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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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A sign that everyone is intoxicated with DOTS and Songsong is that every other table in the place you are eating or drinking is talking about them!! Makes me so darn proud to be a SongSong Shipper!!!!!!!! Ok so only 1 group talked about our native Chen Bo Lin in the Monster...ROFL 

It's 10.17pm in Taipei and hello everyone from wherever you are and I hope you guys are getting the same fanfare at where you are!! 


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8 hours ago, joongkyo said:

Okay, I've rewatched the RAW many times. I still haven't watched it with subs so what I type next will be my own interpretation of the scenes because I feel watching it without subs allows me to interpret the conversations better. Sometimes a lot of things can't get translated in a subbed video, so it's limiting for people to understand the tone/manner/intent etc.


First of all, I wanted to get this out of the way. The Director 17:35 clarifies that SHK was the only choice for KMY's role and he didn't even consider anyone else, meaning that NOBODY else was approached apart from SHK for this role. Hopefully all of us can get this word around because the fans of other actresses are going around town saying this role was offered to them first.


Also, I would like to point out that SHK and the director both said SJK was perfect for SJ's role, the two of them were very effusive in their praise for SJK. So at this point I don't even want to discuss which other actor received this role first. As far as I am concerned, YSJ's role belonged to SJK.


Ways of addressing each other

Actually the way SHK addresses SJK is quite non-controversial and always has been. She either calls him SJK-shi or JK-shi, this is the correct way to refer to a fellow actor as it shows respect to the other.

SJK can/should refer to SHK as SHK-shi, HK-shi or SHK/HK-noona - however this is where it gets tricky. During the course of the BTS episode - He starts by calling her Song Hye Kyo ( this is the part where he describes his feeling on working with her - he uses her full name, in some cases this would be seen as being overly formal however in this case because he is 3 years younger than her in age for him to use her full name actually shows the exact opposite - he's able to use her name with such familiarity because he knows she and the other people around him won' t be offended by him being so informal).

26:45 (Wine kiss scene) when they're doing rehearsals and SHK takes the wine bottle with her (this scene lets us know that the latter part of the scene was actually added because SHK was not supposed to take the bottle with her but since SHK did so, it was added to the script) what is most telling is that right after that SJK says "She really took the alcohol " (banmal) and further he says "Everyone -  This is the real Hye Kyo, this is the real Song Hye Kyo" (again , no noona - no sunabe, no SHK-shi. In fact he first calls her Hye Kyo and then Song Hye Kyo...to me this just re-affirms the fact that he calls her Hye Kyo in private. If he was calling her Noona or Sunbae then how come we didn't see it in even one scene?)

1:16:44 SJK uses noona for the first and only time, he said he received a call from Hye Kyo noona if you noticed he pauses after that and says that she's someone who understands his real personality, so she reached out to him and told him not to feel any guilt and immediately at 1:16:50 he calls her HK-shi (it didn't take even 6 seconds for SJK to change the way he addresses her..I can see that it's a constant struggle for SJK to be addressing her in a *correct way*. There is absolutely no consistency in the interview unlike the actual scenes where he calls her Hye Kyo and Song Hye Kyo.)

The hair tying scene - SJK says arasso and doesn't use the more formal arassoyo or aragesimida, which means "Okay , I understand" but in this situation it also means "Okay, got it don't keep nagging me". You know when couples nag at each other?. Yeah, like that. Then he says Khaman isso which is again banmal, but it's more than just banmal -it's an instruction or an order when you tell someone to stay still and not move. It'd be really weird for a junior/dongsaeng to be taking that tone with someone if they weren't in some kind of a relationship. If you see Koreans take seniority of age very seriously and it's weird that he doesn't even address her as noona in that situation because if he had then at least the banmal would make more sense and seem more normal. (If he had said noona and then used banmal after that then it would show that he's close to this noona and she's allowed him to drop formal titles/language between them.)

The conversation continues with him asking her if he's doing a good job (mind you , this whole conversation is in banmal tone and more than that can you make out his tone?. It's not like that of someone who considers himself to be a dongsaeng) and she says yes, to which SJK replies "If that's the case then why don't you use complimentary words to ecourage me" it basically means that she should be giving him positive re-inforcement which would result in him doing a better job. Again, such a couple thing to say. ..It's just like when you're having a hard day at school/work and you ask your BF to say something nice to make you feel better. It was obvious that he was struggling with the hair tying scene and he really needed her to say he was doing a good job.

