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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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2 hours ago, jimb said:

It does look like SW has been written out of the script.  No need to see her again until the Kumbaya final episode.

KC seems to be mixing up "official business" with personal affairs (SW is linked to DY/CJ/YJ). He could have captured SW sooner but hasn't because the thugs were a bigger danger to him when they confronted and tried to take SW away. Also, if he is seriously after SW, he could have arranged for a K9 squad and conduct a proper search with a search warrant. Apparently, JMR is such a safe village with the presence of no police post/station nearby. Since KC's aware SW had managed to slip away and escaped, he and his partner could have called for backup after capturing the thugs before sending them to Seoul. He is being very lenient and after SW surrenders herself, she was able to slip DY YJ's USB supposedly under direct supervision of the cops. What if the item handed to DY contains evidence in SW's capture and dealings? Why are SA, DY, CJ and even Mr. Park not taken in for questioning? They may have a part to play in hiding SW. The police needs to do a thorough investigation on the events leading to the surrender/arrest of SW. Does it mean it's the "end of the story" since SW surrendered herself? In RL, these people will be asked to report to the police station to make a statement even though they may not be detained or charged with an immediate offense.

We may see SW sooner than expected. LSR may be persuaded to drop her charges against SW. DT never seems to have the intention to press charges against SW and SW would not have been on the police watch and wanted list had LSR not filed an official police report and pressed charges against her.

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9 hours ago, desertflower said:

DY fell and hit her head I believe more on the back of the head but the blood was on the side?  Huh?   She was laying unconscious and SW cradled her in her arms to get her to regain consciousness.  DY wakes and is surprisingly as bright eyed and bushy tailed as ever which I thought was ridiculous considering she must have a concussion and in the real world would wake up drowsy and a bit rummy for a while (not to mention having a headache).  But not in drama land, DY's facial expressions continue to be a one note sonata.  Doesn't this actress know how to look dazed and woozy...if for only a moment...please!  Her speech should be slowed and a bit hesitating.  Note to the actress who plays DY; please stand in front of mirror and learn to make  many subtle facial expressions for your next drama.  

Her acting was so unbelievably bad I doubt she will be getting more new (challenging) roles in future projects. No slurred speech and her mind was as sharp as a tack. The first question she posed was, "Who are those men? What happened?". The knock must have put her to sleep she has been deprived of for weeks and perhaps months.

9 hours ago, desertflower said:

DY will likely take the USB to DT at just the right moment to save Bonjour and thereby her relationship with DT and the whole Seul Family.  In the meanwhile DY will have forgotten SW handed her a USB which is now in a pocket only to be remembered later in the crucial moments.

What happens if DY completely forgets about the USB in her pocket and she accidentally washes her clothes thus resulting in an USB that is ruined and unreadable?

10 hours ago, desertflower said:

I don't see a problem with Mr. Seul and SA getting together since SA is not related by blood to DY.  Let's examin closer:  SA's husband, Mr. Kang, died in the car crash and she actually has no blood relationship with the Kang family.   Only SW, DY's niece is a blood relation.  DY marries DT...not problem.  SA married MS still no problem other than her daughter's bad "blood" (pun intended) with the Seul family.  Still not a problem because SW just becomes DT's new little sister.  Strange but still not a problem especially since she was never too close to DT in that special way.

Let's see how this plays out.  This is going to get interesting now 

I have no problem with this "SA is not related by blood to DY" part. It will become complicated once MS finds out how SA's daughter ensnared and guilt-tripped his son in her conquest for a rich man's son. But I do see SA and MS getting together in the end and MS plays a big role in taking care of Ms. Park who has grown to be very fond of him and even sees her own son in him (or sees him as her own son).

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6 hours ago, 808lostmc said:

CJ please turn in your Man Card immediately! What a nincompoop! In his scene with SW she asks him how he can like her after the way she treated him. He says but he remembered how nice she was to him in the beginning. Yeah, when she thought you were the President's son. And the worst part is that she more or less told him so the night he took her home when she was drunk. She babbled on  about why couldn't he have been rich. I am ashamed to have a character like CJ associated with my gender. I say associated because at this point I consider him to be a unic. 

DY was in rare form dishonesty wise. Nearly every scene she was in had her telling a lie in one way or another. This is what the writers are giving us as a main female lead? Slow I can take, but she's so dishonest. Many Kdrama villains would make a back seat to DY in a dishonesty contest. Please! Please! If you just put DY in jail I'll overlook all the other shortcomings of this drama and consider it a success.

SW's confession to DT and later DY didn't go far enough. She should have told them everything. About destroying the mulberry paste condiment and stealing the recipe. Stealing the watch and all the lies and manipulation she engaged in. Before she is forgiven by anyone this has to happen IMO. It would also help to tie up some loose ends and maybe soften the view that JR and HR have of DY just a little.



 they all mostly been  dishonest in  some  form. some more then   others. MS did  come  clean  with  his  emotions for JR,but  before  that  he  avoided   saying  his  true  feelings.

JR abusing everyone  around  her   except  Grandpa.

Grandpa  so clueless can't believe he  meet  his family  every  evening in the  living  room and he does  not  know what is happening in their  lives.

HR knew YJ   together  with a  woman for 5 years. and yet that did not  stop her  from  bribing YJ to get him. YJ knew he loved DY  but his mother was  down  his neck to  be with the rich  woman.

YJ mother lied  a  lot  to  HR about  Yj  love for  DY. YJ  mother  made it   sound like DY/YJ was long time friends, and  DY was  crazy in  love with  YJ, but YJ had  no  such  feelings  for  DY.

YJ  father a  man  who  talk  about  doing the  honest  thing,  ended  up following his  wife  lead   and did not teach   YJ correctly. seems YJ  father  was just a  father in  name  only, he never follow through with his  wisdom  words, he always ends  up  being  fake as  his  wife.

KC fooled  around  with  SJ, break up ,  make  up. SJ  pregnant. KC  wife  tricked  KC  family    for a  while   to get back  with  KC. KC wife   in a  way  taught  her  daughter to  mistreat SJ.SJ not  saying   she had a drunk one night  stand  with  KC.

