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About ppl who might be having trouble joining the group, i think there might be a reason for that. I think maybe you might have downloaded this "international" version of the weibo app. I haven't really looked into it, but it doesn't seem like the same developer as the actual chinese version of weibo. It should be from Sina.com, this international version "weico", seems to only give you limited functions. Weibo doesn't actually seem to be recognizing those accounts as full accounts. That might be why you can't join the group..


I don't know anything about this international version, but you can actually access the full, chinese version of weibo outside of china. That would be the version of weibo in the app store/play store that has the chinese name and weibo logo, the developer is Sina.com, its rating is 4.0 stars and has 10 million downloads. It should be the most popular version there. 


The best way to see everything on weibo is actually to sign in with your cellphone number. You don't need a chinese cellphone number to use weibo. There is a list of area codes from a list of countries that weibo accepts. It says there is email sign up but you still need to verify your phone number anyways, so you may as well register with your cellphone number.


This only works if you have an area code from the following places: Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, US, Canada, Brazil, Malaysia, Australia, Japan, Korea, Singapore, England, France, Russia, India, Thailand, Germany, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos


So as long as you have a cellphone number from those countries you can create your account and use the full version of weibo. Even though i downloaded the full, chinese version of weibo it still has some english in the app for navigation etc, although not for everything.

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translation Cr : Alse 雨舟

also cr @crystalclear18 for her YZ weibo group/chat

Title: The Very Obedient ZhouZhou
Director/film crew: "Zhouzhou, let's have a look at the filming position [the exact term is an industry term for where actors will stop and talk in the scene and where the cameras will train on them for the scenes]
ZZ: "Okay"
Co-actor: "Zhouzhou!"
ZZ ea: "Yes"
Co-actor: "Zhouzhou!"
ZZ gls: "Yes"
Co-actor: "Zhouzhou!"
ZZ lag: "Yes!"






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13 hours ago, clediver said:

so our boys met in love drama.. get close together over filming

i always believe that it was love at first sight for both of them

but zz accepted he loved a man easily more than JY  :wink:

JY maybe did took a little more time <_<


I always wonder :huh:

what would happen if they first met NOW? :o

this handsome famous boy encountered this sexy popular idol

share your thoughts

away from CP couple drama
away from skin-ship
away from a gay topic
would they have the courage and get close
would they even think about  each other in a romantic way<<<<<<

would they consider that possibility????

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lengthy response :/ 



i hate to break it to yah but i feel if they first meet only now without filming addicted they probably wouldnt have the chance to cultivate the chemistry and feelings that they did ??

for starters i would think both of them lean more towards straight (esp jy) on the scale so under any circumstances now they would at most find the other party really attractive plus if they meet now when they re alr rather successful they’d probably not risk their careers to pursue anything with a guy cause it’s still conservative china & they might even get hate from their only fans? (bc cp fans never existed) 

it was through filming addicted that they were ‘forced’ to develop chemistry by sleeping on the same bed, kissing/intimate scenes, supporting each other through the early stages of fame  and spending just about every waking moment tgt on & off set during that period 

like zz always said when asked how the casting took place, it’s ‘fate’ & in other words, long decided by the univese (yuzhou) :wink:



@crystalclear18 omg im quite clueless about weibo but this is rather interesting hopefully i motivate my lazy bum to join soon hahaha 

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1 hour ago, ghettomilkshake said:


i hate to break it to yah but i feel if they first meet only now without filming addicted they probably wouldnt have the chance to cultivate the chemistry and feelings that they did ??

for starters i would think both of them lean more towards straight (esp jy) on the scale so under any circumstances now they would at most find the other party really attractive plus if they meet now when they re alr rather successful they’d probably not risk their careers to pursue anything with a guy cause it’s still conservative china & they might even get hate from their only fans? (bc cp fans never existed) 

