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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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5 minutes ago, latinsecret1 said:

It is painful to see that bad and dirty people are using the power of the social media to bully someone, and then use us as an excuse (good framed for us) by saying we are (yes, we, because I am part of this thread as the moment I have decided to join it) the bad, crazy people with problems.


Even though, I don´t like her, we need to respect and tolerance her because if we seek respect first we have to show respect, then we can request respect.  As I said before, I have read and entertained this thread for months and I haven´t  read any disrespectful or bullying comments against her. The comments were always specific reasons or kind of vibes that we made us feel that something is wrong with her toward our beloved beautiful LJG.

I am so happy to be part of this thread… because I already feel I am in the family (maybe some of you may say, this girl is crazy to believe that, and she does not have a life to live, but I do have a life), in where many of us are from different countries and cultures (named it diversity, which is nice, because we live in a world full of diversity). I can picture all of us one day in an international meeting, speaking, interacting (meanwhile taking café) laughing with each other.


I would have chosen a different time to join the thread in a better situation, but you know, in bad situations are where you really find your real friends and allies.


@latinsecret1 chingu, if I'm not mistaken, we're already a one big happy family who's stays together, through thick and thin. This is what I like here in our forum. Despite from our differences, we unite as one, and hopefully, someday, we could have meet each other somewhere and have a coffee or a party, or something. I bet we'll definitely have a blast :D.

and as for the haters, and to those people who blames us, I would recommend them to listen the MEAN and SHAKE IT OFF song of Taylor Swift.

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1 hour ago, marimari00 said:


Wise words chinggu, It reminded me of the April storm when our ship was at its' worst. Too many had abandoned ship (I too almost did) but yet, we're still here. Still holding out hope because of the goodness that we've seen in JoonU. This too will pass and whatever happens, I will trust that these two will always choose happiness. I will also trust that whatever decision JG will make from here on will be made out of courage and not fear. Whatever it will be I will be happy for him. 

Yeah the April Fools day extension, I too have to admit that I almost jump off the ship with my life vest but when I saw the pictures, JG's letter and his heartfelt cry during his encore, I said to myself that this man is not happy about his situation and needs encouragement from his fans. I'm so happy that his long time fans didn't abandoned him and others gave him another chance although he hasn't done anything wrong. For me whom ever Joon Gi will chose as long as he is happy with it even if it is not our JE I will fully support him same as to Ji Eun. Even if my heart will be broken into pieces if that will happen, well I guess that's the price to pay of being a fan shipper.

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29 minutes ago, BIvy_Sangre said:


I didn't know that he was a Roman Catholic, though you are in regards to marriage.

I'm also a RC and I would say that we are very oppose towards divorce and very careful in choosing our partners in life. If he really does,then he is already in safe hands and highly doubt that he will be marrying the.... you know...

And by the way, to those who welcome us in your forum, thanks again Chingus :D



I think he is chingu, because he is wearing cross and doing sign of the cross, and I have also research it on Google he is a Roman Catholic I just asked because I am not sure if Google is correct.

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1 hour ago, marimari00 said:


Wise words chinggu, It reminded me of the April storm when our ship was at its' worst. Too many had abandoned ship (I too almost did) but yet, we're still here. Still holding out hope because of the goodness that we've seen in JoonU. This too will pass and whatever happens, I will trust that these two will always choose happiness. I will also trust that whatever decision JG will make from here on will be made out of courage and not fear. Whatever it will be I will be happy for him. 


I shipped them after the April storm coz I could not deny the chemistry they had. On screen and off screen. I will continue to be on this ship and love this 2 adorable ppl. I openly declare my love for Lee Joon Gi and Lee Ji Eun. 

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43 minutes ago, silentjoonu said:

I think he is chingu, because he is wearing cross and doing sign of the cross, and I have also research it on Google he is a Roman Catholic I just asked because I am not sure if Google is correct.


LOL, I understand you chingu. Not all in the website are true. I did notice that he did the sign of the cross in one of the BTS and I kind of thought that he is an RC, but still, we need a direct and right facts.

30 minutes ago, latinsecret1 said:

Thank you@BIvy_Sangre,   you´re so right, we are a happy family... we have difficulties, but happy family... still fighting



Yes, we are a big and strong family, so don't be shy chingu to express yourself. I bet all of us accepts each and everyones' flaws.

48 minutes ago, silentjoonu said:

Yeah the April Fools day extension, I too have to admit that I almost jump off the ship with my life vest but when I saw the pictures, JG's letter and his heartfelt cry during his encore, I said to myself that this man is not happy about his situation and needs encouragement from his fans. I'm so happy that his long time fans didn't abandoned him and others gave him another chance although he hasn't done anything wrong. For me whom ever Joon Gi will chose as long as he is happy with it even if it is not our JE I will fully support him same as to Ji Eun. Even if my heart will be broken into pieces if that will happen, well I guess that's the price to pay of being a fan shipper.


