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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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3 hours ago, jimb said:

I'm not loving the slap so much.  The Juran-HR entitled psycho routine has been wearing on me for some time.

Actually, I'm with you on this one. SW has had payback coming to her for awhile, but while I may joke about SW needing to get some sense slapped into her, I have issues with the slap as it was delivered.

I think of lot of it has to do with as you put it "the JR-HR entitled psycho routine." What is wrong with them that their first instinct is physical violence? What are the writers trying to show here? That people with money feel entitled to hit whomever they please, with no consequences for their violent treatment of people? Because, I don't remember any fallout from JR and HR hitting DY either. I wonder whether this is again a light treatment of a somewhat serious issue. 

In general, I think the victimization card that pretty much every female character, at least, plays on this card to act as they will without moral conscience or taking responsibility for their own actions is grating, to say the least. Also, I have some serious problems with the depiction of most women in this drama. Either they are all carpets who allow themselves to be walked on or they are seriously feeling entitled to the point of anything goes as long as they get what they want. Pregnant GJ, DY, and SA seem to fall into their category. While SA was intelligent enough, at least to spot the flaws in SW's set up, she allowed herself to be carried passively by SW's will as carried out by DY a lot of times. The one thing that SA held onto honestly was her love for MS which she did against the rumors, etc. However, I have to wonder when she discovers MS is DT's father, whether she will 1) give up her love for MS or 2) plead with MS to enable letting SW go without consequences somehow or 3) both. My guess at this point is option 3, I expect SA to beg with MS to save SW and also to let him go. If they do get together, I expect there will be a time jump of some kind.

I think that DT may be the only character that I have even a half an ounce of sympathy for. All along, he's tried to be open and honest, for the most part as well as taking responsibility for his actions. Heck, taking responsibility was how he got ensnared into SW and JR's engagement plans as well. So, DT may be clueless, but he is not a bad guy. It was good to see him this episode finally put some things together, including that the Kang Sam Wol that SR told him about was DY's niece. It was good to see him confront DY about it asking for the truth. I had to laugh though when DT asked DY how DY could do this to him. The answer was simple, because whatever DY may have felt for you, it wasn't nearly as strong as her urge to protect her niece from any consequences of her actions. I realized that the reason DY couldn't tell DT even after DY and DT started dating is because DT is an honest person who would have wanted SW to come clean and deal with the consequences. DY in her enabling mode couldn't have that. DT, being DT, then did what he had to do. He confronted SW to confirm the facts, then he let his family know, as he should. And, frankly, I think DT was pretty civil about the whole thing as upset as he was. He pretty much only raised his voice a little at DY, and I think he was entitled to more volume than that, if he had wanted. 

It was interesting that all the questions and complaints about SW's use of a fake identity and the people who knew about it are being raised in the drama. My fear is that in their quest to wrap everything up in a bow, they'll gloss over everything and create a redemption for every character somehow since this is a light-hearted family drama.

So, my guess for the wrap up.

SR is convinced not to press charges since SW has info on SR about selling fakes.

JR is convinced not to take revenge as being bad for Bon Jour's image about its most popular show hostess. Then SW somehow exposes YJ, saves BJ, and not only gets away clean, but also retains her job at Bon Jour. SW decides that CJ who has stood by her side through all this is the man that she can walk all over so would be good to have around the house.

Without any charges or victims coming forward, KC drops the SW case because he can. Or perhaps because it's a noisy matter involving YJ's in-laws and CJ's wife. Either way, the case just goes away.

From the preview, it seems that JR will finally give MS his divorce. However, SA and MS decide that they can't be together because of SW after all. Time jump of a year after which since SW is now happily slapping CJ around and the Suls will have moved on to other people to slap around, SA and MS will get together again.

DY and DT will also have a time jump of a year at which they'll accidentally meet again and start dating again.

YJ will escape the consequences of his actions again having been found out by JR, but forgiven if he plays house with HR for the rest of his life. YJ happy at getting a second chance at the Suls' fortune fall into line again, but this time, he's for some reason satisfied with HR's screeching and stalking in his life. 

Ugh. Just thinking about this is depressing me. 

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ah  well,it  was begging all round  today. rubbing of  hands  and down on knees.lolol

SW on her knees begging  JR .I  truly love  him, I never lied  about  that .lolol again DT do not love you.

