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5 hours ago, ghettomilkshake said:


 these are all so adorablehdjwjdkw but where is the businesswear photoshoot & jy singing on stage for the first time from i need to know any senpais plz halp :bawling: 

The photoshoot, you can search Huang Jingyu Xu Weizhou Figaro Mag photoshoot (March 2016), there's a long livestream video in YouTube IIRC. First time singing on stage for Jingyu was Addicted Press Conference on 30 Nov 2015, almost 2 years ago. It was JY's birthday as well and ZZ sang Happy Birthday to JY. Later this day, ZZ posted happy birthday post for JY with half of a heart sign selfie pose and JY reposted with another half of the heart selfie pose. 


The song JY and ZZ were singing together -> I only care about you. You can search for Addicted Press Conference Huang Jingyu Xu Weizhou I only care about you. Video ZZ singing happy birthday to JY, Gashupingo or Zhou noii has this video in her YouTube Channel IIRC.


By Sally




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On 05/04/2016 at 9:29 PM, sohocomo said:

@victortou @izziehudson @Tin Le @Lukasz D   A parent's perspective - 

My son came out to me as bi about 5 years ago. Raised Christian, a minister's daughter, and being in a very conservative point in my life at that time, I admit I didn't handle it too well. BUT...(and this is a big but) I never stopped loving my son. I never stopped caring or worrying about him. It took a little time (a few months) before I really started looking at myself and my own thoughts and beliefs. My biggest fear turned out to be that I was worried my son would never find a truly loving relationship - which would have been my same worry if he was dating girls exclusively. Being Christian, I believe that love is the greatest force in the universe (love thy neighbor as thyself). Plain and simple as that.

In the long run, I'm glad my son told me when he did, before he reached an age where he is thinking of long term commitment. Now that I know, I'm better prepared to be there for him as his mother, no matter what.

I know I don't speak for every parent. I just ask that you put a little trust in the amount of a parent's love as you go forward.

My thoughts and prayers to you all   :heart:

Have been reading this thread since long just reached this and i really love you for this i know it must've been difficult at that time but as you yourself said love is the greatest force, so thank you for being such a lovable person .

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On 08/10/2017 at 12:10 AM, leonis said:

Its so sad that there are these crazy fans. Hope they are not like the saesangs over KPOP idols.

Yeah, it seems to be quite common with kpop idols.. Right now i can't remember if its the article i just posted or on another article but ZZ does have saesang fans.............. X____________X In the article i'm thinking of, it said that ZZ doesn't really think of any fan as a saesang fan even though some of them follow him home, he says he can still understand them. And when they are at his door/staircase he just tells them to go home soon (as possible). The security at his home put up a sign on his door saying that its forbidden to linger there, ZZ was joking that the security guy was more worried than him................. 


He said that recently, but i remember during one interview on camera he did mention that he would like his privacy too and please don't follow him home, especially since his family members may also be there. This was last year i think. 


21 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

@crystalclear18 it's the one Bearo posted of a tweet that says The Time coming soon. I think it's a teaser for the upcoming second quarter. Maybe. 

Its interesting, i checked the page the video is on and i think its kind of hinting that The Time will come soon. But i think we might have seen the video before.. It really is a tease lol.


21 hours ago, bearology said:

This interview, my friend told me that the reporter also mentioned before he started his interview, ZZ's team told him not to ask question/mention Addicted, not that they don't want to but its sensitive since the drama got taken down <- This is what the reporter said. I longing for the day JY and ZZ can freely talk about Shangyin and what they went through last year. Poor boys. Fighting JY ZZ !!!!

Yeah its almost a candy part from this article.. They quoted ZZ's team saying that "its not that we don't want to mention it, but it actually is a sensitive topic (since the ban)". Straight from the article and completely different from ppl saying things like they want to distance themselves from addicted.. 

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ZZ weibostory

One more light -Linkin Park



"One More Light"

Should've stayed. Were there signs I ignored?
Can I help you not to hurt anymore?
We saw brilliance when the world was asleep.
There are things that we can have but can't keep.

If they say,

Who cares if one more light goes out
In the sky of a million stars?
It flickers, flickers.
Who cares when someone's time runs out
If a moment is all we are?
Or quicker, quicker.
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do.