Though I was too late to ship them (actually I shipped last July) and despite he already had his gf (which i had suspicious about thier relationship), I still keep hold on to them. I will also support JG even though he wouldn't choose our dear queen.  Though it will hurt so bad in the end, the pain indeed is our consequence for shipping them, but hey, I would say that it's fine for me. I am veteran to that 'ship pain' thing since I still ship the other one for almost 5 years.

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My dear fellows Chingus(I hope I write good)
Is the unspeakable woman´s name a Roman Catholic too? I know she is christian but I don´t know if she is RC
Also I know LJG is very honorable person and RC, so may be she can trick him and use manipulation tactics on him(man is a man) and  due to  this situation, he can marriage her and live as many sk without love just to honor her reputation

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27 minutes ago, latinsecret1 said:

My dear fellows Chingus(I hope I write good)
Is the unspeakable woman´s name a Roman Catholic too? I know she is christian but I don´t know if she is RC
Also I know LJG is very honorable person and RC, so may be she can trick him and use manipulation tactics on him(man is a man) and  due to  this situation, he can marriage her and live as many sk without love just to honor her reputation


No chingu.... one of the website that I read about her is that she is a Protestant, but like what I said before, everything in the website says are not accurate. As much as I know JG is a honorable person, I'll be giving the benefit of the doubt about him marrying her. The reason why I give this benefit because, according to his apology letter to his fans, he did not include the word LOVE when he talks about her . Additional to that, despite JG's honorable personality, I don't think he is willing to sacrifice his happiness for the sake of his career and fans and I highly believe in this.

As for the manipulation, I heard some of those things about her doing that to him but we never know the total truth, so I can't make an accurate speculation about that. After all, there is two sides of the story and we can't choose one if we didn't hear/know the other.


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20 minutes ago, latinsecret1 said:

My dear fellows Chingus(I hope I write good)
Is the unspeakable woman´s name a Roman Catholic too? I know she is christian but I don´t know if she is RC
Also I know LJG is very honorable person and RC, so may be she can trick him and use manipulation tactics on him(man is a man) and  due to  this situation, he can marriage her and live as many sk without love just to honor her reputation

I don't think she's a RC, I have researched about her she's a Protestant according to her Bio.. but still I am not sure since I only have research it, but from all the sites that I have visited all says she's a Protestant. JE on the other hand was raised as a Christian but I don't know if she has a religion.

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welcome new member, @latinsecret1,@Blvy_sangre, & @silentjoonu...glad you all join this forum. i myself ,

was a silent reader too until the april news i decided to join this ship. I'm happy instead left this forum, we gain a lot new member with great analysis (protecting & defending both stargazer & joonu) too ~ that the silver lining right. so i'm confident we can survive from this storm ...keep the faith

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Hi again. Just so you guys know, the stargazer community on IG have agreed to go on hiatus/stop tagging IU and JG/restrict themselves to MLSHR posts* for a while, so there should be no need to worry about that for now :)

I'm encouraging this first and foremost because stargazers need to practise self-care and protect themselves from potential bullying, not because I believe we all need to whip ourselves for the ninth-circle level sin of real-life shipping. 

Annoyingly, people outside the fandom don't bother to distinguish between So/Soo and IU/LJG. Like, I've witnessed some anti-shippers berating MLSHR fans for posting about So/Soo. (War flashbacks to that embarrassing drama where some uaenas were censured by other uaenas for daring to interpret the TTN mv as referencing MLSHR.) Of course, the MLSHR anniversary is coming up, and everyone should feel free to celebrate the drama to their heart's content. Block anyone who says otherwise.

Btw, here's a hot tip for lurking anti-shipping uaenas: If you're sick of IU being linked to LJG, might I suggest... staying out of the drama? Interestingly enough, running around in a panic shrieking about the evil of IU/LJG shipping results in... what do you know... IU's name being linked to LJG's!  

The only reason to take this whole comedy seriously is if there's a possibility that JHB linking herself with IU is actually not innocuous, and that IU herself might actually be involved in this garbage fire... However, since everyone not in the fandom has deemed that entirely absurd and delusional, y'all might as well stick with that belief and laugh it off. 

Anyway, back to drinking tea in my lair.

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12 minutes ago, postnihilism said:

Hi again. Just so you guys know, the stargazer community on IG have agreed to go on hiatus/stop tagging IU and JG/restrict themselves to MLSHR posts* for a while, so there should be no need to worry about that for now :)

I'm encouraging this first and foremost because stargazers need to practise self-care and protect themselves from potential bullying, not because I believe we all need to whip ourselves for the ninth-circle level sin of real-life shipping. 

