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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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2 hours ago, desertflower said:

If DY really wants, no in fact protects, SW conducting a loving relationship with DT then why would she bother to ask SW to come clean with him about her identity which would give DT a concrete reason to break the engagement thereby making SW once again threaten to "kill herself".

If DY really cared about DT why would she treat him like a possession (that can be swapped around regardless of how he feels) and allow SW to manipulate him into a romantic relationship.  DY continues to treat him like a possession that can be used.  How is she any better than her niece SW.  You could say DY really loves SW and wants DT to love and care for her niece (because SW wants it) but how is that appropriate when DT is being blackmailed and trapped into an engagement and defrauded by them both.  DT told DY long ago that he has no feelings for SW.

Solution:. Have Mother SA get health professionals ready at a secret intervention where everyone is told the truth and SW is taken into the care of the mental health professionals asap thereby immediately solving most problems.  SW will then be drug away at the same time yelling "no, I really wasn't going to kill myself".

I admit to watching the raw episode today but only after reading everyone's take on it.  I could stand it without dialog but I don't think I could take it if I knew exactly what trash talk was coming from their respective mouths.

Thank goodness we have a great Forum of people on this thread.  I can live until the sh_t hits the fan because you all make my day with your insightful, funny, emotional and fresh perspectives.

I wish DT could come up with a SW's duplicate of  "I'll kill myself" when his mom bullies him into marrying that tramp. BTW I agree with @jimb's assessment that JR is solely responsible for DT's current predicament. JR shuts down DY by intimidating her, trying to buy her off with money and insulting her upbringing etc. DT could pull the trick above and wriggle his way out of this forced and arranged marriage by JR and SW. But his brain could really become fried should the truth of how he was tricked, betrayed and shoved into SW's arms by SW, DY and SA become exposed. I doubt we will ever get to see a genuine smile on his face again.

SW must be the most potent super pest/bug to survive all the ordeals.Will we ever see an end to all her manipulative and evil ways?

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8 hours ago, jimb said:

# DY calls SW on her cell phone. They meet on Bonjour's rooftop and argue. DY once again fails to "take care of it."

DY seems to be unable to take care of things in her miserable life. For a start, she seems reluctant to take care of her own mother. She fails to take care of her role to promote domestic farming and its products by only coming up with one product during her short tenure at Bonjour. If I were DY, I would have brought a jar of mulberry gochujang to the elderly lady who offered the tip that mulberries might work with gochujang to thank her officially. And while she is there, she could get more suggestions or hints on another idea for a new product. Didn't DY tell the nice elderly lady she will bring her something 'better' the next time she visits? Has she forgotten her promise? And I think it would really be nice and polite if she thanks the lady in person and tells her that thanks to her 'help', the product DY and DT came up with has become a hit and bestseller. And of course, DY also fails to convince SW to come clean before her engagement to DT. Perhaps now that DY has resigned officially, she could start taking care of the household chores.

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12 hours ago, sgfan said:

I bet the lobby scene will be shown only at the end of tomorrow's episode. This time, DY will not be there to help cover up. I hope she doesn't scurry back to BHS in the nick of time to help SW.

SA last visited BHS with the intention of exposing SW's lies. However we were all disappointed with what happened there. Crossing my fingers that the writers do not disappoint us again! :crazy: DT needs to know something by now.

@sgfan and @stroppyse are absolutely right! The lobby scene will be shown at the end of tonight's show. We will not be manipulated by the lame writers again! I was disgusted by DY's move when she went over to LSR's apartment yesterday to bring SA home after receiving a call from SW:angry:. @jimb is right that the foolish DY has stopped SA from 'taking care of it' again!  It's frustrating that SW has DY under her control and DY acts in accordance to SW's rule of her thumb. I think a dejected DT who seems like a man who is resigned to his fate, is so toast (and dumb) he won't be able to pick up any clues even if they are laid out in front of him now.

