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34 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:


Let's do this the very mature way, shall we? 

I cannot find back your post but I have a pretty good memory but I won't be able to exactly quote you word for word but I do my level best to remember the gist of it. So then you started your post by saying; 

I think some people seriousy over-Analyse things and etc etc. I have it in my head but somehow I cannot put it in words. 

all she did was to analyse from her post of view and she did say from her understanding of SJK during this time so that would very well mean that she is not speaking from a SJK Long time fan and she probably would have not picked up what you or me or other Long time fans picked up. 

You starting your content like that is like denying her observations right away and that is just like dissing someone first before you even say the real content 

and you have not contribute anything worthy to this thread for you to be even denying that right for her to analyse that kiss in whatever way she wants. 

You come in only to give lengthy summons on how immature we can be and that opinions can differs and how we should take it easy....

you don't like what you see and start chowing down on us and have you for a minute think that we don't like what we see in what you said too?? 

So you shouldn't start if you are mature by labelling us.  And like what you have been trying to say: if you don't like it then leave it. 

if you are going to reply to me then please PM me! Do not reply here. Thanks 


I am going to reply here because I am not attacking you and God forbid people think that I am. I know exactly which post you are referring to and you can always find it on my profile as well. I was not aware that "some people" meant joongkyo? If you read all the posts following her analysis, many newbies were confused and did dig deep into it and that's fine, that's her analysis and people are able to take it anyway that they can but at the same time, I offered my own take on it as well. Was that not allowed? On a public forum? And I didn't quote her. I wasn't pointing my finger at her post. As I remember, you had liked my post and quoted it as well so I'm not sure what your stance is here. 

"Denying her observations" meant I specifically mentioned her and disregarded her. I'm sure you can see that I didn't.

"lengthy summons on immaturity" was never pinpointed either. Did I mention anyone specifically? If you think it is you, how can I disagree with that? Guilty is as guilty does. I am not a judge or the jury or even the summoner. 

I've  never asked you to "like what you see in me" . I'm an optimist. I believe each post has good meaning or a good person behind it. They may not word it right but I don't jump to conclusions and judge them and tell them they are wrong. I'm not saying you are either but I guess I should add this since I wouldn't want you guys to think I'm calling you out as well.  

As for labeling. I've never labeled anyone. If you are labeling yourselves please don't give me the credit for it. 

I just wish everyone here to be positive and open minded. Not everyone thinks the same way. People have become nervous to post because they are afraid to say anything wrong. It's their opinion, they are entitled to it. Please ship responsibly. And happily. 


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11 minutes ago, cheena1120 said:

Wow @joongkyo, u posted something about the coffee 58 minutes ago (hehehe, i checked the exact time)  and now its in instagram already tagged under #songhyekyo. just wished the ig user at least acknowledged/credited you for the investigative post.


Actually I posted the picture of SHK with the coffee around 2 hours ago and @Summer Rizeposted the video of SJK with the coffee about 6 hours ago. :) 


To whomsoever has a problem with me or my posts - PLEASE PM ME!!!!!

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omg and you call this even mature? And then you choose to take it out here because you want everyone to see? That's mature?? 

And every word you say is amusing to me! You probably didn't realise it 

She is the only one that's Analysing that kiss that day so if it's not her then who else? 

and I quoted you because of a highlighted part only please refer to it again. I only agree about how serious he looked. 

If your next reply is to me in the main I am sure this will go to the moderators 


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hi im new here .. I created an account today. I always silent guest here reading all your post. And im so thankful because everday u gals always makes me smile everytime u gals post.. I dont know how to use this forum but i try my best to figure it. Sorry bad english=(

@joongkyo unnie.. Thank you for your everyday effoert to make everyone smile and to other songsong shippers here thank you.. PROUD TO BE SONGSONG SHIPPERS HERE IN PHILIPPINES!! Sorry bad english.. 

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13 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


Actually I posted the picture of SHK with the coffee around 2 hours ago and @Summer Rizeposted the video of SJK with the coffee about 6 hours ago. :) 


To whomsoever has a problem with me or my posts - PLEASE PM ME!!!!!

Nevertheless, it came from this forum first :)

I should be sleeping now, its already 3am in this part of the world but i can keep my eyes/hands from this thread. Even my kid is asking me why am i always reading soompi forum. Hehehe

Lets continue spazzing and hope no more negative vibes here :wub: let's all spread the love!!!


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@BlossomFlowers22 : Even though your intentions are good, you bringing the issue up again, does not help the situation, the members that are involved will deal with it accordingly. Please try to stay out of it as much as possible on the main thread. I would even edit you last post to not instigate another response. If you feel such away take it through your private message. Thank you

I would like to Thank everyone who's been here from the beginning and continue to stay with us. For Others who joined, please don't be shy and I hope that you contribute insightfully and positively. I am sure this thread will have happier moments soon, we have got some great people that are constantly filling the thread with positive information, news, pictures and videos. Let's move into a better atmosphere everyone. 

