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[Current Daily Drama 2016] The Unusual Family 별난 가족 - Monday to Friday 20:25


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lol so, now what, the real sara is back and it is her  apartment, , will she let  Sw  still live  there.hmm i  guess she  will. cause  SW  will come  out  with some  sad  story... some  more  tricks  from  SW  to   fool  SR ..  all these    smart  people are  getting con by a farm girl  who fell on her poo and  lol rubbed it off on  DT.lolol

 i  wish  HR  will  go visit  SW and  finds  SR there, and ask   her  who are you.lol. and gets and answer she is  SR.lol

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7 hours ago, jayakris said:

These days I watch this drama's episodes in about 3 minutes flat every day, just to see where the story is going.  Fast forward, fast forward... Nothing new happens, and everything that happens is distasteful in every way.  The worst drama I have ever seen, by a long mile.   But anyway, right at the end of the Ep 118, the preview showed what we were waiting for, for a long time... Finally, SW may get caught.  Of course, we can expect the writers to drag it on and not get her caught till episode 150.  So don't hold any hopes.  I will continue to do my 3 minute watching of the episodes.

Hey long time no see.........remember you from Tomorrow Victory forum......I too have tired of this Drama also I just check the previews on youtube and read the comments to see whats going on...however since this show was extended nothing really will happen until around episode 149......also doing the same with here comes love.

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My non-Korean speaker's take on the Korean language version of episode 118:

# DY encounters DT and SW in Bonjour's lobby. DT and SW walk out of the building. DT looks like he is taking the Final Walk Of The Condemned Man. SW shoots DY some serious side-eye. DY looks resentful.

# DT and SW are in a restaurant. SW is loudly enjoying her meal. DT is doing his duty. SW pesters DT. He speaks little and looks awkward.

# SA and DY's mother are in their house. SA remembers the Village Representative's remarks. DY's mother is having a "good" day. DY's mother retires to her bedroom.

# DY arrives home. She and SA talk.

# DY and SA sit down in DY's bedroom and talk further.

# Grandfather, Juran, HR and YJ are in their living room discussing DT and SW. HR and Juran chatter cheerfully. Grandfather and YJ listen with less enthusiasm.

# DT arrives home from his date with SW. Juran and HR are happy. DT is not and goes upstairs.

# Grandfather has noticed that DT does not seem very happy. If the others have noticed, they do not care. Juran smiles wickedly and wiggles her eyebrows.

# DT sits on his bed exhausted and dispirited. HR enters and gloats. DT endures this until finally inviting HR to bug off.

# SW is in her apartment talking to herself and smirking. She examines an overdue bill and wonders how she will pay it. For some reason she remembers CJ and feels reproached by the large teddy bear he gave her.

# CJ, his parents, KC and the elder GJ are having dinner. The TV is on, as is SW. CJ is staring at her image and daydreaming. His father tells him to snap out of it. The family chats. They examine an ultrasound photo of GJ's fetus. The Birth Mother and Devil's Spawn join them with the usual results. The Birth Mother and Devil's Spawn retire to their bedroom with the usual results.

# The Gu family is at breakfast the next morning. Big GJ's ultrasound photos have disappeared. Devil's Spawn is the culprit.

# DY, Mr. Han and the Gossip Duo are in their office. DY lleaves for the studio. Mr. Han, who is betraying signs of humanity lately, discusses DY's demeanor with the Gossip Duo. When the problem is explained to him, Mr. Han reverts to form. Personal relationships shouldn't affect work, etc.

# SW and DT are already in the studio. SW is chattering inanely. DT is putting up with her. DY walks in as SW is fussing over the fit of DT's jacket. DY hands SW the script. SW shoots DY a Look. DT looks like he couldn't find his "richard simmons" with both hands. DT tries to leave. SW suddenly can't do her job without DT in the audience.

