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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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@julie721 yaaaa.. I miss u a lot dear..

agree with you 100000000000000000% can't count anymore..

yup don't fight.. don't try to make others understand what your choose to ship and respect other ship.. I am not offend to JH-YJ shipper, but I just not so into to fathom all YJ's deed.. 

so let sail our ship in our own boat.. kyaaaaa.. still no preview??

but  I have BTS that I can replay and the scenes of my OTP which so preciously to watch over and over..

till friday guys..

hahahaha @Bambiina I looovvvee your post.. cuz I am nearly 40ies too bwahahahahha.. that's exactly the issued .. 

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@eva23 .. meeee tooooooooooooooooooooo I am 40ish reason fro me

I hope PD/Writer won't go toward that path .... I mean making JH return YJ feelings .. wakakaka.. Anna and JH is the reason for me now ,, Please don't take away that reason from me

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Annyeong K2 agents! 

Ive been following this drama since ep1. Got hooked when i watched the action packed trailer. No going back and no regrets so far. In fact im quite happy to discover the gem Ji Changwook. I absolutely love his acting and visuals, lol who doesnt? Im soaking up this drama albeit the plotholes, because who cares? I watch drama to de-stress and not stress over trivial things. And i wanna share my thoughts on the so-called "sexual tension" as perceived by some fellow k2 agents.

10 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

The YooJin has maternal affection is a cool theory, but I don't buy it.

Like most details in this drama, like Jeha's PTSD, YooJin's apparent barreness has been dropped. It hasn't been mentioned since episode 4 I believe.

Plus, her lack of a child is never mentioned during or near her scene's with Jeha. She doesn't act motherly towards him either, to me, even though YJ is much more experienced in the game of politics, she has always given Jeha equal opportunity  to voice his opinions, she has told him a few tips buy she never came off as his teacher.

Plus, there is the chemistry in their scene's. I read it as sexual, but it could also be read as affection towards a friend but not motherly. Even many Jehanna shippers felt a strange chemistry between JH and YJ, especially during the last Cloud 9 scene where some were worried JH might cheat on Anna.

I don't know, maybe Ji Chang Wook is attracted to Song Yoona , but can't assume that. I have to assume that the sizzling chemistry JCW and Song Yoona was a conscious decision made by the actors, writer, and director.

Why would they act with such chemistry and film scenes in a way that brings attention to that chemistry if they just wanted to portray Song Yoona as a mother?


Its quite interesting actually how we take on that particular scene. Personally, I saw it as a challenge of power of CYJ. The tension arose when Jeha came too close and invaded her personal space. Its like my employee showed a sign of disrespect and came to my face to challenge me thus creating so much tension. But i cant feel the sexual tension in there. Jeha from the onset has not exhibited any love or attraction angle towards Yoojin, but i can sense the wonder and gratitude emanating from Yoojin because he's her lifesaver. He joined her camp because they have a common enemy. Hes not going to be a subordinate but an equal. Yoojin wields the most power in JSS. Everybody treats her with fear and respect. Now, Anna is a different matter altogether. Her vulnerable nature simply appealed to the chivalrous instinct of Jeha. From Spain to korea, one can see the developing attraction of Jeha towards Anna. And that attraction will fall into love that will be the motivation of Jeha to the end. The characters will find themselves in the midst of intrigue, struggle for power, politics and revenge but their love will prevail in the end. I dont know, maybe after watching so many dramas and reading stories, my mind broke it down to simple terms. Hope all the characters will have their just and proper ending. Meantime, im enjoying this ride with you. :)  

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Guest julie721
2 hours ago, perfectsmilebias said:

the age gap really matter!?!? Are woman of a certain age really not allowed to be seen as potential romantic partners for younger men? Are they no longer able to be considered attractive to younger men? Age is just a number.... and I'm saying this when I'm a millennial

Dearie.. As much as I agree with your sentiment here, I don't really blame and try to be understanding to people who are opposed to JH-YJ because of age gap. Because the double standard do exist in this world, we live in patriarchal world system anyway. These opinion about it's okay for older man to romance younger woman compare to the other way around is already accepted and normally happened since years and centuries before we born anyway. Nowadays, it getting more and more acceptable for older woman-younger man relationship. But you can deny they face more hardships compare to the other pairing. I see with my own eyes how my BFF who married to her 9-years younger husband struggles against prejudice and accusations. Sad right, they are trully love each other. But I see some gradual changes though, women and minorities are starting to be treated more equally these days, yet it's still long way to go until these people get what they deserve. Why I say gradually? Because it's not easy to change public perceptions as turning one hand. More subtle and soft approaches work better than offensive and revolutionary approaches. It takes much longer time though, but at least it works.