I think there would still be a chance but it would be much more drawn out.. They really would have gotten along really well even in the beginning as long as they had a chance to hang out probably. That's what happened in the first few days they met. But i think it would have taken them a really long time to get to as far as they did in addicted. Probably a lot of denial etc. But JY and ZZ, especially JY has mentioned love at first sight multiple times during interviews. So i think that something might have been possible even if they didn't have addicted. It would probably have been really drawn out and a lot of denial from JY though. They were kind of forced to figure out stuff fast because of everything that happened.. JY's reaction to ZZ was very unlike his other relationships, since he mostly hung out with older ppl and didn't really know anyone even close to ZZ at all. You only really need to watch the early BTS clips and see that it really didn't take long for JY to get close to ZZ. Like i'm talking days here.......... Not even a full week.. =___=;;;;;;;;; 


But yeah i can meet someone for 15 minutes and write a 6 page analysis on that person. Even if i didn't meet them in person i have watched enough interviews to fill up 6 days worth of time lol. 


I'm sure there are still relationships between male stars in china.. It's just kept under wraps lol. This kind of thing you can't really stop, its just not going to come out in the light if they can possibly help it.


1 hour ago, ghettomilkshake said:

crystalclear18 omg im quite clueless about weibo but this is rather interesting hopefully i motivate my lazy bum to join soon hahaha 

Haha it was kind of confusing in the beginning. If you create the account on a computer first it will be easier because you can use google translate to translate the whole page into english first.

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Throwback. We have been walking slowly together for almost 2 years. For many many more years to come hearta_org.gif 

Cr 冬冬dongxdong











Fan (枕了八年的校服依旧清香) reposted photos from FS, CW, ZZ and JY weibo












Cr 瑜情魏了19520




When team bestfriend doing rehearsal



Why JY likes to practice jiujitsu with ZZ



JY's Meow!





JY loves it :lol:



Using phone with one hand cause my Big Fool is sleeping!




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From The Evolution of our love weibo006CIi3oly1fkcyfzbrnwj30ih0cbn53.jpg

Another throwback

Cr 嘉宝很甜 






ZZ ELLE MEN Hongkong  - Eng trans Cr 悠竹翻译组 here

If you don't have weibo


[Timmy – Restless Soul]

Famous because of a drama! In two years he already released two albums and did two dramas, the twenty three-year old super popular idol sings in his new song: ‘Need a little rampant, be a little crazy, dare to fall and get hurt, and so what if it is imperfect, even if you hesitate, isn’t life about wandering?’. If he has already found his best positioning, he puts that as ‘to mean it is sufficient to be myself’! There are people who put in all effort, think of all ways to become an idol. Others never thought of becoming an idol yet became someone that many fans sought after. To win does not mean to begin from the starting line but already destined in your lifeline.

Timmy Xu does not seem like a star, arriving in a white T-shirt looking like a sunshine boy. He seems a little shy when he smiles, nothing like the magical charm he portrays on stage and no trace of drama we see on-screen. However, he has a pair of calm and steady eyes and the charisma of being warm and introvert, as if he has a lot on his mind. His team openly acknowledged his good temper too. That might be the reason why he was the leader of a rock band while he was in high school, even playing heavy metal style. Even now, he is still fond of rock music, and claims that there is a restlessness in my soul. According to this reason, it is easy to understand why Timmy named the title of the first part of his second album The Time as 15 Minutes of Craziness. This is not just any name. For one, it comes from Andy Warhols famous phrase in the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes’; for another, Timmy defined 15 minutes as I will use everything I have to win every 15 minutes that you all give me. In this industry, where ample of idols come and go, Timmy uses his unique way to depict craziness,bursting with energy, and proving that he is not merely an idol, he is a solid singer with soul. Just as he sings in So What’, need a little rampant, be a little crazy, dare to fall and get hurt, and so what if it is imperfect, even if you hesitate, isnt life about wandering?’ Only by being rampant with personality can you successfully dominate at the peak of the pyramid in the world of entertainment.


Border of Darkness – In Love with Rock Even More

In the MV of another new song ‘Just Forget Me’, Timmy portrayed both the sweetness of and being lost in love. When he sings ‘forget me, just forget me’ with such heart-wrenching sadness and pain on his face, it was extremely moving. In fact, when he was shooting the MV in London, Timmy had diarrhea and vomited for three days because of something he ate. He was in such daze that actually the director praised him ‘the expression of pain and hurt was perfect!’ When Timmy first heard the demo tape of this song, he decided then that he must sing it just by listening to it once.