CJ running here  and  there, not being honest  about  what he is  doing when he  was  dating  SW. more dishonesty   when  CJ  found   out  about  SW  being a  wanted  person. CJ  was  so  nervous one  will think he was  wanted  for  some  criminal  act.

YJ dishonest to   HR family,sneaky.  his  goals is   to  take  over  the  company or  take  as  much  money as  he  can and start a  new  life in  china.lol.

DY withheld info  when it  comes  to  SW, lived in  fear  that   someone will find  out  who SW is  to her. 

SA kept all SW/DY lies a  secret from  granny.

Mayor went around  spreading  rumours  about  SA.  then  try to   guilt MS to  leave   so   SA reputation  stays  pure.

LSR  was  truthful to her  fake  handbags  business to  SW/SS.

 I  don't  know what  the  moral of this  drama is.  and  i  hope it is not  about  love   going through   tough  times is  worth it. I  will vomit.

not watched   this   episode, all these  characters  are so annoying,can't  stand  DY  twisted   mouth,CJ  face ,he looks like he fell out of the  sky and   his  head is  spinning. SW   with her  growl expressions.  SA expressions is  always  like she is  troubled. eww HR always  talk like she is  spitting in someone  face. i  am sure .lolol

YJ love for   dy hahahaha, it  is  lies and deceit   for a  girl  who is not  worth it, YJ  and  his  bror  both  crazy, only  difference  is  Yj  wears a  suit, so  he pretends to be classy.lol


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11 hours ago, sk0317 said:

I'm surprised the writers have decided to make DY and MS meet under that circumstances too. It's quite likely MS and SA are going to greet and act like they don't know each other in front of DY. I still think SA and MS should not end up together but I don't see them ending their relationship with the flow of this drama.(sigh)

You are most welcome:). After DY's "ninja" fight and KC's successful clearing of the "occupational hazards (the thugs)",  I wouldn't be surprised DT and YJ fighting after DT overhears YJ's conversation with DY. I wonder if DT was there for the gochujang factory or since the issues concerning SW has been resolved, was DT there to try to win DY back. I was disappointed with SW because she didn't hug her mom before she got into the police car. SW had hugged DY and her GM earlier. SW warned DY about YJ and told her not to trust him before handing YJ's USB to DY. I wonder what is DY going to do with the USB after she checks and confirms its content.

I am surprised the film "Apprentice" was filmed entirely in the Malay language. I wonder if Boo Joofeng speaks the language? Makes me really curious and looking forward to watching it! Can't wait for NHK to feature his work here! I think I watched Royston Tan's "Ilo Ilo" two years ago on NHK.

@sgfan Do you know if YouTube has taken down the "DXT Drama" channel? I think it's not on YouTube anymore.

I was looking for DXT Drama channel too but couldn't find it. YouTube must've taken it down. :o I noticed that many other users who used to upload TUF have "disappeared" too.

Yes, a hug from SW to her mum would've ended the scene better. I too thought that SW's repentance and surrender came a little too quickly. Still, it is good that this part of the plot has been resolved. The childhood memory which DY reminded SW about seemed to have come out of the blue too. However, it makes sense too, since DY told DT before that she only had SW as a friend growing up in JMR. I think DY will persuade YJ to come clean about his shady dealings, knowing her lol. It was quite funny how both YJ and DT were happy that "fair lady" DY contacted them out of her own initiative. Of course DY's reason for doing so had nothing to do with affection for either guy. IMO, this lady has lost all the spunk and feistiness which probably first attracted the 2 guys.

I don't think Boo Joofeng speaks fluent Malay. I find it amazing that he directed a film in a language which he does not speak. Also, the original screenplay was written in English. I read that it was only during filming that Mr Boo found Malay to be more fitting for the movie. Instead of simply translating the dialogue, a screenwriter fluent in Malay was called in to re-do the entire script. I heard about Ilo Ilo but have not watched it yet. Will add that to my must-watch list :)


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so, SW willingly  turn herself inn with  CJ  help?  not  because  she  caused  her mother  and  DY so  much  trouble and  regret  her  ways?  it  will take  years  for  SW to prove she  changed by  her  action..

DY got the  USB.

KC arrested the loansharks.

gosh. so,  IF DY at  some  point  gives  the  USB to  DT,maybe  after  some trouble  starts at the company.

 will this USB that  SW took and turned over  to DY   save  SW prison  time  cause  she saved  JR  company?

because of this USB  will SW/DY /SA will all be  forgiven and  DY marries  DT, SA marries  MS.SW gets a  father.   CJ marries SW and moves inn with CJ family.lolol..DY/SW  goes back to  work for the  company. SA/MS/granny  all  live  together.

lol  so  what happens to  YJ? will he  also be  forgiven . wonder if HR moves to  america. and  YJ to china or jail.lol

can't  see YJ/HR  DT/DY living in the  same  house with  grandpa and JR...

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So, I guess the story lines left are:

- YJ's shenanigans with Bon Jour stock and accounts - So what is another complaint comes in? YJ can't just sweep it under a rug as he did all the others, especially now that he has TL Han more than happy to toady up to him?

- MS, SA angst over what SW has done to MS' son - I think MS still has to find out that SW is SA's kid. I assume that SA now knows that DT is MS' kid, but who knows. In this drama, it doesn't pay to have logical expectations.

- DT endlessly chasing after DY while she throws up one stupid reason then another - or maybe they'll get back together again, then DY will break up with DT again, just to have more movement on their relationship front. I've been wondering if the writers are messing around with this relationship because it's a popular one, so they need to have it do more, but don't know how to do that entertainingly so just have endless rounds of break ups for stupid reasons, then get back together because DT is too stupid to realize that DY doesn't actually love him, she just enjoys the angst of breaking up with him.

- YJ's quest to win DY back - Seriously?

Oh, yeah, and the whole thing with the Gu family, i.e. KC, CJ, et al, which I still don't care about and have been ff-ing even back in the days when I was watching entire episodes. Now I just skip their clips. Did I miss anything?

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FARCE; y   don't  funny play or movie about ridiculous situations or events.

                 2)  Something that is so bad that it is seen as ridiculous.

       .          3)  A light dramatic work in which highly improbable situations, exaggerated characters and often slapstick elements

                       are used for humorous effect.

