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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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cr: oddcontext

I love his expression here!! he's amused by her!! :wub: and I love his "I mentioned nothing about dreams"!! :wub:  that was funny and made me relieved!! THANK GOD he didin't ask for another dream or I would have had a breakdown!!...well I had it anyway by the next episode!! :heartbreak: 



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8 hours ago, cheskaunnie said:


That is why its better to stay in our forum, coz outside this you will just read unsatisfactory comment. That's their opinion we can't argue with that.. since everyone has their own preferences. Coz watching this drama, you should really pay attention so you can grasp everything on what is happening. All i can say is I still love W no negative comments can bring my love to this drama down, for our own sanity lets just enjoy the ride and forget over analyzing .:P

@cheskaunnie i guess some of the recappers has lost interest due to fact that Sacred Hearts still airing, and Moon Lover too. both Park Bo Gum n Lee Junki has their solid draw on their original load of faithful fans... and the recappers themselves are already waiitn for Lee Junki's work to come out, while crusing on to W... so when the crazes of Sacred Heart started, naturally they lost some part of their original fervency over W...
regarding the Expecting the Unexpected... infact i personally lvoed the way Chul took control., fought back, and he was even sure what he factor in, the time factor, and place factor may or may not work.. .eg. just going to Hoodie's comic hideout place, amd try to find the common ground between two worlds, and pin point that run down building as possible gate way between two worlds. since its the common locations. even this theory he wasnt that totally sure... as he should know when there are variables. even variables itself does changes.. so nothign is absolute. yet he fought on,, he took chances... he is willing to let go of his riches and fames without raising his bow... i just love how his mind work against time... at any given hour, a Lee Jongsuk that smile is charming, so is a Lee Jongsuk who ponder in deep thoughts, a Lee Jongsuk who closed his eyes in deep meditation, a Lee Jongsuk who wept a silent tear and closed his eyes to shut himself off .....
this eps, suddenly LeeJonsuk, turned the table around, and he Lee Jongsuk can managed to delivered a tranformation in character growth , a diff Kangchul... by this itself, i felt ep13, brought it to another level.. and that sentence " i am her husband" itself is powerful to carry the whole ep upon its shoulder... its a total game changer sentence.
after viewing all these pleasure surprise changes  , some still mopping that W is too complicated and absurd... then, okay,
i have nothing to say to them already.

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PD Choi Su Won PD ( IHYV & Pinocchio director) sent coffee truck to Leejongsuk @ W’s filming set 

Cr:  thaongoc1221





2 well known directors sent coffee trucks to leejongsuk  at W set 

PD Jinhyuk (The Legend of the Blue Sea -Doctor Stranger - Master’s Sun - City Hunter -Prosecutor Princess-Brilliant Legacy - The Painter of Wind..)

PD Suwon (The Time We Were Not In Love - Pinocchio -Gap Dong- I Can Hear Your Voice …. )

via:  kwbljs89_psh

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I see a growing number of similarities between W and QIHM (by the same author)... including the reset and the memory loss. Here, we have the world of reality and the world of fiction; there we had two different times. It seems to me that W’s last episodes are starting to resemble Queen In-Hyun’s Man’s last episodes… After one of the main characters almost loses his life, will we have also one being stuck in his world of origin and attempting suicide? 


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“I’m her husband.” (followed by Falling…. )

“When I close my eyes and breathe
It feels like you’re in front of me
I’m afraid that you’ll disappear
So I pray that time will stop.
I’m Falling I’m Falling
I met you like it was destiny
I’m Falling I’m Falling
Like a dream……………………
Even if it’s just a momentary happiness
I will love you.”

