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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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16 minutes ago, aimwanie said:

@simplyme_crazyme as what our skilled FBI said, once shown, no turning, hahahahhaa. dead with soul wanting moreeeeeeee~~~

KYAAAAA.. you remind me again of that moment. twice was enough to make me breathless.. as a JG's fan, i forgive u @riuenu. hahahaha. he is indeed energetic, playful  person.. but who knows.. he might get extra energy from backstage? hahahahahah

hahahahahahaha, I need someone to share the cost of the oxygen tank with me you see hee hee, *wink* @aimwanie

EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, extra energy boost from backstage, u *mean* hugS and kissES from uri Jieunie???? KYAAAAAAAAAAAA

@desvlo lol at your triple dead at page 553, as I am still backreading...I not even been revive yet...been dead from the day of FM

@simplyme_crazyme sweetheart, I know oppa done the job for me, reply to your page 533 post, that why I wanna recruit him as head of FBI...but access denied from @chi13lou!!

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3 hours ago, chi13lou said:

That makes it a total of 8 posts in relation to this particular trip to Taiwan, as of January 10, 2017 - 1:15pm KST. LOL

OMG 8?!?!?!?! Solely just for Taiwan trip??!!? That is the most post trip he had so far right @chi13lou? I knew it! you have a table for all the posts, hehehehehehe 

@desvlosorry sweetie, I am still at page 533, yes, maybe instead of head FBI, we should just stick to the suggestion way back then, to put oppa as vice captain, next to @akinahana89 captain,  president/captain/builder is still uri hardworking captain, engineer yes, he is just that main engine of our shipping heaven, that always give us cakes and fuel for our happy pill ship!! We are on the way to heaven now!!! *insert almost paradise* here hahahahahaha,

The more I reply, the more haywire I got, I tot I had calm down over my presentation tho

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8 hours ago, Rashya Susilp said:

they do insta flirt. look a like both of them is so in love... love is in the air...

It's cute that they have the same black undershirt. IU wore it when she is going to Taiwan while LJG wore his when he is taking his flight back to South Korea. 

8 hours ago, riuenu said:

OMG 8?!?!?!?! Solely just for Taiwan trip??!!? That is the most post trip he had so far right @chi13lou? I knew it! you have a table for all the posts, hehehehehehe

Just like the date of their First Year Anniversary. :grin:

Edited by akinahana89
Please don't quote images! ^^
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11 minutes ago, riuenu said:

hahahahahahaha, I need someone to share the cost of the oxygen tank with me you see hee hee, *wink* @aimwanie

EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, extra energy boost from backstage, u need hugS and kissES from uri Jieunie???? KYAAAAAAAAAAAA

hahahaha.. sureeee~~ just please have a lot of backup oxygen tank because you know.. JG has deadly charms. (i've died several times as i learned more more and more about him for the past few years)

kyaaaaaaaaaaa.... OPPAAAA, if u are really here, u read that? hahahahahahaha


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Just now, samtrocino said:

just like the date of their First Year Anniversary. :grin:

oh yeah. thanks god you remind us about that!

Just now, sublimelyheureuse said:

For any lingering "fan service" thoughts, in the ether: Please note that LJG did not post the handkerchief scene. (Such as it was; did they not just mime the handkerchief? Not a lot of preparation went into that supposed "reason" for LJE's appearance. Yeah.)

Instead, he posted a slowed-down, edited video showing the true purpose for LJE's presence on stage: his holding of her hand and presentment of her to his fans, as his queen.

As a lead-in, he first uploaded a video of his fans cheering for her and wrote that his Angel's voices moved him to tears. Because their acceptance of IU meant everything.

Of late, the two of them are "Startling at Every Step," indeed.

right! when that supposed to be the main highlight of the so called FANSERVICE. he only care to show about her appearance and that slow-mo gentleman acts. sigh. aren't  you too obvious JG? keke

how i wish someone post that handkerchief scene in full... chinguuu @riuenu have u found any clips of it?

anyway.. i being such a spoiled JG's fans already. this is the first ship for me as JG's fan. 

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3 hours ago, NerinaC said:

That vid actually help.us find out that his shirt unbuttoned while he was singing for you. So JG shi, since you know JE shi will show up in a few.min, you quietly n shiftly unbuttoned?? Aww you r naughty boy lol.... 

On the pouring water.... I watched that in the middle.of the.night, my parents all asleep.... can.u imagine how I am trying to stop myself from squealing so hard lol. He is seriously making us crazy (like.one of his post "crazy")

how come page 533 got so much wonderful comment that I am dying to reply to, yes! thanks, he really quietly unbutton one by one, I seriously looking for a better quality of fanvid for his FM, look like there isnt many yet, maybe it is really strict on video recording unlike Jieun FM.