If DY's father is really dead, I wonder why DY has no interests or isn't curious to know why offerings are made and respects are paid only to her dead brother during Chuseok. Do DY and MS have the same father? Does DY know how her father looks/looked like? Doesn't she think it's odd to have only her dead brother's photo in the house? Why does it seem to be a taboo (silent rule) to ask/discuss/even mention her father since he has never been on their topic of discussion? Are the writers going with a birth secret scenario after all? When will we get to hear more about the Mr. Kang YJ and JR had lunch with? Will he be the game changer in this drama?

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11 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Still not excited about this preview. It's probably too early. They'll make SR stupid as well for the time being and have her believe SW's lies as well, even if she has suspicions now. Also, I'm expecting the DT, SW, grandmother scene to be the cliffhanger for the next episode.

Having said that, the question that I have in my mind is will SW deny knowing her grandmother in order to protect her engagement to DT? Or will she, for once, do the right thing in acknowledging her grandmother to start the potential salvaging of SW's character so that she can have a happy ending after all. Or I guess the third way to deal with it is to have SW "pretend to be SW" for the grandmother and then tell DT that she just played along with the crazy old lady to pacify her since the granny was clearly distraught. And, DT being the idiot that he is will probably go right ahead and believe her. 

I hope that even if SW survives from being found out today, her GM will keep going back to see her at Bonjour. Isn't this GM's first visit to Bonjour? I was surprised she had no problem getting there on her own. Is there a chance DT will get to see a photo of SW in SA's room while he is there at JMR? I don't recall seeing any pictures of SW in her GM's room.  She is not likely to be exposed now since DT will not be going inside the Kang household after the breakup with DY. If we are lucky, GM may be well enough to retrieve a photo of SW and show it to DT to prove how the woman she saw next to him earlier looks exactly like her GD, SW.

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4 hours ago, anbud said:

hmm seems DY  told YJ that she was  leaving the  company  . YJ was   happy  about  that  and  told her    ,he  will call  her    later. DY  told  him   never  to  call her.

SW loan shark call and  threaten  her, so she  hurry over to  YJ.

MR choi question  why  SW is in YJ  office  so much. YJ excuse  is ,  they  working on  this   show.

SW  asking  if the money is  ready.YJ  saying  he is getting it  ready  so   wait. SW saying, you're not  trying  to   buy  time to  avoid  giving me money,are you?

YJ---- I'll keep  my  promise ,so  don't worry. but  I have  my  conditions. I  want  the usb back in return.

SW____ I will  think about it after  you  get me the money. Also, I  want the  money  by today .

YJ----- I can't, I'll give it to you in 2 days.

SW_------  fine, I need it by  the  day after tomorrow...(lol thought she needed it today )

DY  resigns.


DY meeting SW on the roof.

DY did  something  happen with  Mr Goo?

SW--- why? did he tell you something?

DY ---No. he kept  asking  about  you. he said he wouldn't tell people  about your  secret  right? why wouldn't  he? did  something happen between the   two of  you?

sw--- no  what  are  you talking  about ? i heard you resign, DY  said   yes.

SW-- you  made the right  decision,it'd only be painful for  you to  work  here,you  should  farm and  take care of grandma.I'll send money  home after i  get  married. You didn't tell  mum the date of the  engagement is  set  did  you?

DY--- SW, are you really planning to get engaged as  someone else? You could face legal punishment if you get  caught.

SW--- you   at  it  again

DY--- tell Mr seol before  the engagement. he will accept you  if he knows how you  feel.

SW---- do  you think I can  marry the son of Bonjour with  nothing  but love? stop being  so  naive.It's getting annoying( lolol   as most of  us  already  thinks.)

DY-----If you can't tell him I'll tell  him myself.

SW--- what? are you  out of your mind? (lolol after  SW just  called  DY  naive)

DY---- I can't watch  you  do the  wrong  thing anymore.i'll go and tell him.

SW--- I wouldn't be  like this if  you didn't kill my dad.If dad were alive, he would've helped  me become a model. then I'd be happy living my  dream. this is all your fault!

DY-- I'm sure Man Soo wouldn't want you to  act  like this .

SW --thats enough! I don't want you to  talk about  my  dad. if you  feel sorry  at  all, you won't tell anyone about  me. you'll never  see me again if you  utter  a  word. SW walks  by  DY making  sure  her  shoulder  slams into  DY as  SW walks away...(me  cheering here, good   then i  will tell  everyone.lolol)

Thanks for the recaps @anbud YJ does realize SW might have made copies of his USB memory right?