First time after his own erased, seeing him lost control, shaken, stirred and swayed…. Saw him falling apart finally. Saw his vulnerabilities, saw his helpless, saw his breaking down, saw his fear,  saw his reddened eyes glittering with tears, saw his wrenched fist. His shutting off his tears, as if squeezing his eyes shut tightly to shut away excruciating pains

It take him seeing the graphics of her body jot up in response to the CPR, saw her tears flow down, her life-less hand dangling at the side of the bed, covered with blood, even staining the ring on her finger… the first time seeing her ring wore on her finger, the ring is like a silent declaration of “I’m your wife”, embracing what was hers rightly, but she never once dare demanded.
 Isn’t it too late? A desperate Chul shut his eyes to shut off the nightmare, now he don’t need to remember what he once felt , and of late he kept feeling at a disadvantage not been able to remember those any more…………………. Because he knew, nothing he ever felt, is ever closed to this moment of excruciating pain. Yes, nothing comes closed.

“i’m her husband.” was the pivotal point of Chul’s new life. while his heart is willing to know more about this woman turn out to be his wife. At his hideout with the W comic, his month long preparation of his heart, reading and memorizing events played out in the comics. … and finally understanding YJ little by little. Whatever he tried to imagine he felt were just ‘second hand’ feelings. you read about the feels you once forget is never the same about you experienced that feel first hand. the feels is not the same, even if the sincerity to know is there.
“Except for my marriage problem. It says that I am your husband, and i think it’s certainly true.  I’ve only read it in the comic, so I can’t feel it.”
while some recapers doubts chul’s heart, saying he was never into YJ. not once did i doubt him. From interest aroused by her sadden eyes, growing attached to her thru his escape at motel… and finally loved her thru the comic… but everything is still surreal… until a trial as excruciating as this, to grind his heart to pieces, to feel the blessedness of being her husband…

because of Lee Jongsuk’s fine acting, and his purposeful tone down acting. we desire after him to finally reveal the depth of his feels for YJ. so that YJ can feel that it Not a Unrequited love on her part alone.  because of his character been written to tease and joke away when come to emotional display. that he was never written to speak emotional lines, or show affection to even DY or SH… he was just written to be cool and calm… so when he finally discovered his heart can bled just like any normal human, its profoundly beautiful…

i think Writernim Song want to show this growth in Chul’s character and transformation in his affection-world… that he finally learn, what is the feels of his own initiated kiss and to learn also what is true love.  Under LJS, KangChul, has the many layered hidden by the very mellow reserved external. from a 2 dimension characters crafted by dad-oh, to what he becometh at ep12-13: self-confidence, self-control, self-sacrifice. Plan  of his friends (DY, and SH), unrelenting. Sensitive to YJ’s feels, finally he is worthy as a husband should be…

“i am her husband”.
i have waited a good long 12 eps for this kind of confession, and trusting LJS to deliver it.  this is THE SAVING GRACE of what ever happen the past few eps of angst. with him witnessed YJ wounded (and thinking she may die) is a blessing. its take someone to nearly lost his ONE TRUE LOVE to be able to appreciate and recognized and realize his own Deep inner Feel for that One Dear One.
i don’t believe YJ will die, but i believed KC will see his heart, who he finally embraced his identity as being “her husband” with all blessedness.” Maybe, when YJ recovered, he will not waste time any more, but fulfilled his role as the worthy Husband. Time to tell her I love you, time to kiss her passionately with an Epic kiss, time to claim your Option 4, which I dare say she will be glad to oblige. Anything that fall short of those just mentioned, is not suffice to be called a Happy ending.
i am not so great or deep  a person, i don't understand what about satisfactory and artistic feels, nor count sad ending is fine as long as it is reasonable and cleverly done..... maybe i am shallow, i just couldn't accept sad ending for Chul and YJ even if it is written 'beautifully, witty, and reasonable" .... i am always like YeonJoo, what if these characters are real people? Art or no art, i just want Chul hugging YJ reading on his bed forever, cooking meals together forever,... real life itself is already cruel to some of us, why let someone we have grew to love for 7 weeks suffers for 'art".
Happy endng. nothing else suffice.