                  4)  A ludicrous, empty show; a mockery.

                  5). A broadly humorous play based on the exploitation of improbable situations.

SK0317 and others have used the word "farce" to discribe TUF. Judging from some of the  definitions I have found  they were correct in its application.  The question I ask in all seriousness is, " Is TUF and some of other really bad Kdramas we have seen in the past really meant to be some sort of farce?"  In America the genre of farce is usually associated with comedy. But maybe in Korea they have their own version of farce with all of its usual elements except obvious humor. Maybe in Korea they have the genre of "Serious Dramatic Farce".  It could be a cultural misunderstanding that is leading Soompi members to be totally frustrated with TUF. Remember someone posted that TUF was #1 in the ratings for its time slot, add to that the fact that it was extended. This is evidence that Koreans aren't being totally turned off by this program. Plus it's not the only series that fit into this mysterious Korean genre. The much maligned "Tale of two sisters" had all of the same negatively received elements as TUF. Remember the evil sister Yurin with her evil side eye. Now we have JR with her "HA!" and look to the side. There were clueless overly nice characters in that show to. These shows are made by Koreans for Koreans. As a non native maybe I'm just ignorant of how this show should be percieved. Could TUF be ment to be taken tongue in cheek?  Are native Koreans laughing at this show while we pull our hair out?

Say someone from a country that doesn't have the tradition of "Slapstick" and has never heard of it watches an episode of "The Three Stooges". The first thing they might say is "Why are these people so violent, always hitting each other and those around them? How come they are not arrested and put in jail?.  If a person watches The Three Stooges and fails to perceive the humor, it could come across as a very violent show. I've heard that some foreigners watch American sitcoms and can't understand the concept of a " Laugh Track".  Maybe Koreans are at the other end of the spectrum from Americans. No obvious laugh tracks or funny music to signify comedy but they see the humor just the same while we mistakenly think it should be taken seriously. l have seen their "Gag Concert" on TV so I know that some of their humor is like some of ours and is understandable. But there are many sub genres that make up Comedy or Drama perhaps Korea has a subgenre that we are not aware of.

  • In America writers of TV shows are usually well educated, some even have ivy league educations. When you watch a good Kdrama it's easy to believe that this also true of Korean writers as well.  Even in TUF occasionally a character will have some intelligent lines. The writers are not stupid or uncreative nor do I think that they think that we are stupid. TUF is written the way it is on purpose. Koreans are eating this show up. The problem has to lie with our perception of it. Another genre possibility is "The Love the Pain" genre. Maybe it's a form of Masochism. Maybe a lot of Koreans enjoy having pain inflicted upon them by their TV shows. The worse the show the higher the level of pain and outrage felt by the audience and this makes it more enjoyable. Like their love of really spicy food. A lot of people can't understand the concept of eating food that gives you various levels pain and finding it enjoyable. Most people think that food should taste good and there should be no pain or discomfort involved at all. I'm not saying Koreans have psychological problems it's just their cultural norms could be very different from those of a foreigner and thus difficult to understand.  Just as I find some Korean dishes really good and others untouchabe, maybe some of their entertainment genres line up with our tastes so we perceive them as "Good Kdramas" while others are percieved as "Bad Kdramas" simply because we lack the cultural taste to see that they are actually good to.  :huh:  :blink:  :tears:



FARCE;   1) A funny play or movie about ridiculous situations or events.

                 2)  Something that is so bad that it is seen as ridiculous.

       .          3)  A light dramatic work in which highly improbable situations, exaggerated characters and often slapstick elements

                       are used for humorous effect.

                  4)  A ludicrous, empty show; a mockery.

                  5). A broadly humorous play based on the exploitation of improbable situations.

SK0317 and others have used the word "farce" to discribe TUF. Judging from some of the  definitions I have found  they were correct in its application.  The question I ask in all seriousness is, " Is TUF and some of other really bad Kdramas we have seen in the past really meant to be some sort of farce?"  In America the genre of farce is usually associated with comedy. But maybe in Korea they have their own version of farce with all of its usual elements except obvious humor. Maybe in Korea they have the genre of "Serious Dramatic Farce".  It could be a cultural misunderstanding that is leading Soompi members to be totally frustrated with TUF. Remember someone posted that TUF was #1 in the ratings for its time slot, add to that the fact that it was extended. This is evidence that Koreans aren't being totally turned off by this program. Plus it's not the only series that fit into this mysterious Korean genre. The much maligned "Tale of two sisters" had all of the same negatively received elements as TUF. Remember the evil sister Yurin with her evil side eye. Now we have JR with her "HA!" and look to the side. There were clueless overly nice characters in that show to. These shows are made by Koreans for Koreans. As a non native maybe I'm just ignorant of how this show should be percieved. Could TUF be ment to be taken tongue in cheek?  Are native Koreans laughing at this show while we pull our hair out?

Say someone from a country that doesn't have the tradition of "Slapstick" and has never heard of it watches an episode of "The Three Stooges". The first thing they might say is "Why are these people so violent, always hitting each other and those around them? How come they are not arrested and put in jail?.  If a person watches The Three Stooges and fails to perceive the humor, it could come across as a very violent show. I've heard that some foreigners watch American sitcoms and can't understand the concept of a " Laugh Track".  Maybe Koreans are at the other end of the spectrum from Americans. No obvious laugh tracks or funny music to signify comedy but they see the humor just the same while we mistakenly think it should be taken seriously. l have seen their "Gag Concert" on TV so I know that some of their humor is like some of ours and is understandable. But there are many sub genres that make up Comedy or Drama perhaps Korea has a subgenre that we are not aware of.

