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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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13 minutes ago, lavender2love said:



Well, since they have already drafted the final and with 4 episodes left...... we have little to work on....

Let's see..... 30% is a tall order so perhaps they maximise on : surefire OTP love scene , YS very smart counter moves, BY's bravery in protecting CP and RO, checkmating the PM and ministers with harsh punishments , Queen's sin of disposing of her own baby girl revealed leading to her beheading. 

For a start , PD must work up a great longing DESIROUS SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.... no no don't show the actual consummation scene... not appropriate here BUT small movements, slow-mo actions, intensity of UNDRESSING... First, just   S  L  O  W  L  Y   untie a ribbon, let a shoulder show ( no nudity ) eyes lusting build up, yearning music build up, perfect moon shot, close up of a tiny bit of white breast, ( not whole, too porn ) THEN..... hand move to unpin the hair and let her crowning glory fall as CP moves in for the awesome kissing and that pressing her gently down to lay on top of her WITHOUT all the bed coverings get in the way. ( finis here )  If PD wants more originality..... let the love scene be on a bed of flowers in a field under a glorious moon, in a pavilion built on a lotus filled pond........... awwwww... PD should have an idea unless he is hopelessly unromantic. 

Okayyyyy ..... we can breathe now !!  That kind of trope is widely used and sure to scoop up rating. In this case, PD has such an advantage in having this gorgeous man PBG and that virginal KYJ to work up a great sweat. Just don't show their togetherness in gazing at the moon and smiling sweetly at each other. Too saccharine .... no ?? Just use his body anyway PD.... don't worry about his acting.... he's loaded with it.

Seja Jeoha sexy back pic

Credit : owner.... Thanks to @iheartyoojung for this .... " hem... ' hem to bare top, though the shoulder pack can do with some buffing... haha

Cutie, Pretty Ra On ie pic

ripped off @iheartyoojung

As for the wedding to HY.... well that has got to be a miracle of whisking her away  ( that's your job PD and Writer ) Fans are in a frenzy.... just STOP their suffering  in whatever way you can to change that part of your script.



I can imagine it already, omoooooo...OFvyvky.gif

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6 minutes ago, Jillia said:

There is no hint towards him being assassinated. I couldn't find out why he passed away. But an illness can always come from poisoning as well. But that's pure speculation.

We also have to remember that in history Lee Yeong's mother was from the Andong Kim Clan... so in history it was bit different than in the drama. :)

Yes, but as we've seen. Its dog eat dog world though there...here you have have a prince capable of leading (I've heard he was something of a genius in the mettle of Sejong) OR.....you can get rid of him (who knows maybe his wife's family ...the Jo's did it) and put his infant son in play...where you can have a loooong regency with him basically under your thumb.....


These nobles are suspicious!

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6 hours ago, xxxfaa said:

Hello Moonlighters,

Apparently the KBS 구그달 team contacted the Korean team and asking for opinions/insights/feedback on how to improve the next episode. They was aiming for the 30% rating if possible. There's only 4 episode left and please take this as a grain of salt, but from what I heard they already drafted the final script(on going) but they will see if our insights suitable to fit in the script in order to make it better storyline/ending. The final decision is up to them. It's a live shooting afterall so they can change the script anytime or stick to the original drafted script. Therefore appreciate if you guys can share your opinions and I will collect 5-10 best comments and send it to them. You guys can send your cheering message to the crew as well. But I'm afraid I wont be able to backtrack all the comments here, therefore kindly please mention me so I can trace your comments. Make it short but insightful if possible so easy for me to compile and send it to them. And yes, please avoid posting any bad/bashing feedbacks ok. They were doing a great job so far, the cast and the crew. Lets support them for their hardwork. I'm planning to send it to them by tonight or tmrw morning..so ppali ppali send your feedbacks juseyooongg :wub: and thank you in advance.

Have a good day ahead Moonlighters ~


@xxxfaa Thanks for stop by! If it possible I want my opinion reach MDBC too. :D

1. CP and Raon must live happy together as King and Queen in palace for their people in the end. Since CP is smart and know how to deal with those bad guy in political way. Don't let him give up his King position only to stay happy with Raon forever....It look so stupid for me. And, Raon is smart and understrand other people so well. Her background is a daughter of rebel leader...poor people (the main population in country) prefer her. She can become Queen that capture all the poor people's heart....Queen that gain love from the main population in country. MDBC...team...please ...NEVER...waste CP and Raon ability by give up their throne...left their people behind for STUPID LIVING HAPPY outside palace idea in novel. You make them fight for people and let them leave people behind for their own happy....it MAKE NO SENSE for me.

