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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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4 hours ago, honeywell said:

Speaking of RO's parents, I feel like the writer dropped the ball on this one.  Plot wise it wasn't even necessary to bring them back.  In the end it doesn't even seem like they were pardoned.  The white cloud disappeared after saving HGN.  He was more like a plot point.  We don't even know what happened after he got saved.  I think it would have been better if RO was the one that got captured and the white cloud saved her because of her father.


This is a very good question: why exactly did they bring the father back? 

I was thinking that in a way it was the ultimate test: for the couple and for the CP. The father was the big bad wolf for the king, and for the entire royal family. bringing him back was an occasion for us to see whether CP is not only a pretty face and big ideals, but also somebody who can effect some real changes. I thought that it was also a test for the couple, because in the last meeting that RO and CP have, in which she pulls the dagger, it is about her father (she does not know that he is alive). But she talks about her resentment and his resentment. The CP does not deny any of the allegations made by her. I take at face value what she says: on top of the class division between them, now is added a personal drama. So in my view  the appearance of the father is supposed to solve the personal drama.


I will use this post also to raise a problem of my own that I have with the script.

I still do not get CP's answer to RO's when she pulls the dagger. There is an obvious way to read that answer: he sees through her act. But I was thinking that she is not acting. when she brings up the drama and the social division, she points out to him real aspects of their situation. (and she has always been the voice of the down to earth person--when he orders her not to get hurt again (because as a royal person, everything happens according to his orders), she replies to him that hurting is not something one usually does intentionally). But even if the correct interpretation of that scene is that he sees through her act, I still don't understand what he means when he says that he would have believed whatever she would have said to him say, even her lies. (I remember raising questions about this scene before, but I do not remember if somebody came with an explanation for what happens in this scene.)

I think people who think that RO puts up an act in this scene, to make CP return to the palace, probably will not see any problem with the scene. however, I take that RO was sincere. Let me be clear even if she is sincere, this doesn't mean that she stopped loving CP, it is just that she points out to him the whole conundrum in which they are. But if indeed that's all there is to that scene, namely that she puts up an act, then I find the script very bad there. I also found it very difficult to reject the accusation of noble idiocy.



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[Interview] Park Bo Gum is still Park Bo Gum

A lot has changed. The phrase ‘Bogum Magic’ blossomed, more and more people recognize him. But even so Park Bo Gum, is still Park Bo Gum.

These days, is there any other star who is ‘hotter’ than Park Bo Gum? While conducting Park Bo Gum’s interview after the finale of ‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’ in a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, many of his fans crowded around. Even so, when we met Park Bo Gum, he still greeted us brightly and repeatedly said ‘thank you’ throughout the interview.

And he was serious. The real side of Park Bo Gum who has appeared on various variety programs, is one that is nice and upright. With regards to that image, some may question whether this ‘kind frame’ is merely an act. Park Bo Gum answered, “Even if there is such a frame, there is nothing bad about it”.


▲ “Responsibility towards ‘Moonlight’? Will think of Shin Won Ho PD’s words.”

In January this year, Park Bo Gum acted in tvN ‘Reply 1988’ (hereinafter called R8) as Baduk player Choi Taek and became popular. This major project was what made his name spread around extensively. Just like when the rest of the ‘Reply’ series ended, there were expectations for Park Bo Gum’s next project. It is true that many had thoughts of ‘let’s see how he acts in the next one’.

“I was the first to be confirmed amongst the casting for ‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’. When I first saw the script, I had thoughts of doing it well. But Yoo Jung, Jin Young and many other seniors were cast after that, so I was worried whether I could shoot well alongside so many outstanding seniors. I felt a sense of responsibility, and my shoulder felt heavy. My family, company said to me ‘You are not the only person leading the team, but rather every single person has to work together and cooperate. Do not feel burdened by having to do something’.”

“On the eve of the first broadcast of ‘R8’, Director Shin Won Ho said to me ‘This project may work out (be successful), but it may also not work out, so do not be too upset about it. Everyone is a main character. Do not feel too burdened.’ Thinking of this, rather than thinking ‘I am not responsible’, since all the people are working hard together, I think I should do the best that I can.”


▲ “Boombastic dance, I practiced at home in front of a mirror.”

Before the broadcast of ‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’, a video of Park Bo Gum dancing to Boombastic was released. He wore his Crown Prince robes and danced innocently. He perfectly transformed into a ‘joyful rich person’ and added the finishing touch for the drama’s publicity.

“It required a lot of practice. I practiced at home in front of a mirror. I became even bolder and confident as a result. I have the confidence that even when I stand on stage to dance, it will turn out well. (Laughs)”

In the beginning of the show, Crown Prince Lee Yeong was shown to be reckless and mean. But as it progresses, his inner maturity unfolds. Is there any similarity between Lee Yeong who is like that and Park Bo Gum?

