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10 minutes ago, palz4u said:


I had a query. How many among us all are going to attend the fan meet in Thailand? I am sure about @skeletonworks, and I request you to please convey my love to the boys. :wub:

Yes! Please convey our love and best wishes to the boys. Even better, sing them a song on our behalf - Kelly Clarkson's Stronger (What doesn't kill you), maybe? Pretty please?? :wub:

Edit to tag skeletonworks

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It's been 600???

and there r still the fridge show, HC, RFT, Thai FM. @thoron i suggest u prepare the recipe immediately. It's coming as fast as BLY darts towards GH's cooks.

Just finished reading @gayyoxx's newest release. It really helps to keep ur addiction, guys. 

happy 600th page guys.

To anybody who has updated us from weibo. Lemme give you the warmest thx-u hug.

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Thank you, @htuvecila. Looking forward for your info on ZZ's friends! I don't even know ZZ's manager's name -_- The man usually wears hat and glasses who accompanied him to Shenzhen is his manager, right? Like Vivi is to JY?

@xix19xix Oh, so now ZZ has 2 millions followers on weibo!? That is great! I hope he does something interesting for his 2 mil video.

@purpleedamame Yes, I agree that how they stood tall despite the constant trials and tribulations shows how strong their personalities are. If I am at their place, hm, I don't know how long I will survive. That increases my respect for them boys

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I saw those news too and IMO, the plagiarism is way serious than the other one. 

XWZ trying to lift a lady's skirt? It's just ridiculous, I watched the clip, it's only split of a second, can't say what exactly happened and no one in his right mind would do something like that anyway, I doubt anyone would buy this story.

But plagiarism? To a budding songwriter and singer with a soon to be released album? Right after IRYE, a disputed case of homage vs. plagiarism? many antifans might want to create an impression of a plagiarism XWZ. 

I really worry about him. Hope he would find the strength to overcome all these. Looking forward to his official album, it's make or break it.

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I'm bored - not that there isn't anything to do, I just don't want to do all of the things that need to be done. So to justify my procrastination I followed the urge to delve a little deeper into the 'conspiracy of the universe' in regards to the boys. Actually, I was hoping to dispel some of my recent delulu mindset. Didn't work. :sweatingbullets: I bring you...

Numerological Nuances 

(What? Would you prefer 'Nitpicky Numerology'? :rolleyes:)

A bit of background information: I use the Chaldean-Hebrew Kabala Numerical Alphabet. In this, each letter of the alphabet is said to vibrate to a certain number frequency. When letters are combined into words/names the "object" that owns that name then vibrates to that number. I won't bore the thread with the entire alphabet. (But if anyone wants to know it specifically, you can message me.) Also, for this I am using the most common Romanizations (English spelling) of names. I'm not trying to change anyone's beliefs with this - but, damn, this ends up being cool!

First things first. The series.

ADDICTED = 1+4+4+1+3+4+5+4 =  26    :w00t:   Maybe I should explain for some of our newer family members. When you add up the boys' birthdays (JY  11-30-1992  and ZZ  10-20-1994) both equal 26. Often in joint pictures/selfies ZZ flashes a sign for 2 and JY a sign for 6 to represent this 'joint number'.

Looking at the characters of the story: Gu Hai comes out to be 16, reduced a 7. Bai Lou Yin is a 27, reduced a 9. BUT...when it comes to names, what one is usually called is the vibration that entity is most influenced by. Here in this thread, most of us often abbreviate - GH and BLY. So just looking at those letters - GH = 8 (remember the 26?  2 + 6 = 8) BLY = 6 (JY's number in the joint number).


Shall I pause a moment? Give you time to pick your jaws up off the floor - or to stop shaking your head as you say "This auntie is nuts."  Just wait. It gets better.


HUANG JING YU = 37   3 + 7 = 10    1 + 0 = 1

37 - This number is associated with an extremely sensitive nature - good and fortunate friendships - a strong magnetism with the public, often in an area of the arts - productive partnerships. It places an emphasis on love and romance, and sometimes an over-emphasis on sexuality. Happiness and success are more easily attained when in partnerships with another rather than when operating alone as a single individual.

10 - A number of rise and fall, according to personal desire. Capable of arousing extreme responses of love or hate. The power for manifesting creative concepts into reality is inherent, but must be used with wisdom, since the power for absolute creation contains the polarity power for absolute destruction. Self-discipline and compassion must be used to combat this. 

