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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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1 hour ago, pgaltr said:

Mr.Song at Hermes store? Look like he at shoes section?


He's in the clothes section, they're usually next to the shoes and he's being shown something placed on a hanger. I'm thinking present for  his Mom.

hmmmm....the woman says she took a picture from the back but also looks like she had direct interaction with him according to her caption?..So, I guess she was allowed to take this picture?. Otherwise it's an invasion of his privacy .

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Thanks so much to all you awesome chingus for the updates, pics, videos, gifs and especially the translations for these couple of days.  I was so busy this past weekend that I didn't have time to spazz with the rest of you :bawling:  But that's okay because we still have 7 more SJK fan meetings, his Happy Camp and Hurry Up, Brother episodes, Kyo's 3 magazines and his Marie Claire magazine to look forward to.  I'm sure we'll have plenty to spazz about :)

I've read this short, but very cute fan account of a Song-Song shipper who went to the Beijing fan meeting. 


Yes, the person who raised up the Song-Song banner yesterday was me.  When the host asked SJK what his wish was, the person below who loudly shouted "Song Hye Kyo" was also me.  I just hope they are together, no (that's not right), they are together already :heart::heart::heart:.  This man is gentle, warm, humorous, thoughtful, sexy, dedicated....wow, forgive me for being stumped, the excitement up to now has not calm down yet.  I love you Song-Song



Yes, this man is indeed all those things that the fan said :)



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@ditto1982, thanks for the video.  I love this fan's Song-Song videos.  They're always beautiful :)

I think this is the scene that Park Bo Gum picked as his favorite because it looked real (as in they looked like a real couple) and I totally agree with him.  SJK and SHK looked and acted very natural, very much like how a real couple is :P


and also this scene too.  I love how adorably cute he was trying to snuggle into her arms, lol




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SongSong Wefie Spam




















I thought to do this to encourage and remind everyone to continue to vote for SongSong in Baeksang and Iqiyi! Unfortunately I never got my Baeksang app to work so I'm depending on those fortunate ones who did but I'm diligently voting in Iqiyi. How amazing would it be to see them walk that red carpet together, seated abreast one another, and receiving an award together on stage? And as a plus, we may even get more wefies so please do not forget to 

vote, vote, vote!

Credits to all respective owners*

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Have long been a silent lurker here and I'm really thankful for everyone's effort. Just want to contribute something I recently found. SJK and SHK both attended Cold Eyes VIP Premier on 2013.06.25. It was after TWTWB and before SJK's enlistments. Another coincidental meeting haha :phew:

This is the video of SHK attending the VIP Premier.

Video of SJK at the event.

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Good Morning, Comrades! Believe it or not, i just finished back reading! Actually, i fall asleep last night in front of my lappy :sweatingbullets: Had a long Monday..

Anyway, thanks thanks thanks a lot for all those update/pics/translation of our gentleman SJK and goddess beauty SHK:wub:

SHK in her Elle Cover Magazine is really really beautiful, especially her eyes.  And the title makes me smile to ear "the man i love is humorous" :wub:. Aigoo..they keep on bombarding us with all the LOVE! :P Can't wait for the full interview and of course the translation since i can't read Chinese.. *shy*

Ohh, so uri "swoonworthy" Ki was at Hermes store, hurrmm, i'm curious what did he buy? :P

Have a good day, Comrades! Keep on sailing with a positive vibes! We're all on cloud 9 these days :wub:

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Okay, I really think I've lost it. This morning when I woke up and took my phone to check SHK's ig updates. I was chanting to myself, "please let it be Hermes bag, please let it be the bag...with some hearts and lips as the caption" :relaxed: I even took a deep breathe before sliding the notification open. LOL. This is a sign that one has gone crazy...

But seriously, OMG, the pics from Elle :love:  She's not a human, she can't be a human... How can SJK still alive being with her all this time? 


cr: @angieknows

@SkyKid thank you for telling me :D I'm just resurrected from death but I'm dying again right now, how many times can a person die? lol


Btw, I wonder if usually an actor will get to know the content of interview before hand or not. I mean, did they show her the question and ask her which can be asked and which can't? Bcos, the order of the question makes me think the reporter is a shipper too, lol. Kidding :lol: thank you @khxy :D 

12 hours ago, khxy said:

Someone posted a little sneak peak of Hye Kyo Elle magazine interview 

Q:Kang Mo Yeon likes a smart and humorous man,what about you?

He must have humour,this one is a very important trait and it is more important than looks.

Q:Someone who is like younger brother or uncle?


Q:Is SJK humorous in real life?

He is not as eloquent as Captain Yoo but he is certainly a humorous man.Eventhough he is younger than me but he is earnest and we have the same attitude towards our work.

Credit baidu


Someone who is like an ahjussi and humorous... and I don't know if I remember this right, but I read somewhere people on the set sometimes also call him ahjussi, or maybe I'm just imagining things. Anyways... 


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Another long post after voting for iqiyi. Lol


i think what these two are doing is called mental conditioning. Just like what you guys pointed out before, their certain "openness" is a tactic so that the public won't be surprised seeing them together again in the near future, whether for lunch outs, dinners or late night coffee meet ups. It's a way for the people, fans and shippers, to be used to the fact that SongSong has become an established pair, on screen and off screen. As what Dispatch pointed out, this is the effect of working together in DOTS and not giving any hint on the real score because well, as what it seems, Dispatch is also part of the fandom. And that spilling anything is not their responsibility. Lol i think it's a brilliant move. Someone said earlier that it's best if anything, any news, came from them instead of from the public eyes because speculations would just taint the truth. And though they may not spill the whole truth about whatever tidbit they share with us, that isn't considered as lying. For a dozen times, they never denied seeing each other out of work. Later on, proving this claim.  DOTS team is solid and the bond formed amongst them transpired to even seeing each other in their free time. Again, something beautiful to think about. 