“I think we are similar in being ‘outwardly soft and inwardly hard’. The character Lee Yeong is soft on the outside, in the drama he appears to be weak, but he is strong and hard on the inside. I also look like this on the outside but I have strong manliness on the inside….”

As Park Bo Gum speaks of his ‘manliness’, he clenched his fists tightly.

“But I am not so mean, nor am I a punk/ruffian.”


▲ Huh? I marked that down….”

Park Bo Gum often showed tears in ‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’. On the other hand, there are also scenes where he is not supposed to tear up and yet unknowingly did so. When Park Bo Gum was asked whether there was such a scene, he seemed to panic. “I marked that down…. Can you let me check it?” He had already prepared for the interview but suddenly forgot. He hurriedly sent an SOS to his company staff.

“Oh, its Episode 8. In Episode 8, after being appointed as regent, the scene where Eunuch Jang (Lee Jun Hyeok) helps me to wear my clothes and said ‘No matter what work there is, you will do well’. I can feel that Eunuch Jang really loved and cherished me. And in the last episode when I put on the King’s robes. At that time, Eunuch Jang had the line ‘All rise for His Majesty’. Hearing that made me think of the difficulties in shaping Lee Yeong’s character, and the adversity he has had to suffer. Senior Lee Jun Hyeok also felt sad looking at me. At that time, every step felt heavy while walking. It really felt like it was the last episode.”

The scene where he cried the most was when he went to meet Suk-ui (Jeon Mi Seon). Suk-ui’s line ‘What if I am not recovering because I want to see you every day’ struck a chord in him. At that time (only a close-up of Suk-ui was required), Park Bo Gum’s face did not appear on camera, but Jeon Mi Seon’s tears and the emotions conveyed in her lines made his tears pour down as well.


▲ Kim Yoo Jung, Jin Young, Kwak Dong Yeon that Park Bo Gum met

‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’ comprise of leads Park Bo Gum, B1A4 Jin Young, Kwak Dong Yeon, etc. Because they are all similar in age, they can communicate well and the filming set will be very lively.

“(Kim) Yoo Jung is a friend who knows a lot about sageuks, she is also my senior in terms of acting experience. Actually in the beginning, it was awkward. She did not call me Oppa but rather called me ‘Park Bo Gum-nim’, she did that.”

The name ‘Park Bo Gum-nim’ incited laughter from the journalists, but Park Bo Gum was serious. He continued to talk seriously about Jin Young.

“Because I wanted to write lyrics and compose well, so I asked him directly for help on set. One should say that Jin Young hyung is really talented…. Even though he is not known for playing musical instruments, but he is really good at composing, so I think he is an excellent singer and actor. If there is an opportunity for me in future, I also want to compose my own song and show it to everyone as a gift”.

‘Byung Yeon’ was a widely discussed topic. The bromance between Kim Byung Yeon (Kwak Dong Yeon) and Lee Yeong also received a lot of support alongside his romance with Hong Ra On (Kim Yoo Jung). Park Bo Gum cited actor Kwak Dong Yeon as the person he wanted a bromance with.

“I want to meet Dong Yeon again. In ‘Moonlight’ there are originally many more scenes where I have a friendship repertoire with Byung Yeon, but due to time constraints, they were in a hurry so…. At the location of the trial, when Byung Yeon drops his sword and gets hit, ‘If I had just one person in this world that I could trust, it would still be you’ after saying this I felt very sad. I felt Dong Yeon’s expression in his eyes and energy well. When we next meet, I hope we are equals and have a relationship as precious friends.”


▲ “Want to become an actor that staff want to work together with again.”

‘Moonlight Drawn by Clouds’ had the best ratings of 23.3% and concluded being the Monday-Tuesday drama in 1st place. Due to it being highly popular, expectations are high for the year-end Drama Awards. Some say that Park Bo Gum may even be in running for the Daesang. But Park Bo Gum gestured (no) with his hands.

“It is not (at the stage for) the Daesang yet. Two years ago, I attended the awards ceremony for the first time. If I attend the awards ceremony this year, I will be able to meet the ‘Moonlight’ family after a long while and so I will feel happy, it would be good to finish the year with warm feelings. I still don’t have any greed/ambition to win an award. Even if I don’t win an award, I will still attend the awards ceremony.”

“I want to become an actor whom staff want to work with together again. The ‘Moonlight’ filming site was warm and happy. Everyone treated me warmly and took care of me, that I wondered whether it was good to receive so much attention. It has always been my dream to become an actor who has a positive influence on other people.”