# DY accidentally knocks a plate to the floor. DT snaps at her. SW looks Very Happy.

# Haven't I always had my doubts about DT? Yes.

# DY is walking sadly down a corridor. YJ appears with the usual results.

# YJ sits down at his desk looking tired and shifty eyed. Mr. Han enters. YJ gives him a list of expenditures for the Chinese office and tells him to identify which expenditures can be inflated. Mr. Han wonders whether YJ deliberately wants to exceed the budget. YJ is like, "Hell yeah!" Mr. Han is like, "Good as done!" Either Mr. Han is a crook or a fool. Perhaps both.

# Mr. Choi enters as Mr. Han departs. They speak Seriously. YJ looks Concerned.

# Juran and YJ are talking in her office. YJ is swindling Juran again. She is all smiles, for now.

# YJ leaves as SW arrives. Juran now has Truly Important Matters to attend to. SW is happily recounting her dinner with DT. Likely, DT recalls the dinner quite differently.

# SA is in her house. She remembers her discussion with DY. She pulls out her cell phone and calls SW, who is unavailable.

# SA speaks with DY's mother as she leaves her house. DY's mother is having a "good" day. The Village Representative arrives and volunteers to stay with DY's mother.

# SA and MS are in the market selling produce. one of the village biddies informs her that she is having an affair with a married man.

# The gossip duo discuss SW's behavior in the studio.

# DT is in his office looking stricken. DY enters. They talk. SW enters without knocking and stands by, listening. They argue. SW looks upset and leaves, unnoticed.

# SW waylays DY in the corridor and shouts at her.

# SA starts to dispose of a trash bag and notices that it contains her ultrasound pictures. Devil's Spawn has defaced them with crayon. KC enters and, viewing the defaced pictures, instantly identifies the culprit. He confronts the little brat. They thrash about. The brat has an attack and passes out. The brat is now the center of attention.


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5 hours ago, murmar said:

omg look who's back.. the real Sera.. So this is how her cover is going to be blown. I just realized that is drama is 150 eps long.. was it always this long or did they extend it from 120


On 2016/10/5 at 10:09 AM, sk0317 said:


I was surfing the internet earlier and found these:



If you scroll all the way down the page on the above site, you will find this message posted:


  • 2016년 8월 22일 별난가족 방영분량이 120부작에서 30회 연장되어 150부작으로 변경.확정되었다.

I can't read Hangul:sweatingbullets:...but I think the above is a statement that tells us "Extension, dated 2016.08.22: TUF will be extended by 30 episodes (from the current 120 to 150 episodes)."

Since the source is from a wiki page, I can't be 100% certain this information is reliable. I understand updates on the English website may be slower than the Korean's, but TUF is still listed as a 120-episode drama on the KBS World's homepage.


Is there a way we viewers can be certain @stroppyse?

@murmar  Sorry to quote myself but the details are above from an older post:). We should not get our hopes up yet as we have seen how the real LSR went against her father (who remarried without much consideration for her feelings) and dealt with counterfeit bags before running away after the police caught wind of her/their illegal activities.

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1 hour ago, anbud said:

lol so, now what, the real sara is back and it is her  apartment, , will she let  Sw  still live  there.hmm i  guess she  will. cause  SW  will come  out  with some  sad  story... some  more  tricks  from  SW  to   fool  SR ..  all these    smart  people are  getting con by a farm girl  who fell on her poo and  lol rubbed it off on  DT.lolol

 i  wish  HR  will  go visit  SW and  finds  SR there, and ask   her  who are you.lol. and gets and answer she is  SR.lol

Although the real LSR is from a wealthy family, we have seen her 'dark' side (she could be rebellious and 'bad'). She had deliberately chosen to dabble her hands in 'crime' by making and selling counterfeit bags just to stick it to her father. SW who is like a modern day 'Doraemon", has endless tricks in her pocket/up her sleeves, and could just pull a fake family meeting off by convincing the real LSR to play along with her deceitful lies. Nothing seems impossible in TUF, right:P?

