. Wait for me. 


If anything, this last week of forced silence had driven home that this wasn't fake at all. If anything, what he felt when he had last seen her had not diminished, but had grown inside him until he felt like he wanted to burst. 


He held his phone to his chest and squeezed his eyes shut. Oh god, how was he even going to be able to sleep now? Would she message him back? What was she thinking about? Had she guessed at his own thoughts? How did she feel? Maybe to her, he was nothing more than a former colleague. Maybe he had imagined everything…


He checked his phone to see if she'd responded. He'd told her to go to sleep, but he guessed she would be a bit more persistent. His fingers hovered over his phone, damn the waiting, he was tempted to call her and declare himself right then. He pulled back, shaking his head. He needed to see her face for this. Even if she rejected him, he wanted her to do it in person. 


Dropping his phone on the table next to the bed, he collapsed onto the mattress and prepared himself for another restless night.


Somehow, sleep eventually found him. The next thing he knew he was being woken up by thumping on the door of his hotel room. 


"Coming," he called as he stumbled out of bed. Had he slept in? The clock on the night stand showed it was only 8 am. They weren't supposed to pick him up to go to the set for at least another couple of hours. His manager said he would call to get him up before that. 


He pulled on some drawstring pants and a t-shirt, then ran his fingers through his hair. 

Reaching for the door handle, he readied some caustic words for his manager. He could have at least let him sleep for another hour. 


But the person looking up at him on the other side of the door was not his manager. It was her.

His heart stopped beating, then stuttered and starting to thump quickly once more. 


"You're here," he said, his brain still trying to catch up with what his eyes were telling him. 


She nodded. Her eyes were red and there were dark smudges beneath them. 




Looking down at her hands which were trembling, she said, "I drove."


"From Seoul?"


"I didn't stop." She looked back up at him, and he could feel it, everything he felt before and more. He didn't doubt anymore. Her eyes told him everything. "I missed you," she said just as he reached for her and pulled her into his arms.


"I know. I missed you too."

I hit the sad smiley because i need more....... Omooo...i can easily played it as drama in my head, i can barely imagined it easily... Please continue to shine chingu...your fiction was so good! Respect~ Respect~

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