  • In America writers of TV shows are usually well educated, some even have ivy league educations. When you watch a good Kdrama it's easy to believe that this also true of Korean writers as well.  Even in TUF occasionally a character will have some intelligent lines. The writers are not stupid or uncreative nor do I think that they think that we are stupid. TUF is written the way it is on purpose. Koreans are eating this show up. The problem has to lie with our perception of it. Another genre possibility is "The Love the Pain" genre. Maybe it's a form of Masochism. Maybe a lot of Koreans enjoy having pain inflicted upon them by their TV shows. The worse the show the higher the level of pain and outrage felt by the audience and this makes it more enjoyable. Like their love of really spicy food. A lot of people can't understand the concept of eating food that gives you various levels pain and finding it enjoyable. Most people think that food should taste good and there should be no pain or discomfort involved at all. I'm not saying Koreans have psychological problems it's just their cultural norms could be very different from those of a foreigner and thus difficult to understand.  Just as I find some Korean dishes really good and others untouchabe, maybe some of their entertainment genres line up with our tastes so we perceive them as "Good Kdramas" while others are percieved as "Bad Kdramas" simply because we lack the cultural taste to see that they are actually good to.  :huh:  :blink:  :tears:

   Sorry dont know why it posted twice?!!


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8 hours ago, sk0317 said:

Her acting was so unbelievably bad I doubt she will be getting more new (challenging) roles in future projects. No slurred speech and her mind was as sharp as a tack. The first question she posed was, "Who are those men? What happened?". The knock must have put her to sleep she has been deprived of for weeks and perhaps months.

Morning Everyone.

@sk0317  Maybe this is what I don't like about her it's her acting it's not up to par in her role.. I always find her looking stupidly dumbfounded when her facial expression should be saying something else.. They'll stick her in a few Tv novels until she can show her emotions right..

BTW I saw yours was the first comment I read this morning and after seeing your name I started laughing already but I made sure I had nothing in my mouth this morning..

8 hours ago, anbud said:

not watched   this   episode, all these  characters  are so annoying,can't  stand  DY  twisted   mouth,CJ  face ,he looks like he fell out of the  sky and   his  head is  spinning. SW   with her  growl expressions.  SA expressions is  always  like she is  troubled. eww HR always  talk like she is  spitting in someone  face. i  am sure .lolol

@anbud  The only three that stay true to there characters and they nasty ways are JR HR and Sw but I still can't see her turning over a new leaf anytime soon regardless if she goes to jail or not..


Translated preview:

  Dong Zhuo are divorced and has lamented the decision of yunjae Hyeri want to have a baby without knowing the facts, light rail leaves the last family trip for Yeongsil. On the other hand, it is juran to recommend the study to Dong Zhuo, is the core yunjae chosa buyers appeared to raise doubts basis of fake cloth ...


It seems that someone wants HR and Yj to have a baby but that won't be happening not after DT will witness.. 

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@808lostmc good  read. I  can't  type  like  you  all. I  can see it is  very  good  writing, but  sad  to  say  I  can't  do it  myself..lolol.

Anyways in my view you correct  about  what  you  wrote..

 I've had  lots  of  laughs  with this  drama cause it  was  so  ridiculous  .,I  viewed it as a  comedy drama.

most posters  post  their  thoughts and opinions and  speculation on  this  drama. and I  don't know if they intended   it to be  funny. but  I  was  laughing a  lot  reading  these  posts. with  words  that are  foreign to  me . i  laughed   when i  had  to google  search  words  to  see what  they  mean.lolol

one  poster  always  made  me  see the  more     serious  side of  this  drama , the person takes their  time  and  write  long  posts.   that  I  read   very  carefully.. learned a  lot  about  business  by  reading   those  posts..

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21 hours ago, sgfan said:

I was looking for DXT Drama channel too but couldn't find it. YouTube must've taken it down. :o I noticed that many other users who used to upload TUF have "disappeared" too.

Yes, a hug from SW to her mum would've ended the scene better. I too thought that SW's repentance and surrender came a little too quickly. Still, it is good that this part of the plot has been resolved. The childhood memory which DY reminded SW about seemed to have come out of the blue too. However, it makes sense too, since DY told DT before that she only had SW as a friend growing up in JMR. I think DY will persuade YJ to come clean about his shady dealings, knowing her lol. It was quite funny how both YJ and DT were happy that "fair lady" DY contacted them out of her own initiative. Of course DY's reason for doing so had nothing to do with affection for either guy. IMO, this lady has lost all the spunk and feistiness which probably first attracted the 2 guys.

I don't think Boo Joofeng speaks fluent Malay. I find it amazing that he directed a film in a language which he does not speak. Also, the original screenplay was written in English. I read that it was only during filming that Mr Boo found Malay to be more fitting for the movie. Instead of simply translating the dialogue, a screenwriter fluent in Malay was called in to re-do the entire script. I heard about Ilo Ilo but have not watched it yet. Will add that to my must-watch list :)

It does look like Youtube has taken down the DXT Drama channel over the weekend but it seems the account holder has started another account under the name, "Drama DXT".:sweatingbullets:

Imagine SA will not be able to have much physical contact with SW after she is locked up. SW told DY to leave when she insisted on going with SW to the Han river. SW wanted DY to check on her mom's well being and was worried about her. Having said all that, SW was shown to be "cold" towards an obviously distressed SA. The scene before SW left the Kang household was also another chance for a hug with her mom. Instead SW only embraced her GM who barely recognized her before departing.

I can also see DY trying to persuade YJ to come clean about his shady dealings:lol:, it's so DY. Seeing how DT and YJ's faces brightened up was funny. The look of disappointment on DT's face was also :lol:, when he found out DY had called him to come to JMR because SW wanted to have a word with him. In today's episode, YJ's mom went into a frenzy when she found out from KC about CJ's feelings for a criminal bad girl SW. CJ gave KC the side eye and went into his room. Wait till YJ's mom finds out about YJ's plan to divorce HR to get back with DY again. It's going to drive her up the walls:lol:. Her two sons falling for the two women from the same household and farming background. I wonder why the two guys are still attracted to DY now...

It's commendable for a director to take that extra mile in an attempt to make the movie more "authentic". I can't wait to watch the "Apprentice"! It's also a good way to support our local talent who seems to struggle and have a long way to go in the film industry.

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Translation of preview of ep 132.


GJ: Since Yeong Shil’s wish could be fulfilled, it’s a relief. (YS is KC’s ex) Kyung Chul, now please forgive Yeong Shil as well.

JR: Do you not know that Dong Tak was dating Kang Dan Yi? This is that useless girl Kang Sam Wol’s mother! You’re not dating that woman, are you?

DT: How much does mom trust YJ? 

