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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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@summer2017 lol... I think I'm just learning from the good ol' experience last year when unexpected news broke out and JG suffered backlash from some of our former fellows here in the forum. But anyway let the bygones be bygones... I've bid those people a good farewell, too. I also wondered why she didn't post LSG's support openly. I knew she must have thanked him personally, knowing her very respecting nature for her colleagues and sunbaenim-deul. LSG support was also done during the broadcast of his latest tvN drama, wasn't it? correct me if i'm wrong. But probably that's because posting so would create a new possibility of scandal... it's a different case from JG, who has been showing consistent close contacts with her in this couple of years.

Again on the ''oppa-dongsaeng'' relationship, I guess probably that's how these two would like to be seen publicly (including the media articles which follow each of their SNS posts). It's a good thing anyway, rather than having to suffer being stalked by Dispatch and all <_<


@paulina79 brave indeed, yet since it's been constantly done this past couple of years, I think people (including fans) start to see it (them supporting each other in a friendly way) as 'normal'... which is good :).


Have a good weekend, y' all!

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Oppa dongsaeng? Yeah it is better than Tom and Jerry

April is a memorable month for both,  JG birthday and Pallete anniversary

Ok... For fullfilling my delulu let me throw back this sweet scene

Of SoSoo


Thanks to eina and mukuchan

This is so beautiful , the scene and the bgm,  my fave song, and only sang at Dec 10 of Pallete tour

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3 hours ago, paulina79 said:

Agree with what @NoonaE said on the changes in JG's "approach" to have a better relationship with his co-stars. But to openly showed his "adoration"on JE is really brave when he knows the outcome. We here  very much welcome the gesture and we were jubilant. But at the same time worried that he might get the backlash from his and her fans. 

The oppa-dongsaeng rs is natural. It may stay as it is or may progress later on. All celebs couple start their rs with O-D or noona-dongsaeng or sunbae-hoobae. Let's just wish their relationship will be a beautiful one either way.

Agree with you, you read my thoughts, JG's behavior towards her is on the edge. For this moment,  is better for them that  people see their relationship as an old friendship from  MLSHR time  and the media probably can not say otherwise, because  having no evidence may risk  a trial that ruin their image.  I read many comments  lately on the net, some people believe that  they are more than friends, others think it's just friendship between them based on mutual respect, others  deny a relationship between him and IU , as was the case with JHB (although they were suspected for a long time but there was no clear evidence at that time) from other various reasons: because they want JG to be with  another person, for ex.  with Park min Young, or Lee Sun Bin, or Moon  Chae Won and now with Seo Ya Ji, or because don’t like IU  or some people don’t like  JG for IU,  or some want JG and IU to be single. Why most celebrities lose much of the fans after being in a relationship or married?

this video has so many comments:



How wonderful symbiosis of JG images and music from My ahjussi:


Edited by loljk17
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1 hour ago, loljk17 said:

Why most celebrities lose much of the fans after being in a relationship or married?


@loljk17 there are a couple of possible contributing factors to that.


The biggest possibility is the ''fan-based culture" of Korean (and Japanese) entertainment. Most fans (not all- though, definitely) have this kind of mindset that they have done everything to support the stars, thus they think it's their right to have 'a say' in the stars' lives: be it project choice or personal relationship. Some others, they are totally obsessed with the stars: "oppa is mine" kinda thing. As weird as it seems, it is the sad sad reality that has been happening, too.


Then you have this ''hardcore shipping'' culture. While it's fun sometimes to be rather ''delusional'' *hey that's why I spend my precious spare time here in a shipper forum lol*, on a more serious note, it has also brought along severe downsides for the stars. I guess by now nobody here is unaware of how JoonU shippers have been seen as the culprits of both JG and IU's breakups with their former lovers respectively *yes, that ridiculous accusation that made you rolled your eyes in disbelief*. If you are quite an old time forum member like me, you must have witnessed how 'chaotic' this ship April last year with some former shippers freaked out and hysterically brought along their hatred towards JG to other social media platforms after abandoning the ship lol. Not that I intentionally ridiculed their ways of expressing disappointment- it might be a common reaction and some sort of ''freedom of speaking" exercise for some people- but turning oneself into haters after your ship sank is such a childish act to me. We can never stir the direction of one's heart. We can only observe and assume and have this kind of wishful thinking anyway. In the end, it's their decisions that matter the most. So what if the results of our observation on their ''suspicious behaviours" were tested to be not valid, we're just having fun here, aren't we? -_-


As for me, I've been enjoying whatever sweet stuffs thrown my way. It's such a guilty pleasure! Right when my blood sugar level was low, JG threw a van of churros. Hahaha.


*sorry... I just really admire how JG and IU played puns with each other. Not everybody is blessed with this kind of soul connectivity! They're both very witty! If their being friends is already this adorable, imagine if they're married one day and post fun stuffs everyday hahaha... the world might look a bit brighter, amirite?* *low-key stacking stones in my prayer tower* :rolleyes:


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52 minutes ago, NoonaE said:


@loljk17 there are a couple of possible contributing factors to that.