1 - This vibration harmonizes with Sagittarius. This person likes to be in control, because of an underlying desire to be inventive and creative. Dislikes restraint and must feel free. Will protect the weak and defend the helpless. Genuine appreciation from others will bend this person over backwards to please. Being in love and being loved is a vital necessity. Resents familiarity from strangers, but is extremely warm and affectionate with those who are loved and trusted.


XU WEI ZHOU = 48   4 + 8 = 12  1 + 2 = 3

48 - This is a number of retrospection, thoughtful deduction, and mental superiority. People represented by this number often put all material things to the side. This number can be all powerful, but is often indifferent. Generally count few people as their friends. Fulfillment is often found by retreating from the mental chaos of the world, to focus on development of one's personal talents and gifts. A lonely, yet rewarding life pattern.

12 - One will periodically be sacrificed for the plans or intrigues of others. Must be forewarned of false flattery and duplicitous behaviors of others. But all difficulties are for the learning process, for when the intellect is sacrificed to the feelings, the mind will be illuminated with the answers it seeks. 

3 - This vibration harmonizes with Libra. Every action is based on the foundation of a great ideal. Nothing less than truth will satisfy. Fiercely independent, cannot be tied down. Intense need to learn everything about everything. Tend to look on the bright side of everything, and the optimism is contagious. Religion is an important part of life - whether accepted or rejected. Physically active, shockingly blunt, genuine love for animals. Often display an odd blend of the wise philosopher and the happy-go-lucky clown.

(Honestly, 3 is my number, as well. My full legal name comes out to a 3 and a lot of important dates in my life have come to 3. Maybe that's why I feel a certain affinity to some of ZZ's behaviors. )

Remember, though, I said that how one is most often called is the name that will have an influencing vibration?


JING YU = 17  1 + 7 = 8  (back to the 26, 2 + 6 = 8)

17 - the 8 pointed Star of Venus, the image of love and peace. This person will rise superior in spirit to the trials and difficulties of earlier life. The number of immortality - the person's name will live after him.

WEI ZHOU = 37    3 + 7 = 10   1 + 0 = 1  

37 - see previously for Huang JIng Yu


JOHNNY = 24  :w00t:  2 + 4 = 6   (another explanation for our newer family members. ZZ has said his lucky number is 24.)

24 - I believe I have shared some about this number previously, but here's a little more.   Greatly increases financial success, and the ability to achieve happiness in love. It denotes gain through romance, the law, or the arts. 

ZHOU ZHOU = 50   5 + 0 = 5

50 - Communication. The power to sway the masses, "the politician's vibration", the natural ability to charm others. A very fortunate number if the person holds inflexibly to his own opinions and judgments in both artistic or intangible matters and material matters. If not, the plans are liable to be wrecked by the stubbornness and stupidity of others. 

TIMMY = 14  1 + 4 = 5

14 - Magnetic communication with the public, especially through the arts and media related matters. Gains and losses are both temporary as this vibration is ever changing. "There is risk involved in depending on the word of those who misrepresent a situation." Don't rely on others - rely on the intuition, the self, the voice within. 

Here we often address them as JY & ZZ.

JY = 2  (ZZ's number in their joint number)

ZZ = 14   1 + 4 = 5

Since ZhouZhou, Timmy & ZZ all reduce to the single number 5 let's look at that.

5 - Communication, Movement, Versatility - This number can either harmonize with or sharply contrast with Libra (depending on the mood of the moment). Natural charm and innate curiosity. Super-critical and incapable of ignoring mistakes - their own as well as those of others. Change is never ending. A strong tendency to over analyze, difficult to submit to feelings and intuition. Quick in thought and decision, though impulsive. Are able to rebound swiftly from blows of fate, which seem to leave no long lasting impression on the person.


So, the title of the show that brought the boys together equals the boys' joint number 26. Johnny equals ZZ's lucky number (which then reduces to equal JY's half of their joint number). JY equals ZZ's half of the joint number. Wei Zhou equals Huang Jing Yu. Jing Yu reduces to the single number 8, which is the single number of their joint number 26. And if ZZ ever decides he doesn't want to be in the entertainment industry he needs to completely change his name. 


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1 hour ago, htuvecila said:


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I'm in debatable mode whether or not write down negative news in details. I knew the time I mentioned about a big new scandals, some of you want to know more.

Throwing the news halfway is worse than not mentioning it at all. But spreading the negativity and attacks to international fans is also not my preferred choice.

I decide to explain the scandals briefly. 

