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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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46 minutes ago, q4q4 said:


@freckledbelle I've wondered this as well so I asked my friend who doesn't watch the show what she thought of their mutual kiss BTS and she was surprised at how intimate it was! She said it felt like an invasion of a couple's privacy lol so I conclude that their chemistry is palpable 


Right?! It's so real. Everything about the way they look at each other, the way LJG finished LJE's sentence, the way they lean towards each other, the way how attuned they are to each other and many more 'each other' observations, their actions speak intimacy without 'the real' intimacy. Because of that i have come to terms that i am not delusional in shipping them IRL. Because it's the reality. But still, in the end, it's up to them. :)


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54 minutes ago, MoOnLoVeRz said:


IU updated her instagram and Lee Joon Gi commented. 

IU says: Soo smiled, So smiled
Lee Joon Gi says: So smiled, Soo smiled

In other words: they make each other happy heheheheh:wub:

37 minutes ago, freckledbelle said:


Right?! It's so real. Everything about the way they look at each other, the way LJG finished LJE's sentence, the way they lean towards each other, the way how attuned they are to each other and many more 'each other' observations, their actions speak intimacy without 'the real' intimacy. Because of that i have come to terms that i am not delusional in shipping them IRL. Because it's the reality. But still, in the end, it's up to them. :)


Ugh I'm gonna go watch their interviews together again bc I can't get enough of their interactions. It's so pure and honest. I haven't seen that in a while maybe that's why I'm absolutely hooked with these 2

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18 minutes ago, innrukia said:

i'm dead:sweatingbullets:

guys how come IU do this to us? As if what LJG did before not enough:bawling:

they're playing with our heart!!!!


Well, i really think that they themselves cannot control the feeling that they feel whether or not the feeling is there post filming or because of the 'pressure' of the fans that ship them. They're validating things by adding fuel to the fire.  

I wish i can read what's really on their mind so as not to just rely on their words and actions. :)


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3 hours ago, freckledbelle said:


I think it will. Such intensity is hard to forget or let go just like that, it takes a while. 

I honestly think WS is one of LJG's best performance and character. The other is his role in KATC. Aside from that this drama will be his definition for a long time. 

Agreed, and honestly, I feel like LJE managed to match LJG's intensity unlike his other female costars in the past.. like, watching his old shows and his movie, you can tell he gives it his all each time but it's different when you have a partner that meets you halfway. Not to put down his past leading ladies but the evidence is right there: LJE managed to meet him there completely. I'm guessing that's a huge reason why he can't just walk away, post production, so easily. 

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3 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

Based on the Vlive videos that I have seen of LJG in which he talked about the drama, he often refers himself as Wang So. "I felt jealous of KHN romantic scenes with HaeSoo" for example. "I get obsessive" (referring to Wang So). "Haesoo can't come to Running Man and she said she is sorry". The weird thing is that he referred to IU as Hae Soo in many times on Vlive. And now that I think of it...maybe in the BTS of her birthday he wanted to tease her with "My love, IU" but he can't....so he said "My love, Hae Soo". I still think he did it more for fun, not that he really loves her but for sure he likes her a lot and made it pretty evident. 

LJG strikes me as an actor that goes "method" and I don't doubt that he completely immersed himself in the character and the love story. There's a Tropic Thunder joke in here. "I don't drop character 'till I done the DVD commentary."

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22 minutes ago, q4q4 said:

Agreed, and honestly, I feel like LJE managed to match LJG's intensity unlike his other female costars in the past.. like, watching his old shows and his movie, you can tell he gives it his all each time but it's different when you have a partner that meets you halfway. Not to put down his past leading ladies but the evidence is right there: LJE managed to meet him there completely. I'm guessing that's a huge reason why he can't just walk away, post production, so easily. 


I couldn't agree more. 

LJG have met his equal in LJE. 



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17 minutes ago, eunki said:

One thing I am sure now is that rumours about LJG dating Jeon Haebin are not true) According to what I see this guy is single hehe

Actually i woukdnt say its not true, there was really something going on in 2015 (they met in 2014) but this year both are busy with their own projects. Jeon hae bin was in Miss Oh Hae Yang early this year and now The woman with a suitcase.:) 

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5 hours ago, q4q4 said:

Love the I need to breathe comment LOL I FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME WAY WHEN I SAW THE UPLOAD AND THE COMMENT! Aaaah I can't even guys.. it's so hard to not speculate or ship LJE AND LJG already bc of their obvious chemistry but these Instagram posts arent making it any easier.. I have to remind myself to separate So-Soo from LJE-LJG shipping lol

Hahahaha, yas... we need to breath because we were on two ships. SoSoo's ship is sailing but JoonU's ship about to sails too. Yeah.. it is hard but we must separate it. (but how? my heart~~ :confounded:)


5 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

@whyo When she cut her hair short in late 2013 was because she thought her hair was too damaged. I think this time is the same because of the excessive dye (from black to brown...then black again...then brown again...then black again...then brown again) in a short period. The iron didn't help. :sweatingbullets:

Ow.. she dyed her hair excessively again.... then it maybe the same case. I like her hair when she was the guest star on JKH's radio show, she totally pretty there :blush:. I know.... my delusional mind just can't let it pass LOL.