I think many might not have caught on to this interaction. Watch from 33:23 onwards, JG is giving a description of that scene where MJ discovers that she's one who is infected. In the script that's supposed to be a DY-MJ moment and SJ-MY are spectators. What you see in the BTS scene is actually SS complaining to the director and GW couple, they said that they're being left as mere spectators to the GW couple which is actually very true..what they're saying is SJ-MY also deserve to have a moment, where SJ can show his relief on finding out that the woman that he's in love with isn't sick. They use words like Uri (which means "us") and finally SJK says it's okay "We're not sick", lol..which is an immature way of saying things are all hunky-dory for us so we're not going to be jealous of the fact that you two get to hug and have a moment while SJ and MY  have to just look at the GW couple. I think this was a really really cute moment, some people thought SJK was having some conversation with JW?..but actually it was SHK and SJK complaining to all of them and JW and the director were responding to their complaints.

In the end I want to add this bit , link source http://askakorean.blogspot.in/2008/11/how-dare-you-call-me-by-my-name.html

This lets you know that SJK and SHK's constant use of the term -ssi/shi is actually something that couples use in day to day life :) 

If anyone wants any other explanation then let me know. I'm writing my next post which is about SJK's interview of KMS...I think that part too needs to be explained much more. Which I will do, but it takes so much time to type!...lol

 @ilovesjk here you go, it's not as good as my first post since I hurried to type it all out. :( 

@angieknows did you change your call sign?...lol..I have to make another coffee run before I translate anything else. I think I'll translate some news articles later today.


JoongKyo...you are daebakkkkkk...love u :wub:...thank you so so so much...

delulu mode: Definitely ONNNNNN :blush:

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Warning: Insanely long post that is not for everyone. Feel free to skip. :)


Finally done reading, was behind 25 pages, because I wanted to first watch the episode before coming here to say this: 

If anyone still has any doubts about those two being together, they should go see eye doctor. 

Those two are very respectful, honest and sincere towards each other. Familiarity and closeness was there even before the show started. That can be seen during the first script reading. You dont snuggle your head on someone shoulder like that, especially if she is your senior. For SJK to be able to do that without SHK scolding him and instead genuinely laughing and enjoying it, only means they were close before DotS started. 

From the way I see it and from what we learned, that SJK was visiting her set before his military service, I would guess, that he was the one initiating their relationship. He was the one calling her to NY, he was the one making her laugh on set, he was the one doing all those 007 missions to shield her. He was the one taking on press, so SHK could take much deserved rest in past few weeks.

I believe that the line used in episode 16 : "How did a woman like you came into my life" from the beach scene, is on SJK mind all the time. And that is what makes him appreciate her even more and strive for his absolute best self to make her realize, he is a man worth to be with her. Everyone who knew him before his military service keeps saying, that SJK became more manly. He is the same person, yet he is more mature, acts more responsible and is all around different compared to before. 

My conclusion is, that the meeting with SHK changed his life forever. He became who he is now, because he knew right there and then, that is the person he wants to be with. 

They said they randomly kept meeting at cafe and stuff, but I do not believe that even for one second. The line from episode 3:  "I think we are bumping into each other as we pass by.” describes it perfectly. They were either destined to be together or SJK made sure that they will meet, just like with NY meeting and set visits. Even from the press interview they had together in HK, he was the one initiating contact, making those subtle movements to which we could see SHK not being able to resist. She was being drawn to him during every moment they spent together.

So I am not saying SJK is not worthy of her, I am saying exact opposite. From the very first moment he met her, he became bewitched and did everything he could to make SHK see him for who he is. He grew into a one fine man with many qualities and that is why he was a perfect match for character of YSJ. He mirrors very best qualities of YSJ and does his very best to get the woman he loves, while respecting her wishes. Thats why the line SHK said about SJK: " I cant imagine anyone else play the role of YSJ." can be understood as the compliment to SJK in the way, that he is the man worthy of playing YSJ. And we all know, that YSJ, despite not being perfect ( no one is), set a bar spectacularly high. Always willing to risk everying to protect those he loves. And SJK is doing everythint to make sure SHK is loved and protected ( mostly from fans ) . 

This is just my opinion and how I see it, but I believe the question : "how did I deserve you?" is familiar to each and every one of us here. We all strive for our very best, to be worthy of love of our dearest. And in doing so, we make sure that when the right person comes, we are worth of their love and as a reward for our determination, we get our other halves to do the very same thing. To be very best version of themselves for our sake. When you find yourselves in relationship, it is no longer just "I" or "me". It becomes "us" and "we". We will all make our partners feel loved for every second of the rest of their life. 