  Reveal hidden contents

The biggest possibility is the ''fan-based culture" of Korean (and Japanese) entertainment. Most fans (not all- though, definitely) have this kind of mindset that they have done everything to support the stars, thus they think it's their right to have 'a say' in the stars' lives: be it project choice or personal relationship. Some others, they are totally obsessed with the stars: "oppa is mine" kinda thing. As weird as it seems, it is the sad sad reality that has been happening, too.


Then you have this ''hardcore shipping'' culture. While it's fun sometimes to be rather ''delusional'' *hey that's why I spend my precious spare time here in a shipper forum lol*, on a more serious note, it has also brought along severe downsides for the stars. I guess by now nobody here is unaware of how JoonU shippers have been seen as the culprits of both JG and IU's breakups with their former lovers respectively *yes, that ridiculous accusation that made you rolled your eyes in disbelief*. If you are quite an old time forum member like me, you must have witnessed how 'chaotic' this ship April last year with some former shippers freaked out and hysterically brought along their hatred towards JG to other social media platforms after abandoning the ship lol. Not that I intentionally ridiculed their ways of expressing disappointment- it might be a common reaction and some sort of ''freedom of speaking" exercise for some people- but turning oneself into haters after your ship sank is such a childish act to me. We can never stir the direction of one's heart. We can only observe and assume and have this kind of wishful thinking anyway. In the end, it's their decisions that matter the most. So what if the results of our observation on their ''suspicious behaviours" were tested to be not valid, we're just having fun here, aren't we? -_-


As for me, I've been enjoying whatever sweet stuffs thrown my way. It's such a guilty pleasure! Right when my blood sugar level was low, JG threw a van of churros. Hahaha.


*sorry... I just really admire how JG and IU played puns with each other. Not everybody is blessed with this kind of soul connectivity! They're both very witty! If their being friends is already this adorable, imagine if they're married one day and post fun stuffs everyday hahaha... the world might look a bit brighter, amirite?* *low-key stacking stones in my prayer tower* :rolleyes:



Yes,  you are right. In these conditions celebrities should not be  blamed  of hide their personal relationships if this creates such a big catastrophe among fans .       

I will keep follow  both of them whether they will be together or not.  I wanted for them  to be in a relationship because I saw how happy they were together.   And  also  I hope  that in this equation there isn’t a  love only one side leading  to unhappiness. In the end all that matters is that they be happy and fulfilled,  together or not.

Have a pleasant weekend!!


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Hope all stargazers have a great weekend! chill-out-smiley-emoticon.gif



saying-a-prayer-smiley-emoticon.gif    and good-luck-smiley-emoticon.gif for the continued success of My Ahjussi! good-luck-emoticon.gif

While impatient-smiley-emoticon.gif,



Keep the faith in JoonU prayer-hands-smiley-emoticon.gif and only spread love! drawing-the-love-sign-smiley-emoticon.gi



:heart:  WE CAN MAKE IT! :heart:



 speakerphone-leaf-emoticon.gif?129279462  Let's do our chant!


1. JoonU to always be protected by their angel-with-wings-smiley-emoticon.gif and surrounded by tons of garlic thumb_COLOURBOX5549355.jpg to ward off evil-witches.gif






 2. the TRUTH to be revealed soon-arrow.png






3. the news reading-newspaper.gif we have been waiting for to be released by the time we hit 1,200 pages!   late.gif  (That's 133 pages to go, JoonGi!)


menial-milk-bottle-emoticon.gif?12927911 menial-milk-bottle-emoticon.gif?12927911 menial-milk-bottle-emoticon.gif?12927911 menial-milk-bottle-emoticon.gif?12927911 menial-milk-bottle-emoticon.gif?12927911


4. My Ahjussi to be a hit or Jieun's role to be her breakout role, for her to be finally acknowledged as a very good actress. smiley.gif


alarm-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?1292950502  alarm-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?1292950502   alarm-pink-mouse-emoticon.gif?1292950502


5. MLSHR cast to keep their close bond by supporting each other's projects and endeavors like sending food trucks.   love-heart-hand-smiley-emoticon.gif


crazy-monkey-emoticon-116.gif?1292792410  crazy-monkey-emoticon-116.gif?1292792410  crazy-monkey-emoticon-116.gif?1292792410  crazy-monkey-emoticon-116.gif?1292792410  crazy-monkey-emoticon-116.gif?1292792410


6. Success for JoonGi and Lawless Lawyer!






and our ultimate wish -


BBJX curse/blessing, come true! loving-thoughts-smiley-emoticon.gif



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You're right @NoonaE. I was here last April. After the storm our crew member were downsized to almost half. I remember too how our captain and loyal veteran shippers (including you dear) trying hard to salvage whatever possible from the wreckage. But we survive. And rebuilt with new crew member (silent reader cum active contributor). And we have been silently cruising the still uncharted territory. We believe strongly that there is something going on between the two. 