SA telling LSR she will  take the  blame,cause she did not bring up sw  correct. well go  seek  help for  SW.  what is  gods name does  that have to  do with LSR? SW is an adult

DY trying   with her sexy butter  voice  saying  to DT   but   SW was  going to tell you the  truth.. what? is DY  crazy. how are you  going to  force a man to be with  your niece  cause  your niece likes  him? after all the lies   you SA/SW told  him and his  family.  DT do not like SW,he can't stand her.

second plea  from  DY, that  cold hearted woman is  still pushing SW/DT relationship..lolol sw/DY both    are ill .

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23 minutes ago, anbud said:

ah  well,it  was begging all round  today. rubbing of  hands  and down on knees.lolol

SW on her knees begging  JR .I  truly love  him, I never lied  about  that .lolol again DT do not love you.

SA telling LSR she will  take the  blame,cause she did not bring up sw  correct. well go  seek  help for  SW.  what is  gods name does  that have to  do with LSR? SW is an adult

DY trying   with her sexy butter  voice  saying  to DT   but   SW was  going to tell you the  truth.. what? is DY  crazy. how are you  going to  force a man to be with  your niece  cause  your niece likes  him? after all the lies   you SA/SW told  him and his  family.  DT do not like SW,he can't stand her.

second plea  from  DY, that  cold hearted woman is  still pushing SW/DT relationship..lolol sw/DY both    are ill .


Why the heck does DY have it in for DT so bad? Why does she keep pushing a relationship that DT doesn't want on him? And, after a massive identity fraud as well? When she's had to keep cajoling him that SW is a good person and to do well with her? If DT had been acting as if he was in love, then DY would not have had to work so hard to get DT to accept SW in the first place. And, how can DY continue to plead with DT to protect SW from her fraud when DT is a victim of that fraud.? I guess we should just be glad that DY isn't begging DT to take SW back. Though, it sounded as if she was about to. Fortunately, DT nipped that one in the bud.  I do not know what these writers are thinking. 

I really do NOT like DY, and have not since she started going crazy and pushing DT towards SW as hard as she could. This just does not make any sense to me whatsoever. I can almost understand it if SW really had been an heiress who would have been acceptable to DT's family and possibly given DT a smoother life. Then, that would have been just normal "noble idiocy," but what DY did in terms of trying to push DT into a relationship with a fake heiress who would actually cause more complications in his life, one by the way whom he does not love and never have, is a different kind of psychotic delusion, I guess. Went back to read @jimb attempt at a defense of DY, but after thinking about it, nope, still doesn't make sense. Not knowing that the deception was actually going to make it harder on both DT and SW, both people that she supposedly loves and wants to protect.  

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3 hours ago, jimb said:

I'm not loving the slap so much.  The Juran-HR entitled psycho routine has been wearing on me for some time.

Me too, especially when both are quite hefty compared with SW and DY. Not that violence solves anything, sometimes one can see that the character is goaded beyond their limit. But with this mother daughter combo, it seems to be a reflex.

@stroppyse      {do NOT like DY, and have not since she started going crazy and pushing DT towards SW as hard as she could.} 

I disliked her the minute she dated DT. Putting up with the abusive HR and JR to gain acceptance? She is so stupid, she has a snowball chance in hell. Then it was downhill fast- her bug eyes, SW's puppet .... I want to shoot her.

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@stroppyse when was SW ever a good  person, from  day 1  SW was  rude and acted entitled..never  once was she ever  nice  to  DY.. so why is  DY lying  about SW being a  good  person.   i  hope the ending is   DT   on a plane to  america.


laughing here  thinking how  SW  started  to  treat  LSR different when she  found  out  LSR was  super  rich.lol but   they did not   have a lesbian  part  in this  drama,   if they  did SW  would have fallen in love  with   LSR. .lolol SW will be  anything or anyone for money.lol

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16 minutes ago, anbud said:

@stroppyse when was SW ever a good  person, from  day 1  SW was  rude and acted entitled..never  once was she ever  nice  to  DY.. so why is  DY lying  about SW being a  good  person.   i  hope the ending is   DT   on a plane to  america.


laughing here  thinking how  SW  started  to  treat  LSR different when she  found  out  LSR was  super  rich.lol but   they did not   have a lesbian  part  in this  drama,   if they  did SW  would have fallen in love  with   LSR. .lolol SW will be  anything or anyone for money.lol


Yes, DY is apparently under the delusion that SW is a good person. At least, she kept repeating that to DT in order to push him to do well with SW. 