JR: Do you have a problem with Director Gu?

DT: There is an uproar that our office was selling fake health supplements! 

JR: The health supplements were fake!? How did this happen?!

YJ: President. 


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1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

It does look like Youtube has taken down the DXT Drama channel over the weekend but it seems the account holder has started another account under the name, "Drama DXT".:sweatingbullets:

Imagine SA will not be able to have much physical contact with SW after she is locked up. SW told DY to leave when she insisted on going with SW to the Han river. SW wanted DY to check on her mom's well being and was worried about her. Having said all that, SW was shown to be "cold" towards an obviously distressed SA. The scene before SW left the Kang household was also another chance for a hug with her mom. Instead SW only embraced her GM who barely recognized her before departing.

I can also see DY trying to persuade YJ to come clean about his shady dealings:lol:, it's so DY. Seeing how DT and YJ's faces brightened up was funny. The look of disappointment on DT's face was also :lol:, when he found out DY had called him to come to JMR because SW wanted to have a word with him. In today's episode, YJ's mom went into a frenzy when she found out from KC about CJ's feelings for a criminal bad girl SW. CJ gave KC the side eye and went into his room. Wait till YJ's mom finds out YJ's plan to divorce HR to get back with DY again. It's going to drive her up the walls:lol:. Her two sons falling for the two women from the same household and farming background. I wonder why the two guys are still attracted to DY now...

It's commended for a director to take that extra mile in an attempt to make the movie more "authentic". I can't wait to watch the "Apprentice"! It's also a good way to support our local talent who seems to struggle and have a long way to go in the film industry.

Me too! I also can't wait to see the look on that greedy woman's face when she finds out about the plans and unlawful activities of her son. 

Towards the end of tonight's episode, we saw that DT has overheard YJ and DY's conversation. I think it will be a pleasant surprise from the writers if DY will stop YJ from talking more and declare that she still loves DT. It will be nice if this plays out, instead of DT again asking 'what are you two doing?!'.

Yes, our local art scene is looking a little more vibrant now. We can see the efforts being made to encourage these artists to hone their craft and to provide them with platforms to showcase their works. With more publicity and outreach programs, there is greater public awareness now about local works. There is still a long way to go though before we reach a level that rivals the major cities.




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Unfortunately it happened again. I forgot why I don't like to post directly on this site because there is a chance that all the hard work that you put in writing a post can go down the drain. :( Lost an entire post and now I have to start from scratch once again :( Ofcourse this should better teach me to simply write shorter ones in return. :)


Now while I don't remember all that I wrote over there one of my main points was that in this drama there hasn't been all that much character development and all unfortunately. Main characters should be bringing their A Game to the table but unfortunately they aren't even aware that a game is being played. The only one who seems to be bringing their game up was Young Jae and March. Though hopefully that will come to a close soon. But unfortunately not soon enough because we are still left with 20 episodes. Hope that is enough to bring Young Jae down and all. I think so far only Yong Jae has had some sort of change. Such as from being a great boyfriend to his path to the dark side but nothing else in my opinion. To an extent I think even Hyeri was developed as a character and we get to learn a few things about her as well. Unfortunately Dani still seems to be the same person that I saw in the start of the show. Dong Tak has certainly changed but why can't Dani change as well.


People have mentioned of how she lied to Dong Tak about March's true identity all this time and all. But what many may have missed is that Dani has been lying to others for quite some time. I would talk about priorities but I think that can be brought up a bit later. For starters lets look at Dani and her lies so far. Even before the March bit and when she was an item with Young Jae she has been known to lie. If one recalls in an early episode she bumped into Dong Tak outside the company for some reason (this was during the time when she had lost his watch and all). Now I don't remember exactly what happened but after she managed to send Dong Tak away Young Jae who had seen their interaction came and asked her who she had been talking with and if she knew who he was. She simply lied to him and told him that she had no idea of who he was perhaps that he was someone who was asking for directions or something like that. Now I have to ask exactly how difficult would it have been to tell him that he was the guy whose watch she had lost. It wasn't like she hadn't already told him about that incident. So why all the mystery regarding him now. Perhaps she thought that her pride would have been hurt if Young Jae ended up paying for that lost watch or she may have thought that it would have made her look guilty if she paid for it or something to that extent. Then we have the March incident itself. She fully knew who she really was and I find it strange that she never bothered to confide in Young Jae this bit earlier on. At that time they were still an item so it would have made sense to tell him so that he could sort of look out for her as well. But even if that can be forgiven since he wasn't family yet and they were on sort of shaky terms at that point. Granted she had asked him to look into the matter when she thought that her Niece might have applied over there. Then again lets see what she did after that she was fully aware of how the rest of her family was worried about where March had run of to and if she was doing well. At this point she should have informed the rest of her family that March was located. Instead she decides to keep it a secret because March threatened to harm herself or something to that extent (perhaps that she would run of somewhere else again). The only reason that Sunae even found out was because Dani was forced to reveal said fact. Otherwise she would have helped hide March for lord knows how long. A word of comfort to the rest of them would have done wonders. In fact the grandmother still wonders where exactly March is and if she is doing well and all. Telling her that March works alongside Dani would have reassured her and she might even tell Dani to take care of her and all.