1. Few famous bloggers (with few millions of followers) attacked ZZ for plagiarism again after he won 1st place in a poll. Its ok for what we already knew but they went as far as cut and paste and edit few seconds of "Walk slowly" song to compare to a Japanese song that sung by Nino from Arashi and a Chinese song of Zhou Jie Lun. Zhou Jielun is also ZZ's music idol anyway. Its a very deliberated move indeed and to tell the truth, I still hear no common between all the songs in the edited video OTL. So the accusation now  becomes ZZ copied all of his songs, not just IRYE. 

2. There is a clip ZZ tried to pull his female assistant's dress up while the two were walking down the street lol. My 2c judging from photos (emphasize on my own pov), they are walking in public place, ZZ has just bid goodbye to his fans, why would he do that? The action happened within a split of second, it's more like "hey there is something on you skirt" or its simply just a joke. There is nothing to see actually, he didn't pull it up all the way. The female looked startle but she keeps following ZZ after that and they met another guy later at the carpark.

 If you are interested for the clips of #1 and #2, try every way to find them for yourself coz I'm not gonna link anything here. Sorry but I'm not comfortable spreading those clips at all. Its not about me coz I myself think as soon as you guys watch those clips you will think the same as me. But cfans want to keep this as low as possible so I will respect their decision. 

#1 and #2 are shared all over weibo and appeared in big news in China (especially #2). ZZ image is supper controversial there. People attack every thing from personality to talent to appearance to love life to private life to ..istg I don't even know if there is anything left to attack lol.

Anw again the purpose of this post is to update you guy another aspect of ZZ's daily life and his constant pressure. I'm not happy but I'm still fine actually. Please don't take it seriously and stay ppsitive, don't be too dramatic either lol. ZZ's a celebrity, he needs to deal with all of these sooner or later. I trust him could overcome that. He is doing good so far. 

Edit: @Guhai and other fanfic writers: fanfic is fanfic. Please continue to write as long as everyone knows this may not what it is irl I don't think there is anything wrong with that :D. Isn't Addicted also a fanfic but the "fan" here is the actual author lol. I do read fanfic from time to time :D. I'm just upset when CP fans attack ZZ-fans insisting on ZZ went back for JY, like ZZ HAS to come back for JY. And then they all jumped gun when that clip was spreading. ZZ cheats on JY, ZZ is the most disgusting person ever!!! I just can't lol.

Edit2: I don't like ZZ's friends revealed his whereabouts in SNS either lol. I must be the most grumpy person in the world coz there is almost nothing I can see all the positivity without any negativity OTL. 

Still I don't think they did it for fame. Everyone would know ZZ is in Shanghai by now coz he's coming back to his school. Let's be a little bit positive for this one.

These are all tell tale signs of the perpetrators finally feeling the heat of threat from a rising multitalented fresh face who is taking the world by storm, gaining massive popularity on an unprecedented scale in such short length of time. I wish there's a better way for me to reach out to him and if only he reads this thread but the most I can do right now is to offer one piece of advice on this forum ( this is probably as close as I can get to be connected with all things Addicted) drawing from my own experience in working in the corporate world. I totally empathise with the "drama" that ZZ is caught up in because when one is that good, others in the industry are bound to feel intimidated by their presence. Thus they resort to all sorts of dirty tricks to bring him down in order to get ahead for cases like this are not uncommon be it in the corporate world or entertainment because at the end of the day it is all about business ( money, advancement ). This only goes to show that the people behind the attacks are insecure, insecure, insecure, insecure!! There's a quote that goes " if someone is trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them ." What ZZ can do on a personal level is not to worry too much about it and move on; while ignoring will not make it go away but nothing gets done if you constantly worry about what other people think of you. The best way to get back at these lowlifes is by showing them that you are strong, not overwhelmed by emotions and not lashing out because you know 清者自清,濁者自濁 . Meanwhile, CJD and management should develop a plan to formally address these issues before things get out of hand. Let nature takes its course for everything happens for a reason and we just have to watch it unfold. ZZ you are a righteous young man I'm sure and you will prevail.

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16 minutes ago, sohocomo said:

I'm bored - not that there isn't anything to do, I just don't want to do all of the things that need to be done. So to justify my procrastination I followed the urge to delve a little deeper into the 'conspiracy of the universe' in regards to the boys. Actually, I was hoping to dispel some of my recent delulu mindset. Didn't work. :sweatingbullets: I bring you...