I like your ending of DT on a plane to America. And, I would even be okay if SR happened to be on the plane as well. :)


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 it  seems KC and  family  are planning a  trip to jeju   island.something to  do  with   KC  wife bucket list.

wonder  if CJ will stay behind, and let SW hide  out  at   his place while the  rest  of the  family is  gone.lol

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I was wrong about how KC got SW's name and what charges they were going to arrest her for. But its OK because it puts LSR in an even better light. LSR apparently did  the right thing and reported SW to the police even after SA and DY visited her and pleaded for leniency. The girls got a backbone. Although she's been a relatively minor character she gets the prize for being the least annoying. Let's hope she doesn't go soft on SW later on. But remember no one can make SW's counterfeiting charges go away she'll have to face the music even if JR and LSR go soft on her later on. LSR reported SW in spite of the fact that she was the ringleader of the counterfeiting operation. Guts or stupidity?

I know my sense of logic is very different from that of the writers of TUF but I still can't believe that KC and his partner can have SW's name screamed in their ears by Soon Shim at the end of ep 12 and still not have it ring a bell when LSR  reports it to them later. Cops write Arrest Reports after arresting someone Soon Shim yelling SW's name was pertinent information and should have been written down.  Some might say that KC makes lots of arrests and can't be expected to remember every name. But unless he's on the vice squad and arresting young girls for prostitution every day, SW's demographic should have stood out to him. I doubt he arrests or chases after young girls very often. 

SW got away from the Cops??! I can't wait to see how the writers pull this one off. Are KC and his partner the slowest cops in all of Korea?  We'll also get to see how honest a cop KC is since he'll have relatives trying to influence him in the case of SW.

SW is still sticking to two lies, that she really loves DT and that DT took her Honor in bed. The first one can be revealed as a lie if CJ approaches DT to ask for his family to be lenient towards SW and he tells DT all that he knows. Although I'm not completely sure that it's gotten through to CJ's love scrambled brain that SW was only interested in him because she thought he was the president's son or at least rich. Remember SW pretty much told him so when he brought her home from the bar when she was completely drunk. The second lie has less of a chance of being revealed since it would take some thinking on DT's part. It still hasn't hit him that it was very strange that DY was in SW's bedroom that morning to see him in SW's bed. The situation reeked of a setup. In fact with his current knowledge he'd probably conclude that DY was a willing participant in the setup. If he confronted DY she could tell him that SW called her on the phone that morning pretending to be sick and that SW then pretended not to have called her once she arrived in her bedroom, ep 115 (33:20). This would be strong evidence coupled with his own  memories of the night before that nothing happened. He could then talk to the bartender and confirm that he was in no condition to ask SW to go up to her apartment and that he was set up by SW.  I know that these things have little chance of happening in the TUF world, but it's hard not to dream.



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1 hour ago, stroppyse said:

Yes, DY is apparently under the delusion that SW is a good person. At least, she kept repeating that to DT in order to push him to do well with SW. 

I like your ending of DT on a plane to America. And, I would even be okay if SR happened to be on the plane as well. :)

@stroppyse and @anbud I think DY has been brainwashed to believe SW is redeemable and a likable person. I guess this is the only part DY chooses to 'take care of it'. That is why DY keeps promoting SW and pushing her to do well with DT. She is trying to make up for all she can for killing her own brother, who is also the father of her niece when she was a terrorizing one y.o. kid. SW would probably make quite a cult leader, she has a faithful disciple in DY who seems to follow and trust her blindly, and enablers in SA and GM.

LSR has to be on the same plane as DT; "Have we met somewhere before?" will be DT's pickup line before settling down to a seat next to a smiling LSR:).

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2 hours ago, anbud said:

@stroppyse when was SW ever a good  person, from  day 1  SW was  rude and acted entitled..never  once was she ever  nice  to  DY.. so why is  DY lying  about SW being a  good  person.   i  hope the ending is   DT   on a plane to  america.


laughing here  thinking how  SW  started  to  treat  LSR different when she  found  out  LSR was  super  rich.lol but   they did not   have a lesbian  part  in this  drama,   if they  did SW  would have fallen in love  with   LSR. .lolol SW will be  anything or anyone for money.lol

SW is rotten to the core; even in her 'final' moments, SW still chooses to lie about the night she spent with DT. If I were DT, I would question her credibility knowing how she has schemed and wormed her way into the trust and circle of the Sul's. That is the last straw for me, SW should never be forgiven and has to be held accountable for all her crimes. I believe SW might even get herself involved in a lesbian relationship with LSR if she were in for it. She is the type who will be prepared to stoop that low for money and fame.