Then there is the point of how Dani confronted those loan sharks to protect March and of how Hyeri and Juran would have been surprised to see that. Whereas she had been taking all that abuse when she was working at the company and that they had slapped and pulled her hair. They wouldn't have dared mess with this Dani and that they only got away with it because Dani had suddenly become so meek and all. The thing is as some have explained earlier and so did I in one of my posts (unless it got deleted and all). Not really surprising and all since Dani seem to prioritize family (will come to that bit later on since that is for the confrontation bit) but in regards to the job she had to change if she wanted to adapt. The thing here is that if she wanted to maintain her job then she would have to become more meek and all. Remember this was the same woman that was bold enough to do a one person strike again the injustice that a big company was doing to the normal people and all. But none of that would work if she wanted to keep her job over there. If she didn't like any of the company policies while she was working then she was more than free to quit or get fired etc.. Problem is that wouldn't help her and her family at all. She knew that so she had to take on all the abuse that was heaped on her. Now one can ask if that was the case such as her being mistreated and all then why didn't she simply leave the company and if she really wanted to work even if it was to help her family then why not work somewhere else. Unfortunately things wouldn't be as simple as that and even if she was a drama character she would know this. The problem over here is that she unfortunately doesn't have all that much of an impressive resume to her name. Even if we take into account that she may have studied from a decent university. On the other hand it must have been a good one since apparently Young Jae also studied from there and the company thinks that he is the next best thing than Swiss Cheese or their next best product and all. Clearly Juran has no such problems with him. Unfortunately for Dani she simply didn't finish said education from said place. Now we all know that she dropped out due to her financial situation and all and they instead decided to use it for March and we all know how well that turned out. (Though I am now starting to wonder if that wasn't simply an excuse and that she was actually let go because she simply wasn't all that smart and perhaps many more people over there took advantage or conned her on a regular bases :) ) At this point no matter where she goes 90% of the people are just going to reject her at that point because they don't think that she is qualified enough. Of the remaining 10% perhaps only 5% or so might actually consider asking why she dropped out and might consider those factors in deciding to hire her. Then on top of all this she knows that the only reason that she ended up getting this job is because of her connections and all. She was especially recruited by the former president but on top of all that a special team/position was made to hire her. Granted the Former President had valid reasons or so but that isn't all that important at the point. The other thing is that even though she now has some working experience it might not be enough to get her hired somewhere else. She has been working for such a short time (then again it is hard to gauge drama time and all) so her quitting so soon wouldn't look all that well. Perhaps had she worked there for a few more years and even gotten a promotion or so it might have helped her in securing another job. But like I said that company simply isn't willing to invest all that in her section and the only way that she may get a promotion is if they even bother to hire or transfer more people which isn't happening any time soon unfortunately. Thus she again has struck out in this department as well. One would think that this would be the only stumbling block that she would face to get a job. Unfortunately this isn't the case. We can't forget that Juran has always been biased against her and that would also come into play into the future. Now I don't know how drama laws work fully but in real life a new company looks into where  a person worked in the past and if they had any problems whatsoever before finally giving their verdict and all. In this case if they were to ever contact Bonjour we all know that since Juran is so biased against Dani how that would go. Infact I might just add that as a YamiYugi Special.


Phone Ringing
Juran (Recieving it): Hello how may I help You?
Voice: Yes we are calling to inquire if you had an employee called Kang Dani and if so what can you tell us about her.
Juran: My advice regarding her is that if you are a Cheobal Family running a business and all hide all your sons of said company and all.
Voice: What do you mean by that can you please explain yourself?
Juran: Certainly. Kang Dani will do whatever she can do get a leg up. Previously she was trying to get with my Son In Law and when he ended up getting married to my daughter she decided to move onto my Son. In other words she is what one would call a Gold Digger.
Voice: I see but we don't have to worry about that department since our company is going to be run by rich daughters and all. They do tend to cause trouble here and there now but plese don't tell the company I said so.
Juran: Don't worry your secret is safe with me. I actually understand what you mean as my own daughter is like that though she hasn't gotten into any serious trouble so far.
Voice: Well thankyou for that. Also is that all that we need to look out for.
Juran (getting into it now): Oh no. If that was all it would be a miracle. Unfortunately Dani has other issues such as she thinks that the company already belongs to her so she tends to come and go as she pleases.
Voice: This is serious can you further elaborate on this.
Juran: Certainly. She has been known to come to work and then suddenly without any warning she decides to quit all of a sudden. This is a problem in itself but then after some time she simply returns back to work pretending like nothing has happened so far. She then promises to quit after said project is complete but then suddenly finds some excuse to stay back such as the project getting an extension or something to that sort and then in the middle of said extended project she will suddenly decide to quit again.
Voice: Do you have any idea why she does any of that?
Juran: No idea at all and what is worse is that she tends to do it right when the project is about to end so suddenly the rest of her team has to be forced to pick up the slack and to make matters worse others work is also aversely affected because they tend to put a hold on their work to convince her to return. Thus precious time and effort is wasted on her which could be better used to improve the project and all. In other words she isn't even a good team player.
Voice: Thankyou for all this information. It has been extremely helpful.
Juran: No problem. (then getting another idea in her head) Wait I have a favour to ask of you.
Voice: yes what is it>?
Juran: I would really appreciate it is if you can help me inform other companies of what kind of person Kang Dani really is so that they don't hire such a troublesome employee and did I fail to mention to you of how she was so bold to hold a strike infront of our company before she was hired. She is complete headache and disaster to work with. I am glad that she isn't with us anymore.
Voice: Well we will certainly take all that into consideration as well but as we can't simply tell other companies what to do as we just might be sued for defamation and all.
Juran: Of course please do as you see fit and all.
Phone call ends.
Juran (to herself): Finally Kang Dani I have gotten rid of you and if I have it my way you will never set foot or work in Seoul ever again. (add evil.maniacal laughter for Dramatic affect) :)
The next thing we know is that Dani will be receiving a call informing her that she hasn't been accepted into their company due to a multiple of reasons such as she may not be such a good fit for them or that they have no more space in said company or that they have hired someone better suited etc...


The other thing that we have to know about Dani is that like I mentioned earlier she tends to prioritize her family first before anything else. Infact if I consider her even working for Bojour was for the sake of her family. When Dong Tak's dad offered her the job at the start she wasn't all that interested as she was still helping back home with farming and all. The only reason she ended up working at the company was because when she tried to sell her farm products which were claimed to be totally organic and all the other person tried to but them at the normal prcie. Either he didn't get the concept of organic product or he was trying to take advantage of her situation thinking that she may be forced to sell him at whatever price he set and that she wouldn't have that much option otherwise. Also it is the same reason why she tries to protect March. Her taking on the loan sharks isn't something new. As evidence let me direct all of you to one of the starting episode. Dong Tak had recognized March at a club as Poo Girl and tried to confront her. In doing so he held her arm. Now while we all know it was because he wanted to simply talk with her. Unfortunately for him Dani had no idea of this and simply thought that he was some random guy harassing her niece. Thus Dong Tak was the first one to be on the receiving end of her punches. I am pretty sure that he would have been more unlucky if they didn't recognize each other and during this confusion March managed to escape and as March was her priority he simply didn't register all that much to her.