I too am now "low-key" stacking stones for my prayer tower build specially for them. Praying for the best.

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@loljk17 I understand that. I think it's also our ultimate wish in this ship :wink:



I have to admit that some JoonU shippers on IG really annoy me sometimes, especially when they start ''attacking'' JG and JG's other female co-stars. This is exactly the cause of some neutral JG fans' dislikes towards JoonU shippers (and unfortunately, towards IU as well).


@paulina79 somehow the very reason I'm still here in the ship (though in a very very very low-key way) is because of JG and the way he behaves towards IU. As long as he's still this persistent on being 'a close friend' to her (and both are still being publicly single as well), I'll continue with my prayer tower even though I might not appear too frequently in this forum in the near future :).


@chi13lou a special shoutout to you,, chingu! been a while :)!


Have a happy weekend!




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@NoonaE sunbaenim.... Please keep showing up here and throw your thought here... I really enjoy your writing... Furthermore,  i am "new" here,  i passed the hot joonu discussion during mlshr first airing,  the april storm... So i love to know how the seniors share the history of Joonu

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@NoonaE It has been awhile, chingu!


So glad that stargazers like @saphire_D, @glamlove123, @summer2017, @paulina79, @loljk17, @e1b2j3 (hope I didn't miss anyone, just backtracked 2 pages :blush:) have kept the ship afloat.

Thank you, guys!




BBJX curse/blessing, come true!



It's been ages since our thread became one of the Hot Topics - we made it twice this week, JG's food truck gift and tonight. :heart:

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Did our thread really become hot? Hugs chi! I was busy with RL for couple of months so wasn't active in forum, but I was always on IG actively keeping a lookout on things. It was a long drought at first but dec 10 brought me slight hope. Then suddenly JG fm and this food truck! I joined the ship 2 months after April incident and it's true that it was chaotic. Some of the comments were really hurtful when I backread then. Time flies and I'm glad time did manage to heal some wounds after one year. Glad that things turned out well and will continue to be well!


@NoonaE I agree with yr views on LSG in fact I was very surprised he did such a sweet thing too and I'm sure je must have been grateful to him! But someone posted that her churros action was the \^0^/ action which made it even sweeter for me!


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Thanks @chi13lou. Your chants actually help to keep this ship afloat.


If I'm not mistsken LSG food truck was not specifically for JE. He sent it to JiEun and the casts and crews of MA. No picture of JE. It was only a poster of him during his Hwayugi act. 

Interestingly the food truck JG sent JE is the same one LSG sent. Coincidence.:D


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Thanks Chi for acknowledged me kkkk

Ok,  @summer2017 As you mentioned about wound and heal,  let me throw the caption from queen outfit :wub:

OPEN WOUND BEING heal - April 21,2017

Thanks to zua sky

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9 minutes ago, glamlove123 said:

My pleasure @chi13lou  . Yes, your chants really help. 


@saphire_D chingu, thanks for the pics. Dont remember seeing thembefore. They were taken on the day Palette was released last year?

I guess so

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51 minutes ago, summer2017 said:

Interesting I have not seen this before. Good observation!

Kind of message? Remember the "soldier"?



Can't get enough of joonu vitamins

Cr to caramellovers 

PS i do hope stargazers youtube warrior back to make beautiful MV like this


Joongi splendor day is approaching.... I wish for birthday present one more time kkkk (no,  every week!!) 

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12 hours ago, chi13lou said:

It's been ages since our thread became one of the Hot Topics - we made it twice this week, JG's food truck gift and tonight.


lol... it's been a while, indeed cheer3-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286249


@summer2017 lol I checked her post again and indeed, dunno whether it's coincidental or deliberate, the two plastic cups and the churros in the middle looked like Hae Soo's ' \^0^/'. so very cute... and ugh... so very ''flirtatious'' hahaha... admire2-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928624



@saphire_D Actually I've been back online mostly to support JG's new drama- that's the least I can do since this year I won't have a privilege to go to any of his FMs due to my work schedule but rest assure I'll stop by here once in a while, too, at least until Lawless Lawyer finale episode hi-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862508&ke


Have a great Sunday, stargazers! It's nice to be ''back'' here after a long while! Stay happy, healthy and hopeful!




And here's my old-time favourite song and of course, SoSoo's version, made by one of our former fellows here. Ah. Those good ol' days... tenor.gif?itemid=7353819




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@NoonaE oh my god u posted that video which is one of my favourite fmv! Great minds think alike! I remember watching this many many times, though I’ve watched other couples fmv using the same bgm but it never gives me the same feel as watching JoonU fmv. 


I dont usually go to his events or fm in other countries but please if it’s in sea I will consider going but of course need to snatch for tickets. Which I’m bad at doing. 



Coincidentally in the show, Wang So was the only one that interpreted the \^O^/ symbol and now she’s using it. I must thank a stargazer for being so observant! I was wondering what she was doing with the drinks to her face. Ah the both of them...so cute and sweet.




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