‘The melody was nice, easy to follow and remember. Also, the main part and chorus are different, with the chorus being long, just forget me...’ He gently hums and then said ‘switching from real and fake voice is very interesting.’ The catchy melody means the song will be sang in lots of places and this is a “must-have” for pop music. Despite only releasing the first part of his second album, the entire album is actually already completed.  He prepared this since Feb 2017, for half a year. Because his first album “Light” was released in just a month, Timmy wished to take time to release a good piece of work this time.

The song ‘Just Forget Me’ took 3 days to record, and is produced by music senior Lee Si Song. Both of them carefully went through word by word of the lyrics, and re-do again even when they do not feel good about just one word. They recorded this until 2am the first day, and Timmy’s voice was stretch to the limit. Lee Si Song then let him rest and start again the next day. 

It is interesting that such a well-crafted song retained some of the rough feel with that hoarse voice, some sentences were not expressed in perfection, like DO must be DO, MI must be MI, but we actually kept the quality and texture of voice affected by sadness. However, the other song Border of Darkness is actually Timmys favorite.  Breaking through the limit, everything that binds me, this hope will never fade. This song depicts the rock spirit that he insists upon so far, and the lyrics and music produced and composed by Beijing rock band Life Awaits. I did not give any boundary to them, just tell them to do as they want, resulting in the music style being rather heavy.The whole song is full of Emo (emotional rock) temperament, fully venting out those emotions of breaking out of shackles and walking towards the light. This piece of work, not just because Life Awaits is his good friend, but more importantly, Border of Darkness is more like Timmy paying tribute to the dead metal rock band PROME that he was part of in his younger days. Compared with being an idol, Timmy prefers to be positioned and called a Rocker boy.


I Am Cunning - So I Can Be Crazy

Timmy was born in a well-off family in Shanghai in 1994. His father used to be the drummer of a rock band but the final fate of his drums is to be sold-off as waste for just 50 yuan. When he was in junior high school, Timmy bought the first wooden guitar in his life, and mastered it in two months. When he hears good songs, he will keep playing the guitar repeatedly, and it was common for him to play for 10 hours without eating or drinking anything. In winter, he often practiced strumming until all five fingers were bleeding. One day, he saw Linkin’ Park’s performance on video, ‘so cool, so shocking’, and from then got hook to rock music.  At that same time, the unusual and special style of Jay Chou also made Timmy a fan.

In high school, Timmy started a student band PROME with his friends and he was the leader as well as guitarist. PROME comes from the abbreviation of Prometheus, which means fire. This band not only has its own weibo account, and labelled as Shanghai Indies Music Death Metal Band but also did a live house performance in 2012 to a thousand people in Shanghais Mao Livehouse.


However, after the burst of fame from web drama in 2016, Timmy did not take-on new acting projects but used nearly two years to release new albums and did concert tours. His father, whose rock dream died, was once unwilling for him to follow this path and warned if you cant persist,dont start at all. Timmy felt wronged and rashly retorted I will persist! Partly because of this Ambitious Speech’, he is still sticking to it. After his sudden popularity, he released his first album Light’, and began Timmys Light Asian Tour from June 2016, covering Beijing, Seoul, Shenzhen,Bangkok and Shanghai.

Timmy was most nervous about his first concert in Beijing. Even though 2000 tickets had sold out in three seconds, he has never performed on such a big stage before. He was so nervous that his limbs were numb right before he goes on stage but when he stood on stage and the music began, he revived.

As for his second stop, when he arrived at Korea airport and came out from immigration, he found that many people were waiting for him and calling his name, and that these were all his fans. At that moment, he was shocked and in awe, am I so famous already?

During this concert stop, there was a clothes-changing moment between two songs. This made him realized the live-or-die speed needed as a singer: the clothes-change is not done but the prelude of the next song has begun. His manager advised him to sing while putting on clothes, so he took his clothes and walk towards the front stage but realized that his trousers were falling, so he had to pretend that nothing happened and sang the song calmly. He smiled and recalled his good fortune ‘when I saw the live photos afterwards, I found that I’ve got messy hair and makeup.’ Focusing on making music, and after a year, Timmy proved that he is no one-time singer but presented his second album “Just Forget Me” which became No 1 at the weekly board of Billboard China, and also includes the movie theme song composed by his idol Jay Chou ‘Ruins of Time’.