Dani does seem to be a hard worker but even she has her breaking points. People simply don't get that. They think that she is a Saint or something so no matter how many abuses they heap at her she is going to take it all and stick around them and what not. Though while that isn't all that important I do have to question her intelligence in that regard. She is clearly semi intelligent since she can more or less figure out the reasons that certain people have done something but then she gets easily deceived by their lies to her. For instance she suspected that March deliberately staged that bed scene between her and Dong Tak or that she suspected that March's hand may have been involved in the watch going missing. Unfortunately she believed whatever they told her and their version and all. Not the smartest see. Plus Young Jae had been hiding the truth from her as well and she never knew that till it was quite late and all.


I guess I can go on some more about Dani but since she is one of the more aggravating characters I don't want to get hate mails telling me to stop since none of us want to be reminded of said facts. So let me move onto some of the other characters.


Chung Jae stealing from his family to help March. WoW what kind of thief actually tries to steal infront of so many witness is beyond me. Either one is so brazen that he knows that nothing can happen to him since he is to powerful or something to that extent or he is simply an idiot. I think that Chung Jae is a Love Lorn Idiot though that isn't excused. But while we are at this topic I recall someone mentioning that this is the second time that he stole from his family for her sake. Please remind me when exactly was the first time that he stole from his family for her. If it is in regards to the time when she urged him to take her out for a meal and they ended up at that fancy place. He didn't have any money on him but he wanted to impress her so he let her have that meal and then he ended up paying for the meal with all the money that he had gone out to collect for the deliveries that his family had made and all. If it was that event I don't think that can be considered stealing per-se. Then again people might have a different view of the that. But the reason that I don't consider it stealing is that his parents knew that he had spent the money. He himself admitted to that and told them that he would pay them back. Had he perhaps lied to them and said that he spent it but instead kept all the money with him then I would have considered it stealing. Granted he used it without their permission and that was wrong.


As for  the uncle being so bad at his job. Well first of all let me point something out. I really am not impressed by KDC (Korean Drama Cops) They really aren't the smartest bunch of people in the world. :) Also while we are at it I want to thank for pointing out that both the uncle and his partner had indeed not only gotten a good look at March but had also heard her name being yelled out by her friend.. Actually come to think about it it should have been quite so obvious to me and I don't know why I didn't recall said scene. After all the uncle did catch the friend and then started to chase March. Now he couldn't have done so without his partner actually taking the friend into custody otherwise she to would have managed to slip away as well. So while I can excuse them for not recognizing her on tv as that put place a lot of things on chance I can't say the same when they actually met her face to face at the company and then her suspicious behavior didn't trigger anything of the cop radars. I think that they might need a refund on those. Seriously an innocent person never runs and even if they do cops should chase them down if they feel suspicious. I had a friend that had a similar encounter with the police and they didn't stop till they got him. What had happened was that we were walking minding our own business when the cops spotted us. Now I have no idea what triggered their cop sense but they told my friend to stop. My friend decided to do the dumb thing of ignoring them and simply continued to walk ahead. Infact he got as far as the elevator of his home and was in it (all the while totally ignoring the police who were constantly telling him to stop). Infact he even planned on eluding the cops by giving them false information such as he was  living on the 10th floor. So he planned to reach the 8th floor and then from then on send the lift all the way to the top thus if the cops would have a general idea of where he lived but couldn't exactly narrow it down and they would either have to know on each of those doors in turn to find him or call in more cops to do so. He was hoping that this would be to much of an headache and thus decide to leave it. All the while I was unsuccessful in telling him to quit messing with them unless he didn't want to regret it. But like I said he only reached the lift and he would have gotten away to. Unfortunately one of the cops managed to run and open stop the lift at the last second :( . So close yet so far. When they questioned him that didn't he hear them he simply told them that he didn't understand what they were saying. We aren't staying in our own country mind you and are living abroad. Don't know if they believed him or not. But as he was innocent they let him go. He did have to spend a few minutes in their car. Said that it was an interesting experience. :) Boy is he weird at times. Don't know how he could have found it interesting. Regardless as I wanted to point out the real cops chased till they got their guy because they thought that he was suspicious but over here in a drama they see a person running for the hills when they call out to them they think that it is okay and let them go. Please tell me where is the logic in that.


Then on top of all this instead of finding out what the suspect looks like they decide to simply interview other employee's over there. While I can understand that they came over there and had no idea what the person looked like the first thing that they should have gone and done is asked for a picture to help them identify said suspect in the future. Now while the HR department may not have that (highly unlikely) I am sure there would still have been videos where March was selling the products that they could have used. Infact as someone mentioned that she was on one of the TV Screens at Juran's office as usual. Juran should have used that to point the detectives in the right direction and all. These cops are really failing at their jobs. No wonder they haven't gotten any promotions lately. :) I think they really don't have all that good track records. LoL poor uncle he is going to end up marrying one of the woman that he once brought to the station or a woman that had been known to cause a scene at the station for being drunk and all. Still considering that it is nothing as major as what March has been upto I guess it isn't something all that bad.


Someone mentioned that Dani told Sunae that regardless of whether March escaped or turned herself in they wouldn't be able to see her. Well March could always deny them visitation rights maybe she meant that or then again she might have thought that since March has also ended up on the bad side of Juran (and as she has personally experienced that) would think that Juran would have March locked up is some deep dark hole and thrown away the keys so no one would be able to see and find her. I know that doesn't make sense but then gaain a lot of things that Dani has ended up doing doens't make a lot of sense. She let her continue the charade and what not even though she knew all the damage that was causing to others around her. But she prioritized family as usual.