In this drama case, it's normal for people to feel uncomfortable about YJ-JH relationships. Because, apart from age gap, there's another reason, YJ is a married woman. Combine that two reasons, YJ being older and the relationship would be an adulterous one, that might disgust many people. For me I would be neutral, for JH finally end up with widowed YJ. But so long YJ is still in marriage status, that's a different case. Age gap no problem, adulterous and infidelity (although her marriage is contract one, but I still consider that infidelity) big problem.. that's why I can't never digest the other drama airing at the moment, I'm talking about other drama.. Not K2, the theme disgusts me so much No matter how good the drama is..

The bold parts: You're that young? Wow.. For someone so young and already have these in depth opinions and interest to gender, LGBT, and mental disabilities, I salute you. I remember all I did when I was your age was partying, flirting like ALL the time!! Hahahahaha.. 

@klgirl we will still have our ISIT?  lalalallala.gif I guess master song really success in keeping your spirit high...

@eva23 I miss you too my byuntae partner (we should hold ourselves, right? MOD is angry with us or me especially hahahahaha... Angry MOD: scaryy... feb7f148.gif)

@Bambiina I guess PD won't choose that path. PD is kinda JehAnna shipper or perhaps he knows what is selling from the drama is JehAnna at the moment. PD is quite proud to be able to present 3 minutes and 50 sec blanket scene to viewers, he even kinda bragging in one of his interview that it is the longest one-take-kissing-scene ever tapped in history of KDrama. 

Gotta go now.. See you in a while..


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@julie721 - I am 99.9999% sure that PD/Writer will not choose that path .. but there is still 0.0001% lingering thought .. (Oh I have suffered when PD did a 180 degree flip in cheese in the trap - (anyway - we kinda saw it coming with cheese in the trap))

I think we will see the progressed in Jehanna relationship in ep 11. 

I want to see Jeha getting jealous ... is there anyone that can make him jealous?

I need YJ backstory so that we can move on ... I wonder if they even have a backstory for YJ? Are they still deciding her backstory? Is there more than what being shown to us now? .. Are they testing the water to see what audience like more? Grey YJ or Black YJ? (I see her character keep on changing between this two shades .. in 5 she's grey, 6 black, 7 grey, 8 black, 9 black?, 10 grey?) ... It's look like PD/Writer can't decide and keep changing, is that the reason we have no backstory for YJ yet? 

Anyway - I don't think YJ killed Anna's mom ... unless Writer/PD decided that YJ character is beyond 'repair' .. 

Why do I feel that the script is not finished yet and they actually write the story parallely. 


BTW Julie - I have a friend that is married to a guy 20 years younger than her ..



He is 25 and she is 45 .. she got married last year around December.  Her husband still maintaining the "single' status and she has to be a 'secret' wife because of the age. Her in-laws cannot accept her at first. Now they kind of tolerate her. That's the reality, Most of our friends, her family advice her not to get married ... Everyone says the guy gonna chuck her off when he reach 30 ... I have a first hand experience with this BIG AGE GAP marriage/relationship .. she is my close friend.. my childhood friend we are like sister ... I know how hard it is and it is almost impossible to get married and stay  married ... My friend motto - enjoy while it last .. don't think of the future. (we are Asians by the way)

We will think age is just a number until our son/daughter says he/she wants to get married to someone close to our age (15 to 20 year older). 



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@julie721 I guess I know which drama that you're talking about kkkkkk... ;)

bwahahahahah.. yup we should stop.. but I can't resist it.. their chemistry to fill my romance desire soooo high.... errrggghhh.. 

I just want to tweaked their ears.. and drag them to get room already alone.. :sweatingbullets:

I won't bother and snoop them bwahahahahahaha..

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1 hour ago, velvet01 said:

Annyeong K2 agents! 

