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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

I agree that if there is 9 episodes left, it's time for DY and DT to get together, so that they can start resolving the other issues in the drama while DY and DT get a chance to show a united front to everyone. I wish DY would have the courage to just register their wedding at least. That way, they are husband and wife. They can have a proper wedding with everyone in episode 120 after it's all over, but at least once their marriage is registered, there won't be talk of splitting them apart any more, at least without a divorce of some kind, so they can focus on straightening out their various families. 

I share the same sentiments as you and @desertflower and really hope DY will muster enough courage to register her marriage to DT officially. And in the final episode #120, it would be epic for them to renew their vows in front of a crowd with all their approval and blessings:).

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9 hours ago, sk0317 said:

JR will not give in without a good fight...she refuses to file the divorce papers herself and now that MS wants to collect those papers to file them himself, she is adamant not to hand them over. JR wants to be legally bound as MS's lawful wife even though he had no more feelings for her. It's also one of her ways to stick it to him. YJ should be able to get an imminent divorce. He wouldn't need any kind of compensation from HR, he has his 'bag of goodies' ready and is waiting for the right time to ditch.

@sk0317 Hello, JR problem is she treats her husband like and employee that she can bark orders to and he just supposed to except it. I knew she was holding on to those divorce papers for some reason.. I'm trying to figure out if she wants him to beg for a divorce, MS has been out the house over 6 months now he could file for a divorce, But for her to go to SA and tell her she should behave properly was totally out of line. Sa should have told her she should have behave herself properly maybe her husband would still be home instead of some remote village.. And from the preview it looks like she wants to blame SA for MS wanting her to file the divorce papers. Her daughter Hr is no different from her both bark divorce from there spouses.. YJ I think will serve HR divorce papers I was wondering how long would he put up with her crap.. I loved that he told her that he didn't have to stsay married to her just because she was the president daughter. 

I hate the fact Halmoni blames DY for her brothers death, I still don't understand why she wasn't in the car when the accident happen DY was just a baby how is it her fault she got sick, I think Halmoni suffering from alzhemier is her payback for all the years she treated DY bad.. Sw really is going to suffer because Halmoni want be able to help like she normaly did..

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1 hour ago, valsava said:

@sk0317 Hello, JR problem is she treats her husband like and employee that she can bark orders to and he just supposed to except it. I knew she was holding on to those divorce papers for some reason.. I'm trying to figure out if she wants him to beg for a divorce, MS has been out the house over 6 months now he could file for a divorce, But for her to go to SA and tell her she should behave properly was totally out of line. Sa should have told her she should have behave herself properly maybe her husband would still be home instead of some remote village.. And from the preview it looks like she wants to blame SA for MS wanting her to file the divorce papers. Her daughter Hr is no different from her both bark divorce from there spouses.. YJ I think will serve HR divorce papers I was wondering how long would he put up with her crap.. I loved that he told her that he didn't have to stsay married to her just because she was the president daughter. 

I agree she does run her household/own affairs like she is running a company. While thinking she has authority over everyone, she has the upper hand in negotiating with MS by withholding the divorce papers. I think she will keep those papers like she is holding a trump card and might even want MS to beg her to grant him a divorce like you mentioned. According to this site: https://klawguru.com/2014/11/11/divorce-law-in-korea/

MS could apply for a 'judicial divorce' since JR seems to be holding back the procedures 'to divorce simply in retaliation or out of spite (where the marriage is already very much in shambles, and no efforts to salvage it are being made)'. Of course, things will not be easy and smooth when you have to deal with a person like JR. I bet she is raking over coals and thinking "Grant you a divorce so that you can marry/be with that woman? Over my dead body!" HA! roll eyes!

We have seen JR at work...in the case of DT, she first tried to discourage him from getting into a serious relationship with DY. Failure to convince him made her used other tactics (including the latest offering of a huge sum of money) to dissuade DY in order to hurt DT indirectly. Since she has exhausted all her means to persuade MS to return to Seoul for a reconciliation, she had to strike where it hurts most, that is by going directly to SA's and intimidating her and her MIL. I think her torment has only just started...'like mother, like daughter'. It reminds me of the times HR used to visit DY at Bonjour and kicked up a hissy fit each time she feels mad or frustrated. SA is still in a state of shock and disbelief to react accordingly I think. When she finds her composure, we might see her standing up to JR. She might even recall where she has seen JR...and link MS to Bonjour?