I found it amusing how March was accusing of how Lee Sera could have revealed her secret to Dong Tak and how friends could do that to each other. I really don't know what March was thinking. She constantly has this I am the victim personality and as long as that stays she is going to also believe that she is entitled to everything as well and can get away with anything. Clearly she was the one that was wrong. She abused her so called friends kindness in more than one ways. She took on her name without her permission and then to make matters worse she even took out loans under her name a well. Certainly not the best play. Even then she doesn't think much and would rather use others to her advantage. For instance lets look at how she even ended up in Seoul in the first place. She had no real plan. All that she had on her at the time of arrival was the money that she stole from Dani (which eventually got scammed from her) and the bag that she had packed. She had no real place to stay. She was fortunate that her friend allowed her to stay at her place. Well considering that wasn't even her place what would have happened if it turned out that the owner wouldn't allow the friend to have friends over to stay So basically she got to stay in Seoul without having to pay a single cent for living expenses ie rent, electricity, food etc... while she was living with the real Lee Sera and her friend. Then after that March ended up getting scammed and so she had no job nothing to support her.  Yet Lee Sera came to her rescue once again. She offered her a job in their little criminal empire even though it was a risk. She had no idea of whether March would report them to the police or not yet she let her join the ranks. Thus now March had a sort of steady income as well even though she didn't earn it. Now she should have been grateful to Lee Sera for all that she had done for her. Infact even when Sera was on the run she let March stay at her place for free once again mind you. How does March repay her well we all got to witness that first hand. Hopefully March will learn from all this soon.


Someone found a post that mentioned Young Jae cooking the books amusing and first thought that it meant him literally cooking them till they figured out what it actually meant. I think that I might have been the one of the ones that suggested that. Don't know if I was actually the first in that regard though. Still if one wants to see a scene which is similar to that thought try checking out the drama Romance Town. I think one of the maids hides her masters cooked books in a pot where she pretends that she is cooking food. None of the people cops/tax agents etc.. think of checking the pot LoL :) I was reminded of that scene when I read said comment.


Oh well that will be all from my end. Take care all of you guys and keep posting.

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Based on the preview for ep. 132, it looks like YJ is being written out of the script as well. 

By the end of the week YJ should either be joining SW in the hoosegow or boxing vegetables in the Gu family store.

Maybe  we'll see him again in final episode working alongside SW, released from prison and married to CJ . . .

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 131:

# As SA and DY return home after SW's arrest, they run into MS. DY introduces SA and MS to each other. The women leave and MS is like, What fresh Hell is this?

# DY and SA talk in their house. SA is sad and discouraged.

# SA and MS are in their bedrooms cursing fate.

# Grandfather, DT, Juran, HR and YJ are in their living room. Juran is again on the griddle re her divorce from MS. HR whines. YJ receives a call on his cell phone from KC informing him that SW has been taken into custody. Juran snarks. SW whines. DT, with a look of disgust, leaves the room.

# Juran follows DT into his bedroom. They talk. Juran says something that surprises DT. Juran is upbeat. DT is tired of it all.

# YJ and HR enter their bedroom. HR rants about DY. YJ stares heavenward. HR departs and YJ remembers SW's claim that she lost his thumb drive.

# Members of the Gu household talk at their dining table. KC reports SW's arrest. He is everybody's hero. KC identifies CJ's love interest. There is general consternation. CJ returns home and his mother rants at him.

# CJ retires to his bedroom. His mother follows him and continues ranting. CJ lets her know that he will change neither his mind nor his heart.

# SA is in her kitchen looking weary. She cries. DY enters and comforts her. DY's mother enters and sputters and shouts Aigoo! DY's mother leaves the room in tears. SA continues crying.

# DY sits alone remembering something SW said.

# DT sits in his office. He glances through the book of notes DY left. He is wistful.

# DT enters Juran's office. Juran is subdued. Juran has much to be subdued about. He hands her a report. YJ enters. DT departs. YJ hands her a report. YJ departs. Juran retrieves her divorce papers from her desk and stares at them. She makes a call on her landline.

# YJ is sitting at his desk. He has just completed a call on his cell phone. Mr. Han enters in a state of great excitement. More supplement complaints. YJ is alarmed. Mr. Choi enters and overhears Mr. Han. Mr. Choi sounds alarmed. YJ barks orders and Mr. Han departs. Mr. Choi is like, What's the meaning of this? YJ is like, Nothing to see here.

# YJ and Mr. Kim meet at a restaurant AT first they are cheerful. Then YJ begins to press and Mr. Kim begins to stammer. YJ barks orders at Mr. Kim.

# Birth Mother is in her bedroom swallowing pills. Big GJ enters and they talk. Poignant background music signals that the conversation is poignant. Birth Mother leaves the room as KC enters. KC and GJ talk. She says something that disturbs KC.

$ CJ leaves the Gu family dinner table. His father restrains his mother from following him. His mother rants. Those Kang Gals, fruit of a Bad Seed!

# Still at the Gu family dinner table, KC changes the subject to something more cheerful.

# MS is in his house. Juran enters imperiously. Then smirks. Then rasps. They sit down. He speaks. She listens. But only for a moment. She hands him the divorce papers. She needles him. He responds. She snorts. He shouts at her. She is wounded innocence. She huffs out the door..

# The Village Representative arrives at SA's house. She tolerates him. DY converses briefly with them before she and SA depart for the fields.

# Juran sees DY and SA walking down the street. Her mouth forms an "O" but produces no sound. She stammers. She moves into a hiding place and observes them.

# SA meets MS on our favorite hilltop. They talk. She is sad. He is reassuring. She departs. His head aches.

# DY works in the field. She recalls something SW told her. Is it YJ's thumb drive? Or the loan from YJ that she no longer needs? DY calls YJ on her cell phone and they talk. Whatever she has told YJ has made him very happy. He leaves his office.

# DT is sitting at his desk. Did I mention he is looking wistful these days? He remembers something SW told him. Juran invades his space and rants about DY and SA. She demands. He turns his head away from her. Then they argue. Then she storms out. Then DT leaves his office.

# Are the two brothers in law on a collision course?

# Mr. Han barks orders at his team. Mr. Han takes a call on his landline. Someone gives him some very bad news and hangs up before he can respond. He and the Gossip Duo are now comrades in adversity.

# Mr. Han enters YJ's office but he is not there. He attempts to call YJ on his cell phone bute he is unavailable.

# YJ arrives at DY's house and is talking with DY. He grins ear to ear. Then DY returns the cash he loaned her and his jets start to cool. He speaks seriously. She speaks sadly. DT approaches. YJ says something that leaves DY and DT aghast.

# Yes. The two brothers in law are on a collision course.


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