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1 hour ago, jerboa83 said:

I see a growing number of similarities between W and QIHM (by the same author)... including the reset and the memory loss. Here, we have the world of reality and the world of fiction; there we had two different times. It seems to me that W’s last episodes are starting to resemble Queen In-Hyun’s Man’s last episodes… After one of the main characters almost loses his life, will we have also one being stuck in his world of origin and attempting suicide? 



NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! come on we tryed it befor I can't see it againg!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! *shudder*

1 hour ago, MoonZ said:

Google Worldwide Trends analysis -Most Searched K-actors/actresses on Google : At No. 2 leejongsuk

No. 1: song Jong ki

No. 2: Leejongsuk

No 3: LeeMinHoo

No.4: Parkshinhye

No. 5: SongHyeKyo


Source: http://atimes.com/2016/09/lifestyle-song-joong-ki-pips-lee-min-ho-on-google-search/

via: supernad2


I'm so happy and proud of him!! :heart: 

1 hour ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:




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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was unexpected!! :lol: I was thinking he may tell him he's Kang Cheol 2.0 but then it was Lee Jong Seok!! :lol: 

1 hour ago, maryofbethany said:

@cheskaunnie i guess some of the recappers has lost interest due to fact that Sacred Hearts still airing, and Moon Lover too. both Park Bo Gum n Lee Junki has their solid draw on their original load of faithful fans... and the recappers themselves are already waiitn for Lee Junki's work to come out, while crusing on to W... so when the crazes of Sacred Heart started, naturally they lost some part of their original fervency over W...
regarding the Expecting the Unexpected... infact i personally lvoed the way Chul took control., fought back, and he was even sure what he factor in, the time factor, and place factor may or may not work.. .eg. just going to Hoodie's comic hideout place, amd try to find the common ground between two worlds, and pin point that run down building as possible gate way between two worlds. since its the common locations. even this theory he wasnt that totally sure... as he should know when there are variables. even variables itself does changes.. so nothign is absolute. yet he fought on,, he took chances... he is willing to let go of his riches and fames without raising his bow... i just love how his mind work against time... at any given hour, a Lee Jongsuk that smile is charming, so is a Lee Jongsuk who ponder in deep thoughts, a Lee Jongsuk who closed his eyes in deep meditation, a Lee Jongsuk who wept a silent tear and closed his eyes to shut himself off .....
this eps, suddenly LeeJonsuk, turned the table around, and he Lee Jongsuk can managed to delivered a tranformation in character growth , a diff Kangchul... by this itself, i felt ep13, brought it to another level.. and that sentence " i am her husband" itself is powerful to carry the whole ep upon its shoulder... its a total game changer sentence.
after viewing all these pleasure surprise changes  , some still mopping that W is too complicated and absurd... then, okay,
i have nothing to say to them already.


Scarlet Heart and Moonlight are monday-tuesday dramas so it shouldn't affect W in any way and I am a fan of both actors Lee Joon Ki and Park Bo Gum but I'm still here (well I'm a fan of Lee Jong Seok Too so... :D) and this drama is the one that is complling me the most (like THE MOST EVER)!! 

somthing I find intersting and awkwardly funny is reading comments how the drama is complicated and absurd and I'm like "which one is it?!! absurd or complicated?!! it can't be both right?!!" and even I saw a comment said it was boring and that was the most hillarious thing I ever read!! :lol: that one didn't watch the drama to begin, not even one episode, with I'm sure!! :lol: 

I loved and love this drama like day one and more and yes Lee Jong Seok delivered a great amount of different and subtle emotions faboulously in thee last couple episodes (and all along the entire drama) that he left me floored!! and the "I'm her husband" scene!! :heartbreak::bawling: the entire drama team has made a great job and I'm glad that the love is showing even if there is some who are not really giving them their deserved cridit but we and many others do and that's what matters!! :D W Fighting!! :heart: 

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10 hours ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:

Only 3 episodes left for W to end...it's sad but all things must come to an end...and we have to accept it... time flies so fast ... I hope we will have a happy ending for this drama... our OTP deserves it ... I'll throw a bomb to MBC if they didn't do that...hehe...anyway guys this is the reason why I was asking yesterday about a certain quote... I want to include it on my MV...and thank's to those who replied..owe you one... @katie2013 @sakura2016& @maryofbethany this is my way to return the gratitude...d-dicated this for you guys and for all Worldiz...