It's kind of worrying YJ seems to refute, rebuke, and rebut the Sul's (DT/HR/JR to a certain extent) often these days. And he seems confident enough to take on JR (again) and GP if the need arises. I wouldn't be surprised JR and GP would be left speechless by his attitude and rebuttal should they confront him about HR. Yes have to agree his "just because you're the president's daughter' line was priceless. I bet HR didn't see that coming.

2 hours ago, valsava said:

I hate the fact Halmoni blames DY for her brothers death, I still don't understand why she wasn't in the car when the accident happen DY was just a baby how is it her fault she got sick, I think Halmoni suffering from alzhemier is her payback for all the years she treated DY bad.. Sw really is going to suffer because Halmoni want be able to help like she normaly did..

As the proverb says, "What goes around, comes around." I am still waiting to see what's installed for (to quote @stroppyse) the three Harpies (JR/HR/SW). Sorry I didn't realize my post was going to be this long. m(_ _)m

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5 hours ago, sgfan said:

I thought DY's hair looked great in this clip https://youtu.be/8wbj9-wq_2E. And yes the correct application of eyeliner does wonders right? Unfortunately for me, I count myself amongst those who have a shaky hand when tackling tight lining :sweatingbullets: 


Forget the hair, what happened to the feisty DY from long ago? We now have this weak woman, but in that clip she was bold and confident.  I hope she returns.

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3 hours ago, valsava said:


I hate the fact Halmoni blames DY for her brothers death, I still don't understand why she wasn't in the car when the accident happen DY was just a baby how is it her fault she got sick, I think Halmoni suffering from alzhemier is her payback for all the years she treated DY bad.. Sw really is going to suffer because Halmoni want be able to help like she normaly did..


@valsava, sorry to shorten your post. I agree with you.  It makes no sense that DY's mother blames her, a sick baby of only 1 year old, if that, at the time of the accident. The writer couldn't come up with a better plot than that.  It's so stupid for SW and her halmoni to blame a sick baby for her brother's death. It's even more surprising that a mother would make such an asinine claim.

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Having found out DT is planning to propose to DY, SW has resorted to using her last card to try and stop DY from accepting DT's proposal. What is DY going to do after hearing SW's accusation that she was solely responsible for her father's death?

# SA should have clarified/explained the events leading up to the automobile accident to DY when she had asked her earlier:(.

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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

Episode 112's Preview:


MS: Didn’t you come find me here to tell me something?

SA: My mother-in-law keeps looking for you.

DT: I hope that things don’t get worse for you and YJ.

HR: If you wasn’t for you, things wouldn’t have gone this way.

HR: Mother-in-law

YJ Father: Hye Ri, what are you doing here?

HR: Yoon Jae went to Jang Mi Ri to meet Kang Dan Yi.

DY: I’m really sorry to you.

SW: Do you think that with just those words, you’re able to make it up to me? Not with words, but with deeds, show me how sorry you are.

JR: Did something happen?

SW: Director Sul said he is going to propose to Kang Dan Yi.

JR: Dong Tak is going to propose?


Seriously, SW wants DY to show her that DY is sorry for being sick as a baby which was the reason that SW's father was driving on the road that night that he was killed in a car accident by giving up the man she loves and who loves her? What? Btw, why is SW so sure that if only DY will let DT go, that he would turn to SW? He has never shown the slightest bit of interest in SW ever. Not to mention, her whole family background. Since it seems as if she's not cutting ties with her family completely, how does she expect to get away with the fact that she's DY's niece? This part is so illogical. I know I keep mentioning it, but it's a highlight of stupidity in a drama with a lot of stupidities.

