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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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It made me think, if IU managed to get inside without being noticed by anyone, how come when leaving she made her presence be known, i mean she could leave the place without anyone knowing right? is she giving us hints?? :D:D:D

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Coming in here to leave you this lightened/enhanced comparison of IG images. <<<I was editing and decided to see what could be seen>>>>> I have marked who I think is similar in the images (besides grey hat guy).  


I definitely think Z.Hera was sitting next to IU (or behind her to the side).  But JG's view seems a bit more than 1 seat off to me. But then again, he could have leaned to the left to take the pic.   And IU leaned to the right to frame Kang Ha Neul better.  


Where is JiSoo's photo?  LOL

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33 minutes ago, hyehoon said:

It made me think, if IU managed to get inside without being noticed by anyone, how come when leaving she made her presence be known, i mean she could leave the place without anyone knowing right? is she giving us hints?? :D:D:D

ikr..and she was also looked glowingly happy kkk... :D

thinking about the seating arrangement, usually the vip event like this all the seats had been arranged and most likely the MLSHR cats were seated together, so my delulu mind telling me...:lol::wub: 

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2 hours ago, pixelsticks said:


Coming in here to leave you this lightened/enhanced comparison of IG images. <<<I was editing and decided to see what could be seen>>>>> I have marked who I think is similar in the images (besides grey hat guy).  

  Reveal hidden contents

I definitely think Z.Hera was sitting next to IU (or behind her to the side).  But JG's view seems a bit more than 1 seat off to me. But then again, he could have leaned to the left to take the pic.   And IU leaned to the right to frame Kang Ha Neul better.  


Where is JiSoo's photo?  LOL

The guy with a grey cap and the guy with a black cap that you put the red star are sitting in the same row and based on this I would say that IU is sitting 2 seats to the right behind JG, of course as you say JG or IU could have leaned for left or right respectively, but according to their pics IU seems to be sitting 4 rows behind them, and JG seems to be sitting 3 rows behind them. In this link the pic that JG posted on his Instagram is bigger and you can see better where he seems to be sitting.


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20 minutes ago, jen459 said:

We sure have amazing Sherlock Holmes! Counting seats and tagging back of people's heads! Thank you! We must also take into consideration that one of them could have slightly zoomed in to take their picture. And another consideration is that JE and Z.H are similar in height and JG is much taller. So there will be some slight angle difference due to possibility of zooming in or height difference. Taking everything into consideration, I feel they were sitting very close as in next to each other. But this is just my two pennies. wink wink

Agree. I must have just spent hours looking at their photos side by side for comparison I have to tell myself to stop haha. I also notice how JG's photo is pretty much over people's heads while JE's is pointed at the back of their heads. Just thought even their height difference is too cute !

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22 hours ago, chi13lou said:

I think trying to avoid being seen with each other despite their being friends would mean that they have something to hide or be guilty of. Just doing things one normally does with friends would show the world that they not afraid of anything because they have nothing to be ashamed of.

Yes. These two didnt do anything wrong so they have nothing to be ashamed of :) 

22 hours ago, sosooyah19 said:


since because if they are "close colleagues" there is no reason for them to hide.... ayt????

i love them both, because they don't let their "friendship" be ruined by rumors and intrigues... by haters, antis, etc...

sail sail sail our SHIP, a land can be seen from afar already (though we still have to wait),,,,

Close colleagues :tongue:

16 hours ago, nsyavita said:

so..i told myself to concentrate on my work but then here i am, just had to post this for another comparison..B)



This is awesome! Great calculations from Hestia~ OUR OTP IS NO DOUBT SITTING NEXT TO EACH OTHER LAST NIGHT. My delulu mind is telling me that when everyone is focused on the movie cast, they had their hands intertwined ^_^ #delulu

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8 hours ago, postnihilism said:


I take back my doom and gloom. IU apparently avoided the red carpet so as not to set tongues wagging. But since she did attend we may conclude that JoonU are alive and well. :D B)


Just when the internet connection sucks big time... Just when I was about to let go...

