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Actually, the Principal is really sooo funny.. His almost permanent frown add so much comedy effect to the show. All those determination in catching X is just soooooo hilarious! Poor guy! :D:D 

I wonder what will epi15-16 bring. So far, all the angst we often have in other dramas, we didn't experience it here. Like EH and TW made up almost immediately in Epi 11-12, SR and EH too.. I can't wait for Monday!  

By the way, I think all the epis are shot randomly.... because in 14, we can see the blisters from before on TW's lips... or izit too much kisseu scenes HTW-ssi? :heart: Blisters didn't get to fully recover! Haha! 




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I will put everything that not directly related to our drama in spoiler box


@AshlinT Binggoo is only 2 episodes drama, the chemistry was super good. Junghyun did a great job and Sunhwa was following okay. I saw Sunhwa's post with Junghyun, she posted as her character in the drama. Seeing she always post about her partners in any project, I don't think that Junghyun is more special than any other partners of her. In School 2017 press conference, they are addressing each other formally, and I think they are just colleagues. 

Although I brought up about Sejunghyun, I will refrain myself to ship them in real life haha. Sejong is having a big fandom right now, her career is more important than anything else, she wants her mother to only walk flower path she provides on her own. And I don't want any complicated thing for both sejong and Junghyun, thinking that old soul Junghyun must face Sejong's fans still makes me tremble haha.I hope her Junghyun oppa also sets his foot in more projects. If fate allows they will meet again somehow not as fellow actor. I will put my trust to destiny. 


@leina93 ikr?! the drama is just super touching, I like every moments. Heechan was reaaaaally nice back then hahaha.

@hazeljrr_c922 pretzel hug, omooo nice name. Thank you, now it's easy to mention that hug now we have its name kk~~ that time while watching it suddenly a question popped to my mind "who the hell have an idea about this hug? he/she must be a player" hahaha now I am wondering if he is one? kkk~~ haven't seen anything like that in any other Kdramas

I keep thinking that the one who reporting Taewoon to his father is Heechan, he said he has another idea to crush them on epi 12. but how did he get those X stuffs? sigh~~~

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We all know the  amount of chemistry of our two leads, to the point that I am practically swooning every scene they are together.   

By western reckoning,  they are  27 and 21.  As actor/idol -actress, they have to work on their careers.    I wish all of the cast a long career that makes each of them happy and fulfilled.    I do hope the School 2017 cast stay in touch (they have a chatroom they made during the script reading),  retain the same camaraderie in future, and somehow meet again during the milestones in their lives (of course there is the after-drama dinner and yearend kbs drama awards).  

I feel like I am saying goodbye to the cast even if we still have two eps to go.  I feel they probably are done, or nearly done with shooting by now.  :huh:

@tituyphing  it was @USAFarmgirl who coined "pretzel embrace" when ep  12 aired raw, and kbsdrama official youtube provided that scene. It caught, what a nice name for the hug.   I think the steps were  SJ's  idea and the pretzel, JH's,  in the bts? 

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@hazeljrr_c922 Yups, the step was Sejeong's idea while the pretzel and the way they are holding hands were Junghyun's idea. what I am wondering is he real 'one' (a player in real) haha...

No, they will still filming until Sunday I think. if the weather is good I wish they can wrap up on Saturday. but if the weather goes bad again they will have no other choice to keep filming until Monday. So sad. 

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21 hours ago, tituyphing said:


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actually I want to separate on screen love line to real life, seriously. I am no the type shipping actors in real. Never once (even the actor I like recently just dating his on screen love counterpart kk) But in one occasion Sejong said she tends to like older type of man. Like Ma Dong Seok. I like Sejong's personality. And she is really mature for her age but also cute looking and so bright, suits Junghyun's old soul well. Ahahaha I did some researches bout them two. Junhyun is quite, manly, shy and serious type but also caring, I was like 'oh' when he bought Sejong vitamin  But both actors still have long long way in their career path, so if there is something brewing I hope they keep it secret. And I don't mind if Junghyun sees Sejong as cute lil sis, since she doesn't have sis. 


3 hours ago, tituyphing said:

I will put everything that not directly related to our drama in spoiler box

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Although I brought up about Sejunghyun, I will refrain myself to ship them in real life haha. Sejong is having a big fandom right now, her career is more important than anything else, she wants her mother to only walk flower path she provides on her own. And I don't want any complicated thing for both sejong and Junghyun, thinking that old soul Junghyun must face Sejong's fans still makes me tremble haha.I hope her Junghyun oppa also sets his foot in more projects. If fate allows they will meet again somehow not as fellow actor. I will put my trust to destiny. 