However, please, please, please, don't let the writer have DY do another about face on her relationship with DT. Please have DY realize how ridiculous it is for her to let go of the man she loves who has said that he can't live without her over something that she doesn't even remember happened because she was a 1 year old baby. Jeez. It's bad enough that SW is that stupid. It would really be too aggravating if DY is that stupid as well. It's one thing to be apologetic and sympathetic to SW since SW seems to feel so bad about it. Another to give in to SW's illogical stupidity. Also, DT is not a toy to be traded between them. Both women had better understand that he's a person who has clearly stated his preference, backing it up with words, demeanor and actions every single time. If SW can't respect that since she's a stupid petulant child, DY should be able to respect that of him.


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35 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Having found out DT is planning to propose to DY, SW has resorted to using her last card to try and stop DY from accepting DT's proposal. What is DY going to do after hearing SW's accusation that she was solely responsible for her father's death?

# SA should have clarified/explained the events leading to the automobile accident to DY when she had asked her earlier:(.


Even without a clarification, DY knows that it's something that happened when she was an infant. Surely, it would be hubris to hold herself accountable for an event that happened when she was an infant when she would not hold another infant accountable. And, actually, that is one of the quibbles I have with all the martyrdom and self-sacrifice demonstrated by so many of the heroines of Korean dramas. That the self-sacrifice is something that only the heroine can demonstrate, even if it's to the point of futility, no matter how ridiculous the premise and its usually driven by feelings of unreasonable responsibility. Seriously, how is a helpless infant actually responsible for anything? The other major quibbles I have is that the self-sacrifice may be at the expense of a person that she loves for a person that she feels guilty towards. However, when one loves someone, doesn't one also have a duty to the person one loves? Hurting the one you love to assuage one's feelings of guilt seems like a dereliction of duty to me. 

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33 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


MS: Didn’t you come find me here to tell me something?

SA: My mother-in-law keeps looking for you.

DT: I hope that things don’t get worse for you and YJ.

HR: If you wasn’t for you, things wouldn’t have gone this way.

HR: Mother-in-law

YJ Father: Hye Ri, what are you doing here?

HR: Yoon Jae went to Jang Mi Ri to meet Kang Dan Yi.

DY: I’m really sorry to you.

SW: Do you think that with just those words, you’re able to make it up to me? Not with words, but with deeds, show me how sorry you are.

JR: Did something happen?

SW: Director Sul said he is going to propose to Kang Dan Yi.

JR: Dong Tak is going to propose?


Seriously, SW wants DY to show her that DY is sorry for being sick as a baby which was the reason that SW's father was driving on the road that night that he was killed in a car accident by giving up the man she loves and who loves her? What? Btw, why is SW so sure that if only DY will let DT go, that he would turn to SW? He has never shown the slightest bit of interest in SW ever. Not to mention, her whole family background. Since it seems as if she's not cutting ties with her family completely, how does she expect to get away with the fact that she's DY's niece? This part is so illogical. I know I keep mentioning it, but it's a highlight of stupidity in a drama with a lot of stupidities.

However, please, please, please, don't let the writer have DY do another about face on her relationship with DT. Please have DY realize how ridiculous it is for her to let go of the man she loves who has said that he can't live without her over something that she doesn't even remember happened because she was a 1 year old baby. Jeez. It's bad enough that SW is that stupid. It would really be too aggravating if DY is that stupid as well. It's one thing to be apologetic and sympathetic to SW since SW seems to feel so bad about it. Another to give in to SW's illogical stupidity. Also, DT is not a toy to be traded between them. Both women had better understand that he's a person who has clearly stated his preference, backing it up with words, demeanor and actions every single time. If SW can't respect that since she's a stupid petulant child, DY should be able to respect that of him.


Thanks @stroppyse for translation. It is absurd that prolong the matter of SW, Why someone doesn't discover SW's real identity? Why DY allow SW treat her like a trash. In this matter are we going to be in the next 20 episodes? Don't joke writenim. I hope nothing stop DT.