Now if someone posts a pic of them side by side... I will die a happy man... :)

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Well, for me they might be sat close enough (next to each other? n lol  oppa picture looked like it is zoomed to be honest) even if they don't they sit next to each other, being in the same room, it is good enough for me that they showed up at the same event, and probably went for dinner gathering secretly. They both are skilled ninja after all... XD


Just saw this on drama beans, I wonder if oppa will get an offer for this... 


I really wanted to know what project he will take... "criminal minds" remake, i am not that enthusiastic with the idea, the characters didn't really has the specific/ deeper characteristic or much time to get life background and stories because they focused on the cases more. (well idk if korea will work on that better), if the mentalist remake I might be happier (just me probably), since Patrick Jane character is quite unique... eventho they focused on the cases, they give chance for the main character to actually imprint something specific n no love line too hahaha like criminal mind. (let me delulu on how oppa delivering "Patrick Jane" XD )  but then again... it is probably just me hahaha since i am focused on the individualistic character than the cases plot twist. I like criminal mind too still 


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3 hours ago, Siracusa said:

They were sitting next to each other?


not really sitting next to each other i think, cz there's comment from IU's manager (hanteo) in IU's late IG post with Haneul said "sorry, but he's looking at me" so i assume the one who sitting on JE's left side is Hunter Manager, and may be Hunter manager sitting in the center between JG and JE (JG's right side and JE's left side) hhhehheeee

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5 minutes ago, meeibe16 said:

"sorry, but he's looking at me"

or maybe Hunter manager was sitting behind them lol... *still won't giving up the idea of them sitting next to each other lol*

But anyway, I'm still so happy that the two were in the same place yesterday even when they couldn't sit next to each other for whatever reasons only they knew hehe. If it's just another coincidence that when our hope for crumbs seemed to be gone already and we had this last minute miracle delivered by our very own ninja queen Lee Ji Eun :ph34r:, I would pray harder for more frequent 'coincidences' like this in the future hahaha... our 'coincidence' couple! :lol:B)



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just like the term of "close colleagues" or dating seating next to each other or not, it doesn't matters to me, i could careless on all of that i want the bbjx blessing! :rolleyes: :wub: 

I feel like last night was the validation from JoonU to us to still have a faith in them and keep sailing with this lovely ship until fate leads us to our destination (for whatever it is) and patiently waiting and enjoying the ride. hopefully it wont be long until we reached our ultimate happy destination :blush:

i am happy i got to eat cookies last night, so i didn't have to faint from low blood sugar lolz...:D plz..more crumbs,cookies and cake for us JoonU ya...

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56 minutes ago, ross2381 said:

I even imagine a scene where he held her hand in the dark theater  :wub:  and without a care in the world gave her a side look LOL... I think I'm writing my own fanfic now hahahahaha. 


Also just like you, am not so thrilled about the "Criminal minds" thing... He's very funny, but I also don't feel like seeing 'comedy' now... Has Anybody seen "Mask" (2015) I would love to see him do something like that for once... I know, I know: HE DOESN"T like melodrama, but that one was not romantic at all and it was interesting! Mmm... A girl can dream. :cry:


i wish they were doing that hahahaha

yes pure melodrama, never seen him on that before... him being a chaebol hehehe

any project will do, i think he will keep getting better in choosing projects..

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woke up only to read a reply on my ig comment that says i shouldnt message him like that when i just said 'enjoy the movie (date)'. i just replied 'its enjoy with friends' and not argued since its so bothersome... sheesh there were some people overreacting and also some not so nice comment on iu on his comment section.. checked the profile only to find what i think is a newly made ig,, well those people really made an effort to ruin another celebrity..

though it kinda soured my mood (that ig comment), im happy since iu was in the premiere together with other mlshr casts.. haters gonna hate.. we just keep on loving the casts..

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