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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Hmmmm....fixing a bath together....hmmmm...likey likey! bath time

 The Pretty One will then fix  dinner for 2 dinner for two. Then the Cap will fix coffee2coffee for two.

Maybe a little huggy huggy here and there  hug2hugehugsThen whispering sweet nothings  like  I Love You

Uh, it's getting hotgif in here! Well, I will leave the rest up to your imagination! love




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@kejedutpintu OMG! Sharp eyes!!!. I didn't notice that, he totally spaces out his fingers and his pinky finger in on her lip :wub:


Did, SJK just rest his head on SHK's lap in the preview scene?. He was placing her on the sofa but looks like used that moment to do more skinship.


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7 minutes ago, kejedutpintu said:


is YJ touching MY lips?:w00t:


YEah, I saw his little finger touch her lip as well. 

Wow huh, is it just a personal reaction?!? WTH it is, I like it!

I love their skin ship so so much, their gentle skin ship make me goose bump, oh i think because it's so real and it make me imagine some .....scenes.^^

This CP's loveline go the opposite way of normal CP. 

Normal CP: touch, take hand, hug, kiss.....XOXO (maybe).

Capt. Yoo & Dr. Kang: touch, kiss (a lot of kisses here), hug, take hand....XOXO (perv. shipper hope to see this ep. 13 next week).


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I wanted to join you guys so badly earlier, but I've been stuck at work (with a dreamy smile constantly tacked on my face that a grouchy co-worker actually got offended and told me to stop). I back-read some during my lunch break, and now, I'm home and I've a lot to catch up on! I can't keep up with all ya'll's spazzing! 

Like everyone here, I loved the hug! I'm just so proud of a heroine that doesn't just stand there like a pole but actually gives in to the moment, giving in to the reflection of reality ... That's how people in love do it in real life! And ayeeee! How it must feel to hug Song Joong Ki! 

While I was at work today, I told my co-worker (who knows nothing about K-entertainment or K-dramas) about Song Joong Ki's interview on News9 and his group date sightings with Song Hye Kyo both in Korea and New York, and she also thinks they are dating! LOL. She specifically honed in on Song Joong Ki's answers during the interview. It was a non-answer answer. She had the same reaction as most of us here did---why didn't he just say he and Hye Kyo are only good friends and are not dating ... why be vague? And since I've been raving about the awesomeness of DOTS for weeks, she now intends to check it out. 

Anyway, my obsession with DOTS and my fascination with the Song-Song couple are so severe that I find a way to weave it into whatever I do. Haha. So much for staying grounded in reality. I need help. LOL ...

In the last 2 days during my lunch break, I'd been blasting a DOTS-fanatic friend (my only friend who's into K-dramas as much as I am) with text messages of Song Joong Ki's pictures. LOL. She's a newly minted Song Joong Ki fan, and I was just feeding her need. LOL. But they also made her feel better since she was stressed out at work.

At a senior recreation center where I volunteer, lately, instead of doing crafts with the seniors, I've been exposing them to Korean pop culture---precisely since DOTS began. Hahaha. I've been pulling out my iPad and showing them pictures of Song Joong Ki, and they all say, "He's so handsome," "He's a really great looking young man," and "He has a baby face." They all think Song Hye Kyo is absolutely drop dead gorgeous, and one of the senior guys who served in the Korean War even wants to meet her. LOL. I trolled a couple of them into genuinely believing that Song Joong Ki is my actor boyfriend, and they tell me to go fly to Korea or else I would lose him, but I tell them that he has my approval to date and even marry Song Hye Kyo---no one else, though. They say I'm in trouble then because they're both so beautiful and make a perfect match. Haha. Maybe all this fanatical effort will grant our hope/wish/prayer that Joong Ki and Hye Kyo are/will be a real life couple ... You know, the law of attraction ...

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I woke up this morning and the first thing came to my mind – Wahhh it’s D-Day …

Wahahhah…. I feel like it’s their confession day … kekekeke …


Anywayyyyyyyyyyy …. I was sooooooooo busy last night .. can’t live stream and now I am at work – neeway I’m taking half day leave just to watch that balcony kissing scene … DESPITE the aerial shot whatever …  and that hug you pervy gals talking about .. lower half and whatnot … isk isk isk …

I lied to my boss .. I have some very urgent family matter to attend to I’m taking half day leave .. What is it so urgent – He asked me.. I told him – Sorry it’s too personal I can’t tell you

Then he gave me this suspicious look .. if only he knew … it DOTS …

Hoyeah you chinese minister – Yeah .. DOTS is not good .. NOT GOOD …

I blame you gals …………

@oetoria15 .. kikikiki - Glad I made you giggled

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A thank-you note to all of you, "Descendants of the Sun" and the Song Song/KiKyo couple



Hi All,

I'm just writing to thank each of you for your lovely, lively, insightful, sensible, positive, smart, humorous and wonderful posts. The biggest thanks go to the most active members of this thread. I have already thanked you but can't help feeling thankful everytime I read your comments. They mean a lot to me. They give me so much needed fun when I am under much stress of work. Thank you all a lot.