Let's hope HR visits the apartment when SW is not around and gets to talk directly to the real LSR... :rolleyes:

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@stroppyse The problem for SW is that too many people know where she lives:  Her mother, DY, DT, HR, CJ.  All it will take is for the wrong person to visit the apartment at the wrong time.  They tell Lee Sera that they want to see "Lee Sera," and by the way, what are you doing here? She says, what do you mean, I'm Lee Sera?

Maybe the writers are setting up CJ for such a scene?  He already is a little re Sam Wol / "Lee Sera."  The writers have featured his curiosity in at least two episodes.

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16 minutes ago, jimb said:

@stroppyse The problem for SW is that too many people know where she lives:  Her mother, DY, DT, HR, CJ.  All it will take is for the wrong person to visit the apartment at the wrong time.  They tell Lee Sera that they want to see "Lee Sera," and by the way, what are you doing here? She says, what do you mean, I'm Lee Sera?

Maybe the writers are setting up CJ for such a scene?  He already is a little re Sam Wol / "Lee Sera."  The writers have featured his curiosity in at least two episodes.


What you say makes sense, but I think you're making far too much sense for this drama. :)

Btw, I read your recap, got curious as to what DT and DY could be arguing about in the office. *sigh* She tells him she wants to quit. He tells her that she can't be so irresponsible as to quit before the gojuchang factory is completed. Then DY walks out into the hallway where SW waylays her and asks if she's resigned to which DY tells her that she's agreed to think about it to which SW then asks her how DY could cling to DT like when it's all over and she, SW, was going to meet his family as his fiancee. That's when DY tells SW to come clean and DT would be understanding, but SW threatens to kill herself if DY says anything. Ohmygosh, someone please call SW's bluff. How many times has she used the threat of suicide to get her family to comply like mindless sheep. Even better if it's not a bluff and she does off herself. That might make it more interesting to watch as people deal with the aftermath of her egomaniac suicide. Fortunately for me, as soon as SW started to rant, I ended up shutting it down, not interested in the rest. 

Still not convinced that SR's return will be the death knell for SW. The writers have a lot of episodes to fill. They'll just continue to make everyone brain dead as usual. It's apparently worked for them so far. 

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10 hours ago, stroppyse said:

That must have been a terrifying experience. Just the thought of someone following you around and obsessing over you without your consent or perhaps knowledge even is so creepy. I hope you made it through your experience without being traumatized too much.

@stroppyse Thank you for your comforting words of encouragement. And also thank you for your eloquently written response to @Brenda Capers.:)

My first brush with being stalked occurred when I was in junior high school. A top student from the next class would cycle to my place after school everyday and watched me for hours before heading home for dinner in the evening. I was too ignorant at that time to know that I was actually being stalked by him.

It was unfortunate I had to experience another case of stalking when I proceeded to high school. The stalker was in his late 30s or early 40s at that time. He had this sickening obsession with me and continue to be my long term serial stalker for many many years. From the window of my kitchen, I would see and find him standing at a corner smirking and then facing the wall day in day out...there was a time I mustered enough courage to walk to the spot where he always stood and to my horror, found long, flowing stains and marks on the wall. I totally freaked out and called the police the next day he appeared at the same fateful spot. He disappeared by the time the police arrived but I took the opportunity and directed the police to the spot and showed them those stains. The police were sympathetic and assured me they would step up their patrol around my area. The stalker stopped coming for a while after the increase in police patrol in my vicinity but he found a way and started appearing at different hours...My male classmates were very kind and volunteered and took turns to walk me home after school everyday. But once inside, my lone battle with the serious stalker continued. He would return and then disappear for months before surprising me again. It was like he was constantly playing mind games with me. It was stressful, scary and made me very unsettled. One day when I was alone at home and moping the floor, I heard a knock at my door and to my astonishment, found my stalker beaming at me at the front door. I ran into the kitchen and sat on the moist floor praying for him to go away before I could reach for the phone. He was very persistent and kept calling out 'hello'. I was crying, panicking and waited what felt like years before one of my neighbors walked past my place and the stalker left. Not knowing if he had left for good, I waited for the right time before dashing out to get my house phone to ring the police for help. The police came and I found myself seated in the back seat of the police car and desperately trying to hunt down my stalker but without any success again. He stopped appearing after that incident and I decided I wanted to attend a one year Japanese language course in Japan. After my year stay there, I returned to work and I was about two months into my job before seeing my stalker walked past my place to give me one of his vomit inducing glance again. I grabbed my house key and dashed out trying to look for him but he was gone before I could track him down.