Park Bo Gum also said that he has been reading comments on his fan cafe during his spare time and tries his best to communicate with fans. He didn’t have a lot of time while shooting ‘Moonlight’, but while taking a rest till the end of the year he hinted at plans to meet with fans. A fan meeting venue is in the process of being coordinated.

From ‘R8’ to his fan meetings, 24 year old Park Bo Gum has had a more fulfilling year than anyone. What will he be like when he is 25? Let us imagine his growth when we next meet him.

Source: news1


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6 hours ago, daynci said:

one thing im curios is the prince belt


it hangs diffenly from other king/prince

 Isn't possible that the belt is round because it is meant to allow the prince to fight? being puzzled by the other squarish belts, I searched a bit on why they have that strange shape because just by looking to them, they seem not to be comfortable. (I am still searching why they have that particular shape, if it was fashion, or if there was a purpose to it, or both...)

However, all the swordsmen costumes I saw have round belts. Of course, their belts are different from the one of the prince, because they usually allow one to keep the sword, so they are made of softer material, while the prince belt seems to be made out of metal plates. But I realized that having a round belt also allows one to fight with ease.

and CP needs to fight when he needs to fight... there is a one scene where I think the prince would have looked less imposing with a squarish belt, namely when he draws the sword for RO at the end in front of her father (did he have his royal attire when he confronted the Chinese diplomat? because that would have been another case.) But people with more knowledge of historical dramas could tell if kings who went to war or fighting were also wearing the squarish belts.


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. EP11: Teacher Chung mentioned "The maiden you want to give a home and parents" 
Question: Would Crown Prince plan to let Ra On live outside palace? 

--> CP wanted to make her new family, a noble family, so that she can be the candidate for the Crown Princess. In the previous episode (ep10, 56min) CP said, "I found a way for you to stay by my side as a woman. I don't like the story you told me. I am going to change it." CP didn't know who RO's father was, so he might think it would not be that difficult. After CP knew her mother is alive, he chose giving her real mother, not making her Crown Princess.

2. EP10: Question: In you guys' opinion, what is Teacher Chung's solution he sent letter to ask Crown Prince to meet but they did not because Eunuch Chief interrupted by calling Hong Ra On?
--> Teacher Chung might find a proper noble family which could be RO's new family.

See my previous post


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This pic makes me want to see a scene of them in Winter.


Credits to whoever made this.

I like how RO was in two trios while she was in the palace, with LY and BY, and she also had her fellow eunuch friends. She may have been an outsider, but she was never alone. Another reason she wanted to stay.

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8 hours ago, stroppyse said:


1. Da San does say "the maiden to whom you want to give a a house and parents," but I didn't take that to mean that the CP was planning to allow RO to live elsewhere. I took that to mean that he wanted to give RO property of her own somehow, to give her and her family a foundation of some kind. And, of course, the parents because RO missed her mother so much. However, giving RO and her mother material wealth to establish themselves and support themselves in comfort is different from letting RO go and stay with her mother (since Yeong doesn't know who RO's father is yet or even whether he is alive or not). 

I do remember thinking in the scene that Yeong is being incredibly sweet, that despite warnings from someone he trusts, he still wants RO to get what she wants more than he wants to keep himself safe and content. 

2. To be frank, I didn't think about the proposed solution too much. I assume it would have something to do with reintroducing RO back to court as a woman, though not sure if it would be as a palace woman. I thought perhaps that it would be an adoption into a family registry to try to make RO a lady or perhaps as a temporary female figure such as a nurse as in when Yeong was poisoned later on. Just something to enable Yeong and the new RO to meet so that Yeong can demonstrate his interest in RO as a woman. Once the interest and his "pursuit" of RO is public, he could court RO publicly to be a consort or a wife. But, of course, the knowledge that she is a traitor's daughter ended those possibilities. 


1. When Crown Prince consulted this to Teacher, it was during being forced to marry Cho Daughter and not acknowledged about traitor's daughter issue yet, that's why I am in two minds on Crown Prince's possible intention to find house and parents. As you mentioned is one of most likely scenario.

2. Finally Crown Prince took opportunity from this ex-queen's murder fact finding and Kim Prime Minister's conviction that his father (King) could agree from his love to ex-queen in order to let RaOn live freely, no need to hide from being traitor's daughter. 

In MDBC's special, the prerogative of mercy has been practiced by Eunuch Jang but on-air by Crown Prince. 


@stroppyse @Jillia @daynci @tzupi I thought that costumes have been slight fusion too. As I watched TV scoops and read interviews by Moonlight Drawn By Cloyds' designer, she explained her designing in MDBC not about limitation of history at all but focusing on the actors/actresses' appearances eg. RaOn's color cloth in eunuch has been designed to be bright reflected her character and brighten Kim Yoo Jung's face. RaOn's belt was under waist to make her lovely and the designer adore her belt under waist's appearance. 