And thats how I see SJK and SHK. SJK met SHK, fell in love and decided to do everything he can to be with her. He kept meeting her "conincidentally" until his military service came. He then became a better person. Military shaped him into the person he is now. And when he was discharged and learned he gets to act with her, he decided to size the opportunity. He pursued her with such determination and sincerity, that she couldnt help but reciprocite his feelings.  And now, since he became who he is, he is protecting their privacy, so SHK can leave peacefully and doesnt have to worry about any stressful backlash from fans like in the past.

TBH, when I see SJK, I cannot help but feel the urge to become a better boyfriend myself. To find a new ways to make sure that my own girlfriend is asking herself the same question I sometimes do. " how did I deserve you ?" 

This one simple question can make us appreciate our partners while also making sure that we will always do our very best, so our partners will start asking the same question. It is not about insecurity. It is about pushing ourselves to our limits, exceeding them and be better not tomorrow, not in an hour, but every second ouf our life.

Thats why I feel deep down, that SJK and SHK are together. They are showing us what it looks like when two people are made for each other. 

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1 minute ago, Chewy Hoe said:

A sign that everyone is intoxicated with DOTS and Songsong is that every other table in the place you are eating or drinking is talking about them!! Makes me so darn proud to be a SongSong Shipper!!!!!!!!

It's 10.17pm in Taipei and hello everyone from wherever you are and I hope you guys are getting the same fanfare at where you are!! 


Wah, that must be fun listening others talking about the same thing :w00t:

Since in my workplace, I doubt some people like Korean stuffs, I don't really have a place to share my favorites in the real life lol

That's why this thread is actually the best place ever for me to pour all my loves to SS couple:wub:


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3 minutes ago, geronimoooo said:

My conclusion is, that the meeting with SHK changed his life forever. He became who he is now, because he knew right there and then, that is the person he wants to be with. 

They said they randomly kept meeting at cafe and stuff, but I do not believe that even for one second. The line from episode 3:  "I think we are bumping into each other as we pass by.” describes it perfectly. They were either destined to be together or SJK made sure that they will meet, just like with NY meeting and set visits. Even from the press interview they had together in HK, he was the one initiating contact, making those subtle movements to which we could see SHK not being able to resist. She was being drawn to him during every moment they spent together.

So I am not saying SJK is not worthy of her, I am saying exact opposite. From the very first moment he met her, he became bewitched and did everything he could to make SHK see him for who he is. He grew into a one fine man with many qualities and that is why he was a perfect match for character of YSJ. He mirrors very best qualities of YSJ and does his very best to get the woman he loves, while respecting her wishes. Thats why the line SHK said about SJK: " I cant imagine anyone else play the role of YSJ." can be understood as the compliment to SJK in the way, that he is the man worthy of playing YSJ. And we all know, that YSJ, despite not being perfect ( no one is), set a bar spectacularly high. Always willing to risk everying to protect those he loves. And SJK is doing everything to make sure SHK is loved and protected ( mostly from fans ) . 


What a beautiful insight of you! :wub: I have nothing more to say than LOVE all your words there.

And I am sorry to cut your post, but this part is just lovely, it even makes me grinning, really agree with what you have said :lol:

Both SHK and SJK are attracted to each other, that's why we all can see the sincerity of them whether it's in drama or REAL LIFE.

Even K-netz have said that they could see HEARTS popping out of their eyes LOL So that they both deserve to each other. Period. :wub:


Credit: as tagged.


This couple seems enjoy "staring game" so much! :lol:


DC Inside

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Come ,my turn to type something..haha

sequence 1...JK and JG interview SHK..talking about the cow in the Van. SHK walked away to join the medical group.

sequence 2...JK said"Its better to film it myself"...most probably he took over the videocam

sequence 3...Immediately,he went to SHK side ,wanting to film her (That explains his sitting position facing her)

then puppy came along and our friend,JK wants him to SPEAK UP..

HIS INTENTION :(Dont you dare to fall in love with her!!You Cannot mention she is PRETTY!YOU MUST SAY..how She is a loving NOONA to you only!)



JEALOUSY is when SHK STARED at him for blocking her watching the doves.'Come On,It's only a practice and YOU STARED SO HARD AT ME!!..I AM REALLY HURT!'