And yes, he is driving us crazy...too crazy I must say...

@ladybirdz chingu...I saw the IG video during office timing as well, and I just heated up my taobao lunch, replying to @aimwanie and @simplyme_crazyme halfway, not even touch my lunch yet, and bam, the video, and I screamed in office again, already lost count how many time I screamed after my MC week, my colleague must be thinking is my cold medicine that is driving me insane

@simplyme_crazymetalking about that empty day still at the last post of page 533, I bet oppa will not give us much emptiness these few days, not of I am complaining of tho..but need to give us some break, my heart, my brain, my lung and my job cant really take it...lucky now is low peak period..if not, I think I cant even catch up here


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On 10/29/2016 at 5:08 AM, kilovekyo said:

I'm so happy!!  :heart:

Ji Eun updated her IG aaahh....with Joon Gi there, i can hear his big laugh. They're so cute!! :wub:

I find this cute!!! Btw, this was from post 90. LJG is very attentive and thoughtful of IU. I didn't know that one of his job is being a personal assistant who is holding a personal fan to IU. :lol: I want him to be my assistant so that I am always inspired and in love. :lol:

Edited by akinahana89
Please don't quote videos!
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3 hours ago, aimwanie said:

Our actor was our prince but yeahh.. he is the KING here.. manse manse manmanseee!!

is he one of us here? hahaha. since im pretty sure his english improve like skyrocket. he will meet with Milla and have a dinner together after the RE prescon. 

his english is really up to the standard that can read us well, look at his reply to Milla 




3 hours ago, chi13lou said:

She has special pass to look at JoonGi's body parts as part of her investigation.LOL FBI special investigator @riuenu do a good job and report findings ASAP or else this privilege will be taken away from you!

hmmmmm is this special pass still valid? 

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3 hours ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

That's one of IU's mysterious charm!  Once you get close to her....you'll never have enough of her.

Our LJG is one enchanted man.  Nobody wants to share that beautiful moment when he stopped singing and his Queen enchantingly appeared??? No problem! Our CCTV-King is gonna find it and post it! HAHAHAHAHA! :lol::wub:


so can consider my job done?!??! Just joking, since that oppa had posted it, I really hope more HD video of that section will surface out soon, I already use most of my mobile data, Joongi angel, please do upload the video soon, if you had it, I searching crazily, high and low for that...

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3 hours ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

AHAHAHAHA.  I am so dead!  I decided to just send an email to my client! And us in a meeting???? AHAHAHAHAHA.  That would be a riot! We'd end up auditing LJG's actions as well as LJE's changes!!!!

Look at what these two have done to us perfectly logical people!!!!! :crazy:


well...I am all ready to audit LJG's actions, the pokemon that evolve =x and LJE changes, the ice mountain beauty that finally been melted..hahahahaha, I really discuss that then all the figure in my FS tbh


So you really postpone your meeting or using email to communicate with client instead??

@chi13lou I had checked, till now, she have not like any of the post yet, I had stalk most of her fan account that will post her activities as well, none of them posted she had like or comment in IG yet, but seem that normally she will sleep whole day or almost half of the day, after her concert right? Maybe she is still sleeping?? 

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24 minutes ago, scarletcryz said:

HMMM I LEARNED SOMETHING  Lee Joon Gi = instaflirt. New app. Hehe

Awwww i think joongi is in a courting stage .. Hahah! As he said... He will do anything... For IU kyakkkkkyaaa!! 

O M G !!!!  THIS !!!  I am so with you on this one chinggu-ya!  O M G !!!!

@riuenu CHINGGU-YA!!!!  How come your meeting is over that fast???? What did you do??? Flashed a picture of "your" oppa's bare chest???  AHAHAHAHA. 

EDIT:  Yes, I did.  It's raining here anyway and unlike yours, my meeting could last up to 4 hours so...I stayed put and worked at home instead.  Oh my babies....look what you made me do!

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13 minutes ago, simplyme_crazyme said:

O M G !!!!  THIS !!!  I am so with you on this one chinggu-ya!  O M G !!!!

@riuenu CHINGGU-YA!!!!  How come your meeting is over that fast???? What did you do??? Flashed a picture of "your" oppa's bare chest???  AHAHAHAHA. 

EDIT:  Yes, I did.  It's raining here anyway and unlike yours, my meeting could last up to 4 hours so...I stayed put and worked at home instead.  Oh my babies....look what you made me do!


You got me at Oppa's bare chest...where ...where???  desismileys_1712.gif desismileys_1712.gif 


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