Numerological Nuances 

I like your post. Numbers play a huge part in Asian culture. I'm not superstitious but in Korea many people see the number 4 as a big taboo. In fact in some building here you won't see a "4th" floor. You go into the elevator you'll see "1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7" etc on the buttons. 

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On ١٢‏/٤‏/٢٠١٦ at 5:51 PM, alvinboi said:

Here's the full night call video. If the view count (on the source video) hits 6666666, then ZZ will be performing his song, Walk Slowly, live for the very first time. (Number 6 appears again!!!!)


you made my day wo ai niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii <3

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What a coincidence that you just posted about numbers.. I also wanted to post about numbers as well. :w00t: And great job for finding out that ADDICTED = 1+4+4+1+3+4+5+4 =  26. What's with all this 26? So spooky... Oo

Thank you by the way for sharing that with us! I enjoyed reading it a lot. :wub: Do you want a cookie? :cookie: Who started this cookie thing? I've become ADDICTED to it now!! I blame you!! :crazy:



I want to bring this to you guys tonight. I've posted before about "The Mystery of 26", about when you add up Johnny's and Zhouzhou's birthdays, you will get a number 26 : Link

This has been on my mind for a while since it's being showed again and again and again in the series. It feels like a hidden message! And boy, do I love hidden messages. :w00t:


A pole with the numbers "52" and "62" on it.

I've contemplated about it for a long time and I think I have a guess on what it's trying to say.

If you read my post before, Johnny's birthday is on 30.11.1992. Add them up (3+0+1+1+1+9+9+2) and you'll get 26 as a result. The same goes as well with Zhouzhou. His birthday is on 20.10.1994. If you add them up (2+0+1+0+1+9+9+4), you'll get 26 as well.

So I think the number 52 is the sum of their birthdays together (26+26) which is pretty sweet!! :wub:

And the number 62... I've mentioned before about how Johnny always made 6 on selfie and pretty much represents the 6 and how Zhouzhou always made 2 and pretty much represents the number 2.

My guess is that 62 is just a way of saying YuZhou. You know, since 6 = Johnny and 2 = Zhouzhou? :D


This is just my personal guess though. What do you guys think about it? Yes? No? Hard to swallow? Any better theories? :)

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Guest skeletonworks
6 hours ago, jingwoan said:

@alvinboi hahahaha....i would want JY to become my bomoh kelapa ANYTIME




Literally LOLed. Can you guys not?! I think if Johnny really became "bomoh kelapa" (coconut shaman), everyone would have believed his words. Lol. 

1 hour ago, purpleedamame said:

Yes! Please convey our love and best wishes to the boys. Even better, sing them a song on our behalf - Kelly Clarkson's Stronger (What doesn't kill you), maybe? Pretty please?? :wub:

Edit to tag skeletonworks


Hahaha. Before the FM started, they allow you to leave gifts at the designated place. So I'm gonna give them gifts and fan letter. I will let them know about Soompi thread as well. Actually what I was planning to write (apart from declaring my love to them lol), to ask them a small favour: let them know about us and ask them to record a video or post picture of them holding a piece of paper with their signatures and dedicte to us Soompi (but of course only when they're free). Because I don't think I can their signature physically. But would it be too intrusive? I mean it's ok if they don't do it. But it would be gold if they read and actually do it :w00t: Anyway my friend who's going with me think this idea is silly. Whatever. I think there's nothing to lose if we tried... Anyway I'll let them know that they have our support and backing and jiayou!!

Another important thing is during the lucky draw one of us got to hi-touch them lol. But only one of us. The funny thing is none of us was that excited about it hahahahahaha. She said she doesn't want to cuz she's shy and doesn't touch stranger lol while I'm too paranoid of being recorded on camera and I'm also pretty shy too hahahaha. But my desire to see them up close I could not contain it hahahah. I'm still thinking hard. Actually I'd rather have a fansigning event or the autographed poster than this silly hi touch. Dilemma...


@thoron Thanks for mentioning me ^^ I haven't been able to update the fromt page for quite sometimes. Keep giving me error. I already reported this bug. But everytime I found things to post on the front page I already emailed it as a bookmarked. Sorry for the delay on updating the front page. For a post to be posted at the front page, if majority thinks it's worth to put it at the front page pls let me know. 

@alvinboi Thanks for translating that fancomic! DaShu is Johnny's number 1 fanboy!!!!! I couldn't help but notice his constant stare at Johnny during thr NetEase interview. I thought I was delusional and thought I was thr only one who noticed that. But seems like China fans also noticed it.