AHHHHH....HE NEEDS HELP!!HE FAILED ALL THE  "No,i wasnt in love with her " TEST!!! good gracious!









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24 minutes ago, geronimoooo said:


Warning: Insanely long post that is not for everyone. Feel free to skip. :)


Finally done reading, was behind 25 pages, because I wanted to first watch the episode before coming here to say this: 

If anyone still has any doubts about those two being together, they should go see eye doctor. 

Those two are very respectful, honest and sincere towards each other. Failiarity and closeness was there even before the show started. That can be seen during the first script reading. You dont snuggle your head on someone shoulder like that, especially if she is your senior. For SJK to be able to do that without SHK scolding him and instead genuinely laughing and enjoying it, only means they were close before DotS started. 

From the way I see it and from what we learned, that SJK was visiting her set before his military service, I would guess, that he was the one initiating their relationship. He was the one calling her to NY, he was the one making her laugh on set, he was the one doing all those 007 missions to shield her. He was the one taking on press, so SHK could take much deserved rest in past few weeks.

I believe that the line used in episode 16 : "How did a woman like you came into my life" from the beach scene, is on SJK mind all the time. And that is what makes him appreciate her even more and strive for his absolute best self to make her realize, he is a man worth to be with her. Everyone who knew him before his military service keeps saying, that SJK became more manly. He is the same person, yet he is more mature, acts more responsible and is all around different compared to before. 

My conclusion is, that the meeting with SHK changed his life forever. He became who he is now, because he knew right there and then, that is the person he wants to be with. 

They said they randomly kept meeting at cafe and stuff, but I do not believe that even for one second. The line from episode 3:  "I think we are bumping into each other as we pass by.” describes it perfectly. They were either destined to be together or SJK made sure that they will meet, just like with NY meeting and set visits. Even from the press interview they had together in HK, he was the one initiating contact, making those subtle movements to which we could see SHK not being able to resist. She was being drawn to him during every moment they spent together.

So I am not saying SJK is not worthy of her, I am saying exact opposite. From the very first moment he met her, he became bewitched and did everything he could to make SHK see him for who he is. He grew into a one fine man with many qualities and that is why he was a perfect match for character of YSJ. He mirrors very best qualities of YSJ and does his very best to get the woman he loves, while respecting her wishes. Thats why the line SHK said about SJK: " I cant imagine anyone else play the role of YSJ." can be understood as the compliment to SJK in the way, that he is the man worthy of playing YSJ. And we all know, that YSJ, despite not being perfect ( no one is), set a bar spectacularly high. Always willing to risk everying to protect those he loves. And SJK is doing everythint to make sure SHK is loved and protected ( mostly from fans ) . 

This is just my opinion and how I see it, but I believe the question : "how did I deserve you?" is familiar to each and every one of us here. We all strive for our very best, to be worthy of love of our dearest. And in doing so, we make sure that when the right person comes, we are worth of their love and as a reward for our determination, we get our other halves to do the very same thing. To be very best version of themselves for our sake. When you find yourselves in relationship, it is no longer just "I" or "me". It becomes "us" and "we". We will all make our partners feel loved for every second of the rest of their life. 

And thats how I see SJK and SHK. SJK met SHK, fell in love and decided to do everything he can to be with her. He kept meeting her "conincidentally" until his military service came. He then became a better person. Military shaped him into the person he is now. And when he was discharged and learned he gets to act with her, he decided to size the opportunity. He pursued her with such determination and sincerity, that she couldnt help but reciprocite his feelings.  And now, since he became who he is, he is protecting their privacy, so SHK can leave peacefully and doesnt have to worry about any stressful backlash from fans like in the past.

TBH, when I see SJK, I cannot help but feel the urge to become a better boyfriend myself. To find a new ways to make sure that my own girlfriend is asking herself the same question I sometimes do. " how did I deserve you ?" 

This one simple question can make us appreciate our partners while also making sure that we will always do our very best, so our partners will start asking the same question. It is not about insecurity. It is about pushing ourselves to our limits, exceeding them and be better not tomorrow, not in an hour, but every second ouf our life.

Thats why I feel deep down, that SJK and SHK are together. They are showing us what it looks like when two people are made for each other. 


Your. Thoughts. Are. Amazing. So well articulated and straightforward and deep and sincere. I actually had goosebumps reading your entire post. Always appreciate your thoughts! I hope you get to always push yourself to be a better boyfriend! :)

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@geronimoooo i love your insight :wub:, i allways had a hard time on making my sentence right, so i agree with @hyukgu  hehe.. she says all the thing i want to say... 