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@sk0317  Speculates about pickup lines DT might use with Real Lee Sera:

Nah, Juran will call Real Lee Sera to "apologize" before any thought of dating another woman even enters DT's head.  Then it will be "Let's meet for lunch so I can apologize in person."  Then, in the not so distant future, DT arrives at a restaurant to have lunch with his omma and Voila!  who is that young woman at the table with Juran . . . ?


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41 minutes ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  Speculates about pickup lines DT might use with Real Lee Sera:

Nah, Juran will call Real Lee Sera to "apologize" before any thought of dating another woman even enters DT's head.  Then it will be "Let's meet for lunch so I can apologize in person."  Then, in the not so distant future, DT arrives at a restaurant to have lunch with his omma and Voila!  who is that young woman at the table with Juran . . . ?

Very likely scenario but so unromantic:(. If I were DT, I will tell my omma, "Please don't set me up with any more (blind) dates. I want nature to take its own course from now on." JR should have learned her lesson to never interfere in her children's (love) lives. HR will probably end up a twice divorced child woman still living with her mom and DT was dangerously close to getting himself hitched to a fraud. 

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@sk0317  DT and Real Lee Sera make a cute couple but their marriage would hardly improve the Sul family gene pool.  She is as slow on the intellectual draw as he is.  If you watch some of the early episodes where SW, SW's friend, and Real Lee Sera were in the same room, SW routinely openly insulted and disrespected her friend and then turned to Real Lee Sera and began blatantly kissing up to her.  Real Lee Sera imagined that SW was her "friend?'  Her inability to find a clue rivals DT's.

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10 hours ago, anbud said:

wow, DY/SA running  around  trying to  clean up SW mess.  SA begging LSR. like  what s  wrong  with  SA, SW robbed   LSR and abused her  name  and  SA  expect  LSR to  just   say, it is ok. 

DY trying to  stop SA  from kneeling.  goodness. 

none of  them   told LSR that  SW was pretending to be her, and  they  both  met  LSR . how long did SA/DY think  they  will keep  SW lies a  secret.

how rude of  DY  trying to  talk to  DT  to   stay with  SW.lolol SA/DY/SW they are   shameless people. lying to  people  and expect their  crimes to be  forgiven. errrr.

None of these dramatic scenes would have happened if DY and SA had chosen to nip the problem in its bud earlier. They are responsible for leaving the truth out, leaving the truth hidden and prolonging it from being exposed. They are not helping SW at all. She is not remorseful, doesn't see why she is in the wrong and continues to lie to avoid punishment and getting caught. If the mentality of DY and SA remains unchanged, I don't see a reformed SW even after she spent time serving her sentence in jail. SW will continue to dabble in crime and get herself into trouble again even after her release from prison. And guess what, DY and SA will have to keep running around after her, trying to clean up SW's sh_t each time she messes up.

While DY continues to defend SW, SA is no better than DY. SA wants to do the right thing by trying to tell DT the truth but did you see her expression when she saw LSR talking to DT? She wants to reveal the truth but is upset SW has to face all the consequences. Perhaps she thought her telling DT would render more leniency and a chance for all of SW's crimes to be swept under a rug? If DY and SA really care about the well being of SW, they should report her earlier and make her face all the consequences as an adult. SW needs to grow up.

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10 hours ago, anbud said:

now we  have  CJ  family  all  happy together .  a crack  will appear  soon  cause  CJ is helping  SW the  criminal  to  hide.  while KC his  uncle the cop  is searching for  SW.  while this  is happening an avalanche  will hit KC house   when YJ is  caught... I  really  don't understand ( CJ )this kind of   love,how a man can love a  woman he kissed  once ,but later knows  she committed many  crimes, but  still love  her. what do they  love? a  body with a dysfunctional   brain. weird ...

SW is nothing but trouble, isn't she? She continues to be unrepentant and has to make use of people who genuinely care about her. I hope CJ does the right thing by trying to convince SW to surrender herself. He should know better not to harbor a fugitive, especially one as ungrateful as SW. CJ is so pure and naive he is easily manipulated. And SW knows that and thus she seeks him out for help. CJ who had never dated and is deemed 'unsuccessful/a failure' by his own mother, must have felt really flattered by the attention he received from SW in the beginning of their relationship. I guess first love is really hard to forget.

