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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Thanks so much for the news about SHK's new ad :D I didn't know I can love her more than I do now, she really is an angel. Such a beauty inside and outside. I can bet my everything, she must have received tons of offer from many companies yet she choose this one for the children and she even politely refused the payment. 

She will make one great mother one day. SJK what are you waiting for? Palli palli, propose to her already. I want to think she really want to have her own children now, am I delulu? 

@joongkyo daebak, you even notice the coffee cup. Are you sure you are not going to pursue career as a detective? kidding :D With that skill of yours I'm sure there will be no case you can't solve. Thanks so much for always sharing with us, we are so lucky to have you here with us. 

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Question: Not related to SS, but to the rules of the forum, what is actually "quoting pic" ? I need some clarifications before I try to contribute something and don't wanna violate any rules here.

Posting it here in case if it is helpful to newcomers like me.

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2 minutes ago, sscraze said:

Question: Not related to SS, but to the rules of the forum, what is actually "quoting pic" ? I need some clarifications since don't wanna violate any rules here.


When you "quote" someone's post which has pics in there, you shouldn't include the pics in your post:) I am not good at explaining but wish you get what I mean lol

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SHK's new ig post, wonder what is it about. I can only understand KBS1 lol, something related to DOTS? 

And here I am keep on typing Baeksang Awards on my App Store and nothing come out. it says no result. Otteoke... I don't know what to do, is it only me? I want to help even just a little at least this way I can give my support for them. 

So iOS user still can't vote yet? I hope we can vote soon. SHK SJK fighting, shippers fighting!

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2 minutes ago, kristy86 said:

SHK's new ig post, wonder what is it about. I can only understand KBS1 lol, something related to DOTS? 


I think it's about the documentary program that she's going to be a narrator there:)

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Harper's Bazaar full video! :wub: He looks so so so beyond handsome! hi guys, just knocked off work! Any updates that iOS users can start voting too? I skimmed thru most of the posts but seems like it's still not open to ifans yet? Any clarification would help, thanks SS troopers! :)


Credits to SongJoongKi_SG!

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20 minutes ago, gigivillaceran said:

Apparently SHK's shoot for Elle China was done at G Dragon's cafe in Jeju, it's called Monstant Cafe. The place looks really pretty and perfect for a photo shoot.        


You could have at least used different words if you were going to cut, copy and paste my entire post. lol. 



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5 minutes ago, gigivillaceran said:

i did not get that to shk thread i saw that on FB but don worry it wont happen again i will not post any of picture of them i realize that its better if you are a silent reader my mistake and i accept that and again sorry  god bless you.....


Okay please stop. @joongkyo did nothing to offend you. You copied her entire comment, the least you could do is own up to it. No big deal, but don't act like she's some devil for speaking up about it. Also, please delete the image from your quoted message. Thanks

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4 minutes ago, gigivillaceran said:

i did not get that to shk thread i saw that on FB but don worry it wont happen again i will not post any of picture of them i realize that its better if you are a silent reader my mistake and i accept that and again sorry  god bless you.....


I think you either misunderstood what I said, I never asked you not to post and nor did I say that I was offended. I merely said that your post was identical to my post on the SHK thread. Considering you posted the same content there a page after me I thought that you got the information from there. But, really it isn't a problem. :) And please edit your easier post there is an image in it.



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On Tuesday, May 03, 2016 at 7:34 PM, hyukgu said:


I think it's about the documentary program that she's going to be a narrator there:)

I see, thank you :D the 5 and 4, I hope it means May 4th, kidding. I miss her too much I start imagining things.

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First and foremost...thanks a lot for the sharings :)

I'm so happy that I found this thread as a SS shippers...I got so many cool informations about them here.

Finally I just create my account here, but I've read this thread since last month...I'm more in to the SR dan passive type and never been in my life, I've joined any kind of forums...

Thank you for this thread and everyone here :):):)

Okay...I'm just curious...have SJK really shaved his head for his upcoming movie? (sorry if I'm missed/not updated)  because I never find any proof (fan photos or etc). If he really had shaved his head before the awards, then I couldn't imagine for his perfect appearance for Baeksang Awards :astonished:

sorry for my imagination :bawling:

but I really did hope he will still be fine because he is handsome no matter what (of course if he attend the awards)


Can't wait for them attending and winning the awards :bawling::bawling::bawling:

Hope our wishes come true :blush:


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Elle posted this on their weibo:

This time Elle brings Song Hye Kyo to Jeju Island to shoot for Elle's June cover.  This poetic place is SHK's favorite, she quietly told us, "I love windy places the most, would come to Jeju at least once a year."  Aside from the ocean and views, there's also G-Dragon's 'Monsant Cafe' coffee shop.





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