Under the environment where acting earns more than singing, we may ask why he insists on making music.

‘I am more cunning, music is my dream, and I can act to support my music dream. If I have the ability to do that, if many fans listen to my songs, why not be a little crazy!’


Black Belt as a Cat Slave, 7 points on Looks, 10 Points on Talent

On acting, Timmy only acted in two productions so far, and his drama ‘Evolution of Love’ is still filming. In this metropolitan love drama, he acts as a 32-year old ‘elite’ who hates to lose and fell in love with popular actress Zhang Tian Ai. Although his role is the second lead, he decided to take it up since he likes the script.

Acting as someone almost ten years older than his actual age, he described it as ‘a small kido acting as a mature man, the drama’s instructor Liu Tian Chi urged me not to laugh out loud so that I could look older and mature.’ It is interesting that Timmy is not familiar with Zhang Tian Ai but they had to shoot the finale right from the first day. After getting to know each other better, they developed rapport and often gave each information when acting together so as to give the drama more feel of reality. Timmy claimed that neither kissing nor crying scenes are challenging to him, but rather the action scenes.  In late September, he goes to Hungary’s Budapest for shooting movie ‘Rookies’ about special agents, directed by Yuan Jin Lin and working with Taiwan‘s popular star Wang Da Lu (Darren Wang).

While young people at his age are entering society, Timmy has already proved his influence in music and films. On this, he replied plainly, ‘I seem older than my peers and what I think about is how to choose in my career. After all, there are so many fans, and I am often under pressure.’ However, during our interview he laughed at himself for being just a worker in the filming industry. Since he has to travel different places very often, he learned a new skill ‘falling asleep immediately’. He explained that because of the lack of sleep previously, his immune system is weak and led to coughing and flu for a long time, with an infected upper respiratory tract. Until now there is still some health problem left by these, so he insists on not taking spicy food to protect his throat. As an idol with hundreds and thousands of fans, he also understands how to get you to like him privately. When his weibo hit more than 2 million followers (now nearly 5 million), he presented his guitar as well as a funny Latin dance. Many people know that he is a rock boy, but seldom know that he had learned Latin dance for ten years.

Besides Latin dance and guitar, he also do street dance, do beatbox, knit, bake cakes, play drums,boxing...almost a master of everything. Timmy is a gentle and warm person also referred to as a Black Belt Cat Slave. His fans give him the nickname ZhouMiao not just because he loves to put up cats pictures on weibo, but also because he is like a cat, even Timmy himself admits that he is like a cat. I like to be still all the time and lives in my own world, writing songs, playing music,playing the drums. As an idol of the new era, he not only has the good looks and talent, but also has good interactions with fans in SNS, and has even better taste in clothes/fashion: a walking wardrobe, and the next day after this interview he flies to New York to see a fashion show. He also appeared many times on the covers of top fashion magazines, every time showing his diversity. At the end of the interview, we asked if you put a score on yourself, how will you score your looks and talent?’ He replied immediately looks worth 7 points, talents worth 10. Just on looks alone will not last long. Then he stopped and changed: talents worth 9.5, I should be a little modest. He has that little bit of young arrogance. Perhaps he is true to himself that results in his charisma as a super idol today.



Original From ELLE MEN Hongkong

Chinese text Cr https://weibo.com/u/6000244561 宇宙的小猫咪

Translated by: YZ Global Translation Team @Betty and @BabyLove瑜洲 


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JY studio weibo update

黄景瑜工作室: 10月15日,boss@Johnny黄景瑜 将与你相约鸟巢,共赏马术盛宴!护鲸团宝宝们,不见不散哟[憧憬]

JY will be attending Longines event on the 15th

Full video here

This is ZZ's goddess :lol: ZZ said it many times that he likes Lin Chi Ling. ZZ will be jealous :lol:




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7 hours ago, bearology said:




all them throwback yz gifs are really bittersweet :( but this one will always remain my all-time most fav yz moment of all

the way zz is tryin to block jy's line of sight --> jy just casually pulling him back to his chest --> zz constantly bumping his head against jy's chest for attention --> jy affectionately playin with zz's face while at the same time listening to the director 

it's the most natural and cute and coupley thing for me & this exceeds purely bromance & friendship imo :wub:


and about the walk slowly mv..