I'm sorry that I am too busy to write more often, but believe me, I come here very often and read every post. You guys really make me proud. I mean I have never "liked" so many posts before and I should make clear that I am not very "easy" when it comes to "liking" the posts. I hope that we all can keep this spirit.

Of course I should also thank the drama and the main leads, Song Hye Kyo and Song Joong Ki, because without them we would not have had this thread and I would not have had the opportunity to have fun with you guys and read your posts.

And regardless of how SJK-SHK relationship will turn out, I will never regret that I am a part of this wonderful thread.

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GUYS!  DID YOU SEE THIS? Song Joong Ki dancing to Jason Derulo's - Want you to want me for the new Kolon cf


Please tell me someone connected it to Hye Kyo's post!. This cannot be just another coincidence!



Hmm....Did JoongKi send her a raw footage video of the CF when she posted her video.?

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1 minute ago, joongkyo said:

@angieknows_11 these two are making me crazy? Am, I just seeing co-incidences when there is nothing because I want to see the co-incidence in it?. Anyone thinking the way I am?

I was playing this song too, I woke up to it. :lol:


Nope, you're not alone! LOL. Maybe it's also fate! ;) Hahaha. Maybe the law of attraction is working, and the universe is conspiring with us! :) 

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Just now, angieknows_11 said:


Nope, you're not alone! LOL. Maybe it's also fate! ;) Hahaha. Maybe the law of attraction is working, and the universe is conspiring with us! :) 


IKR!. And SJK's awkward lip syncing and dancing is just so adorable!!!!!!.. I'm thinking all the people in the video shot their scenes separately, so there is a solo video of him somewhere and he definitely has it.. *and he sent it to her!..lol*

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@angieknows_11 I was like that Tuesday evening until the end of my shift. I feel you girl, I feel yah! Lol. This has become an obsession already! We are obsessed! I hardly go on my computer and I am always on my damn phone. Checking this darn thread every 5 minutes. And really, I cannot function without a dose of SHK and SJK whether it be an article, pictures, vid clips or this thread ogling and giggling on every posts that interests me. 

Way to go though, you were able to express your inner fan girl to your work place haha. Besides my sister, my friend started watching DOTS and both are lunatics for not seeing what we all see! They both love the chemistry but they think I am a crazy Loco girl imagining things in the realm of kdrama! 

Anyway, hope some cast members post some pictures so we can glimpse on what's going on in that party. I hope some crazed fan and paparazzi will catch a few photo and get barred after that! Hahaha. 

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From what I have seen him so far, SJK doesn't have a dancing bone in his body. He really dance awkwardly. I'm not if he does it on purpose or he really can't dance. 

I rather see him ice skate with uri SHK. 

Writers & Directors - can we have an action film or drama with SJK & SHK - They will definitely rock the ratings. And it's a genre both haven't tried it out yet but DOTS showed the viewers that both SJK & SHK can do action drama very well. I like to see a kickass SHK character - Ms no nonsense and a toughie. It will be great to see a pin size SHK flip baddies with her karate moves.  

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2 minutes ago, Omachi Lee said:

@joongkyo wow. U did a great job. The song in The other old Kolon cf of Sjk is always "Want u to want me". Daebak. Shk might watch the cf and reply by a deep implication way. ^^


You mean this one?. The one that came out two weeks ago?. Yeah, it just hit me!!!!!!!. I didn't remember to put the two together until I was listening to music this morning, I feel like I'm actually becoming Sherlock Holmes.



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32 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


You mean this one?. The one that came out two weeks ago?. Yeah, it just hit me!!!!!!!. I didn't remember to put the two together until I was listening to music this morning, I feel like I'm actually becoming Sherlock Holmes


@joongkyo yes It is. Wow. I even didn't notice about this "perfect coincidence" until u posted it. Omg. We have more reasons to believe SJK SHK are dating. 

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@Omachi Lee please remove the video when you quote someone - Forum rules :)




SJK's song - Jason Derulo 


Girl you're the one I want to want me
And if you want me, girl you got me
There's nothing I, no I wouldn't do (I wouldn't do)
Just to get up next to you

SHK's song - Marvin Gaye


I want you, the right way
I want you
But I want you to want me, too
Want you to want me baby
Just like I want you



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@joongkyo Everything and everyone wants Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo to be real life lovers! Muwahahaha! Even the spirit of Marvin Gaye ;) 

@missandrea I'm glad I'm not alone, and I don't want to offend you, but yes, your friend and sister are blind! LOL. Just kidding. Though, I don't see why some people can't see, but I guess it's subjective. At least, the large Song-Song fandom in China---well, internationally---makes up for them. Heh. 

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