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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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Episode 128's Preview:

In the preview, KC seems to recognize SW after spotting her outside Bonjour while he and his colleague were on their way to the Bonjour office. I hope CJ does the right thing and will try to convince SW to turn herself in instead of helping a fugitive SW hide or get away.

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wow, DY/SA running  around  trying to  clean up SW mess.  SA begging LSR. like  what s  wrong  with  SA, SW robbed   LSR and abused her  name  and  SA  expect  LSR to  just   say, it is ok. 

DY trying to  stop SA  from kneeling.  goodness. 

none of  them   told LSR that  SW was pretending to be her, and  they  both  met  LSR . how long did SA/DY think  they  will keep  SW lies a  secret.

how rude of  DY  trying to  talk to  DT  to   stay with  SW.lolol SA/DY/SW they are   shameless people. lying to  people  and expect their  crimes to be  forgiven. errrr.

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now we  have  CJ  family  all  happy together .  a crack  will appear  soon  cause  CJ is helping  SW the  criminal  to  hide.  while KC his  uncle the cop  is searching for  SW.  while this  is happening an avalanche  will hit KC house   when YJ is  caught... I  really  don't understand ( CJ )this kind of   love,how a man can love a  woman he kissed  once ,but later knows  she committed many  crimes, but  still love  her. what do they  love? a  body with a dysfunctional   brain. weird ...

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Translation of Episode 128 Preview:


DT: So you broke up with me because of your niece? Then what, did you break up with me because you’ve really come to not like me?

JR: Once the Kang Sam Wol issue is over, I’ll take care of finishing the divorce and sent them to you, so let’s separate. 

JR: Didn’t you do a reference check? How could something like this happen? Did you know she was Kang Dan Yi’s niece? Is that why you gave her a job?

SA: If Sam Wol turns herself in first, can she get some leniency?

KC: She’ll be able to get a fair hearing, please convince her to turn herself in no matter what.

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1 minute ago, valsava said:

I thought this thread would be on fire this morning from Sw slap b ut I'll wait until subs are out but Sw running to Yj brother was to be expected.

lol   hey,  nope  i think we  all  watch  the  preview of the  slap so many  times,  the  excitement wore off.lolol.. most  are  waiting for  subs   to get  our  adrenaline pumping  again. looking  forward to read  DT convo  with  DY.

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It's official, DY has a box of rocks for brains (does she even have a heart?) and SW is truly certifiably crazy.  These people really are shameless!!!

They are all half a brain short in the Kang family.  Even SA who helped create the entitled princess SW whom she most likely never punished for anything and was never held accountable to help form her character.

It looks like SW is going on the lamb.  So funny!!!

It's hard for me to see a situation where Kang DY could redeem herself with DT after today.  DY's reaction to being found out just felt like she and the whole family are a bunch of accomplices who aided and abetted SW.   

It was very satisfying to see SW get the slap and she still didn't wake up.  Trying to talk DT into staying with her....she is truly deluded thinking they "like" her.  She did get the wake up call finally....but in SW's brain that just means she has to try another angle.  But let us be done with that and move forward in the plot.

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This is the clip of DT telling off SW. It made me laugh, so I'm posting a translation of it. 


DT: Do you know who I met earlier at the office?

SW: Who did you meet?

DT: Lee Se Ra. 

SW: Yes? Other than during the day, I didn’t meet you, Director. What do you mean?

DT: Not you. The real Lee Se Ra. Not you, Kang Sam Wol.

SW: Director!

DT: I met Lee Se Ra and I heard all sorts of talk about you. You, what is your reason for hiding your identity and coming onto me? Is it because I’m the president’s son?

SW: It’s not like that. I don’t know what Se Ra may have told you, but there were reasons. And, i was just about to tell you. Please believe me.

DT: Believe? Is that all that you’ve deceived me about? You, you’re Kang Dan Yi’s niece, aren’t you? You knew that I was dating Kang Dan Yi, so how could you so callously come on to me? Kang Dan Yi is your aunt! What is it that you want?

SW: It’s not like that. I’m sorry for deceiving you, but it’s because I love you. This is sincere. Please believe me. 

DT: No, I can’t believe you. Not just to me, but to my mom and my entire family, you deceived them and played them. I definitely can’t forgive you. 