My version of compiling sweet moments of Kang Joo



this is all I could contribute for the moment...hope you'll like it

@i.am.bugz.funny thanks for those moments. you just made me teared.
maybe it's just me, i found the first moment of him showing raw feels towards her, was during that scenes,

when Yeon joo revealed in her semi conscious, that she was broken when he attempt suicide...
“That was the saddest scene… the Han River Bridge.  I cried as well at that time…. I was afraid Chul would really kill himself.”
he patted her head, gazed deep at her sleeping face, her very genuine confession, taht moment i dare said, his heart was first stirred. even should i said, even fallen in... Chul, he has this very unique Lee Jongsuk's deeply in love gaze .
you have that scene in your vid. very beautifully edited together. i loved vid with just words of OTP pieced together, instead of just songs that are not related to actual OST. yours was movingly done.

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27 minutes ago, sakura2016 said:


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! come on we tryed it befor I can't see it againg!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! *shudder*


I'm so happy and proud of him!! :heart: 


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was unexpected!! :lol: I was thinking he may tell him he's Kang Cheol 2.0 but then it was Lee Jong Seok!! :lol: 


Scarlet Heart and Moonlight are monday-tuesday dramas so it shouldn't affect W in any way and I am a fan of both actors Lee Joon Ki and Park Bo Gum but I'm still here and this drama is the one that is complling me the most (like THE MOST EVER)!! 

somthing I find intersting and awkwardly funny is reading comments how the drama is complicated and absurd and I'm like "which one is it?!! absurd or complicated?!! it can't be both right?!!" and even I saw a comment said it was boring and that was the most hillarious thing I ever read!! :lol: that one didn't watch the drama to begin, not even one episode, with I'm sure!! :lol: 

I loved and love this drama like day one and more and yes Lee Jong Seok delivered a great amount of different and subtle emotions faboulously in thee last couple episodes (and all along the entire drama) that he left me floored!! and the "I'm her husband" scene!! :heartbreak::bawling: the entire drama team has made a great job and I'm glad that the love is showing even if there is some who are not really giving them their deserved cridit but we and many others do and that's what matters!! :D W Fighting!! :heart: 

@sakura2016 haha. you response very fast, as usual. shown you are indeed a real Worldiz.
i have nothing against Lee Junki, or Park BO gum.. in fact i just watched finish all 3 eps of Scarlet H. i actualy liked the Prince that is married to IU's cousin... half doing my work half watching.. laughing all the ways, IU did her job even better than the Original chinese Actress. and all the Flower Boy princes are Daebak.. YET, all yourself, we just come back here to W, after our break.
because nothing beats W with her Chul and Yeonjoo.  what i meant is, before Scarlett H or Moonlover aired, everyone just concentrated on W. and back then, the story line wasnt that complicated. but when some of the Recap site recappers started watching their favourite Lee Junki, they jsut totally blown away by him.. nothing wrong, LJK has his star power and damned good looks.
so some of these famous Recapers at some famous Blog obviously are already fans of Lee Junki. so it easy for them to compare and started to loose interest in W as some already say they give up trying to udnerstand the complicated variables concept.
huh... i am shallow too. i dunt bothered to understand the concept behind.. i just drool at the acting and the manyflold display of delicate emotions.  that is enought o grind my heart to pieces.
oh, really nothing agaisnt Lee Junki, in fact when Illjimae aired, i loved Han Hyojoo with him, lvoed all the ormantic scenes, or HHU dreaming about her Bossom Night Lover... and that tree top kiss was powerful. see, i liek LJK.

but, nothing beats vulunerable Lee Jongsuk's tears slide slowly down his cheek, as he closed his eyes, and his lips shivered in pain... nothing come close to that. (exvept some of Yoo Seung ho's acts.)  not worry SH may snatch viewers away.. because W has solid fans  based. just hat recapers will be more concentrated on saying nice thing about those Crown princes.