I've been rather curious since i saw it for the first time, ok we all probably know the mv is released as a 'goodbye gift'  after the ban and is representing later chapter(s) of the first novel.. so the question is did they purposely film those scenes for the mv or are they extracted from the initially planned season 2 which they maybe filmed (finished/to that part of the novel) already? 

that aside 'walk slowly' will always be my ultimate yuzhou/haiyin song my heart aches whenever i watch the mv bc it's perfectly relevant in the novel and in real life and i really hope they have a happy ending like in the novel but without having to wait for 8 years :bawling:

(like the last 2 lines written in the mv: no one knows what's gonna happen tmr, but i know we will be walking slowly together past tmr)





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On 09/10/2017 at 4:02 PM, clediver said:

so our boys met in love drama.. get close together over filming

i always believe that it was love at first sight for both of them

I always wonder :huh:

what would happen if they first met NOW? :o

would they even think about  each other in a romantic way

would they consider that possibility????

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Yeah, this is a 'rational' thought of our boys @clediver.  If they hadn't met each other in ShangYin, I don't think they would've 'given' themselves that opportunity to be engaged/involved in a romantic way, simply because they live in China, a society where majority of people it seemed opposes gays/relationships. Before ShangYin,  JYu was definitely NOT into males, he's a man's man (very manly/how ZZ described him) and ZZ was also very manly too (his looks and attitude can be very as well) but when he met JYu, he met someone EVEN MORE MANLY than him and that 'amused' and 'attracted' ZZ I'm sure, from their first meeting haha..), and with both being so good looking,  they sure WERE attracted to each other at first sight, admiring each other's looks that's all but don't think it was in a romantic way from the start, that only came from filming ShangYin.  IT WAS THE STORY and their time 'sleeping together' in a same bed during filming that brought the two together lol...and followed that - THE CP FANS!! I believe, it was us, 'the lover and supporter' of YuZhoulove THAT GAVE THEM THE BLESSING & ENCOURAGEMENT TO ADVANCE ON WITH 'THEIR LOVE relationship'.  If not for the support of CP fans, there's a high possibility that they MIGHT NOT WANT TO KEEP IT/HAVE IT (their love relationship) as it's just too difficult/almost impossible to have it carry on following ShangYin because of the society they live in and the entertainment industry factors etc...  Without the support of the CP fans, really, I don't think YuZhoulove would continue/survive outside of ShangYin. BRAVO to ALL CP FANS, we have CONSOLIDATED OUR BOYS LOVE RELATIONSHIP AND HELPED THEM ABLE TO MOVE ON AND FORWARD WITH EACH OTHER, I really believe.  SO, DEAR BROS & SISs of YUZHOU, DON'T STOP BELIEVING & SUPPORTING & LOVING OUR YUZHOU! WE ARE LIKE AN ANCHORS FOR THEIR LOVE! IT'S ALL OUR DREAMS that these two precious boys would have a beautiful ending like 'themselves' GuHaiBaiLouYin, a happy romantice marriage, then LET's KEEP FIGHTING AND WALK ON SLOWLY (meaning lovingly with full support) WITH THEM and CONTINUE TO SHOWER THEM WITH OUR LOVE & BLESSINGS as they SO NEED IT TO SURVIVE amongst the world they live in! Thankyou all! ~

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JY studio weibo update (reposted rom Red Sea weibo)

Operation Red Sea conference today. Aw, so excited for JY!!!!



JY is flying to Beijing now

Have a safe flight JY!!!

Cr Gyoza







JY's event schedule

11 Oct - Red Sea Operation Press Conference (Beijing)

13 Oct - ELLE event (Beijing) - not confirmed

15 Oct - Longines event 


Some asked so JY is still filming the fox drama in Thailand and ZZ is still filming his agent movie in Hungary.


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