I was quite surprised the thugs who barged into LSR's apartment had gone high-tech with their debt collection:lol:. They have recorded SW's voice over one of the thug's smartphone. But the voice on the phone, income details, place and period of employment should give them an idea which 'LSR' took up the loan from them. The real LSR has proof of her passport to show her absence during SW's employment at Bonjour.

BTW, a deer is always a bambi to me too:).

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37 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Thanks for the recaps @anbud YJ does realize SW might have made copies of his USB memory right?

I was quite surprised the thugs who barged into LSR's apartment had gone high-tech with their debt collection:lol:. They have recorded SW's voice over one of the thug's smartphone. But the voice on the phone, income details, place and period of employment should give them an idea which 'LSR' took up the loan from them. The real LSR has proof of her passport to show her absence during SW's employment at Bonjour.

BTW, a deer is always a bambi to me too:).

 doubt YJ thought  about  SW  makin  copies. YJ is so  busy  trying to get  out of  this corner that  might  blow  up all this hard  stealing  work..  maybe  SW already  made  a few  copies an hid  them   in  different  place.lolol. the debt collector    and his   phone as  the  strongest  weapon  and  played a  loud  and  clear  voice  of  SW.lol. it  was a  funny  scene.

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5 hours ago, anbud said:

 doubt YJ thought  about  SW  makin  copies. YJ is so  busy  trying to get  out of  this corner that  might  blow  up all this hard  stealing  work..  maybe  SW already  made  a few  copies an hid  them   in  different  place.lolol. the debt collector    and his   phone as  the  strongest  weapon  and  played a  loud  and  clear  voice  of  SW.lol. it  was a  funny  scene.

Do you think Mr. Han is able to trace and find out SW has taken up a big loan with the loan sharks? If he has, YJ could hold on to the cash he has promised to come up with to give to SW until he gets his USB and its copies (if he comes around to realizing them:lol:) back? SW wants to see the cash first before considering handing over YJ's incriminating evidence. Let the thugs terrorize SW all they want and for all it's worth before succumbing to SW's extortion. I hope the thugs pay SW a visit at Bonjour and create a mess and scene the next time. That will be fun to watch. At least YJ will know why SW is holding him ransom, extorting so much money from him and will change his tactics on how to deal with her in future.

On a different note, now that DY has returned to 'therapeutic farming', will she finally get to meet the 'gentleman from Seoul' whom her SIL seems to like, and thank him in person for taking her mom to the hospital?

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Episode 127's Preview:


Have the protective walls surrounding SW finally toppled and come tumbling down? SW got slapped by JR and DY got an earful from DT it seems for hiding the truth about SW. The foolish DY still insists that SW really loves DT when confronted by an obviously upset DT in her hometown. Also, it appears that a police investigation into show host SW has been launched.


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15 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Episode 127's Preview:

  Reveal hidden contents

Have the protective walls surrounding SW finally toppled and come tumbling down? SW got slapped by JR and DY got an earful from DT it seems for hiding the truth about SW. The foolish DY still insists that SW really loves DT when confronted by an obviously upset DT in her hometown. Also, it appears that a police investigation into show host SW has been launched.


Thanks for the preview @sk0317

:D it feels like forever since the last time I truly looked forward to a TUF episode. We should really thank YJ and the real LSR for today's progress! :D

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The jerk pulled out the plug and tell directly real SR that SW want to marry under her backgroung to DT. ep end is LSR meet with DT and tell him that actually she is the real one. Next ep SR fall. I doubt that she want to fall alone. She go with the jerk. These two deserve to each other.

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I liked episode 126...it was funny. So the investigation into SW and her show from the previews is about to launch....I'm wondering if the real LSR will step up and decide she wants to marry DT as well. As I have said I can see SW going to prison for stolen identity.

What infuriates me about DY is she is still defending SW...how can you defend a person who stole a person's id in order to steal your man from you and call that love....I'm sorry sister...but you are one sick freak who truly deserves to be sent to prison because you are too dag blasted stupid for anything.