Hehe, that was exactly what i had in my mind too. Both are just starting their career, and with their current age, i don't have any high expectation. Especially when most of the known to public relationship within the industry are so fickle and tend to end up so fast, as usually both party couldn't handle the pressure. But i really do wish that even after this project ends, they always keep in touch. Shall be a destiny for them, then i will be looking back at this particular time when i'm sincerely ship them, unconditionally ^^

but oh, it's kinda tickle me, so what you mean is that Junghyun is not having any sister? Does he has any brother then? And prior become an actor, what was he doing? I read that he's already served his mandatory service. Uhhhh, if only someone posted him in uniform!Hahahahaha..LOL..please pardon my unnecessary ranting, hahaha..im so thirtsy of him.hahahaha

14 hours ago, Latte_Anyday said:

When Eunho ran out of class vomiting in ep. 14 I swear I thought she was pregnant:blink::blink::blink: But then I remembered... Hey This Is NOT That Kind Of Show!:w00t::lol::wink:  

IDK about you guys but the drama seem to have lost its steam a lil'~ even with Sarang tryin' to rebel & all, it feels like a filler ep. of sorts? Of course there's cute moments with Taewoon-Eunho but there's really not much goin' on plot-wise. Anyway I'm lookin' forward to the remaining ep. still and despite a very slow year it has been for K-Drama Land in general, School 2017 has been a fun watch. If anythin' seeing Eunho & Taewoon's smiles just brightens up my mood:D 

Yep, plot wise , it's rather Meh tbh. I do  enjoy the cute exchange between our otp, but couldn't agree more that , and this ep is sorta kinda filler in anyway, like calming before the storm EP, and the storm really came up by the end of ep!

3 hours ago, Astarzzz said:

wonder what will epi15-16 bring. So far, all the angst we often have in other dramas, we didn't experience it here. Like EH and TW made up almost immediately in Epi 11-12, SR and EH too.. I can't wait for Monday!  

Ahuh, i was wondering how JH move to solve this problem? The last and major conflict come from his own biggest "enemy" that once he also failed to handle. I know by the end of drama, Eunho will just be fine, but still, this wondering left me keep pondering nonstop :what is he going to do now.." Will the dad sending him abroad again, trying to separate them? but ah, how cruel is that to the young love that just eventually blooming into bud! I really do hope, that TW dad will some try to have an honest and heartfelt talk, and finally see, despite his "wrong" upbringing, TW grew to become such a wonderful and kind boy that he is. 


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38 minutes ago, tituyphing said:

@hazeljrr_c922 Yups, the step was Sejeong's idea while the pretzel and the way they are holding hands were Junghyun's idea. what I am wondering is he real 'one' (a player in real) haha...

No, they will still filming until Sunday I think. if the weather is good I wish they can wrap up on Saturday. but if the weather goes bad again they will have no other choice to keep filming until Monday. So sad. 


Omo i'm wondering how can the editor do their job in a short amount of time? 

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Wuri Kim Jung Hyun must be martial arts or dance trained! The way he kicked his long leg to swirl gracefully around when he blocked EH in ep 11,  when he was dancing to Boy in Luv in ep 13 and after laughing and kicking his leg when he managed to bluff about his injured ankle in ep 14!:blush:


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Everything I Do... I Do For YOU...

There comes that moment in most everyone's relationship when you realize just how much that other person means to you.  You see or know that they are in trouble and you would do anything and everything to protect or save them.  EH has felt that many times from TW in more than one way.  For love has many forms and this would be an action of the heart. It's that point when you would sacrifice all that you have including yourself for them. EH steps out from underneath the safety of darkness sees the other part of her heart there before her kneeling on the ground with no place to hide or to go.  She risks everything for this person before her TW who has become her everything...

It's The Little Things That Mean The Most...:D

I think there is nothing sweeter than hearing TW say W---H---Y in that expressive sexy tone or the way he often reaches out to EH through touch like when he gently takes her hand and says" Why?  Why were you worried so much??" When you know someone really loves you like that there is no sweeter moment...

There have been too many examples to list in my post of why I think the writing, characters, and PD/Team have the perfect timing and formula in flickers of feelings that freely move in and out of each episode through these characters.  It's the very reason this drama is so explosive full of facial expressions and energizing touches...  I loved the way TW pretended to be hurt just so he could hug a little tighter, hold on to EH a little longer, and feel the warmth of her love surround his heart like her hands surrounded his ankle...

Not even done with this episode and yet I couldn't help but want to write about just what I have seen so far....mouse-girl-emoticon-37.gif?1292795474

Had to come back and add this line TW speaking slowly and softly from his heart as usual looking down at EH in that hospital bed a sleep " That's rude, you can't be pretty even when you're sick."  

And there went my heart once more....:heart:


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@shinesun Junghyun has an older bro, he said in one interview. He was born and grow up in Busan, having a dream as an actor since junior school, so during highschool in Busan he was also attending acting class. on 2009 he admitted to Korea University of Arts (with Yohan and Suho) they're really close with also Park Jungmin. Yups he finished his military service and also finished his reserved training too. He posted himself in uniform tho, saying he finished everything (reserved training) so no more any kind of mandatory service. I watched all of his video interviews I can find in YT, and his Ceci and Youyou magazine interviews, haven't yet read the other stuffs. haha 

@gladys57 not sure dear, i think he is pretty stiff hahaha~~ but he indeed works out, coz his debut movie he played as athlete.

