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[Official] ♥ Lee Joon Gi x IU ♥ || JoonU [2016 SBS Best Couple & Hallyu Star Awards!!]


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They have never, like never ever in any of the group hang out photos sat this close. In fact, most of the pictures posted had them at opposite ends of the table. This is the first time they have publicly posted a photo of them sitting not just right next to each other but actually leaning into each other! And frankly, he doesn't actually need to be sitting there, he can stand with the rest of the guys but instead he CHOSE to sat right next to her and CHOSE to lean into her too rather than maintaining a distance.

They have always been so careful, so what happened now?

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6 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

This made me laugh so hard!


JG had to make sure he wouldn't be cut from the picture so even without instructions from photographer named Hanna, he leaned closer, and JE leaned closer too because she thought she was taking up too much space.

Bahahaha dead.

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2 minutes ago, dea97 said:

Okay guys it doesnt make sense for a girl that already have bf to sitting like that very close to other man right? RIGHT? 

Right. I'm thinking of the same thing too. Which leads me to think of something else that's highly possible... that her status might have changed?? 

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Just now, chi13lou said:

PRECISELY! MLSHR has ended but now, the real drama begins!

Just in case most of us start to stop visiting this thread, just wanted to check if everyone who will be available is ok with us gathering here for the SBS Drama Awards either on the 30th or 31st of December.

Totally down for the SBS DRAMA AWARDS! How can I miss seeing another real life touchy full of explosions interaction between our OTP? I CANT! Absolutely addicted too JoonU

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3 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

PRECISELY! MLSHR has ended but now, the real drama begins!

Just in case most of us start to stop visiting this thread, just wanted to check if everyone who will be available is ok with us gathering here for the SBS Drama Awards either on the 30th or 31st of December.

Sounds cool. Hope they nominated in best couple award

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3 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

PRECISELY! MLSHR has ended but now, the real drama begins!

Just in case most of us start to stop visiting this thread, just wanted to check if everyone who will be available is ok with us gathering here for the SBS Drama Awards either on the 30th or 31st of December.

Yesss would love to gather here for the awards. Will there be live streaming or updates on the award? I hope they win best couple award! 

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3 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:

They have never, like never ever in any of the group hang out photos sat this close. In fact, most of the pictures posted had them at opposite ends of the table. This is the first time they have publicly posted a photo of them sitting not just right next to each other but actually leaning into each other! And frankly, he doesn't actually need to be sitting there, he can stand with the rest of the guys but instead he CHOSE to sat right next to her and CHOSE to lean into her too rather than maintaining a distance.

They have always been so careful, so what happened now?

They had a picture during the shooting wrap up party. It was posted a few pages back.

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51 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

SoSoo probably didn't meet in the future, but IU and LJG did meet. This is the happy ending for the shipping thread. :lol: 

I take back everything I said in the main thread about the finale! The finale led up to this and everything makes perfect sense. I don't even need an extra episode or special. I have my answer. 


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6 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:

They have never, like never ever in any of the group hang out photos sat this close. In fact, most of the pictures posted had them at opposite ends of the table. This is the first time they have publicly posted a photo of them sitting not just right next to each other but actually leaning into each other! And frankly, he doesn't actually need to be sitting there, he can stand with the rest of the guys but instead he CHOSE to sat right next to her and CHOSE to lean into her too rather than maintaining a distance.

They have always been so careful, so what happened now?

Unless... it's already an open secret amongst the cast that there's something brewing between this two already? Provided that JE is available now. Otherwise it's rather scandalous isn't it? 

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12 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

PRECISELY! MLSHR has ended but now, the real drama begins!

Just in case most of us start to stop visiting this thread, just wanted to check if everyone who will be available is ok with us gathering here for the SBS Drama Awards either on the 30th or 31st of December.



(Note: sorry for the CAPS, couldn't contain all these feels xD)

and on the side note, Oh Sanggoong looks so pretty!! right??


