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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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8 minutes ago, dustinmyeye said:

I  think it depends a bit on your culture. I am not certain that you necessarily know that you are gay from a young age. I tend to think that you discover your sexuality when the moment comes. 

It was difficult to show Arthit's inner conflict any better because up until he talks with P'Nott he doesn't really say anything. He avoids the problem. We were left to imagine (by his actions) what he was thinking. It's a drama so we needed uncertainty. 

I was a bit disappointed that his conversation with P'Nott wasn't dealt with in greater depth. It is made clear that Arthit is being accepted by his friend but I would have liked to have actually heard P'Nott utter the words. I can't rewatch the episode on my tablet but if I remember correctly. Arthit states that he is amorously inclined towards Kongpob but he fears for the future (because he has misinterpreted the whole Prae thing). 

That's a huge step for a man to take,  because he is not at that moment certain that things will work out, but says it all the same.

Agreed on the first point. I find it odd that in these Thai dramas you can have the totally out effeminate types portrayed without any problems. They leave few doubts as to their sexuality. But, when it comes to, how shall I put it, the more ordinary guy we have all this angst about how wrong it is. As you say, many different types. 

Not sure I totally agree on the second point. I sort of see your reasoning. Chicken and the egg situation. I personally think that if you fall in love with another man that makes you gay, as we would label it these days. The inclination has to be there from the start. The label comes later. 

I don't think either would label themselves as bisexuel (a word that basically means unreliable  :)) because they are not labelling themselves with anything. We are. 

Agreed on the third point. As I also said above it takes time to discover your true self. Kids of today (excuse me whilst I get my wheelchair out) seem to be more open to the idea of experimentation. Have you noticed that there is no bullying of Kongpob by the seniors? There are a few references of the 'your lost puppy' was around again, kind. But nothing suggesting : don't go bending over in front of that one ai'Arthit. Hope for humanity yet. 

About Kongpope and Arthit sexuality - How can we say that they are both gay? Arthit was in love with a woman for a very long time and then the next happened to be a man, so he falls in love with men and women, that is the definition of bisexuality. With Kongpope, we could possibly believe him to be gay considering he hadn't shown any interest in women, but he himself says to Aim that he's not gay and that "if it's not P'Arthit, I wouldn't love him". Which is to say he fell in love with Arthit in spite of him being a man, rather than because he is a man. I could see an argument raised that Kongpope is gay and through his relationship with Arthit realises it, but at this moment, with the information we have been given and what he himself has said, we can't say it with certainty. 

How people choose to identify and label themselves is a personal matter and I think our sexuality can and probably is in a constant state of flux, so to have one 'permanent' label mightn't be useful or accurate. There are those that believe themselves to be straight their whole life and then fall in love with somebody of the same sex later on in life, it doesn't mean that they'd always been gay and weren't in love with those beforehand, it could just be that their feelings and idea of attractiveness changed over time. 

Lastly, to say that bisexuality = unreliable is actually quite offensive and hurtful towards those that are bisexual. I'm personally bisexual and I don't feel like I'm unreliable or promiscuous or indecisive or any of the horrible stereotypes that people associate with bisexuality. I'm just genuinely open to falling in love with both men and women and whether I'm in a relationship with a man or a women doesn't stop me from being so, even in those moments I still find both sexes attractive and hence doesn't change my status into this gay/straight black/white dichotomy.

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16 hours ago, -Eva- said:

Yay, another person that have read most of the pages, like me! I thought I was the only one that got addicted to the point of reading 600+ pages :P

And, @delightful I would also really appreciate it if I could register to pinkmilk forums :'( (the new head banner looks really cute by the way)

Hahaha! I'm so addicted that I downloaded and keep rewatching all the episodes and the talk shows and read this forum. SOTUS is an addiction I dont wanna let go.

6 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:


pinkmilk is now open for registration

2 hours ago, Yves George Sanchez said:

The moment I saw this, I didn't hesitate. Thanks for opening it again.

Yay!! Thank you for opening the forum again!! ^^


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I've been busy this holiday seasons and I couldn't post... Coming ep15 is going to be aired on next Saturday and it's the last episode, right???? Can't imagine that we won't have any more episode and we 'll have nothing to do on every Saturday!!!:crazy::tears:

Here's my impressions of ep14.

I liked Kongpope (because of Shingto's smile) first  but have come to love Arthit.:wub::wub::wub:  He was the  cutiest boyfriend ever!!!!  His happily smile has bigger impact than Kong's and made me melt....How many did I die during ep14???


And they added the story between Kong and Arthit in Kong's high school days. Then the series looks a bit different and we can see Kong's feelings toward Arthit clearly.  Luckily, we can enjoy the series from the beginning again!!!

Other pictures are here...



Sorry it doesn't work correctly :blink: I love his facial expressions !! :)


Btw, how did you think Arthit's red face and ears!! So cuuuuuuute!!!:wub:



Today is New Year's Eve. Thanks 2016 and hello 2017!!

Wishing you all a happy and wish fulfilling New Year!!

What's your wish? Win the lottery so that you can purchase translation right? Wanna watch season2?  Wanna master Thai to read Bittersweet's novel by your self??

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7 hours ago, oldgregg said:

1. Being gay doesn't automatically make you effeminate... it just means you happen to like boys, nothing more 'necessarily' has to be different. There are gay people of all kinds. 

