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Kim Yoo-Jung & Park Bo-Gum | Moonlight Couple|


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Thesecretgarden,:bawling: your story make me tears in joyfull, idk, but tell me you are not some one i know in another name..??

At this rate you can beat KES, writernim dear.

So romantic, every words you write is proufound, literary craft...write more to expand your great talent.




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@yaya_amin Love the song chingu :blush:

@Kissy13 Thank you for your wishes! :heart: Wishing all shipmates here a merry christmas too and happy holidays :heart:

our babies have grown up beautifully :wub:

here's Bogummy with little patient :heart:


Since it's christmas season, don't know if any chingu could help but here is a fellow soompier fundraising for her mum :heart:


42 minutes ago, starrynight288 said:

Hi everyone I have not been on Soompi in such a longgggggggg time but I'm back and with a mission!

My mom was recently diagnosed with a thyroid condition that if not treated it will most likely lead to thyroid cancer. She has a surgery set after the new year but she won't be able to afford it. 

She's the most hard working mother of 3, she works over 60 hours a week at a nail salon providing for me and my sisters with an income below the poverty line. She skips meals, she skips sleep in order to put food on the table. She tries her hardest to make sure that my sisters and I do not worry about anything other than school and our futures. That's why my mother recently Korean drama-ed me and didn't tell me about her deteriorating health until now, weeks before her surgery. I've set up a gofundme page and if you guys could please check it out that would be amazing. If you guys don't want to donate, please please please share the link on your social media pages. 

Much love, Jess (starrynight288)




or if you could just relay the information, it could be helpful :heart: I know you guys have hearts of gold, so if we can do anything, it would be great

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I really adore BG and YJ kindness they are so perfect :heart: They are indeed good people. (There are only two kinds people in world GOOD people and BAD people) :glasses:



So, to all boyoo shipper lets live our lives normally as best as we can cause we only live once and dont forget to spread raon to everyone :wub:

Advance Merry Christmas and happy Boyoo shipping to everyone :heart:

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Hello chingus!!! 

Happy holidays everyone!! This is the season to spread love and recieve love :) Let's move on from this ruckus and this storm and help yoojung completely move forward by spreading good vibes as her fans and shipppers! Let's just not mind them hates, like what boyoo both are doing we as fans shall kill em with kindness :) We all know yj is a strong girl and she can pass through this! And she will remain as our same full of raon and vitamin lady once she regain her strength! 


Knowing bg for sure he already visited her and been a source of strength and encouragement to her aside from her family and friends and we never know maybe he's there everyday maybe he'd go straight to the hospital after he finished all his commitments :wub: constantly staying by her side....goodness! Pardon my delulu mind :phew: hihihi



I'm excited for the 31st!! Again knowing both bg and yj i don't think they will let these issues be in the middle/between them aren't we all witnesses of how they treaure each other very much, they are both mature and knows what to do, so let's always have faith in them :heart:


 excited for the kbs awards night on the 31st! For sure we will blessed by many sweet heart-fluttering moments again! Think postive chingus!! Lot's of loves to all!! Again Happy holidays :)

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so happy YJ can attend KBS Drama Award. Tbh, FMHO, it's better for her to attend it than not attend

Because, if she's not attend it, haters will become more cruel than now.

and the best way to fight your enemy is by facing them directly isn't?

Image result for face your enemy quotesImage result for face your enemy quotes

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20 hours ago, akikisetsu said:

With everything that's going on, please send your message of encouragement to our baby Yoo Jung.  

Just write your message, name , age and country and email to HY559979@gmail.com

Deadline is tomorrow, Dec 23, 2016 23:00 KST.

So, please email your messages now. 


so yeah, i sent my message in, pretty long one, then mentioned our English speaking international fans at Soompi; i also invited her to drop by to visit HER site at Soompi Kim Yoo Jung; Soompi Moonlight; as well as Soompi Boyoo shippers paradise (of course I told her this is where we exclusively rant and squeal about  everything Him and Her in real life etc.)

And this is what the admin responded; I think those who submit the greetings got the same respond :sweatingbullets:

"thank you for the letter.
I'll make sure she will get this. I'll translate it into korean and give her both in korean and english(original).
thanks again!"
p.s. maybe I will ask the admin to give us a soft copy of all the greetings  fans submitted for us to read, or at least the cover page :)
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16 minutes ago, peachlover777 said:

so yeah, i sent my message in, pretty long one, then mentioned our English speaking international fans at Soompi; i also invited her to drop by to visit HER site at Soompi Kim Yoo Jung; Soompi Moonlight; as well as Soompi Boyoo shippers paradise (of course I told her this is where we exclusively rant and squeal about  everything Him and Her in real life etc.)

And this is what the admin responded; I think those who submit the greetings got the same respond :sweatingbullets:

"thank you for the letter.
I'll make sure she will get this. I'll translate it into korean and give her both in korean and english(original).
thanks again!"
p.s. maybe I will ask the admin to give us a soft copy of all the greetings  fans submitted for us to read, or at least the cover the page :)

I have just sent mine as well. Hahaha

Moving aside, If KDY and KDW will be nominated under New Actor Category, what category they will put YJ ? BG as we know will be under daesang, top excellence:sweatingbullets:

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@pinkroses i thought i read somewhere yj is nominated for top excellence/ excellence actress? Though the article didnt directly say she is nominated... It's more like song hye kyo have to compete kyj to win excellence/ top excellence award and compete sjk to win daesang... I cant show you the article now since im mobile now....Maybe someone can bring the article here...

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10 minutes ago, pinkroses said:

Moving aside, If KDY and KDW will be nominated under New Actor Category, what category they will put YJ ? BG as we know will be under daesang, top excellence:sweatingbullets:

Yj will definitely get more than one award,  who knows, maybe all the MBDC youth squad members will each get an award, read below...taken from our sister site over at Moonlight soompi. credit Gumtaek

"...KBS hit the jackpot in the drama department this year with a string of solid, if not sensational, works. So rich is the list of candidates that there is even talk of creating new award categories to make sure each person who deserves an honor gets one.":sweatingbullets:

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1 hour ago, peachlover777 said:

Yj will definitely get more than one award,  who knows, maybe all the MBDC youth squad members will each get an award, read below...taken from our sister site over at Moonlight soompi. credit Gumtaek

"...KBS hit the jackpot in the drama department this year with a string of solid, if not sensational, works. So rich is the list of candidates that there is even talk of creating new award categories to make sure each person who deserves an honor gets one.":sweatingbullets:

Who knows maybe they include a new category like mbc did last they add their own top10 star award.Idont know  if they intentionally include yj in that category and did not nominate in any category esp new actress this is yj first drama not as child counterpart of lead act. 

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@thesecretgarden as always..your drabble light up my days.. :heart:.. n those scene really happened in my head. After i heard YJngie sick n being admitted to hospital, then pang pang..those scene really flash in my mind knowing BGmy lovely character. He will visited her in the hospital for sure. 

n i love your gun pic..:w00t:..

3 hours ago, pbgkyj said:

Boyoo shipper got a gift from santa:w00t:


yeyyy.. the best news for us..thanks for share :wub:

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