2. Kim clan should be punish all of them in the hard way especially That evil queen and PM Kim. Let CP dad (current king) and HY secrifice themself for this case. I don't want to see current king and HY stay happy in the end...TOO SIMPLE and BORING...since their exist is just love and support CP...use their life to support CP until the end.

3. Never let YS die...NEVER. YS and BY have to stay by CP and Raon side in Palace forever! Don't stick to history...no CP die or FAKE die at 20..Create MDBC own history.

Message to staff...Thank you so much for your hard work. MDBC is my number one Drama that I ever seen now. MDBC is perfect by acting, filming, scripting, directing and editing. I give all my best wish to MDBC team..actor, actress and staff....To finish fiming perfectly, happily and safetly. MDBC fighing!


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annyeong chingus..:glasses:

thanks for your spirits and cheers for our mbdc ..love you guys.. :heart:

Ra on will dissapear from cp' sight forever  :cold_sweat: without no one know even BY or YS OMOOOOO!!!!

There's traitor between rebel's that makes we understand why Premier Kim knew RA on the daughter and where she lves.

Guess who the traitor??

ehmmm... i think the leader who ussualy gave order to BY before BY knew Eunuch Han (the way he look when the meeting is suspucious) :angry:

Fantastic 2 (BY and CP) is comeback!!!! 

they will duet to rescue Ra on :glasses:, i miss they made some action scene because you rock with sword guys :blush:

YS finally,... standing appallause for you...

YOU can say what you want without affraid and draw the line to the people whom disturb you.

YOu are no longer Kim Clan puppet but You are yourself who can doing what your want not to do what others want.

GOOD JOB MAN :blush:


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3 hours ago, miss-guided said:



I just noticed this (I'm frustrated w/ myself since this photo and her solo poster had been out for months already).

That is a different hanbok! It's not the rain dance hanbok or the secret garden kissing hanbok that she's worn before.  And it's white lace and the ribbon's looks like some fancy champagne-colored silk.  Not to mention the flowers in her hair... IT'S A WEDDING DRESS! (at least, I hope it is!) XD

Hmmmmm....loooks like it. Secret hints ...wink wink....who knows. I am thinking secret wedding!

Edited by Tinkiebell
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7 hours ago, xxxfaa said:

Hello Moonlighters,

Apparently the KBS 구그달 team contacted the Korean team and asking for opinions/insights/feedback on how to improve the next episode. They was aiming for the 30% rating if possible. There's only 4 episode left and please take this as a grain of salt, but from what I heard they already drafted the final script(on going) but they will see if our insights suitable to fit in the script in order to make it better storyline/ending. The final decision is up to them. It's a live shooting afterall so they can change the script anytime or stick to the original drafted script. Therefore appreciate if you guys can share your opinions and I will collect 5-10 best comments and send it to them. You guys can send your cheering message to the crew as well. But I'm afraid I wont be able to backtrack all the comments here, therefore kindly please mention me so I can trace your comments. Make it short but insightful if possible so easy for me to compile and send it to them. And yes, please avoid posting any bad/bashing feedbacks ok. They were doing a great job so far, the cast and the crew. Lets support them for their hardwork. I'm planning to send it to them by tonight or tmrw morning..so ppali ppali send your feedbacks juseyooongg :wub: and thank you in advance.

Have a good day ahead Moonlighters ~


just rewatching ep 3 and had a sudden idea

Yeong asked his father to help him when he's weak, so perhaps the King needs to know the truth about all the evil deeds done by the kim clan and pardon ra on's family, so that she's no longer a traitor and is eligible to be with yeong

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2 minutes ago, fantasyviola said:

just rewatching ep 3 and had a sudden idea

Yeong asked his father to help him when he's weak, so perhaps the King needs to know the truth about all the evil deeds done by the kim clan and pardon ra on's family, so that she's no longer a traitor and is eligible to be with yeong

wow....I never thought of this......could it actually happen you think??? Or is that too far away from history?