SW: Director. 

DT: Right now, even just looking at your face makes me shake in disgust. Don’t ever appear in front of me again.


So, yay for DT. He managed to tell off SW. Though, of course, SW does appear in front of DT again, trying to convince him that she did everything for lurrvvvveee. Fortunately, they're not going to have DT continue to be the stupid patsy now that he knows he's been deceived.



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Translation of the confrontation between SR and SW. 


SR: Yah, you said you didn’t see my card, but you’re been enthusiastically using it everywhere. Have you been having a good time living with my name? 

SW: Se Ra, you apparently went to Director Sul and told him everything.

SR: Yes. Aren’t you an idiot? How can you go around fraudulently as not even someone else, but me? Did you think that you could tell lies like that and no one would ever find out?

SW: How could you be like this to me? Are you sure that you’re my friend? How can you go to the man I’m dating and say those things? 

SR: March, are you crazy? Are you crazy? Who do you think you’re talking to? You’re the one who lied!

SW: That’s why I said I was sorry. I asked you to give me a little more time! Now, what will I do? Director Sul will have told the president everything. This is the end for me. 

SR: Why are you crying? Yah, you’re crying? Who is the person who should be crying? This won’t do. (throws SW’s bag at her feet) March, you leave my house right now. 

SW: Okay. As it was, I was going to leave anyway!

SR: March, you wait and see. I’m not going to just leave this alone. 


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34 minutes ago, valsava said:

I thought this thread would be on fire this morning from Sw slap b ut I'll wait until subs are out but Sw running to Yj brother was to be expected.

JR's slap was long anticipated and it was epic the way she delivered the blow to SW's face. But I have to agree with @anbud that most of us have watched 'The Slap' so many times the novelty seems to have worn off :lol:.

# I wish Mr. Choi hadn't intervened earlier:P. SW deserves more than one slap from JR. And SW should get ready to receive more from HR. HR won't let this slide...

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34 minutes ago, anbud said:

now we  have  CJ  family  all  happy together .  a crack  will appear  soon  cause  CJ is helping  SW the  criminal  to  hide.  while KC his  uncle the cop  is searching for  SW.  while this  is happening an avalanche  will hit KC house   when YJ is  caught... I  really  don't understand ( CJ )this kind of   love,how a man can love a  woman he kissed  once ,but later knows  she committed many  crimes, but  still love  her. what do they  love? a  body with a dysfunctional   brain. weird ...

@anbud  CJ is kind of slow but as the saying goes love is blind

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Stupid DY being told off by DT.


DT: What is it?

DY: After you saw me yesterday, did you meet Sam Wol?

DT: Yes, I met her. 

DY: What happened?

DT: What happened? I said since it’s all over, she should leave aside any expectations and leave. 

DY: The president and your entire family all know as well, don’t they? 

DT: Yes. 

DY: That Sam Wol lied about her identity was clearly something that she did wrong, but Sam Wol really likes you, Director. In that at least, she was sincere. 

DT: So what? Are you asking me to hold onto Kang Sam Wol or something?

DY: If the president has found out, she won’t leave Sam Wol alone. At least, Director, I was hoping you could protect (SW) from that. Please, I’m asking you. 

DT: What? Even if she is your niece, how could you be like this to me? Starting with hiding that Kang Sam Wol is your niece, now you want me to accept your niece? 

DY: Director…

DT: To be honest, all the while I was having to prepare myself for an engagement with Kang Sam Wol, it was hard for me because I couldn’t forget you. But you, you don’t have a smidgeon of feelings for me? I’m just the guy that your niece likes? If that’s what you wanted to say, I’m leaving.

DY: Director!

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30 minutes ago, anbud said:

lol   hey,  nope  i think we  all  watch  the  preview of the  slap so many  times,  the  excitement wore off.lolol.. most  are  waiting for  subs   to get  our  adrenaline pumping  again. looking  forward to read  DT convo  with  DY.

@anbud  Thats the conversation I'm also looking forward to while she sits there trying to plead Sw case I stilll say DY should slap her upside the darn head because she decieved him to,, DY woulds jump through hoops for Yj but she just discard DT like he's trash when he was way a lot more nicer then Yj ever was

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I translated this for the scene of SW going back to DT after the smackdown from JR to plead how she only did it because she loved him so he shouldn't leave or and getting rejected by DT again, but ended up just translating the entire clip.