Like yourself, LJS 's "Im her husband" sealed me as his faithful fan, when I can hear you haven't. this scenes coupled with the rooftop tender moving look at YJ,, was breathtaking. if i am HHJ, very hard not to fall in love iwth such teary eyes looking depe into your soul. hope they become a real couple.

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@maryofbethany You took my thoughts right out of my head! 

"I am her husband" are such profound words and acceptance finally coming from Kang Chul and with 3 episodes left and the villain dead, I can't wait to see what kind of effects "I Am her husband" LJS will give to us! I agree that KC needed this arc in the story in order to realize his love for YJ. I felt like we saw glimpses of it in episode 7 , but KC version 2.0 seem to be reliving his thoughts and feelings through the comic book and we lost the passion we saw in episode 7. .  Not to say he doesn't love YJ, but it's hard to regain those lost memories and feelings just by reading about them. Now that he realizes the depth of his love and the role he plays to YJ, I also won't settle for any less of an ending for these 2. 



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2 hours ago, Rania Zeid said:


PD Choi Su Won PD ( IHYV & Pinocchio director) sent coffee truck to Leejongsuk @ W’s filming set 

Cr:  thaongoc1221


2 well known directors sent coffee trucks to leejongsuk  at W set 

PD Jinhyuk (The Legend of the Blue Sea -Doctor Stranger - Master’s Sun - City Hunter -Prosecutor Princess-Brilliant Legacy - The Painter of Wind..)

PD Suwon (The Time We Were Not In Love - Pinocchio -Gap Dong- I Can Hear Your Voice …. )

via:  kwbljs89_psh


awww that was so sweet of them!! :wub:

37 minutes ago, maryofbethany said:

@sakura2016 haha. you response very fast, as usual. shown you are indeed a real Worldiz.
i have nothing against Lee Junki, or Park BO gum.. in fact i just watched finish all 3 eps of Scarlet H. i actualy liked the Prince that is married to IU's cousin... half doing my work half watching.. laughing all the ways, IU did her job even better than the Original chinese Actress. and all the Flower Boy princes are Daebak.. YET, all yourself, we just come back here to W, after our break.
because nothing beats W with her Chul and Yeonjoo.  what i meant is, before Scarlett H or Moonlover aired, everyone just concentrated on W. and back then, the story line wasnt that complicated. but when some of the Recap site recappers started watching their favourite Lee Junki, they jsut totally blown away by him.. nothing wrong, LJK has his star power and damned good looks.
so some of these famous Recapers at some famous Blog obviously are already fans of Lee Junki. so it easy for them to compare and started to loose interest in W as some already say they give up trying to udnerstand the complicated variables concept.
huh... i am shallow too. i dunt bothered to understand the concept behind.. i just drool at the acting and the manyflold display of delicate emotions.  that is enought o grind my heart to pieces.
oh, really nothing agaisnt Lee Junki, in fact when Illjimae aired, i loved Han Hyojoo with him, lvoed all the ormantic scenes, or HHU dreaming about her Bossom Night Lover... and that tree top kiss was powerful. see, i liek LJK.

but, nothing beats vulunerable Lee Jongsuk's tears slide slowly down his cheek, as he closed his eyes, and his lips shivered in pain... nothing come close to that. (exvept some of Yoo Seung ho's acts.)  not worry SH may snatch viewers away.. because W has solid fans  based. just hat recapers will be more concentrated on saying nice thing about those Crown princes.

