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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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THE LATEST BTS IS STEAMY AS HECK!!! Why they have no BTS of them laying down the bed though...? Not gonna lie, I was waiting for that :lol: I'm curious if they laughed a lot during that scene, if they do, it must be so cuuute~ 

And I know they were probably rehearsing the scenes, but hot damn, how can IU kept calm and only cracked a little smile while LJG is kabe-don-ing her!?


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9 minutes ago, shiraru said:

And I know they were probably rehearsing the scenes, but hot damn, how can IU kept calm and only cracked a little smile while LJG is kabe-don-ing her!?


I think it's her nature to be more quite and demure, she only cracks a smile but I think you can see she is affected, haha, maybe we're seeing too much into details 

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56 minutes ago, MrKobegiant said:

Thanks for all the wonderful posts! Such a torture I couldn't join in while at work.

I think, in chronological order, this might be their first kiss together. JK's face is still quite meaty and he has a little double chin. JE is leaning on a beam for dear life. She does this everytime when she's in a new environment, when she feels insecure. That would explain the 'lack' of passion ( because they were still not used to each other) compared to the forced kiss, which was in May,almost at the end of production. 

All the other kisses were done near summer and later in the production, judging from clothing of the staff and JK's face.  By the time they did the forced kiss and confession kiss, they were really into it :wub:

That's what I saw either in this forum or the SHR forum.. that this was apparently their first kiss which explains everything because their past kisses have literally set almost everyone who sees it on fire lolll both in the drama and the BTS ..

Which brings me to my next point: first kiss and their body language, chemistry and attraction is already like this! OTOKEEE LOLOL man so intense that even when their kiss is not that passionate, their hug is electrifying lol

So hard to concentrate at work but I'm gonna try my best to keep up with the thread lol

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Here's a birthday compatibility report generated from the popular Numeralogy.com. I daresay their analysis is usually spot-on.

Well, the results are pretty surprising for our JoonU couple.  No offence to CKH-IU supporters, pls take the results with a pinch of salt :) 

Compatibility for:

7: Lee Ji Eun DOB: 16 May 1993
5: Lee Joon Gi DOB: 17 April 1982

Lifepath Numbers 5 and 7 form a combo that is not only one of the most ideal for long-lasting relationships, but also a match that promises growth for both partners. These two feed each other on a spiritual plane (many famous intellectual and artistic couples were 5 and 7s). Basically, a 5 and an 7 together are greater than the sum of their parts: 5 has a quick, flexible mind spiced with a wicked sense of humor; 7 has a dry sense of humor and a deep way of thinking. Problems may arise if 5's tastes seem too over-the-top or shallow, or if 7 becomes too hung up on spiritual concepts. Still, 5 and 7 have such a powerful positive influence on each other that these disagreements rarely kill the relationship -- overall, the 5 keeps the 7 loose and able to enjoy life, while the 7 is able to show the 5 a deep, serious thirst for knowledge.


7: Lee Ji Eun

6: Chang Kiha DOB: 20 February 1982

Lifepath Numbers 6 and 7 are a strange and uncommon combo; together, these two numbers form a kind of love-hate relationship. While the 6 is strongly committed and motivated by emotions, the 7 is intellectual and often secretive. 6 demands physical and emotional connection; 7 relies on an intellectual bond. Unless both partners understand that they express love in such difference ways, the relationship could be doomed. 6 might feel that 7 is cold and aloof, and 7 might need more distance and "alone time" than 6 can provide. 6's loving attention can seem like an unwelcome distraction to 7. The resulting relationship is often unhappy but still unbreakable, and friends of a 6/7 couple might wonder why they stay together at all. The key here is to recognize the differences, and for 7 to accept the fact that 6 needs reassurances in the relationship.

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Way back Wednesday - SoSoo kiss appreciation post while I impatiently wait for more BTS and stills. is it too much to ask for a post a day from SBS or naver?!? LOL

Cr: leejunkigabi Instagram 


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1 hour ago, shiraru said:

THE LATEST BTS IS STEAMY AS HECK!!! Why they have no BTS of them laying down the bed though...? Not gonna lie, I was waiting for that :lol: I'm curious if they laughed a lot during that scene, if they do, it must be so cuuute~ 

And I know they were probably rehearsing the scenes, but hot damn, how can IU kept calm and only cracked a little smile while LJG is kabe-don-ing her!?