Then I heard from my friend about how some fans (ZZ or YZ's fans maybe *shrugs*) don't like DaShu posted comment on Johnny's Weibo about him being sick because apparently he liked the news about Zhouzhou scandal with Chai Jidan. They also said that he doesn't like Zhouzhou much and appears to be uncomfortable when around Zhouzhou. Beats me this Chinese fans. Maybe they're too delulu? I don't know.


@htuvecila Please don't think too seriously when we are being delulu. When we are in our delulu mode, we said things that our shipper's heart and mind wants. Not necessarily we completely believe that he went there to attend to whale while meeting his friends, family. It just makes us happy to think of the possibilities even if it's 99.9999% might not be true at all. 

As for Zhouzhou's scandal, I am utterly speechless at the amount of attacks he's receiving. WHY?! Why must i be Zhouzhou?! I cannot brain this. It cannot be because he's too popular?! I'm completely baffled at this point. It's ridiculous! What did Zhouzhou ever do that could have attracted so many antis?!


It's 2.15 am and I'm rambling so much. I want to continue to write more but lomg day ahead tomorrow. And I don't want to annoy people here with typos and grammatical errors. Forgive me I'm typing from my iPad. I'm trying to limit my involvement by not using my laptop because i know it's uncomfortable typing from phone or ipad. I promise myself I'd sleep early. Just ome hour browsing the thread but ended up over 2 hours... Ok better stop. I cannot stand the typos myself. Bye. 

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5 hours ago, alvinboi said:

This is soooooo cute! <3

Full translation (9 panels in total, read & translated from right to left and top to bottom):

1. Who are you texting? / I'm helping you to reply to your fanboy. / Dadada...

2. "Hahaha. Okok. Fighting! Work hard together..." Xiǎo Sōng Sōng... This tone is already making me blushed. / How so?

3. Okay. It doesn't. So, I'll call him Xiǎo Sōng in the future then. / You dare!~

4. Chiu

5. I like your annoyed expression. / Ceh

6. Meanwhile, on the other side...

7. (Sweat)

8. Touched / Touched

9. Bro replied me ah!!! / AAAAAAAAAAH!




@alvinboi Thanks for translating that fancomic! DaShu is Johnny's number 1 fanboy!!!!! I couldn't help but notice his constant stare at Johnny during thr NetEase interview. I thought I was delusional and thought I was thr only one who noticed that. But seems like China fans also noticed it.

Wait, wait, wait! This fanart is about Fengsong!? I thought it was about a random fanboy, which made me wonder, why JY's fanboy? It is ZZ who has so many fanboys (one of them is in here LOL).

But then...


FenWen shipper, do not read!




Yes, I am aware that there are people who think FS is somewhat attracted to or at least idolise JY. I saw how he looked at JY most of the time at NetEase and YY interviews. I haven't seen FS and ZZ interact outside fans meeting, though, so I can't say anything about FS being uncomfortable around ZZ.

Oh dear, this is like YQ's infatuation to BLY, isn't it? Only YM (and in this case CW?) is free from this tangled fate. :sweatingbullets:


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17 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

Actually what I was planning to write (apart from declaring my love to them lol), to ask them a small favour: let them know about us and ask them to record a video or post picture of them holding a piece of paper with their signatures and dedicte to us Soompi (but of course only when they're free). 


Do it, do it, do it!! Imagine if they did, we would have 1000 pages here each day :w00t: (We already can't read a day worth amount of posts, what if they actually advertised this site)

I would still put it in for fun and at least they'd know about us B) 

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45 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


@alvinboi Thanks for translating that fancomic! DaShu is Johnny's number 1 fanboy!!!!! I couldn't help but notice his constant stare at Johnny during thr NetEase interview. I thought I was delusional and thought I was thr only one who noticed that. But seems like China fans also noticed it.


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Then I heard from my friend about how some fans (ZZ or YZ's fans maybe *shrugs*) don't like DaShu posted comment on Johnny's Weibo about him being sick because apparently he liked the news about Zhouzhou scandal with Chai Jidan. They also said that he doesn't like Zhouzhou much and appears to be uncomfortable when around Zhouzhou. Beats me this Chinese fans. Maybe they're too delulu? I don't know.




26 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:


Wait, wait, wait! This fanart is about Fengsong!? I thought it was about a random fanboy, which made me wonder, why JY's fanboy? It is ZZ who has so many fanboys (one of them is in here LOL).

But then...