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@xxxfaa first of all i wanna said  thank you for you. My wish to the rest episode that RO can wear pretty hanbok and he can live as women because everybody already know her true identity anyway. All case resolve with satisfied way i think another moonlighters already said they wish for. No open ending. Happy ending must be show how CP and RO live as wife and husband with twins and show us they lovey dovey scene minimum 15 minutes before the episode 18 end. And of course send my thank you too all cast, crue and everybody that involved to make MDBC become daebak drama i ever seen. Hope they all still healthy and happy. Big kiss from  far...Indonesia :wub:. Sorry for my bad english and grammar. 

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1 hour ago, Jillia said:

Everything is possible. They might have thought the Jo family was there to support them but in the end they could've been as greedy as every other clan and got rid off the husband first and then the king.

It's a terrible world! And even worse in the drama... So can Lee Yeong and Ra On please leave the palace as soon as possible? Pretty please!

All of us wish that CP and RO will live happily ever after and stay away from the evil palace life. But as I observe CP, he really thinks for his nation and his people (e.g the little girl and his father), he will not be truely happy if he needs to leave his country and his people and run for his own happiness. Sadly, the director has to find a way for him to fulfill both his royal duty as well as his personal love. 

If a wedding with HY needed for the sake of stable nation, the only feasible solution to me (i.e happy ending to me) is RO is clear of her father's assassination and become his concubine. He may favor his concubine to his queen but he still needs to harmonize the palace and nation, cos it's fate of him to be born as a prince to the royal family :(.


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Daebak Adorably Imitates Park Bo Gum And Kang Dong Won On “The Return Of Superman”

Daebak Adorably Imitates Park Bo Gum And Kang Dong Won On “The Return Of Superman”

On the upcoming episode of KBS 2TV’s “The Return of Superman,” Daebak and his twin sisters Seol Ah and Soo Ah wear traditional clothes that are similar to Park Bo Gum and Kim Yoo Jung’s outfits in the drama “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds.” Daebak especially receives attention for his adorable imitation of Park Bo Gum as well as Kang Dong Won.

The released images show Daebak imitating a similar pose to Park Bo Gum’s character Lee Young. Daebak also imitates Park Bo Gum’s solemn expression as though he were a young prince himself.


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17 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Seeing the up close picture of CSB in her wedding gives an extra sting.  She looks really pretty though.  I'm sure it will hurt even more once we see pictures of her with BG in his costume.

Yeah...I though I would be okay watching the wedding. As much as I want to see LY in his royal wedding garbs, I don't think I can stomach it. I'm so much of a die hard MDBC fan I struggle through the lagging on the live stream. But this week I think I'll skip it. How funny they're releasing BTS of wedding pics, and asking for fan input to get the drama to 30%...this ain't it KBS.



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5 hours ago, moodypie said:

never mind...I cooled down after taking a shower.

If i was given a chance to co-script...

Little princess to reveal the evil deeds of Kim Premier. Reveal how CP's mother died. Reveal the dirty things that kim clan do to the citizens and why the people rebel. Bring them down, so no wedding with HY. Make CP the king and marry Raon. Change the examination procedure and fair selection. In this way we will have more people joining in as officers just like Master Jung. The two person I want to see them severely punished is Premier Kim and the Queen. I want to see a unification of the palace and the people. At this point the I'm not sure where this Baekwon group stands..i hope they truly represents the people. 

Since the Wedding will be taking place, let it be only 10s flash back. Yes...only a flashback. A flashback would mean it already happened when we watch the episode. This is not as bad as watching the wedding actually happening in the next episode.

And more fighting scenes ...with LY, YS and BY together.

YS does not need to die. And no more trolling in preview. Only 4 eps left, just give us the real thing even though the preview can be short...but no trolling. :P


Glad to know you have it resolved.

I like your script too....isn't it fun and great we get to dapple with the ending?  So happening... :blush:

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26 minutes ago, herlina28 said:

@xxxfaa first of all i wanna said  thank you for you. My wish to the rest episode that RO can wear pretty hanbok and he can live as women because everybody already know her true identity anyway. All case resolve with satisfied way i think another moonlighters already said they wish for. No open ending. Happy ending must be show how CP and RO live as wife and husband with twins and show us they lovey dovey scene minimum 15 minutes before the episode 18 end. And of course send my thank you too all cast, crue and everybody that involved to make MDBC become daebak drama i ever seen. Hope they all still healthy and happy. Big kiss from  far...Indonesia :wub:. Sorry for my bad english and grammar. 

Don't worry about bad english or not! Your love for our OTP comes across.!!! Hugs Chingus! Hope your scenarios happen!!

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