If anyone still has any doubts about those two being together, they should go see eye doctor. 

Sorry to cut your post @geronimoooo haha.. this is what i have been telling my friend too haha... 


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I don't know why I am so slow today, lol..I keep getting distracted and re-watching the BTS. I've decided I'll make small posts instead of one giant post , that way people can read and continue discussing the various parts.



The Interview

Start from 26:13, SJK starts doing a self camera session - Actually this part is essentially tied to another part in the BTS but since this comes first in the BTS, I'll deal with this first. I'll just say this, observe the chairs.

SJK asks SHK if the red light indicating that the video is being recorded is visible or not but SHK is looking at the back instead of into the camera, it seems KMS was standing in the BG and she found his expression funny. Both Nurse Jae Ha and SHK laugh while talking about KMS. SJK immediately realises her attention in elsewhere and calls KMS to their side and tells him to take a seat. SJK introduces KMS as their mascot, by this he means mascot of the show .

Now the next part gets interesting, SJK says "Hyung (bet y'all didn't hear that, did you?) has heard that SHK sunbae-nim (by this he means a sunbae to KMS, do you see how he establishes both of their seniority towards KMS) is very good to you/takes very good care of you "?.  Observe the younger nurse, when SJK says that she looks at SHK with a funny smile/expression. SJK continues to say "I would like to hear details of how she's nice to you." then SHK says "Do a good job" that's the literal translation but in essence it means - better say flattering things about me but SJK cuts in because KMS is frozen and says "Okay" and everyone bursts out laughing which is when SJK says let's "Try again".

KMS finally manages to utter some words "She always looks out for me and is very nice to me, She's a very good senior", SJK says " What you said isn't very interesting/very insightful" (since he wanted details!) and SHK sulks and says " Maybe he really doesn't have anything nice to say about me" and immediately KMS says "She's pretty!". To this SJK snaps at KMS, "You're telling me something that the whole country (Korea) knows, even the Chinese know that she's pretty". 

Poor KMS finally says, "Well, she has a Tsundere style" . SJK says "What's a Tsundere style?"  and SHK asks the same thing at the same time, in fact if you looks SJK repeats the question but the second time he asks SHK the meaning of Tsundere and she says bulla meaning "I have no idea", KMS looks at maknae nurse and says " You know what it is......." from the back Onew replies " Someone who is cold but also takes care of people " [ Now this is very interesting because according to me Onew gave the wrong definition because his words implied that a Tsundere is someone who is cold but takes care of people when actually what he ought to have said a Tsundere is someone who LOOKS cold/unapproachable on the outside but it's really someone who is warm on the inside and shows their warmth through their actions.]

Since SongSong are two idiots who don't know what Tsundere is (lol) they took what Onew said to be literally the meaning of Tsundere, which is why SHK jumps up at KMS and tells him "do you want to die?" and walks off , look at KMS and SJK's expressions - KMS was confused because he actually knows that Tsundere was a compliment to SHK but she only understood it to mean that she's cold sometimes and warm sometimes. And then look at SJK's expressions, since he also understood the meaning of Tsundere to mean the same as SHK he looks at her face and thinks she's slightly hurt which is why though the camera moves with SHK, you can hear SJK ask KMS " You think SHK is cold?" .

I think the last line he said to KMS reveals a lot, the whole exercise of interviewing KMS began as a joke but you can see SJK's sole intention if interviewing KMS was actually to record praises about SHK which is why he keeps telling KMS to give better answers for the camera, he doesn't think complimenting her caring nature and good looks are good enough, which is why he wanted a detailed explanation from KMS. You see, when someone who is a a very junior actor says nice things about SHK the general public will take more notice because it would mean that she's someone who doesn't allow herself any airs...I think this is what SJK wanted to portray throughout (we'll see more examples in my next post). Which is why he asked KMS for an explanation for calling SHK cold in the end, you can see that the conversation didn't go as SJK planned. I wouldn't be surprised if SJK gave poor KMS an earful before actually understanding what the poor puppy meant.


(okay, now on to the next post).