2. I don't think Arthit or Kongpope would ever really identify as gay, at most they would say they are bisexual. They didn't fall in love with each other because they are gay, they just happened to fall in love with the other person. Kongpope never seemed to be bothered by relationships and concentrated a lot on family and school and for almost his entire puberty Arthit was in love with a girl, so they never really gave themselves an opportunity to consider other options. 

3. There are a lot of people that discover they are lgbt later on in life due to other things in their life, internal/external pressure to live a certain heteronormative lifestyle or simply living in a very conservative community where they might not even know or consider that being gay is a possibility, etc they don't realise it till later on in life. I think this might be especially true of bisexual people. 

Yes! It's not because a guy likes one man that they're automatically gay... They're most likely bisexual (right ? - forgive me if I'm wrong) 

Although, many closeted gay men have been in relationships with a woman/several women so that doesn't mean anything...

I think it's up to them how they identify themselves :) 

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3 hours ago, oldgregg said:

Lastly, to say that bisexuality = unreliable is actually quite offensive and hurtful towards those that are bisexual. I'm personally bisexual and I don't feel like I'm unreliable or promiscuous or indecisive or any of the horrible stereotypes that people associate with bisexuality. I'm just genuinely open to falling in love with both men and women and whether I'm in a relationship with a man or a women doesn't stop me from being so, even in those moments I still find both sexes attractive and hence doesn't change my status into this gay/straight black/white dichotomy.

Thus the smiley face. A lighthearted comment on the fact that the partners of bi-sexual people have to cope with the idea that they are in competition with the entire population not just half of it. Or at least that was they way one of my American friends put it : "I am not limited. I can admire both sides of the street".

As for Kongpob and Arthit. There seems to be this overriding need that they are bisexual. Whatever.

I hope that in years to come we will simply be able to consider them (and those like them) as : a couple. End of story, no extra tags.

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I just want to say that I'm extremely happy to be part of Sotus family  :grin:

It's 11a.m. in my country, but knowing we live all around the world and in different time zones I'd like to wish you all


Let's go crazy ! love you all  
:kiss_wink: !



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I hope 2017'll be a better year, full of happiness, full of dramas and full of SOTUS! (hopefully season 2!)

It's 11.34am here but I won't be active today so I wanna thank you for everything! For accepting me here on soompi especially. I' so happy that I've joined this fandom because I consider all of you my family! despite bad things which were happening through 2016, at the end, SOTUS made me happy and I was smiling all the time.

I hope you'll have a great NY party and see you guys next year!:wub:




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Here I am on New Year's Eve doing some ironing and I have just seriously depressed myself. 

We are entering 2017. This means that even more of these youngsters on TV were not even born in the same century as me :tears:

Well, fetch me my déambulateur* and I will hobble off and make myself a hot cup of cocoa :)

Back to the ironing. 

* I believe Americans call it a Zimmer frame. 

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3 hours ago, originalnickname said:



À ti aussi :)

It won't be 2017 in this house until Big Ben says so. Lots of foreign people rushing off to find out who this Ben guy is and just how big he is. 

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Sharing something from Krist's FB...


What's happening here? LOL

and also this photo... :phew:



Here I go... Hello all, I said I'll be back here before 2016 ends but I'm late for some of you... Indonesia, Philippines, Korea, China, Thailand and all other country's where midnight passed... I didn't keep my word. lol Bad me... but here it's still 2016 so I guess it's ok... I was watching Drama awards and listening to music... I was busy these days... ah

I see we aren't so active here. As I said already, I think I will be just silent reader, for now on PM forum and I'll be more here. I don't have enough time to be on both place... ah I'm sorry for that! :tears:

SOTUS is ending in just 7 days... then special episode. I am sad, but again I am happy... because I met all of you crazy fangirls and boys, that really made me enjoy this drama even more. I am not kidding, I am dead serious, right now. Watching live with you every Saturday, getting all excited... recaping episodes, reading your reviews, your comments... fan(crazying) with you. It was a pure delight(ful I LOVE YOU)! I'll miss these boys, I'll miss this drama but more than anything I'll miss going crazy with you for this drama. I really hope we all meet again on the other drama thread here in Soompi soon!

I think I already said it many times... but I don't really want S2 of SOTUS and main reason is... I don't want this 'masterpiece' (overreacting as always) being over-shadowed by an awful S2. So, I personally won't be tuning in, if it happens. ONLY will I tune in, if Bittersweet writes book 2.

I am happy to read here on one post that SOTUS won an award. YES! What a way to end this year! BEAUTIFUL! WELL DESERVED! I hope this is just the first one in many to come.

Now, let me get to New Year greetings and then I'll finish.... My dear family and close friends of SOTUS, deep from my heart I wish you all the best in the 2017. It's time to say Goodbye to the 2016, forget all bad things and make next year better than last one was. STAY HEALTHY. BE HAPPY. LOVE. (this is my mantra) I love you all, let's share love in 2017!!!! :wub::wub:

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Hello guys!!!! I just got back from my holiday and catching up everything :sweatingbullets:

So sad that we already will have last ep next week :tears: And hopefully season 2 will happen with Bittersweet still the writer of the story :wub:





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