I really hope they will release lying-on-the-bed BTS :wub:

When JG aproach her with lightning speed, I think she a little bit taken aback and pull her head unconciciously ?

40 minutes ago, namielovesanime said:

Compatibility for:

7: Lee Ji Eun DOB: 16 May 1993
5: Lee Joon Gi DOB: 17 April 1982

Sorry to cut your post. But OMG... what you have done? :wub::wub: I know... we will do all that we can do to make them happen, right? Hehehe

Yas.. most of her character description was spot-on. Hope " the most ideal for long-lasting relationships " are also spot-on. It's okay from now on their status only work-partner. But.. with the long-lasting relationship they will change into life-partner. Kyaaaaa yoyo48.gif

#meandmydelululumind #excuseme


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I'm soooo happy with bts kiss & hug etc...

but i'm too tired with my work today. Will just silently re-watched the bts & hope someone will translate to english. 

Though some of us try to rationalize  JG behavior during that scene, i still want to be in my delulu world for them:tears::rolleyes:

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[Behind the scenes] Kiss scene for Episode 16

I love how the Director was like “just wait, do the hug scene again”. And Lee Joon Gi was so jumpy and happy after the kiss scene takes. The captions said they already did the kiss scene 10 times so it wasn’t awkward anymore, and Lee Joon Gi said it felt a lot different because a girl was hugging back [while kissing]. (my rough translation from a Chinese subbed version of this clip).

Then the shadows scene, they looked like they were having so much fun filming that scene haha

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4 minutes ago, MoOnLoVeRz said:

[Behind the scenes] Kiss scene for Episode 16

I love how the Director was like “just wait, do the hug scene again”. And Lee Joon Gi was so jumpy and happy after the kiss scene takes. The captions said they already did the kiss scene 10 times so it wasn’t awkward anymore, and Lee Joon Gi said it felt a lot different because a girl was hugging back [while kissing]. (my rough translation from a Chinese subbed version of this clip).

Then the shadows scene, they looked like they were having so much fun filming that scene haha

:wub: LJG's comments tho.. different as in electric shocks kinda different? ;)

Came across this cute edited pic LOL be still my heart! Little SoSoo baby picture 

Check out @egghead_me's Tweet:


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9 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

I found this on Facebook, about the BTS:

배수진 He said he got the nervous feeling! He into the kiss scene so much XD


If this is true that would explain why I felt nervousness from his side when I watch their kissing scenes. :o

EDIT: I also feel that from her side...somehow tense while kissing? but I think that's normal because are her first kiss scenes on screen. 

Ahhh I can't remember if I replied to this already lol my apologies if I have but I gotta say that explains why he's so fricking hyper lol had to release that nervous energy somehow :wub:

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Joongi china fanclub has translated the bts and he indeed said, After filming 10x, you came out!

I am not sure if he was exaggerating but since they need to take her face, his face, far shot blah blah, I think it's quite true that they have kissed 10x. Hahahahaha.

It boggles my mind again that this may be a first kiss? But the hug is good, the hug is real.

Some of you mentioned about physically attracted to someone, I find that really interesting. I am at an age too far from a teenager, and sometimes I forget about that feeling.:D 


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4 hours ago, namielovesanime said:

Here's a birthday compatibility report generated from the popular Numeralogy.com. I daresay their analysis is usually spot-on.

Well, the results are pretty surprising for our JoonU couple.  No offence to CKH-IU supporters, pls take the results with a pinch of salt :) 

Compatibility for:

7: Lee Ji Eun DOB: 16 May 1993
5: Lee Joon Gi DOB: 17 April 1982

Lifepath Numbers 5 and 7 form a combo that is not only one of the most ideal for long-lasting relationships, but also a match that promises growth for both partners. These two feed each other on a spiritual plane (many famous intellectual and artistic couples were 5 and 7s). Basically, a 5 and an 7 together are greater than the sum of their parts: 5 has a quick, flexible mind spiced with a wicked sense of humor; 7 has a dry sense of humor and a deep way of thinking. Problems may arise if 5's tastes seem too over-the-top or shallow, or if 7 becomes too hung up on spiritual concepts. Still, 5 and 7 have such a powerful positive influence on each other that these disagreements rarely kill the relationship -- overall, the 5 keeps the 7 loose and able to enjoy life, while the 7 is able to show the 5 a deep, serious thirst for knowledge.