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1 hour ago, sgfan said:

Thanks for the preview @sk0317

:D it feels like forever since the last time I truly looked forward to a TUF episode. We should really thank YJ and the real LSR for today's progress! :D

You are most welcome @sgfan

Me too me too! Can wait for tomorrow's episode to air:D! I am practically jumping for joy!:lol:

From Mr. Han's initial findings, YJ wasn't so sure if the woman called LSR, who is living with KSW was really the daughter of Felmont's mogul. So I think he went to her apartment to confirm and tell her SW has been using her identity and living as the heiress of Felmont.

So DY has again stopped SA from 'taking care of it' but SA was smart enough to make DY leave with her mom first, with the intention to see DT probably to tell him the truth. But the real LSR got to him first and SA got to hear LSR revealing her true identity.:)

@Triton823 DY is not only foolishly defending SW, but she is also procrastinating the discovery of her identity thief. So I totally agree with you that DY should also be held responsible and accountable for her role in hiding the truth/fraud.

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well, wow  , todays  show   spoiled  me, it  was   boom, boom, boom all over the  place..

Maybe YJ  made a  smart  move  by  telling the  real LSR  that SW is  using her  name to   marry  the  president  son..lol YJ  hit  jackpot there, cause  LSR already  found out  about the  loan  sharks  and just  before  YJ  rang   LSR doorbell,  LSR  found the receipts for the  credit  card she was  missing in  the garbage can..

So, what  now, is YJ  safe for the  time being, cause  he did not directly  expose  SW , he had  LSR do it.lol

SW will be  busy  for  a  while, when she  finds out  it is the real  LSR  who  told  DT.

Feeling  pity  for MS  for  when he finds  out  SW is  the  daughter  of the  woman he loves. the  thing is  MS knows  SA/DY  are  good  people. so  wonder  if  they  will be  forgiven  quickly  ...

 lol  I  can see JR using this against  SA. when  JR finds  out  SW is  SA  daughter, lots of begging   will be  happening. JR  might  say  to SA . SW goes  to  jail  for trying to  con  my  family, or  you  walk away  from  my  husband.

 the  preview  was    good, JR  hand came  down  fast   across  SW  face. ouch. all the  loving  and good  times  with  JR  flew out  the  window...

will be a   good  show  when HR tries  to  slap  SW,lol SW got  the  dirty on  YJ. so, that  will put  a  break on  HR  abusing SW. or  could    be  that  after SW being  humiliated    by  JR, SW works with YJ to  take over the company and get  revenge. lol blaming JR for  not  wanting her  as a  DIL cause she is poor.lolol

was  thinking  back to the bar  scene  when  SW took DT to her  house.  thought  so  strange  the bartender did not  stop  SW. cause   that  means any  fool can  walk into a  bar and  say  they  know  the  person  that  is passed out  and take  them  home.or  anywhere they  want  and  abuse  them  and leave   them..

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I don't mind watching the full episode (126) again:). And I'm so glad DT discovers SW's real identity before his forced engagement. He must have felt like a bird being released and freed from its cage; the invisible tremendous amount of weight he has been carrying around for weeks has been lifted off his shoulders. Now DT can return home and take a long antiseptic bath and try to detoxify himself of the SW toxins.:P

After the discovery, DT is faced with the denial and betrayal of the culprits/SW's co-conspirators involved in shoving him into this mess. I hope he stays strong and won't forgive DY especially for not revealing the truth to him sooner.

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some phrases i  found   on this  thread.lolol

ah@sk0327   DT-- bird being  freed from it's cage. (sounds  like  poetry)

Now DT can return home and take a long antiseptic bath and try to detoxify himself of the SW toxins  (lolol omg  funny.)

iirc   dt don't  care if DY lives on the  corner of a mandoo shop...(guessing it means  don't care if  DY is poor lololol)

 I  will take care of it  (lolol i  thought  someone was  aborting  something  lolol)

iirc  if there is a  fire   only the cockroaches  will survive.(i  guess the cockroaches  are the  villains lolol)



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