DT: Mom received a great shock as well. More than anyone else, she liked you. Why wouldn’t she be mad at you?

SW: So, Director, are you really going to throw me away? You even spent a night with me, but you’re saying that you’re going to throw me away? You can’t be like this towards me.

DT: If because of that night, I have to be punished, then I’ll accept the punishment. So, instead of looking for me and being like this, admit the wrong that you did and plead for forgiveness. That is the thing that Kang Sam Wol should do. 

SW: Even like that, I wanted to become close to you. As Kang Sam Wol, I thought it would be impossible to get close to you. 

DT: So, that’s why you deceive people? That’s not a simple lie, that’s a crime!

SW: If only you will forgive me, that’s all I need. I’ll endure everything else. So, please, just don’t throw me away. 

DT: I’m sorry, but there is nothing I can do either. Please leave.


KC: So, the victim who reported Kang Sam Wol for the identity theft is Lee Se Ra? 

Partner: Yes. She used Lee Se Ra’s name to get a job, used her credit card, and even got a loan. 

KC: Ahh, this is a woman who knew no limits. 

Partner: On top of that, the victim Lee Se Ra is the daughter of the American company Felmont’s president. 

KC: What? Wow, the scale is definitely large. (means this case will be bigger because of the victim involved)

Partner: Apparently, pretending to be a chaebol heiress, she was about to enter an engagement. 

KC: Yah. Anyway, Kang Sam Wol, she works here as a show host? 

Partner: Yes, that’s right. 

KC: See if there are any other victims harmed by Kang Sam Wol. 


So, I wonder if this will become my favorite episode of this series where DT is acting rationally and intelligently against the Kang women rather than being coerced to do more stupid things. However, it feels as though they're going to try to reclaim SW seeing as how she's being all "hurt" and "vulnerable" and all that. Plus, I see in the preview that DT agrees to meet DY yet again. *sigh* I was really hoping that he would blow off all the Kang women as liars out to get something from him. Also, not feeling happy about DT's line about accepting whatever punishment he deserves for that night with SW. Please, please, please, I want him to realize how he was swindled. i want him to shove DY's face in it about pushing him towards a woman who would do something like that, and then I want him to walk away from them for good. 

So, not sure how I'll feel about the future episodes. I think this drama has already played the stupid card too often for me to ever watch it regularly the way I used to. 

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 127:

# Real Lee Sera is introducing herself to DT in Bonjour's lobby: The Felmont heiress you think you are marrying? C;est moi. SA arrives in time to observe this. In the background, violins are made to produce ominous sounds.

# DT and Real Lee Sera sit at a table in Bonjour's cafeteria. Did someone mention that they are an attractive couple? If not, Juran will mention it.

# Real Lee Sera explains it all, more in sorrow than in anger. DT is incredulous. . DT says No Can Be. Real Lee Sera shows DT her American Passport. Will SW have one of these? No. He is distressed. She says something else that surprises him. For some reason she leaves in a semi-huff. His mouth is agape.

# DT sits at his desk looking as though he has just endured a serious beating. Why so glum when the hour of his liberation is at hand?

# DT recalls that SW disappeared when DY's mother appeared in Bonjour's lobby. DT is slow but he's catching on. DT leaps from his chair.

# SW is in the studio advertising something expensive and barely necessary. She concludes and everyone in the studio applauds. She reflects that their applause has been more enthusiastic since she began dating DT. The Gossip Duo are sucking up with particular vigor. SW takes a call on her cell phone and looks bewildered.

# SA paces dejectedly in her house. DY joins her. SA describes what she witnessed at Bonjour. DY's eyes widen. DY receives a call on her cell phone from DT. SW's jig is up. So is DY's.

# DY meets DT on the edge of her village. DT is accusatory. DY tries to pretend that she doesn't know why DT might be upset. From there, the conversation heads south. He shouts. She whines. He stomps off.

# SW has joined Grandfather, Juran, HR and YJ for coffee in their living room. Everyone but YJ is oblivious. This cannot end well.