The stalking experience has made me more vigilant and wary of those around me. And it has become my habit to always check if my windows and doors are locked. I have not gotten completely over the incident and only feel 'safe' from his stalking since I live in Japan now. Sorry for the long post and thank you for reading it. m(_ _)m

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@sk0317. That really was scary. I can understand the constant need for vigilance after going through something like that twice and at such a young age. I'm sorry that you couldn't confront him when you had the police with you, but I am glad you're living in a place now where you can feel safer, even if not completely safe. The world can be both a scary place and a comforting one. Since you've been through the scary, I hope you'll only find loving, trustworthy people around you now. Take care of yourself. 

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2 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

@sk0317. That really was scary. I can understand the constant need for vigilance after going through something like that twice and at such a young age. I'm sorry that you couldn't confront him when you had the police with you, but I am glad you're living in a place now where you can feel safer, even if not completely safe. The world can be both a scary place and a comforting one. Since you've been through the scary, I hope you'll only find loving, trustworthy people around you now. Take care of yourself. 

@stroppyse Thank you for your immediate reply and reading your encouraging words of comfort brought tears to my eyes. Thank you once again. I share my experience of being stalked with my daughter and tell her to constantly watch her back and never hesitate to call the police when confronted in an awkward situation. You take great care of yourself too @stroppyse:).


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I have to say that after seeing the preview, I may have to watch tomorrow's episode to see SR meeting SW and finding out how she's using her name. It wouldn't surprise me if the real SR help SW in her deception or she may try to take DT "from" SW--it'll be interesting to see.


@sk0317, OMG!  What a terrifying experience. I watch a lot of true crime channels and one of the shows is about stalkers--it's truly terrifying. Some of these victims only received relief after their stalker went to prison for a few years.  Like @stroppyse, I too am glad that you're in a place where you feel safe. That's one of the main reasons I don't give much information about myself on social media.



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7 minutes ago, lclarakl said:

I have to say that after seeing the preview, I may have to watch tomorrow's episode to see SR meeting SW and finding out how she's using her name. It wouldn't surprise me if the real SR help SW in her deception or she may try to take DT "from" SW--it'll be interesting to see.


@sk0317, OMG!  What a terrifying experience. I watch a lot of true crime channels and one of the shows is about stalkers--it's truly terrifying. Some of these victims only received relief after their stalker went to prison for a few years.  Like @stroppyse, I too am glad that you're in a place where you feel safe. That's one of the main reasons I don't give much information about myself on social media.

The real LSR has more appeal and charisma than SW, and I too would like to see her take on SW and try to 'steal' DT from her!

I watch a lot of true crime channels too and my kids sometimes tease me for going into the 'morbid' details when a real crime occurs here. I told them it's a way to learn from a 'case study' to avoid the same mistakes the victims made. I try not to divulge too much personal information too but I thought the topic on stalking @stroppyse brought up was a good time to highlight a serious social problem. Thank you for your kind words and please do take care of yourself too:).

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@sgfan TGIF!! Star And thank you for posting the pictures. What a refreshing change from the gloomy atmosphere we witnessed in the recent TUF episodes. So nice to see everyone smiling and having some fun. And is the man on the far left (3rd picture) 'Mr. Han' bigsmile.gif? He looks really different here:lol:. Take care, have a fun weekend and can't wait to watch tonight's episode!