And those people saying that they can't be real because yet again, this "openness", well if your "openness" meant hanging out despite the busy schedule instead of resting and having personal time, constantly mentioning and EXCESSIVELY praising each other instead of just focusing on promoting one self, going the distance to let the other person feel secured (the 007 airport mission and SHK's initiative at the time of SJK's injury) when they could just mind their own business, IG posts and his bravery of showing the world some of his personal photos instead of keeping silent and show other things instead, and so many other things that are unusual in the k-industry. Then, what kind of "closeness" do they have to show so that this "openness" be seen in it's real context?  


Whether they are together, dating, in a mutual attraction with each other, friends, colleagues, it doesn't diminish the fact that SongSong has a relationship that nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, could destroy. We are all speculators to this beautiful story. We look at facts the way a fact should be seen and not overly analyzing them. We are mature shippers, i do hope that we all are. 


So to those antis, non believers and mere passerby, you got your opinion, we have ours. We are not rubbing it on your faces. We are just happy shippers. And i am proud to say that I am extremely pleased with what is happening with our OTP and the ship. I hope you are too; because otherwise, you won't be lurking around here. Lol 


conclusion: whatever SongSong is doing, they have meticulously thought about it. Discussed and planned it in the same way they make plans to give their Kim Min Seok a cake for his birthday, that co-hosted April 1 party and all the plans they made and will make. I trust these two. I will wait patiently for these two. Because they are worth it. Because they are worth the respect, the love and the time. Peace out!





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Thankyou @ditto1982 for sharing the video..

well..it is been proven monday is actually SONGSONG day....so many happy news we got yesterday...

Regarding to the video that our friend ditto had posted here, I just want to pointed out something here...someone had already said this but I just to emphasize it again...when the MC asked SJK if he is now close to YAI and SHK...it seems that SJK just answered that he and YAI are close friend but he left out SHK's name. He can always answered the MC ..''Yes I am a close friend to YAI and SHK.."but he didnt answered like that. If I can recall... SJK did said that what people like about him is that he is alwasy being honest...and we can see that during all his PC or FM...so my thought is that...yes he and YAI is a close friend...but he cannot said like that to SHK right....hehehehe....so again he is being honest to us...

even in ELLE china magazine...i think SHK just indirectly admitted to us hahahaha...SJK is certainly a humorous man...and SHK like a humorous man...(wahhh..i remember episode 9..where KMY just confessed her love to YSJ..on the truck...remember her line... 'I think i just confessed, should i apologize"...)  this words certainly also i would like to relate SJK KBS interview where the anchor asked him whom he will save in real life whether KMY or YMJ..and again SJK said certainly KMY..if not someone will get angry...

so many co incidence so many similarities between this two...

Then..the only thing is matters to us is TIMING...again God made everything beautiful on its own time....^_^ all we just need to do is have faith on them and wait for their big announcement...:D

In the meantime... i just want to encourage all of us here to not go beyond their privacy...yes we say we are SJK or SHK fan...die hard fan or whatever..but pls behave ourself..had control in ourself in digging information..pls not ambush people IG and giving so many headache to the owner asking so many questions...if you want to know mr google is always there to help you...to me...I dont have that kind of capacity to get so many information related to both of them...maybe because i am not that IT savvy. But i must say ...thanks a lot to our friends here... @joongkyo @Chewy Hoe @khxy @hclover96 @sigang for their updates...translation ... SALUTE!

ok..must back to my own life..need to finish research proposal....

Till then...happy shipping and quoting our Eonnie SHK... COMRADESHIP! LOYALTY!

Blessed Tuesday everyone!

Sign off.

9.39 am M Y


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Oh and let us not forget Song Joong Ki's admitted dating style before. He said if he is dating someone, he would act normal (without any disguise, act like they were just friends hanging out) so people will not be suspicious. :))) He was actually broadcasting this before, but nowadays, when asked how is his dating style, he is saying he has NO dating style and if ever there will be, it is a secret. :phew:(and not to mention his preferred dating style before is quiteeeeee similar to what goes with him and uri yeosin. COINCIDENCE? HAHAHAHA okay enough speculating)

We should totally crown uri sang namja with the MOST INCONSISTENT STATEMENTS AWARD.

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43 minutes ago, lovemetruly said:

And those people saying that they can't be real because yet again, this "openness", well if your "openness" meant hanging out despite the busy schedule instead of resting and having personal time.

I trust these two. I will wait patiently for these two. Because they are worth it. Because they are worth the respect, the love and the time

i relate very much to your post, they are two beautiful human being that worth every respect. therefore, insta fans please respect them too. don't bombard them and their friends with questions that you know they will never answer. you will get an answer when the time comes anyway.

despite his busy schedule in the morning and flying out the next morning, he still went to hangout. knowing that its the only time to rest before a long schedule. would you do that if you're in his shoes? i certainly won't. okay i should not post anything that can lead to speculations. lol

my post will sound repetitive as many have mentioned this but for someone who achieve a new height in his career and still not trying to dismiss the rumour even showing close relationship. how can we not be pleased? that is why many of us died several times.

i am not trying to convinced anyone to believe what i believe but if you may, let us have our peace. we have our grounds and we will continue to support :) you can go and continue to support what you believe :) 

@khxy is it a camera cf? cannot wait! 

@joongkyo ms. lee is really busy these days.. 

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