Like yourself, LJS 's "Im her husband" sealed me as his faithful fan, when I can hear you haven't. this scenes coupled with the rooftop tender moving look at YJ,, was breathtaking. if i am HHJ, very hard not to fall in love iwth such teary eyes looking depe into your soul. hope they become a real couple.



actually two of recappers that I know are fans of Lee Joon Ki and Lee Jong Seok as I know and they have their takes on Scarleet Heart drama other than Lee Joon Ki's character and performance which is great, pretty much like me!! he's the best thing in the drama for me up till now!! I liked the other younger princes (I fel sorry for them to be in a middle of a fight that they have nothing to win from it but they'll only lose because of it) and the one you talked about is Kang Ha Neul and he was really good but I'm still not that invested in the drama as a whole, maybe it's W's fault for making me greedy wanting more of the drama in a short time, it's still in the start and there is a room for it to get better and I'm sure there is a lot to come but there is a feeling that I want to be as invested in it as I am with W and it didn't happen so I'm left waiting for more at the moment!! 

they are all great actors and have their powerful performances and I can't see anyone better than them in their roles which is what a GREAT actor is about but I agree with you Lee Jong Seok is the best in showing different and complicated emotions and auras I may add and you can sens them all in one scene which is mindblowing!! he practicly killed me and left me numb everytime I watched him and right now I'm begging him to stop torturing me because I really have no tears nor streagth left but somehow the tears keeps flowing whenever I see him in pain leaving me wondering where are all these tears coming from!! 

I don't know when I fell hard for him since I practicly devoured all his dramas after watching Pinocchio so I didn't have much time to realise when it was exactly but I loved him more and more with every performance he made and his character in this drama made him shine more and showcase his talent gloriously!! he's that great and marvelous!! :heart: 


3 hours ago, i.am.bugz.funny said:





I WANT THAT!! :bawling: 

I think that the awkwordness that may take place between Kang Cheol and Seong Moo won't be there anymore after what happened to Yeon Joo!! now they both want to find a way to save her so they work together for that goal and Kang Cheol will do everything to make sure she will be saved which will make Seong Moo see Kang Cheol in a new light, no longer the webtoon character he created but the man who loves and protected/saved his daughter!! 

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Beans of Wisdom: Killer pilots and modernization
by DB Staff | September 4, 2016 | 22 Comments


read here: http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/09/beans-of-wisdom-killer-pilots-and-modernization/


neener writes in “W–Two Worlds: Episode 12” comment #39:

Every epsiode really feels like an ending. That’s why I’ve stopped speculating what the ending would look like.


siesta points something out in “W–Two Worlds: Episode 13” comment #32:

face off. thank God for seat belts. but apparently the PPL does not include airbags


Michykdrama replies:

Because airbags would have gotten in the way of the acting and they would be shooting at the airbags rather than each other

Sancheezy adds:

I assume the airbag sacrifice itself for the good shot and action
“it’s not my time” whispered the airbag softly


maybe it should join hands with Truck of Doom and they could like, build their own agency for rehabilitated plot tools

You mean this Truck of Doom?


In the same post, beanie writes (#56):

Am I the only one who thought that gun showdown between KC and the Killer was actually heartbreaking?

Like, he just murdered someone. He had killed that guy after a few shots, but he just kept on firing… even after the gun chamber was empty, he kept hitting the trigger. And then, after the gun was empty, he realized that he just killed a man.

There’s been such an emphasis this whole show on how he’s not a murderer — both dad’s plan and his involves someone else killing the Killer. He kills himself the first time he thinks he’s killed someone. And now in this episode, in his rage and grief, he just slaughters this guy in a raining hail of bullets.

That seemed like such a tragic moment to me. And with the music that was playing, it didn’t seem triumphant at all. It felt like he just lost.


I agree with every word!! it was really heartbreaking to see him in that state!! he was so desperate and lost that he lost the ability to see or understand anything and kept shooting overwhelmed by the despair and anger and pain and fear of losing Yeon Joo/his sens of family once more!! :bawling: and the tear that escaped his eye!! :heartbreak: that moment was nothing close to him being triumphed!! :bawling: 

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