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18 hours ago, anbud said:

today episode 118. i am not going to  call  the little  girl a  demon anymore . her  father   took inn a  mistress and  screw  that girl  head up.. not only that his mistress is sleeping  in the  same  room  with  his  wife  and  daughter. it is  difficult  enough for  an adult to understand  this  crazy none sense. much less a  child.. thats why i  never  dated. my kids   are more  imore important to me   any   anything  else in this  world.   now  both my  sons  are  over 30. but i  spare them   from   seeing their mother   hugging or kissing  another  man.. no matter   what they love their  dad. i never  tainted  his  name to my  sons ..


Where are KC's detective/troubleshooting skills when needed? ThinkingTo begin with, his problems would have been solved more easily had he gotten a divorce from his wife before allowing her to move back into the Gu's residence out of compassion. And he really has to come clean with little GJ about the secrets/'myths' surrounding her birth mom. Her attitude towards the older GJ will not change overnight. However, you can't expect a child to understand the situation she is currently in when you have accepted and allowed her birth mom to make a re-entry into her life. She is confused why her daddy and mommy's relationship is not ignited despite mommy living in the same house with daddy. Little GJ thinks the older GJ is at fault and is the cause of the rift between her parents. Inviting the older GJ to live in the same house with your wife without filing for a divorce first and owing little GJ a good explanation reflects very poorly on the kind of man KC isNo. He is so lacking in qualities the older GJ can rely/depend on she might be better off having and raising the baby on her own.

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2 hours ago, sk0317 said:

@sgfan TGIF!! Star And thank you for posting the pictures. What a refreshing change from the gloomy atmosphere we witnessed in the recent TUF episodes. So nice to see everyone smiling and having some fun. And is the man on the far left (3rd picture) 'Mr. Han' bigsmile.gif? He looks really different here:lol:. Take care, have a fun weekend and can't wait to watch tonight's episode!

Glad the pictures lifted your mood a little :) 

yes I think that gentleman plays Mr Han. He looks really different off screen doesn't he?

This is the first time in what seems like forever that I'm looking forward to an episode of TUF. Hope there is no major disappointment. 

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19 minutes ago, sgfan said:

Glad the pictures lifted your mood a little :) 

yes I think that gentleman plays Mr Han. He looks really different off screen doesn't he?

This is the first time in what seems like forever that I'm looking forward to an episode of TUF. Hope there is no major disappointment. 

Thank you so much @sgfan:). Mr. Han's hairstyle and attire on screen made him the 'stiff' and no nonsense guy he is portraying.:P I think PM, the Gossip Guy, Short Guy With Glasses looked very relaxed and nice too (without his trademark glasses). He might be gossipy in TUF, but yesterday I saw a good side to his character. He was very considerate when he noticed DY at the studio and tried to shield her away from seeing a SW who had her hands all over DT like an octopus. Much nicer than DT who had to have the last word when DY accidentally knocked off some plates before the filming:(. What about a DY/SGWG's romance? Just saying haha.

# Breaking plates before a product launch symbolizes 'bad luck' Thinkingor bad turn of events?

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12 minutes ago, sk0317 said:

Thank you so much @sgfan:). Mr. Han's hairstyle and attire on screen made him the 'stiff' and no nonsense guy he is portraying.:P I think PM, the Gossip Guy, Short Guy With Glasses looked very relaxed and nice too (without his trademark glasses). He might be gossipy in TUF, but yesterday I saw a good side to his character. He was very considerate when he noticed DY at the studio and tried to shield her away from seeing a SW who had her hands all over DT like an octopus. Much nicer than DT who had to have the last word when DY accidentally knocked off some plates before the filming:(. What about a DY/SGWG's romance? Just saying haha.

# Breaking plates before a product launch symbolizes 'bad luck' Thinkingor bad turn of events?

I thought that was very sweet and considerate of PM too. While watching that scene, I was very close to yelling out 'hands off b** tch' :angry:

Oh no, something bad will definitely happen to our sweet and silly DT/DY after the 2nd gochujang show. Breaking plates before an event seems like an omen of sorts.

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