5 hours ago, caramelovers07 said:

Yea @whyo, i noticed that hair cut since their team dinner photo.

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But at that time I don't have a thought about she was breaking up. I think she just need some refreshment because she can't moved on from the role of HS (and she can't forget about WS aka LJG if she still have a long hair:sweatingbullets:). But since you mention it, i do have a ray of hope (although i do feel bad to her either if it really happened)! Hahaha thank you! Let's hope all the best for her!! :D

Hehehe, I know... it was only my speculation and my delusional shipper hope. I'm so sorry because I know my speculation can hurt people, especially JKH :(. Yaaaassss.. all the best to our LJE and LJG!!! So-Soo forever!!!


4 hours ago, meahri_1 said:

There's been speculation about why she cut her hair. As women, we know changes like this often coincide with big changes in our lives. The question is...what could it be? It might very well be because her hair is damaged. IU's very practical and pragmatic.

Strike! What could it be.. hahahaha. When I used my logical and normal brain it was because her hair damage after excessive dye. But when I use my heart and mind.... It was because... okay.. I need to STOP! Hahaha :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:


4 hours ago, larinalove said:

I just LOVE the fact that IU posted that particular photo, I said this in the main thread too, they don't feel like they're acting but like they're living their characters, we are so attached to their love story and we are just viewers, imagine them, I would assume they have it or had it harder to part from them as characters and as a love story. 

I am sure this will stay with them for a while, either as a beautiful love story or more, they will chose the path forward.

I'm totally agree with all of your statement... especially the bold one. She got the photo from the production's camera, right? It is not from the airing episode/ screen capture. So..... she have that So-Soo moments save on her phone? Hahaha.

Or it was their strategy (SHR actors/actress and production team) to make SHR fans calm down by asking IU to post this particular photo on her IG. I'm not gonna mad..... The fact that she post it already make me happy whatever the case. Hahahaha.

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12 minutes ago, qwenli said:

@larinalove the time of IU post was just passed midnight in Korea, i was aware of the time becos shortly after visually wandering post, i went to her IG and saw her posting time. 

@eunki her ig pix is a scene from ep16, thks to a link on the main thread, i have watched the ep with Chinese sub last night. However the pix that she posted was the monitoring camera of the scene.

This to me implies a few things, first she took the pix during filming, second she kept it in her phone all the time. 

And then there is that intimate caption of soo n so smiling.

Why would a girl with a bf post this? And then the thing about her cutting her hair, i didnt wanted to comment yesterday....but i agree that girls usually cut their hair after breakup, But i thought one reason could be she wanted to forget about HS character. But seeing her ig post, my feeling is now weighing on the first possibility. 

Yes sometimes the hair is damaged and we cut it short, but she could have just lop off a few inches or make it off shoulders but she literally chopped it off till ear level. This is quite significant.

We have to understand that its october now and korea is entering winter. Their winter are really cold and freezing so it doesnt make sense to me for her to cut her hair at this point, she really could gave just gone for a trim to off shoulder.


That ig post is just mind blowing for me,after all she didnt post anything since aug 17, she didnt even posted anything for her sony headphone promotions....she didnt even post details of her hk concert coming up dec. 

Was she bottling up all the while? Dont she knows the consequences of this post?

And then to me it was funny that the ep was not even screened yet in Korea but it seems they know the leaked ep is all over the plave.

Am sorry for the long post, i woke up this morning with too active a mind thinking anout our so soo couple. I really have reservations about shipping because u know drama is different from real life and i find ljg abit of a flirt (see the stuff he does with z.hera) but this IU post really really affected me.

She must have used her real feelings to film....my heart, i cant take it........:sweatingbullets::wub:

Aaaah I totally agree with you! I was doubtful of IU's feelings and if she does, it wasn't there.. but then BAM she drops a truth bomb of SoSoo cuddling and I just can't.. lolol

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IU's previous ig update was on 17 Aug and it took her 2 months which is 17 Oct to update her ig..isnt that weird? Why Jieun ahhhh??

Ok..it might be the PD nim had asked her to update her ig but why did she post that pic? Why not other pic of her alone without JG? And why JG didnt update his ig if the PD nim asked the cast to calm the fans down? The main Q is after 2 months of hiatus from ig, why did she choose that pic? Why not other pic?? Whyyy whyyy?? Is she trying to answer JG's or tell him something thru that post? Hahaha my delulu mind..

JG..why you didnt post your ig yesterday?? And why did you comment on her ig as fast as lightning? And a few hours later, you look again at her post and like the pic..LOL 

It must be really heartbreaking for JG & IU if they had feelings towards each other during the fliming..their heart must have suffered a lot after filming this drama..


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@fidda868 yes agreed with you except, I dun think the pd nor sbs has the power to request the actors to post on their ig. after all its their personal ig. 

and yeah, it could be any other pix. pix of her with chaeryung or with wang yo :P or even maybe a bts with Leejoongi? But of all the pix, she chose THAT one. The happiest time they could ever have together as Soo and So.

And its really wierd that LJG commented first and then went back to like it. :D I am sure they have their private chatgroup and can talk to each other. :wub: 

If their heart is in any turmoil, I am feeling them now.....am in equal turmoil.....to date or not to date.....

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