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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

Even without a clarification, DY knows that it's something that happened when she was an infant. Surely, it would be hubris to hold herself accountable for an event that happened when she was an infant when she would not hold another infant accountable. And, actually, that is one of the quibbles I have with all the martyrdom and self-sacrifice demonstrated by so many of the heroines of Korean dramas. That the self-sacrifice is something that only the heroine can demonstrate, even if it's to the point of futility, no matter how ridiculous the premise and its usually driven by feelings of unreasonable responsibility. Seriously, how is a helpless infant actually responsible for anything? The other major quibbles I have is that the self-sacrifice may be at the expense of a person that she loves for a person that she feels guilty towards. However, when one loves someone, doesn't one also have a duty to the person one loves? Hurting the one you love to assuage one's feelings of guilt seems like a dereliction of duty to me. 

@stroppyse  Well get ready because DY will do just that thinking she owes Sw she will never think what all she has gone through for Sw was enough.. I see her letting DT go for SW when in fact DT don't a lick of feelings for SW nor just because she breaks up with him for SW don't mean SW will get DT.. This is the only thing makes me mad about the dense DY.. I wish she could prove me wrong.  

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7 minutes ago, valsava said:

@stroppyse  Well get ready because DY will do just that thinking she owes Sw she will never think what all she has gone through for Sw was enough.. I see her letting DT go for SW when in fact DT don't a lick of feelings for SW nor just because she breaks up with him for SW don't mean SW will get DT.. This is the only thing makes me mad about the dense DY.. I wish she could prove me wrong.  


I so hope that you're wrong. If this really is a 120 episode series, isn't it close enough to the end that DY rediscovers her backbone and at least a lick of common sense?

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Do I think DY will give up DT because of hte lie SW has said? Yes, but as I have always believed as in true kdrama fashion....we don't know the full story of why the dad died. SW in typical kdrama fashion get close to the proverbal golden land, but it will burn up. The truth about her real identity will be revealed and the truth about her dad will come to light.

As to the mother blaming DY for his death is just so unbelievable that I'm just going to say it was early onset of her dementia that made her say those things. No one in their right mind would ever blame a 1 year old. I am absolutely loving the face that she is losing her marbles.

HR/YJ I am starting to like YJ here because he is stepping up as a man and putting HR in her place. Like her mother HR thinks the world revolves around them, but unfortunately everything they are doing is hurting not helping their cause. YJ/HR are finished even before they began....MS/JR are completely finished....JR has taken MS generosity for granted way too long that she believes she is entitled to anything and everything he does. As it was mentioned she treats MS as an employee not a husband.

I am also not liking the SW/YJ Brother pairing. It reeks the typical end of drama "Oh crap we have three episodes so let's just throw everything at these people!" type rushed ending.

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32 minutes ago, Triton823 said:

HR/YJ I am starting to like YJ here because he is stepping up as a man and putting HR in her place. Like her mother HR thinks the world revolves around them, but unfortunately everything they are doing is hurting not helping their cause. YJ/HR are finished even before they began....MS/JR are completely finished....JR has taken MS generosity for granted way too long that she believes she is entitled to anything and everything he does. As it was mentioned she treats MS as an employee not a husband.

@Triton823 I like the fact that in the upcoming episode HR runs to YJ parents and tell about him looking up DY.. Now knowing Yj mom she will try and place blame on DY and pay her a visit.. I hope DY put her in her place but I'm loving the fact that YJ isn't going to let his mom dictates his life, He will tell her just what married life to the spoiled rich princess is like and he wants out which his mom will think it's DY. Hopefully dad will tell greedy wannabe snob mother that she brought this about.. Not once has Hr been like a true DIL to them nor will HR tell his parents how often she has mention divorce to him.. 

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I hope to high heavens that this drama ends in 9 episodes at 120 and not 150! I'm thisclose to pulling my own hair & throw something at my computer monitor while watching this stupid daily (to which I have no idea why I continue to watch it as it is). If it is indeed 9 eps left, please start the fallout for JR, HR & SW/SR. I really can't stand this trio much longer, especially SW/SR. Her entire storyline/plot was stupid to begin with. There's literally no logical sense that her dream/goal of becoming JR's daughter-in-law would come true. She's not LSR nor have rich parents. To marry DT, you would think they would have a family meeting. How in the world was she going to pull it off?!!! I pray that the real SR comes back somehow and exposes her lies or that her mom finally stops spoiling or letting SW have her way and just expose her. She needs to be taught a lesson in humility big time.  She's the way she is because she's petty, greedy, selfish and was spoiled by her grandmother. She's always looking for the easy way out. She wants to achieve grand things without working hard for it. 