*still no update on the Baeksang Award Vote app for IOS users, Last year It wasn't under Baeksang, It was spelled Paeksang Awards, I have been checking every so often, I hope it will be show up within the  next couple of days

Also, if anyone has any recommendations on where to go in S.Korea. My trip commences very soon, and I'd like to take as many pictures of possible S.S related places. So far I have been recommended to check out Seregetea and Mapa chicken. Hopefully it will be easy to find. I will be sure to let everyone know what I can find on my trip.




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Here's the complete 10 minute (I think, not too sure!) ViuTV interview with SHK & SJK. 

Gosh, I must've watched again like 5x already! I can't get enough of these two. The first part is also my favorite, like we were spazzing before, they just complimented each other like what real couple would do! 


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@ilovesjk i would go with your third conclusion too!! thinking that they are sharing coffee just makes me very happy LOLS. but even if they are not sharing, for him to buy coffee for the two of them, i still love the idea! indeed it is a very couple thing to do :D:phew:

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@ilovesjk I love all your options! The third option is an indirect kiss. :) 

Who video that clip of SJk drinking coffee? Maybe they have some more clips of SS couple.

Anyway, I have been rewatching DOTS, and I know that SJK was injured so he has to use his left hand but I'm starting to think he is too good. Is he ambidextrous? At one scene he even write with left hand but they didn't show how the letters look like. Haha Then that one scene Jing Goo threw the medication at him and he caught it effortlessly with his left hand. Maybe a lot of takes? But still, it looks as powerful as how a left handed person would catch the medicine. Then now I'm seeing him holding a cup of coffee with his left hand. 

I'm just randomly saying things. I guess my point is I found it amusing and a little heart fluttering. He's like a capable man. And that's just what every women needs no matter how independent you are.

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I seldom post here but I adore and love SS couple, for reel or real.  Thank you guys for all the updates/news about them. :) 

I really hope SHK, SJK and DOTS will be recognized by Baeksang organizers. The show is by far the best drama I have ever watched. 

Good morning from the other side. :-)



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Totally agree with you.. Anyone one know where they take this scene? Greece or Taebak? I just feel that this is the last kiss scene they take.. Seem so much chemistry and love on and behind scene. The tower and ship scene was taken in somewhere in October in Greece(I cannot remember where I read) and their last acting end at December they continue filming back in Korea. Anyone, please let me know if you know where this scene took place? Thanks in advance! :)

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My post is a little juvenile haha. So I am going to put it on the spoiler box! Hahaha. 



Like the old nursery rhymes goes...


Hye Kyo and Joong Ki

sitting in a tree: 
First comes love, 
then comes marriage, 
then comes baby 
in a baby carriage!


Again, excuse my immaturity with this post! Hahaha! It's all for a good laugh fellow shippers!! 


Off to work I go.... 


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Been a long time since I posted here. Just want to let you ladies (and gents?) know that you make a lot of people happy with your posts. From the bottom of my Song2x shipper's heart, THANK YOU.

This is not the first time I'm shipping but I have high hopes for our couple. This is just my observation, and some may disagree with me, which is fine; I mean, we can agree to disagree and still be virtual friends right? after all, we have our SONG2X hearts that bind us all together. I can only comment on the chemistry of Kyo with her last 2 drama leading men. Kyo, she makes her leading men look great, I feel like she has this innate gift of bringing the best out of the people she works with. My guess is that, for their part, the actors who are already good at their craft, also do their best knowing that it's Kyo they are working with. They have to at least measure up to her level. 

I also got addicted to TWTWB and really believed that Oh2 couple could be destined for each other hehehe. Out of my love for them both, I even decided to have my 1st solo travel to South Korea and was uncaring with how I looked like when I took selfies with the huge billboards of InSung. Yeah, I was that crazy. But then, DOTS happened. Believe me, I'm about one of the most loyal follower/fan a celebrity can have (hahaha I think), but suddenly, my shipping heart was singing a whole new tune. woohoo, Song2x couple for the win!!! So for now, my Oh2x hopes are taking a back seat.

Looking at the BTS, I can feel how SJK almost always wanted/want to make Kyo laugh. In his attempts to do that, he ends up looking really shy and cute ... and this one, sorry, I'm gonna say this in the most nonchalant way I can - the tension (if you know what I mean) between these two was/is palpable (roll bts - wine kiss blocking; SJK wearing that white shirt). 

Again, this is my personal observation, I hope I have not offended anyone. Happy sailing!

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