# SW receives a call on her cell phone. She does not take it but suddenly needs to be elsewhere.

# SW is surprised by an angry looking DT on her way out. DT summons her sternly. She leaves the house with him. Juran is surprised.

# DT and SW sit in a restaurant. SW pretends she doesn't know why they are there. He front pedals vigorously, She back pedals nervously. In the background, violins are made to produce ominous sounds. He shouts several sentences containing DY's name. She pleads. Not for the first time today, he is incredulous. He storms out. She attempts to rise but collapses back into her chair.

# DT rejoins Juran, Grandfather, HR and YJ in their living room. DT speaks. And speaks. Now it is Juran's turn to be incredulous. Grandfather is speechless. HR is not. YJ is grave but not surprised. DT drops the SW is DY's niece bomb and Juran and HR gasp for breath.  Imposter, not OK.  DY's niece, No Way.  DT heads for his bedroom leaving all but YJ in turmoil.

# Juran follows DT into his bedroom. They shout at each other. For the first time in several episodes Juran summons a Ha! Eye-roll.

# YJ retreats to his bedroom and attempts to make a call on his cell phone, but the party is unavailable. HR joins him and speaks urgently. YJ looks disgusted. HR is surprised by his cold response. HR assumes her Heavy Breathing Angry Heifer stance.

# SW returns to what soon will no longer be home. Real Lee Sera throws an overdue credit card bill in her face. SW somehow manages to be defiant. Then she weeps. Real Lee Sera leaves the room in disgust. She returns in disgust with SW's suitcase. They shout at each other. Real Lee Sera leaves the room in disgust again. SW manages to look resentful.

# The sun rises over Bonjour.

# Juran sits at her desk with her Someone's Going To Get It look. She starts to make a call on her cell phone but is interrupted by the entrance of a chastened SW. Juran rises to meet her. SW beseeches. Juran shouts. SW studies the floor. SW pleads, Juran slaps. SW is like, I thought we were friends . . . Mr. Choi enters and restrains Juran. SW kneels and pleads. Mr. Choi helps SW to her feet and she runs off.

# This actually may hurt Juran more than it hurt SW. Mr. Choi attempts to comfort her but she is defeated and speechless.

# SW is now just another Kang girl weeping in a Bonjour corridor. YJ happens upon her and summons her into his office. He speaks. She listens. They argue. She leaves.

# MS is sitting in his house. The Village Representative enters self-importantly. They argue. The Village Representative briefly assumes a fighting stance but immediately cowers when MS steps in his direction. MS leaves him standing alone.

# DY is in her bedroom. DY makes a call on her cell phone but the party is unavailable. SA enters and they converse urgently. They leave DY's bedroom and are interrogated by DY's mother. Then the Village Representative arrives and interrogates them. SA and DY leave the house.

# The Village Representative rattles on cheerfully. DY's mother says something and he is taken aback.

# Real Lee Sera is in her apartment talking on her cell phone. She hears her door chimes. Now she has learned to check the CCTV before opening the door. It is DY and SA. Real Lee Sera sighs, SW and her family are on her last nerve.

# Real Lee Sera reluctantly admits them but does not suffer them gladly. She shouts, likely who is going to pay these bills? SA kneels before her. Real Lee Sera's heart softens but she still needs money to pay those bills. And lest we forget, to keep the loan sharks from her door. Real Lee Sera is sad but angry. She attempts to walk away but SA grabs her arm. Shaking herself free, Real Lee Sera completes her exit from the room. SA collapses and DY attempts to console her.

# DT is sitting in his office looking defeated. He receives a call on his cell phone from DY. DY sounds very tentative.

# DT and DY meet in a restaurant. The meeting does not go well. He shouts. She whines. He leaves.

# The extended Gu family enjoys a meal. Even Devil's Spawn manages a smile. KC is called back to his job. CJ looks nervous.

# SW pleads with DT in Bonjour's lobby. DT has had enough of this but, reluctantly, summons her to his office.

# SW and DT talk in his office. She attempts a tug at his heartstrings but they are broken. She pleads. He is firm. She leaves.

# Detective KC and his partner are entering Bonjour as SW exits. KC and SW lock eyes.


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