  Reveal hidden contents

FenWen shipper, do not read!




Yes, I am aware that there are people who think FS is somewhat attracted to or at least idolise JY. I saw how he looked at JY most of the time at NetEase and YY interviews. I haven't seen FS and ZZ interact outside fans meeting, though, so I can't say anything about FS being uncomfortable around ZZ.

Oh dear, this is like YQ's infatuation to BLY, isn't it? Only YM (and in this case CW?) is free from this tangled fate. :sweatingbullets:




Wait wait... hold on... I think I missed something. Since when did Fengsong being called DaShu? :blink: I thought "DaShu" is just a random fanboy that I don't know.

I honestly only paid attention to YuZhou in the NetEase and YY Interviews so I didn't notice the look and the stare.


Really? :blink:

Wait... I think I have to watch the interviews again.

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38 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


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Then I heard from my friend about how some fans (ZZ or YZ's fans maybe *shrugs*) don't like DaShu posted comment on Johnny's Weibo about him being sick because apparently he liked the news about Zhouzhou scandal with Chai Jidan. They also said that he doesn't like Zhouzhou much and appears to be uncomfortable when around Zhouzhou. Beats me this Chinese fans. Maybe they're too delulu? I don't know.



20 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:


Wait, wait, wait! This fanart is about Fengsong!? I thought it was about a random fanboy, which made me wonder, why JY's fanboy? It is ZZ who has so many fanboys (one of them is in here LOL).

But then...

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FenWen shipper, do not read!




Yes, I am aware that there are people who think FS is somewhat attracted to or at least idolise JY. I saw how he looked at JY most of the time at NetEase and YY interviews. I haven't seen FS and ZZ interact outside fans meeting, though, so I can't say anything about FS being uncomfortable around ZZ.

Oh dear, this is like YQ's infatuation to BLY, isn't it? Only YM (and in this case CW?) is free from this tangled fate. :sweatingbullets:



What what what?? What is going on? Do I understand it well? 

I didn't even know he was Johnny's fanboy. Whoa :o

This fandom is getting weirder and weirder :w00t:

But being serious, maybe this is all just a speculation again and there is nothing going on. However it hit me hard that he liked ZZ's scandal. I mean 'like' like it? Like pressed the 'like' like it? :blink: Or is it just a rumour again?

EDIT: I am late again @liesl. It's just a day like that...

Edited by ayasdai
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17 hours ago, zhouboy said:

same! one thread for everything related to Addicted - cast to production team, etc etc.

please let us keep one thread. is there a way to rename or move this thread to a certain section where we can do everything we are doing here. The thread is jumping from one "sub-topic" to another which makes it alive. and won't another thread make servers heavier? not sure about it. so pleeeeaaaase...

is it okay to discuss about the boys now? I want to share something. not so important though. just a bit delulu. LOL

That's right one thread is better !

if we create another thread this thread will lose its magic

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17 hours ago, sugarplum892 said:

Hello all,

Seems like there are some who do not agree to the new shipping thread and believe that I am not enough of an influence as a moderator just because I do not 'appear' often I am assuming...

I would like to explain that in the shipping thread, anyone can post anything that are related to the couple including updates on them.  Examples like photos/videos of them of their current activities like attending award ceremonies, game shows, talk shows, pictures from the actors' daily activities, etc.

Also, suggesting a shipping thread for everyone to discuss about the actors does not mean closure of this drama thread.


You're right and you're a great person!!! but still , this thread became like a home to all of us...It's the addicts home

so I believe having one home-thread- is better and thank you. ;)

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9 minutes ago, ayasdai said:



What what what?? What is going on? Do I understand it well? 

I didn't even know he was Johnny's fanboy. Whoa :o

This fandom is getting weirder and weirder :w00t:

But being serious, maybe this is all just a speculation again and there is nothing going on. However it hit me hard that he liked ZZ's scandal. I mean 'like' like it? Like pressed the 'like' like it? :blink: Or is it just a rumour again?

EDIT: I am late again @liesl. It's just a day like that...



You and your lateness cracked me up!! Poor you... :D

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17 hours ago, joycemay said:

Hmmmm, two separate thread? nah. I have been there and have done that. From my experience, the second thread usually will be lack of participation compare to the original thread. Plus, like @kmmyzz said, time is gold. We need hours just to backtracking this thread. I don't think we have enough time to backtracking another different thread:sweatingbullets:.

Agree! this thread is consuming our time , health, and mind ! I don't want to die :blink:  better to have one please!


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