7: Lee Ji Eun

6: Chang Kiha DOB: 20 February 1982

Lifepath Numbers 6 and 7 are a strange and uncommon combo; together, these two numbers form a kind of love-hate relationship. While the 6 is strongly committed and motivated by emotions, the 7 is intellectual and often secretive. 6 demands physical and emotional connection; 7 relies on an intellectual bond. Unless both partners understand that they express love in such difference ways, the relationship could be doomed. 6 might feel that 7 is cold and aloof, and 7 might need more distance and "alone time" than 6 can provide. 6's loving attention can seem like an unwelcome distraction to 7. The resulting relationship is often unhappy but still unbreakable, and friends of a 6/7 couple might wonder why they stay together at all. The key here is to recognize the differences, and for 7 to accept the fact that 6 needs reassurances in the relationship.

Wow! This seems so accurate. I am so surprised.

This totally describes IU's personality (deep thinker, intellectual, independent girl). I am her fan so I know about her relationship with Kiha...and is practically what I think of their relationship based on their words about it. 



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3 hours ago, qwenli said:

It boggles my mind again that this may be a first kiss? But the hug is good, the hug is real.

Some of you mentioned about physically attracted to someone, I find that really interesting. I am at an age too far from a teenager, and sometimes 8 forget about that feeling.:D 

They've got physical attraction checked off, now we just need them to find their own way to each other so they can become emotionally attracted to each other. Do we sacrifice Eun's origami rabbit towels to the Drama Gods to make this happen? 

I'm also past the age of a teenager and it's been so long since I've been in the nascent "butterflies in the stomach" part of a relationship because of physical attraction. I think this is why I'm so invested in JoonU, I'm living vicariously through their attraction to each other. 

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7 hours ago, namielovesanime said:

Here's a birthday compatibility report generated from the popular Numeralogy.com. I daresay their analysis is usually spot-on.

Well, the results are pretty surprising for our JoonU couple.  No offence to CKH-IU supporters, pls take the results with a pinch of salt :) 

Compatibility for:

7: Lee Ji Eun DOB: 16 May 1993
5: Lee Joon Gi DOB: 17 April 1982

Lifepath Numbers 5 and 7 form a combo that is not only one of the most ideal for long-lasting relationships, but also a match that promises growth for both partners. These two feed each other on a spiritual plane (many famous intellectual and artistic couples were 5 and 7s). Basically, a 5 and an 7 together are greater than the sum of their parts: 5 has a quick, flexible mind spiced with a wicked sense of humor; 7 has a dry sense of humor and a deep way of thinking. Problems may arise if 5's tastes seem too over-the-top or shallow, or if 7 becomes too hung up on spiritual concepts. Still, 5 and 7 have such a powerful positive influence on each other that these disagreements rarely kill the relationship -- overall, the 5 keeps the 7 loose and able to enjoy life, while the 7 is able to show the 5 a deep, serious thirst for knowledge.



I can't help but smile with this numerology thingy. Even their 'numbers' are compatible. I wonder if there's a test where in they're not compatible. :)

When i started to ship them, i know that i will be checking on them for life once in a while. I know that years from now when i look back at this stage of my life this craziness will surely make me smile. For now i just want to enjoy the feeling while it lasts because it will not be long. :)


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On LJG's BTS kiss reaction:

I asked my husband if it's normal for a guy to react like 'that', he said no. 

I asked my male batchmates in university via our fb group, too, they all said LJG has this hidden desire towards LJE. 

Basically they are all male and they are saying the same thing. 


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42 minutes ago, freckledbelle said:

On LJG's BTS kiss reaction:

I asked my husband if it's normal for a guy to react like 'that', he said no. 

I asked my male batchmates in university via our fb group, too, they all said LJG has this hidden desire towards LJE. 

Basically they are all male and they are saying the same thing. 



I'm sure there'll be no complaints from us with this form of confirmation. LOL

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1 hour ago, akinahana89 said:


I'm sure there'll be no complaints from us with this form of confirmation. LOL


We are (die hard) JoonU fans after all. :)


I posted it because no matter how and what i think, the answer is always the same. It is awesome If i am still in uni studying for my degree because that would mean perfect score but this, it's different. So I had to consult a third party and the best is the opposite sex. Sigh. In the end we can only assume. And i would like to believe that are assumptions are true. :) 

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