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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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11 hours ago, delightful said:


In France for the morning meeting with colleagues at work, or with your closed neighbour at the bakery for the fresh morning "baguette and viennoiserie", we usually says: "Bonjour, ça va?" that can be translated as "Hello, feel good?". i always answered depending of my actual real state, and just for the fun, i often says "I feel bad". And i stare directly at their face, so i see into their big eyes an extrem surprise, and i tease them saying: "Why asking me if i feel good and reject my answer?" So they immediatly turn on one's heel and fastly dissapear!

Is am i unpolite: no, is am i mischievous: for sure

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So here's my thoughts on ep11^_^... sorry for ranting


Nott sure did sense there was something between Arthit and Kongpope that is unsettled. When Arthit left the classroom without answering Nott's question, you could see that Nott is frustrated that Arthit didn't want to tell him. Even when they are best buds! By now, Nott probably knows that the problem between Arthit and Kongpope isn't any small matter that can be resolved easily... but aww... you can see how worried Nott was for Arthit. THANK YOU P'NOTT for knocking some sense into Arthit that running away is not the solution! *hugs* Arthit really needs to stop running away!!

And then it was the scene with Namtarn. When Namtarn was talking about Jay and her problems, at first Arthit was worried and then he looked a bit sad. I'm guessing he was sad for her that the guy he actually let Namtarn be with is treating her like this now. He doesn't look like he wants to be back with her again... especially when Namtarn told him that Joy likes Kongpope. You could see the contrast between his sadness when Namtarn talked about Jay and when it's about Kongpope! Arthit looks super upset that someone else has their eyes on Kongpope too. He doesn't even look excited, which is usually what other people will feel. and when he was listing all of Kongpope's likes and dislikes and hobbies... i'm crying... oh damn Arthit you've fallen too deep for kongpope. he sounded exactly like someone who is complaining to a best friend about his man:wub: Now Arthit knows that he knows kongpope too much ;) and when the pink milk comment reminded him of kongpope. When namtarn said "I didn't get to hear much about you"... I thought... gurrrrl Arthit just half-confessed about his love for Kongpope:P

The phone call scene caught me crying T_T I'm so sorry for kongpope. ARTHIT WHY ARE YOU TORTURING YOURSELF AND YOUR MAN?!?! and the crying scene was too short?!?!?! yes the emotions are strong but it'll be much better with the scene that they cut D; i really feel bad for Singto because he did say that crying is hard for him... and now the part where he cried and struggled with his feelings are cut!! honestly, i'm feeling mad for him as i write....

Did anyone else got the chills when Kong was sitting alone in the hall/cheer room and reminiscing his interaction with Arthit during hazing? Especially with the bg music that sounded like heaven and as if he has achieved a huge achievement. But hands down to kongpope, he really did achieve something big, it isn't easy winning the heart of your senior who acts like a monster to every other junior^_^

The wooden mannequin in kong's room is literally us, fans :phew:

Only 4 Saturdays left! With this pace and all the fillers, I don't think the bridge scene will happen next week :/ probably in ep13 *fingers crossed*

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@psyc123 Why did you post that? How could u??? OhMyGod *my eyes... my innocent eyes:phew::lol:

Btw, yesterday while going thru this forum I stumbled upon forum page for that series and I remembered that there was one promo, of a drama that looked soooo funny during last week's SOTUS live and it looks a lot like this series. I want to start it... hearing that there is a potential BL couple I want to start it even more. But, I think I'll wait for all episodes to get subbed, so then I'll marathon it. Even if BL couple doesn't happen, I think I'll still go watch it. Looks fun. :lol:

Updating Mio's Countdown clock: My Dear SOTUS family and friends we have 3 days, 2 hours and 33 minutes left until *long awaited* EP. 12 airs:w00t::wub:

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1 hour ago, psyc123 said:



oh shiiiiiit he's so hot!!!:flushed: he doesn't even need to flex those muscles! thank you for making me happier after watching ep11:lol:

1 hour ago, wakemeup said:

Hi guys! Complete newby here. After blitzing through Love Sick and MIR I stumbled upon SOTUS a couple months back. It's the only drama where I've watched BOTH the raw and the sub version.  I don't even do that for kdramas! I'm totally and utterly addicted and wouldn't have it any other way (even though I did get a major anxiety attack when it stopped airing for one month... those were dark days people....dark days). Big shoutout to the wonderful @delightful and anyone else who contributed to subs and didn't have to make the rest of us poor non-Thai-speaking people wait one whole month for the subs! Your efforts are appreciated by literally thousands of international fans and if I wasn't suffering from a student budget I would buy all of you guys a massive bouquet of roses. :) 

Anyway I was going through this thread trying to overcome my withdrawal symptoms from ep 11 and it seems that there's a translated version of the novel around somewhere? I've searched the thread for the link but couldn't find one? Could anyone please help a fellow fan out? 



Wakemeup (when the next ep of SOTUS airs) 

Chapter 1-9 and a few special chapters has been translated by P' @delightful . It's on page 389 :)

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8 minutes ago, originalnickname said:

Do you like the look of my tumblr ? I won't publish a lot here, I will mostly be updating the lists....