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5 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Since SongSong are two idiots who don't know what Tsundere is (lol) they took what Onew said to be literally the meaning of Tsundere, which is why SHK jumps up at KMS and tells him "do you want to die?" and walks off , look at KMS and SJK's expressions - KMS was confused because he actually knows that Tsundere was a compliment to SHK but she only understood it to mean that she's cold sometimes and warm sometimes. And then look at SJK's expressions, since he also understood the meaning of Tsundere to mean the same as SHK he looks at her face and thinks she's slightly hurt which is why though the camera moves with SHK, you can hear SJK ask KMS " You think SHK is cold?" .






Credit: as tagged.

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10 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

I don't know why I am so slow today, lol..I keep getting distracted and re-watching the BTS. I've decided I'll make small posts instead of one giant post , that way people can read and continue discussing the various parts.



The Interview

Start from 26:13, SJK starts doing a self camera session - Actually this part is essentially tied to another part in the BTS but since this comes first in the BTS, I'll deal with this first. I'll just say this, observe the chairs.

SJK asks SHK if the red light indicating that the video is being recorded is visible or not but SHK is looking at the back instead of into the camera, it seems KMS was standing in the BG and she found his expression funny. Both Nurse Jae Ha and SHK laugh while talking about KMS. SJK immediately realises her attention in elsewhere and calls KMS to their side and tells him to take a seat. SJK introduces KMS as their mascot, by this he means mascot of the show .

Now the next part gets interesting, SJK says "Hyung (bet y'all didn't hear that, did you?) has heard that SHK sunbae-nim (by this he means a sunbae to KMS, do you see how he establishes both of their seniority towards KMS) is very good to you/takes very good care of you "?.  Observe the younger nurse, when SJK says that she looks at SHK with a funny smile/expression. SJK continues to say "I would like to hear details of how she's nice to you." then SHK says "Do a good job" that's the literal translation but in essence it means - better say flattering things about me but SJK cuts in because KMS is frozen and says "Okay" and everyone bursts out laughing which is when SJK says let's "Try again".

KMS finally manages to utter some words "She always looks out for me and is very nice to me, She's a very good senior", SJK says " What you said isn't very interesting/very insightful" (since he wanted details!) and SHK sulks and says " Maybe he really doesn't have anything nice to say about me" and immediately KMS says "She's pretty!". To this SJK snaps at KMS, "You're telling me something that the whole country (Korea) knows, even the Chinese know that she's pretty". 

Poor KMS finally says, "Well, she has a Tsundere style" . SJK says "What's a Tsundere style?"  and SHK asks the same thing at the same time, in fact if you looks SJK repeats the question but the second time he asks SHK the meaning of Tsundere and she says bulla meaning "I have no idea", KMS looks at maknae nurse and says " You know what it is......." from the back Onew replies " Someone who is cold but also takes care of people " [ Now this is very interesting because according to me Onew gave the wrong definition because his words implied that a Tsundere is someone who is cold but takes care of people when actually what he ought to have said a Tsundere is someone who LOOKS cold/unapproachable on the outside but it's really someone who is warm on the inside and shows their warmth through their actions.]

Since SongSong are two idiots who don't know what Tsundere is (lol) they took what Onew said to be literally the meaning of Tsundere, which is why SHK jumps up at KMS and tells him "do you want to die?" and walks off , look at KMS and SJK's expressions - KMS was confused because he actually knows that Tsundere was a compliment to SHK but she only understood it to mean that she's cold sometimes and warm sometimes. And then look at SJK's expressions, since he also understood the meaning of Tsundere to mean the same as SHK he looks at her face and thinks she's slightly hurt which is why though the camera moves with SHK, you can hear SJK ask KMS " You think SHK is cold?" .

I think the last line he said to KMS reveals a lot, the whole exercise of interviewing KMS began as a joke but you can see SJK's sole intention if interviewing KMS was actually to record praises about SHK which is why he keeps telling KMS to give better answers for the camera, he doesn't think complimenting her caring nature and good looks are good enough, which is why he wanted a detailed explanation from KMS. You see, when someone who is a a very junior actor says nice things about SHK the general public will take more notice because it would mean that she's someone who doesn't allow herself any airs...I think this is what SJK wanted to portray throughout (we'll see more examples in my next post). Which is why he asked KMS for an explanation for calling SHK cold in the end, you can see that the conversation didn't go as SJK planned. I wouldn't be surprised if SJK gave poor KMS an earful before actually understanding what the poor puppy meant.


(okay, now on to the next post).




:D:D:D:D:D am ROFL. SHK and SJK are really your ahjumma and ahjussi!!! They don't know the meaning of Tsundere! Birds of a feather flock together!

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