@leina93 the scene where they're watching the principal eat the 'poisoned' food was filmed on Monday to be aired on Tuesday. that's how it is right now, X's scenes where he almost got caught was shot on friday midnight, Junghyun sleep on a chair folding himself down. poor him.I have link to the picture wait : 

I am really wondering what 15-16 will bring us, this school 2017 obsession in me, makes me keep thinking all possibilities. on the other side I'd like to be surprised too~ hahaha

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@USAFarmgirl really thank you for your post, I keep smiling when read it. hahaha~~ TBH I keep replaying the scene where Taewoon goes inside the storage room finds Eunho asking him if he is okay with the face full of worries. that time he was going from 'bragging' himself as X, to 'uh-oh eunho worried of me', to 'I should pretends to be hurt' 
It's obvious from his face this is also the first time for him to see someone being 'that' worried of him, and it pleases him soooo much. 

Eunho will do anything to save Taewoon, the one who always saving her, the one who always gives her much. That's why I am dying to know how will they solve this problem now without sacrificing the other. ugh my head... ugh my heart...



anyway, by now maybe you guys already noticed my weird English. please pardon my bad English and grammar. English is not my first language. Thank you :)


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@tituyphing LOVE what you write!!! You know why your words don't NEED ANY PARDON!!! Because they are PERFECT & PERSONAL AND COME FOR THE MOST PRECIOUS PLACE YOUR HEART!!!! :wub:  It doesn't matter where you come from or what language you know or speak or how great your grammar or spelling is all we see is your passion & feelings just like TW perfectly placed...  All we see is your HEART

Thank you for your words:heart:usafarmgirl

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@USAFarmgirl You will read Manglish.. Singlish in our writing..hehe meh.. lahh... with a terrible grammar from us...hehe by join this forum we can improve our english..

All love for all chingus in here.. thanks so much for a spoiler.. hahaha i knew all of us loveeeee loveeee so much of us ... thanks PD-nim for your speedy BTS this week ... 

Happy2 day to all chingu here.. for those celebrate Eid Adha tomorrow.. happy celebration with your loves one ... :heart: saranghandaaa... 

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School 2017: Episode 13

by hanshimi


Oh my gosh, this show. This show, y’all. It makes me so happy. Today the sentiment of reconciliation spreads across all of our characters—old friends and new, students and teachers, friends and crushes. With a web of love, friendship, and loyalty that strong, even the most corrupt and spidery of administrations doesn’t stand a chance.


cr: Dramabeans

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@USAFarmgirl thank you for the understanding :):):)

@monalisa Geumdo High School is private school, Taewoon's dad owns it. (At first setting it was written that Taewoon's role description in official web as : "Taewoon was dropped out from his school in US then his father bought Geumdo school and put him there." but then that part omitted, just put Taewoon's dad is owner of the school.)


Since the thread is about School 2017, I want to share one KBS Special Drama, which played by 3 actors of School 2017 : the one who play Im Junki, the one who play Kyungwoo (Seo Jihoon) and the one who play Han Duk Soo (Choi Sungmin) The Legendary Lackey

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It's already Friday! Yeah!

I hope Eunho's classmates will stand by her by appealing for her NOT TO BE EXPELLED! We can vouch for DaeHui to speak eloquently on her behalf. Loving Jang Dongyoon besides Kim Jung Hyun and Sejong. :D

Undoubtedly Teacher Shim (I watch initially this drama for Han Juwan but is now a fervent fan of KJH, JDY and Sejong! This drama is my 2017 crack!) will defend her at the expence of having his pay docked! :angry:

Of course our Taeswoon will GIVE HIS ALL to defend his sweetheart! He'd probably ask his DAD to expel himself as well as he WONT GIVE UP that easily! :wub:

By the way, even with the box of "evidence" the dad got, how did he know it was TW? The principal didnt get to see his face before he escaped. So I assume it was SARANG who spilled?:ph34r:


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@gladys57 Or it might be HeeChan? I think his story isn't end yet. Because he said he will find another way to destroy X.

Please don't let it be SaRang. X's team already help her mom to fight the principal. And didn't she and EunHo already had heart-to-heart talk?

TaeWoon's dad, he better change his mind about EunHo and get to know more about our precious HYUN TAE WOON or I will throw him into the sea:angry:

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Director's Instagram update :


Translation : Hyun Taewoon almost become in charge in supplying coffee... #AreWe_Getting_CoffeeRain #GonghyoJinNim #ThankYou

Junghyun's Instagram post :


translation : Nuna Thanks (aegyo) #PyoSiblings #SisNari #School2017 #FromChiyeol #ToTaewoon He. 

Message on the banner : please take care and love our Junghyun-ie (my lil bro Chi Yeol). Fighting till the end. -Gong Hyo Jin.


Uwaaaaa Gong Hyo jin, he must've left a deep impression on her. Cool. Gong hyo jin wow. Sunbae loves Junghyun. 

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