For JR who runs a big company, I can't believe just how stupid she is. What is even worse is her own father is also stupid to his own child's pettiness & selfishness as well. Thank goodness DT is nothing like his mom or sister. MS, please grow a backbone and stand up for yourself. Demand JR to file those divorce papers or take them from her and file it yourself. In SK, can he file a petition to get a divorce from the judge? For instance, he signed the papers, can he go to court and get the court to grant his divorce? For JR & HR, the world does not revolve around them. It's high time they are smacked in the face with reality. I don't want YJ to get back with DY, but I hope he takes them for all they have and leaves them high and dry. I don't usually root for the bad/shady guy, but in this instance, I am fully on board hoping he does.

I always thought that if the actors/actresses who plays villains whom we disliked immensely are really good in their craft to illicit such emotions from the audience. But after this daily, I realize that's not the case. Lee Yoo-Ri was successful as a villain in Jang Bo Ri because the lady can act. It's not the same expression all the time. There are some actors that play villains so successful that I even want them to succeed over the good guys because they were so charismatic or charming, and portrayed the character to be sympathetic. The actress playing JR only has like one facial expression, which is her "surprise" look with her eyes wide open and open mouth. It seems for +100 eps, that's the main expression she has. For the actress portraying SW/SR, she only has that scheming look or pissed off look. It's like almost every scene, she looks at DY with this expression. After a few eps of the same expressions, it gets tiring...not like the actress portraying DY is any better as well. The only one that seemed to have matured and grown into their role is the actor portraying DT. He's matured into his role as well. I've seen the actor that portrays YJ in other dailies (he's done a lot it seems), so I know he can do a better job than what he's currently doing as YJ.

I get so frustrated watching this daily everyday it seems. There's just too much stupid all over the screen. The Korean public who watches this actually find this drama okay? They don't get frustrated like we do?! I feel as if my IQ drops in half while watching it!!

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2 minutes ago, whome said:

I hope to high heavens that this drama ends in 9 episodes at 120 and not 150! I'm thisclose to pulling my own hair & throw something at my computer monitor while watching this stupid daily (to which I have no idea why I continue to watch it as it is). If it is indeed 9 eps left, please start the fallout for JR, HR & SW/SR. I really can't stand this trio much longer, especially SW/SR. Her entire storyline/plot was stupid to begin with. There's literally no logical sense that her dream/goal of becoming JR's daughter-in-law would come true.

@whome  Sorry to cut your post, But from the looks of things this drama will not be ending at 120 episodes I do see and extention in the making because by now SW identity would be revealed or JR would be investigating her..

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Why in the world is DY asking SW to give up? Give up what? It's not like DT is remotely interested in SW. If DY was truthful to DT about her relationship with SW, which he's not aware of at this point, he would break ties with SW because he would then truly understand the depth of her deception and the fact that she's trying to like the same man her aunt is dating. I have to idea why the writer made DY so wimpy and foolish.  

Also, SW is just an awful woman to want to take her aunt's boyfriend...even if it means lying on her own flesh and blood.

Then we have DT saying something that was absolutely foolish to me....Asking SW for her blessing to marry DY.  Why in the world would he want or need her blessing? This writer is truly making all these characters idiotic.  What happened to long dramas like "A Good Day for The Wind to Blow/Happiness in the Wind" where it's 173 episodes, but at least you have the story changing up some and you have a little angst, but you also feel satisfaction?

KC is being a little ridiculous. Why in the world would his pregnant fiancee want to live in the same house with his ex-wife.  To be honest, I don't know why that little girl is so attached to her mother, when I doubt she remembers her after 6 years of not seeing her.  I will say that it makes more sense for his pregnant fiancee to be living with them, than for the ex-wife who abandoned her family.  Why can't he get his own place?

I too hope this drama is not extended to 150 eps.  I think I would have to drop it and pick it back up in the last 2 episodes.

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