Annoyingly, people outside the fandom don't bother to distinguish between So/Soo and IU/LJG. Like, I've witnessed some anti-shippers berating MLSHR fans for posting about So/Soo. (War flashbacks to that embarrassing drama where some uaenas were censured by other uaenas for daring to interpret the TTN mv as referencing MLSHR.) Of course, the MLSHR anniversary is coming up, and everyone should feel free to celebrate the drama to their heart's content. Block anyone who says otherwise.


Hi @postnihilism chingu! Thank you for updating us in regards to the activity of our fellow stargazers in the IG. Thank the heavens that they agree and it didn't end up to any misunderstanding and conflict. Let's just lay low guys for now, and when the time of MLSHRs' anniversary, thats' the time we'll make a little bit of tiny voice/celebration :D

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Annyeong!!! *wave*

To the delurkers.... welcome aboard to our ever-exciting & ever-controversial ship! :D

One good thing that came out of all these "makjang drama" unfolding before us, is that we are stronger than ever (I'd like to believe) in standing up to the bullies & protecting our turf...this house, and most especially protecting our OTP (the things we do for these 2 :D)

It's ironic isn't it? The whole brouhaha is about her being bullied and so they think the best is to BULLY us instead.Bravo! :wacko: And we all cry about democracy and yet they're all demanding we need to suppress our free will so we can attain some semblance of WORLD PEACE in the world of shippers! :lol:

I, for one, is against any form of bullying. And I never backed down from one. I am only doing this (being meek & silent for now) because of our OTP.  So yeah, self-censorship is the way to go for now. Discretion and tact, the order of the day. Let those who are in denial continue to bask in their world of ignorance.

I love our OTP and I love you guys! LOVE LOVE LOVE!



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11 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Welcome to the thread,  @latinsecret1 @silentjoonu and @Blvy_Sangre (how come your name can't be tagged?)

Just wear your d5f92ab2fec6787044c868d9e540a59e.jpg and hold on tight because 

Have fun onboard the ship! Spread the love!


Thanks for welcoming us @chi13lou 

Maybe there is something wrong in my account. Sorry, still new here and don't worry, I'll going to fix the problem........ somehow.

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On 8/21/2017 at 1:39 PM, summer2017 said:


Chingu, support u 100% on that. To lurkers or anti shippers, u also don't know how the stars themselves think, or behave privately. When u call us delulu, how rational are u from us? 

I always believe in freedom of speech and free will. Do not do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you. 

Stargazers, have faith! Bbjx miracle to come soon!

At least we are admitting that sometimes we are just speculating things with our delulu mind but to call us crazy drama shippers that's insane. We are just enjoying here in analysing some of the crumbs that JoonU is giving us, although I did not join earlier I have to give credits to our Great Eonnies here but the thing is we all saw the same with regards to the actions and instaflirting of those two.

I will ask now those people who hate this thread so much to the extent that those bullying of that woman was blamed on us without even reading what this thread have.. Who is crazier us that is only enjoying the gift of love or you people blaming others just for the sake of hating and controling the net just to emphasize and protrude your clean plans.

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41 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

Welcome to the thread,  @latinsecret1 @silentjoonu and @Blvy_Sangre (how come your name can't be tagged?)

Just wear your d5f92ab2fec6787044c868d9e540a59e.jpg and hold on tight because 


Have fun onboard the ship! Spread the love!


Thanks for your warm welcoming us @chi13lou 

These are things that make us stronger and an happy family

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37 minutes ago, summer2017 said:


Chingu, support u 100% on that. To lurkers or anti shippers, u also don't know how the stars themselves think, or behave privately. When u call us delulu, how rational are u from us? 


11 minutes ago, silentjoonu said:

At least we are admitting that sometimes we are just expeculating things with our delulu mind but to call us crazy drama shippers that's insane. We are just enjoying here in analysing some of the crumbs that JoonU is giving us, although I did not join earlier I have to give credits to our Great Eonnies here but the thing is we all saw the same with regards to the actions and instaflirting of those two.

I will ask now those people who hate this thread so much to the extent that those bullying of that woman was blamed on us without even reading what this thread have.. Who is crazier us that is only enjoying the gift of love or you people blaming others just for the sake of hating and controling the net just to emphasize and protrude your clean plans.


If I know better, I would've thought that these people who blamed us are cronies from the unspeakable person  cauz the way they point us is telling us to "back off" or "go to hell" or "stop it". Additional to this and this is also my DELULU and ASSUMPTION, this might be also part of her plan, to destroy us and have the reigning glory in the end. If it is then, good luck with that cauz the way I see us, the remaining shippers and silent ones that aren't reveal themselves from here and IG yet are strong ones and firmer. With that, I salute to all of us who remain in here, despite the mess, storms and challenges that comes in our way.

Let's keep up the faith and chant the BBJX!

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