I really liked that the first thing I saw was caizhao and qiushi hehehe. you might want to change the font colours a little because light pink on white can be a little straining on the eyes if it's a long text. or maybe it's my monitor that is too bright >_< 

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31 minutes ago, LollipopWay said:

Did anyone else got the chills when Kong was sitting alone in the hall/cheer room and reminiscing his interaction with Arthit during hazing? Especially with the bg music that sounded like heaven and as if he has achieved a huge achievement.


I got the chills! :w00t: (I'm super excited saying this here :sweatingbullets:) It moved my heart so I got teary a bit. Felt like I saw my child's journey from the first eps to the recent one haha :rolleyes:

and the music is match the scene so much that I wonder... 

Does anyone here have the link to download the background music from this scene?


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29 minutes ago, LollipopWay said:

I really liked that the first thing I saw was caizhao and qiushi hehehe. you might want to change the font colours a little because light pink on white can be a little straining on the eyes if it's a long text. or maybe it's my monitor that is too bright >_< 

Yeah that's what I thought too... I'm gonna make it a little bit darker

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Two questions that I have not seen the answer to. Have to ask because thinking about the first had me coming off the roundabout one too early this afternoon and almost onto the autoroute to Paris - thankfully at that toll area there is a place for Sotus addicted idiots to turn around.

In the Flag capture Kongpob invites Arthit down to the playing field. They all thank him and Arthit basically says, up yours, not good enough. Night falls and the Seniors announce that the class has run out of time. Lights go down, lights come up and the flag is handed over - but not in Arthit's presence. Either the Juniors showed showed some sort of spirit that escapes me or the other Seniors felt (after arguing with Arthit) that enough had been done. I just do not understand why the flag was handed over (allowed to be captured).

Second one for Thai speakers. This is driving me crazy. Characters constantly use the interjection Err! Which seems to mean yes, OK, fine, right, oh ! depending on the translator (in fact sometimes it ends up as Er ! which is obviously not right). How's it spelled and what does it mean or is that like asking me how to translate the French word "Bof !" into English ?

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2 minutes ago, LollipopWay said:

Much better :D it looks good now

Good :) I wanted to put a background image, I tried tons and tons of different images, but it always ended up covering the writings and it was making it difficult to read so I prefer to put nothing, it's simpler but at least you can read lol....

3 minutes ago, dustinmyeye said:

How's it spelled and what does it mean or is that like asking me how to translate the French word "Bof !" into English ?

I think bof in french can be translated into "meh" ;) 

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Okay, again not sotus related and I'm sorry about that but recently I have been so obsessed with Gun Atthaphan. He is so goodlooking. Little upset that hes kissed more guys than I have. But that's alright. Literally inlove with him.:wub::wub:

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5 hours ago, delightful said:

It's 62 pages. I was at the part where Arthit was talking to Nott about his relationship with Kongpope, then my computer blacked out! :tears:


I don't know what to say but...really my heart goes out to you...we will support you spiritually!!!!

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1 hour ago, originalnickname said:

Do you like the look of my tumblr ? I won't publish a lot here, I will mostly be updating the lists....



I've just seen BL Gakuen and was fanboying SO HARD! That was SO GOOD. Why don't they make a series like this?? I. NEED. IT. in my life... :lol::wub:

btw, tumblr looks so lovely... like, like! Bookmarked! :D


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10 hours ago, erngust said:

The director had shared a very poignant uncut/expanded scene of Singto at the empty cheer room/gym...

โปรดักชั่นไม่ได้ใหญ่โต มีเพียงนักแสดงคนเดียว
กล้องนิ่งๆ ไม่ได้หวือหวา
แต่หน้าที่ในการเรียน ก็ทำให้เขาจำเป็นต้องแต่งตัวไปเรียนอย่างกล้ำกลืน
การปลีกตัวออกมาอยู่เงียบๆคนเดียว น่าจะพอช่วยได้
กว่าจะรู้ตัวอีกที ก็มาโผล่ที่หอประชุมใหญ่...
สถานที่ที่เจอกับ "พี่อาทิตย์"
ฟังเพลงเหงาๆ โซซัดโซเซ เวอร์ชั่น Romance
ผมอยากจะให้ใส่ซีนนี้ยาวๆสัก 5 นาที ฮ่าๆๆๆ
ในชีวิตจริง ก้องภพน่าจะนั่งอยู่ตรงนี้หลายสิบนาทีเลย

- Lit Samajarn

(hoping for translation please.... thanks. )


Ahh hes killing me with his melancholic acting! Btw the piano cover in the bg is so soothing.....if anyone know the link to full cover Lemme know~


@originalnicknameooo the first thing i saw in ur blog was counterattacks cutedocxfakepatient couple n i instantly loved it!! Thx for compiling the list... I was looking for movie recommendation to ease the "pain"  caused by none other than SOTUS and now i know where to start!! Can u tell me ur extreme favorites from the personal favorites? Haaha ♥

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