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53 minutes ago, jimb said:

@sk0317  DT and Real Lee Sera make a cute couple but their marriage would hardly improve the Sul family gene pool.  She is as slow on the intellectual draw as he is.  If you watch some of the early episodes where SW, SW's friend, and Real Lee Sera were in the same room, SW routinely openly insulted and disrespected her friend and then turned to Real Lee Sera and began blatantly kissing up to her.  Real Lee Sera imagined that SW was her "friend?'  Her inability to find a clue rivals DT's.

LOL. I guess when you have a mom like JR, you don't need to have an intelligent DIL to improve the family gene pool. If anything goes wrong, JR can just resort to slapping people around to get things done her way.

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7 hours ago, jimb said:

I'm not loving the slap so much.  The Juran-HR entitled psycho routine has been wearing on me for some time.

@jimb  This whats burns me up about this stuff, I don't get why the poor is scared to slap a rich person back.. But what I find amusing about that scene is why did Sw look so surprised she should have known that was coming after all the horrible treatment she seen Jr give to Dy her and HR.. My guess is HR will go looking for DY and SW.. You know she has to flex her little mucles every chance she gets but now DY has the right to do what she likes to HR but she won't.. By DY not telling DT she has also made herself looks like a swindler like Sw..

But I agree with DT what kind of person do she thinks he is I want him to ask her just what is it about Sw that she has to sacrafice her happiness for and why should he take her words in consideration to be with Sw when he don't even like her.. SMH PLEASE WRITER HAVE DT KNOCK DUMB DY UPSIDE THE HEAD WITH A SMART STICK..

3 hours ago, anbud said:

 it  seems KC and  family  are planning a  trip to jeju   island.something to  do  with   KC  wife bucket list.

wonder  if CJ will stay behind, and let SW hide  out  at   his place while the  rest  of the  family is  gone.lol

@anbud  Of course he would she's the first girl ever showed any likes to him until she found out he's the wrong person.. Even DT knows Sw was after him because he comes from wealth he's not that stupid.. I couldn't believe JR asking him or you sure why would he make something like that up..

2 hours ago, 808lostmc said:

I was wrong about how KC got SW's name and what charges they were going to arrest her for. But its OK because it puts LSR in an even better light. LSR apparently did  the right thing and reported SW to the police even after SA and DY visited her and pleaded for leniency. The girls got a backbone. Although she's been a relatively minor character she gets the prize for being the least annoying. Let's hope she doesn't go soft on SW later on. But remember no one can make SW's counterfeiting charges go away she'll have to face the music even if JR and LSR go soft on her later on. LSR reported SW in spite of the fact that she was the ringleader of the counterfeiting operation. Guts or stupidity?

@808lostmc  Another thing those credit card charges aren't going away and they are effecting the real LSR credit.. I can't blame her I would have reported her it's no telling what else she has put under her name.. Wait now wil the loansharks go looking for Sw in mulberry town.. Wait til Sa finds out about that I hope she says she needs to go to jail because she knew she was committing crimes..

1 hour ago, sk0317 said:

Very likely scenario but so unromantic:(. If I were DT, I will tell my omma, "Please don't set me up with any more (blind) dates. I want nature to take its own course from now on." JR should have learned her lesson to never interfere in her children's (love) lives. HR will probably end up a twice divorced child woman still living with her mom and DT was dangerously close to getting himself hitched to a fraud. 

Of course @sk0317 That was already in the making when YJ married her that they would become divorced. I don't even think they do what a young husband and wife do when they first marry YJ seems to spend a lot of time thinking of his on plans and Hr is not included in them..


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YJ seems to be trapped unless he can neutralize SW in some fashion. 

If YJ refuses SW the funds required to provide full restitution for her fraud, she could turn over the thumb drive to Juran or the authorities.

If YJ provides the funds and SW pays off the debts, clearly SW could not have legitimately earned the money.  This invites police scrutiny which would ultimately lead to YJ.

If SW decides to hand over the thumb drive, she faces an interesting choice. 

If for some reason she gives it to Juran, Juran could quickly retrieve the stolen funds from YJ's bank accounts, cushioning the blow against Bonjour and perhaps saving her job. YJ goes down, but perhaps not publicly.

 But after the "slap," why wouldn't SW give the thumb drive directly to the police. No way to avoid a public scandal that would assure that YJ goes down for thievery, and Juran goes down for gross incompetence.

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