3 hours ago, Jillia said:

MDBC drama god have mercy with me! I need my chingus help... I just rewatched episode 8 and as you remember there is this scene where Ra On is dressing Lee Yeong and he watches her closely (still in awe because she is actually a woman and they kissed). Until then I mostly looked at Lee Yeong but now I focussed on Ra On as well. And I realised it's not just Lee Yeong watching her but Ra On keeps looking up into his eyes and then she looks away when she notices he is watching and tries to focus on dressing him. And DANG... I'm like "stop this you two lovey-dovey puppies! I can feel the tension between you two and that's not okay because Jang is there and you two.... YOU TWO!".

So you can totally disagree on the sexual tension part but please rewatch the scene and tell me I'm not seeing things in regards of Ra On.

I wanted to gif it but it didn't come out right. So please HELP and rewatch and tell me if I'm seeing things or not. :D:wub:


I rewatched and found as you mentioned esp. in front of Eunuch Jang. I believed that Eunuch Jang knew something strange but as Lee Jun Hyeok mentioned in Entertainment Weekly that Eunuch Jang is very loyal to Crown Prince, whatever and no matter what. When Crown Prince had to marry for politics but he kept postponing, Eunuch Jang informed Ra On, not sure for implicit purpose. 

Actually Ra On started to look at Crown Prince with affection from ep4 when he slept.

In addition, I appreciated that Park Bo Gum specially mentioned several highly experienced senior actors/actresses here and there how great they act along or even made Park Bo Gum tears flow

eg. Eunuch Jang in the scene he gave a blessing to Crown Prince for regent position, Eunuch Jang who announced Crown Prince's arrival as Crown prince and in last episode as King.

King's lady(little princess's mom) said that she might not recover from illness to let Crown Prince visited. 

2 hours ago, tzupi said:


I will use this post also to raise a problem of my own that I have with the script.

I still do not get CP's answer to RO's when she pulls the dagger. There is an obvious way to read that answer: he sees through her act. But I was thinking that she is not acting. when she brings up the drama and the social division, she points out to him real aspects of their situation. (and she has always been the voice of the down to earth person--when he orders her not to get hurt again (because as a royal person, everything happens according to his orders), she replies to him that hurting is not something one usually does intentionally). But even if the correct interpretation of that scene is that he sees through her act, I still don't understand what he means when he says that he would have believed whatever she would have said to him say, even her lies. (I remember raising questions about this scene before, but I do not remember if somebody came with an explanation for what happens in this scene.)

I think people who think that RO puts up an act in this scene, to make CP return to the palace, probably will not see any problem with the scene. however, I take that RO was sincere. Let me be clear even if she is sincere, this doesn't mean that she stopped loving CP, it is just that she points out to him the whole conundrum in which they are. But if indeed that's all there is to that scene, namely that she puts up an act, then I find the script very bad there. I also found it very difficult to reject the accusation of noble idiocy.



From @honeywell's question, I agreed with @tzupi that as Moonlight Drawn By Clouds is love story, Ra On's parents came to be the obstacle and challenge to let audiences see how Ra On and Crown Prince reacted to the conflicts in their love lives and how witty Crown Prince was to handle politics. 


For your question, in my opinion, Crown Prince did not mean the conflict between King's son and Traitor's daughter did not exist but he meant Ra On did not mind such conflict to stop loving Crown Prince or even harm Crown Prince as Ra On tried to act in such scene. She purposely lied as she informed her mom that before escaping with mom, she had to make Crown Prince can live with another woman who would replace Ra On without guilt. That's Ra On's pretended acting in Crown Prince's word. 

As you can watch in the scene that Crown Prince firstly met RaOn's dad, Crown Prince asked (what he believed but wanna wholly clarify) whether RaOn knew about her father's rebellion, Ra On's father answered that not at all, she has never known about rebellion and who is her father. That answer meant that Ra On has had no agenda to enter the palace or no much feeling to political conflicts.

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3 hours ago, JinyoungFox said:


promoting Moonlight OST album, please give it a lot of love~^^

Love in the Moonlight ost album is out! It is very prettyㅎㅎ Sandeul "swallowing my heart" and the song which I participated in "Foggy Road" are also included in it~~^^ please give it a lot of love!
#bana #b1a4 #jinyoung #loveinthemoonlight #foggyroad



Aww, it looks very pretty, cannot wait to get my hands on that OST album....gotta start saving I guess...lol...would love to have it. Miss everyone here!!!!!! 

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I was just getting used to days without Raon and the pd has to post his update to remind me all over again :o

What in the world is KYJ stylist up to dressing her in that brown furry sleeve sweater 

Is the evil queen trying to make up to Raon for slapping her multiple times in the drama??:P


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