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5 minutes ago, hamsterden4444 said:


And let's say he is just leaning in to be within the frame, very importantly, she did not lean away but rather lean back quite comfortably. I bet they miss hugging (maybe kissing????) each other. #delulumindactiveagain #heartburstingwithhappiness


But the frame is wide enough without having him to get that close which is why am so surprised!

7 minutes ago, violet90 said:


from what i see LJG really admire and adores Jieun whether in term of her work ethics or her charm and her looks.. he just so fascinated by her up until he can compared Jieun with other of his past co star and that show something.. LJG seem a very touchy person but he won;t do that if he know you uncomfortable with that and based on early bts he really staying off line about touching Jieun but gradually he just really love touching her.. also if he just assuming Jieun as a friend why would he do the same with KHN or other female cast.. we can see that JG treat Jieun really different from other his previous co star..

also a guy that messed up his line just looking at Jieun face totally not thinking her as just a friend... LJG sees her as a woman...


Wholeheartedly agree with EVERY single word in your post. The progression of their closeness throughout the bts is clear proof enough of their relationship. And he definitely sees her as a woman, it's very very obvious when you compare how he treats the rest of the female cast v/s Jieun, he depends on her as much as she depended on him throughout this entire show. Even during the press con, he seems so very impressed by how she handles herself and manages the reporters and everything. Every time she is asked a question, he smiles and on reflex leans towards her or turns his face towards her to hear each and every word. He doesn't give such attention to all his costars, only to the people he is very close to like among the guys it's baek hyun or KHN.

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Just now, hamsterden4444 said:

Yesss would love to gather here for the awards. Will there be live streaming or updates on the award? I hope they win best couple award! 

There will be live streaming. I am quite confident that they will be one of the best couple awardees. I hope JG gets the Producer Prize if SBS overlooks him for the major acting awards, because this will be voted on by producers and not be based on ratings.

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6 minutes ago, chi13lou said:

They had a picture during the shooting wrap up party. It was posted a few pages back.


Yes they had but that's only one pic and it isn't with other people around, it's just normal selfie that you can't exactly guess anything from since they have to lean in close to take a selfie but here it's a group photo, there is amble of space for them to sit anywhere else.

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2 hours ago, violet90 said:

i think the writer wrap the story in the most realistic way except the way that So finding out Su death that can be more painful than that.. i mean he can see the belonging and all but the writer choose to skip that.. duh.......

So respecting Su wish for that child to grow up outside the palace and he know that she will be in danger if people found out that she is the king daughter... his face when seeing the hairpin and his order to leave that kid means he know that child is his but the moment Jung tell Su wish he accepted that.. only releasing Jung and requesting him to visit the palace he can see his child with the woman he love from afar.. it must be so painful and i bet he's crying when he leaving his child with Jung.. 

also the two hanging plot... Su with her knowledge about she been in Goryeo and So with knowledge she in different world but he did promise to find her no matter what... so i guess we get an open ending but other than that i 40% satisfied.. she can do much better cause she can change the ending but did't and make people thinking about the plot... i just hate her for this......

but LOL at So ignoring his child with YH.. he totally ignored her and HIS CHILD because he know what type of woman YH is and he know his child will follow YH so he don't care about them... it confirm our plot about he just give child but he don't care about them or YH.........

the only woman that he care and think every single day is Su and the way he rule based on Su thinking... and the child that he love the most is his daughter with Su because that child came from love and even her face look like Su...  


Yeah he completely not care his children with YH. He ignores them and the most important is their children afraid towards him.

Completely opposite with Haesoo daughter. So lucky that Haesoo and Wangso have daughter, not son. A daughter who seems similiar with her mom, really can heals Wangso heart. Because there is no singles day, he not thinks about Haesoo...


2 hours ago, Nita Fransisca said:

Oh..my poor heart..JoonU please give us the happiness and the true ending in the REAL LIFE!! BE A REAL COUPLE AND GET MARRIED!


Ameeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!! Be real couple please... Many Koreans fans support both of you. I can feel both of you like Taeyoung and Eugene. I know nothing is imposible for both of you...