Ive been following this drama since ep1. Got hooked when i watched the action packed trailer. No going back and no regrets so far. In fact im quite happy to discover the gem Ji Changwook. I absolutely love his acting and visuals, lol who doesnt? Im soaking up this drama albeit the plotholes, because who cares? I watch drama to de-stress and not stress over trivial things. And i wanna share my thoughts on the so-called "sexual tension" as perceived by some fellow k2 agents.


@velvet01 like you I watch drama to de-stress and not stress over trivial things.  It's either I love the drama or not! I enjoy reading other people thoughts and since I am not really good at expressing or writing, I just keep things simple.  But I just love that The K2 have so many memorable scenes that sticks to my brain that makes me go crazy!  Like the ramen, the umbrella, the shower fight, CPR, the freeze n go, walkie talkie OVER, the blanket kiss, etc with more to come (I hope).  These are scenes that are here to stay forever whenever we discuss K2 with viewers, fans or whoever. Gosh! It's Thursday and where is my preview? *half dying without patience*

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not having preview not even one still's do you think TVN like mystery so much to make us live like this ???? okay someone from TVN should come here and see what the result  for what they doing , so why we keep talking about all kind of  things again and again it simple we have nothing while waiting for some Marcy from one channel :smirk:

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15 minutes ago, nona88 said:

not having preview not even one still's do you think TVN like mystery so much to make us live like this ???? okay someone from TVN should come here and see what the result  for what they doing , so why we keep talking about all kind of  things again and again it simple we have nothing while waiting for some Marcy from one channel :smirk:

We are running out of topic to talk here... Hahaha seriously TVN...  been on and off checking IG and twitter but nothing

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When everybody discuss mother and son relationship somebody in allkpop posted interesting comment share here.14657430_1800217640215706_65977577672113


Actor Ji Chang Wook talked about 'The K2' on an interview with Arirang TV's'Showbiz Korea.' 

During the 'Exclusive date' segment aired on October 26, the actor had a chance to discuss 'The K2' and the famous 'ramen scene' that involved his character, Kim Je Ha, helping YoonA's character, Anna, make her own instant ramen by setting up the cooking station and then watching her delight in her first ramen making through a security camera. 

Ji Chang Wook commented about the scene, saying, "Before I decided to do this drama, this was my favorite scene while reading the script. This is the moment Je Ha and Anna begin to connect, but they do so while not being face-to-face. I thought it was interesting this happens through a monitor." 

cr to allkpop for trans

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Guest julie721

@Bambiina your friend


Wow she's brave.. I don't know whether it's a trend or some younger men more open to show their interests to older women. Maybe for a fling romancing younger man would be fun, but it is very hard when it's more serious. Not only society and biological clock, but maintaining same level of way of thinking would very difficult too. There are exceptions ofc, but mostly it is doomed from the start. And since we witness the example with our own eyes, we get to be very realistic in viewing YJ-Jeha possible romance... 


@feima Bambiina answer it correctly.. I can't stand that drama.. Hahahaha and wookie sing OST would be nice.. But don't get your hope too high, TVN being stingy here, even preview isn't available yet.. (I'm butthurt here..)

@nona88 eh, what preview? We're lucky if we get ep 11-12 this weekend.. #sarcasm 

@klgirl I don't care what day is it, as long as I get wookie looking as gorgeous as that... 


Meanwhile our love birds are quarreling at the moment...


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3 hours ago, yournameit said:

When everybody discuss mother and son relationship somebody in allkpop posted interesting comment share here.

Sorry, cut your post.

Wow!!! I really like that AllKpop analysis! It would add a lot to YooJin's character.

I"m still not convinced, but her analysis was great!

But if Jeha is YooJin's long lost son, then that would make him and Anna step siblings! Do we really need another drama couple with incest-vibes?

Plus, I don't think the vagueness around Jeha's parentage is intentional. They haven't, to my knowledge, mentioned his family once. I honestly think the writer hasn't put much thought into the character of Jeha, aside from an obligatory fridged woman, vague insight into his career as a mercenary, and an even more vague mention of his getting unfairly discharged from the Korean military, Jeha has no back story. His characterization is even weaker...

So, I doubt the writer has any idea who Jeha's parents were or are. Jeha is like a metaphorical orphan.

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