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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Hello everyone! 

I've been meaning to post here for quite sometime now. I just love the positive vibes here. :wub:

Anyways, I just saw our SHK's latest posts in her IG account and if those pair of photos show any indication of how happy she is right now, then I concur she really is! It's like screaming to the rest of the world that "hey, i'm happy...we are happy and there is nothing and absolutely no one that can break that!" 




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I can't help smiling whenever I watch DOTS BTS :) I feel happy for Hye Kyo. I love seeing her letting her guard down and being carefree behind the camera. I love seeing happy SHK again. To me what makes her perfect is that she has two very different sides to herself. except the very serious, professional, responsible and matured side of her that we see very often in front of cameras, she has  this very cute baby like immature side to her (unfortunately only people who are every very close to her get to see this side of her). however after many years, DOTS bts let us see glimpse of that sweet side of Kyo again :) all credits go to Mr. Song ;)

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Thanks to SHK's recent updates, I now know that we are not the only ones who still cannot move on from the drama :wub: She's supposed to upload her pics from Phuket vacation or at least the views of that place but lol no, instead she gave us those pics which are more beautiful than anything else! :phew:




*Oops, sorry if I have different idea than you guys since that's the first thing crossed in my mind after seeing her updates LOL :sweatingbullets:


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11 minutes ago, Nang Hom said:

I'm wondering why she's posting and giving that reunion photo though she said her favourite screen are 'comfession or apology' and 'signing the non disclosure statement'!


I guess she can't choose ..  too many fav svene? She posted 5 on that reunion ..she must have love the scene so much huh? Or may be Joonki look the best ? .. no way to know ..

@nefer thank you for appreciating .. hihihi @ladylia257 look at shk ig... waahahahaah.. ou girl know how to troll

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I just left tons of love for SHK too! Let's ignore the haters and shower her with positive vibes. Seeing that she posted a "throwback" BTS photo, I can tell that she is doing well and not really caring about the trolls. Wtg, goddess SHK!!!

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that's how you deal with trolls :) i love how she did it  :wub: 혜교언니 짱!!! what delete? you mean upload more? LOL, on your face trolls!!! talking about co-incidence. maybe maybe a certain someone ask her to post their picture after hearing what happen. *DELULU MODE*

Thank you @joongkyo for the article and translation. I am happy that there are more and more people coming up to show how beautiful our goddess is, inside out. @melissala thank you for uploading it to youtube! :)

@joongkyo yesss the PERFECT height difference. how SJK could place his head on the crook of her neck and on her shoulder comfortably. how she can kiss the side of her head and her shoulder. I LOVE LOVE LOVE WATCHING THEM HUG. the best hug in drama ever (at least in the ones that i watched) lol. i even daydream about their hug. hahahaha.  


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@joongkyo As usual, you're the bearer of awesomeness. Thank you for translating the article and video :) And they are the Adam couple! So, perfect together!

Song Hye Kyo is so admirably strong! I love that she's sticking it to the haters (eve if unintentional)! And I love that she is missing DOTS as much as us even while she's away on vacation!

I wonder if she will like this song: Vicentico's No Te Apartes de Mi (Don't Go Away From Me)




English translation of the lyrics
cr: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/no-te-apartes-de-mi-don´t-go-away-me.html




I thought that I could live without you, but I can´t

its hard my love, harder that I thought

I left my door ajar

and you came in without a warning

don´t go away from me

I thought that with so many experience

you knew everything

and I learnt with you, that love doesn´t care

who knows more

and that time doesn´t exist in us

for all that I see in you

don´t go away from me oh no no oh no

All the love that I expected from life

I found it only in you

and now you are not in here

those looks of someone that knows nothing

makes me happy

don´t go away from me oh no no oh no

I never though that that innocent look

would teach me the world

in the simple pretty things

that you always tell me

for how much I miss you

and for all the things that I see in you

don´t go away from me oh no no oh no

All the love that I expected from life

I found it only in you

and now you are not in here

those looks of someone that knows nothing

makes me happy

don´t go away from me oh no no oh no

don´t go away from me oh no no oh no

don´t go away from me oh no no oh no

don´t go away from me oh no no oh no






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27 minutes ago, hyukgu said:

Thanks to SHK's recent updates, I now know that we are not the only ones who still cannot move on from the drama :wub: She's supposed to upload her pics from Phuket vacation or at least the views of that place but lol no, instead she gave us those pics which are more beautiful than anything else! :phew:

Oops, sorry if I have different idea than you guys since that's the first thing crossed in my mind after seeing her updates LOL :sweatingbullets:


I hope she post more BTS pics. Well, it certainly looks like she's got tons of them stored in her phone.

I love staring at the 2nd photo in particular. Like seriously haters, how can you throw hate at such a face?!

Her face is divine! 

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its already night in my country and i still stuck with so many work but i dont know why i feel excited after see her IG post lol.. she sweep her haters with just that post. And the pic.. cant say anything else about that lol, why there is SJK in there ( cant stop thinking about it ) :) 

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