2 hours ago, jetsu said:

 I don't hate or like the ending.  I knew it was going to be sad, so I have accepted that from the start.  People didn't like the ending because is not what they expected.  They were expecting to be like the c-version that they meet in the future, to me I did not like the ending because the guy is not the historical 4th.      

The surprise is they have a daughter, which Soo gave up her life for.  I believed Soo would have lived longer if she did not give birth. This is the reason she left So, so she can have the baby and keep her safe.

Overall I love So and Soo's journey from encounter to love to death.       


 Yups this is exactly not like my expectation. About baby, I has that strong feeling, they will have the baby, but I think that will be a son, not a daughter.


2 hours ago, riuenu said:


Credit to melloviciousiu



 If thats true, I will buy that DVD for sure...


1 hour ago, riuenu said:

Alright..the ending...the more I watch it..the more I like the ending

Especially this sentence "If you and I are in a different world, I will find you. My dear, Soo" and him ,he wipe off his makeup....that is the cool part..revealing his scarred face with Gwangjong outfit

Beautiful ending scene...tho we doesnt have the kiss...yet...we get to see our OTP walking down so blissfully..this is what we never get to see..their blissful and peaceful time together..over here...its is So...not Gwangjong



I like this last statement too. But seriously, seems so much open ending for me... I need more please...


1 hour ago, violet90 said:

i don't know that there are still people who did't believe Su love.... she ran away from palace to protect So and his child that she carry with her... if she did't keep that baby maybe she still have a few years left.. the doctor said that the baby drained her energy and because of that she will loss her life but she just smile and said its okay cause its her and So child.. even if its mean she will give her life to her baby she will gladly do that.. i'm crying typing this cause that's how big her sacrifice is.. she protecting both So and his child by hiding her daughter cause there is no way So can take care of that child in palace and she did't want her child to suffer either... in the end she give her life to her baby... something to connect her and So after she dies.....

its the biggest sacrifice a mother and a lover can do.. its beautiful yet sad in a way.....  :tears:



when the doctor said about the pregnancy, seems haesoo not surprise anymore. She already knew that she's pregnant with wang so baby but she will not long life to stay beside her child and she clearly know that her children will not be save if they stay in palace. People around Wangso kept use her to attack So, and if they know about the daughter, that will more bullets for Wangso enemies. So Haesoo really wanna left because she saved her child and Wangso, the only one she always loves


25 minutes ago, enigmaticangel said:

LJG  is great, he quickly finished his fan meeting so that he could spend more time with IU. I hope fate brings them together soon!!


Amin... He really make it to join with all the casts...

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2 minutes ago, moonlovertales said:


But the frame is wide enough without having him to get that close which is why am so surprised!


Wholeheartedly agree with EVERY single word in your post. The progression of their closeness throughout the bts is clear proof enough of their relationship. And he definitely sees her as a woman, it's very very obvious when you compare how he treats the rest of the female cast v/s Jieun, he depends on her as much as she depended on him throughout this entire show. Even during the press con, he seems so very impressed by how she handles herself and manages the reporters and everything. Every time she is asked a question, he smiles and on reflex leans towards her or turns his face towards her to hear each and every word. He doesn't give such attention to all his costars, only to the people he is very close to like among the guys it's baek hyun or KHN.

Hehe actually you are right.. he's already shown his tendency to lean towards her from the early interview on. He managed to close up the gap pretty well this round. Maybe all the video edit tutorials have helped to bring them closer. :D 

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5 minutes ago, hamsterden4444 said:

Unless... it's already an open secret amongst the cast that there's something brewing between this two already? Provided that JE is available now. Otherwise it's rather scandalous isn't it? 


I was actually quite suspicious since I saw KHN's reaction to IU praising LJG as costar in one of the IV's, he gives him such a sly thumbs up. I feel like the cast have noticed something, probably the attraction between them but they are being careful not to give it away since they are huge stars and it can mess up a lot of things considering the fact it's JoonU's business not theirs.

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