The reminders pull the floor from your feet.
In the kitchen one more chair than you need.
And you're angry, and you should be, it's not fair.
Just 'cause you can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

If they say,

Who cares if one more light goes out
In the sky of a million stars?
It flickers, flickers.
Who cares when someone's time runs out
If a moment is all we are?
Or quicker, quicker
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do.

Who cares if one more light goes out
In the sky of a million stars?
It flickers, flickers.
Who cares when someone's time runs out
If a moment is all we are?
Or quicker, quicker.
Who cares if one more light goes out?
Well, I do.
Well, I do.


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JY today 091017

Cr Chacha_World62



JY yesterday, so cuteeee!!!




For our October Meow. So cuteeee!!

Cr Alohomora

Same tradition as previous year, let's share memories or anything you guys want to share about ZZ from now til his birthday. Spam ZZ!!!!


Throwback MTV award 200717

Cr Withchuu







I'm not sure if this is confirmed but looks like JY has event in Beijing on the 13th Oct for ELLE



Meow with Fan BingBing




NEWS weibo update. If too small, link here




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By jjseason



JY today

Cr Yuzhou_Vietnam_Battleship



Edit: Operation Red Sea Press Conference on 11 Oct at 3pm (BJ time). This means JY will be flying back to Beijing tomorrow?




Edited by bearology
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so our boys met in love drama.. get close together over filming

i always believe that it was love at first sight for both of them

but zz accepted he loved a man easily more than JY  :wink:

JY maybe did took a little more time <_<


I always wonder :huh:

what would happen if they first met NOW? :o

this handsome famous boy encountered this sexy popular idol

share your thoughts

away from CP couple drama
away from skin-ship
away from a gay topic
would they have the courage and get close
would they even think about  each other in a romantic way<<<<<<

would they consider that possibility????




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4 hours ago, clediver said:

I always wonder :huh:

what would happen if they first met NOW? :o

this handsome famous boy encountered this sexy popular idol

share your thoughts

Your scenario reminds me of this chinese YZ fic.. LOL. The writer only has 2 chapters out so far but i thought it was really cute. And of course my chinese is bad, but it wasn't hard enough that i couldn't understand what was happening. The prologue was really close to what you were saying though, if JY and ZZ didn't meet through addicted and get famous like that would they still meet each other, how would they meet each other and what would happen lol. In this fic it was model JY and student ZZ who was still in the band. I'm sure there are much more famous YZ fics that might have a premise/plot that are related to your scenario but i don't usually read YZ fics and this one just somehow caught my attention. Its called "Maybe" on weibo. 


1 hour ago, clediver said:

zz weibo story was at 11:30 JY s birthday


You just saved me from being too, too worried about ZZ. Cause i didn't see the post about the time of ZZ's weibo story. I was like why isn't he at least saying something? He usually does in his weibo story, i was getting a bit worried. I kind of still am but less lol. I think that JY better do something good for ZZ's birthday............... If he can't be with him in person.. I wouldn't be surprised if ZZ isn't as happy and everything as usual. JY is in thailand where he has the support of thai CPF around him, but ZZ doesn't have that.. 


I'm also considering making a YZ weibo group/weibo chat of my own lol.. X___X 

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Ok so i went kind of crazy and just went ahead and created that YZ weibo group/chat lol.. Its called English Speaking YZ Baobaos. :D:D I'm all by myself right now so if you have weibo please join. I hope there are ppl that want to join.. TT____TT The QR code is in the spoiler, all you have to do is scan the code with your phone to join.


There are international YZ groups/chats on weibo already.. But its a bit hard for me since i can type much faster than everyone lol. If i do talk i just end up spamming the rest of them essentially. Like even fans that do english translations on weibo aren't really english speakers................................. So i think some english speakers actually end up not saying much on those chats lol. And don't worry if you can understand or post here then your english is probably fine.


Anyway, i basically made the group for the chat and the chat is for discussing YZ and addicted related stuff as well as everyday life stuff. :):)


Here is a link if that works better: http://t.cn/ROV510c





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@clediver Somebody showed me a similar issue, i think it might depend on the way you signed into weibo. X___X If you sign in with your cellphone number it is the best way to see everything on weibo. I think if you sign in with facebook or some other method it has more limited functions? Can you try to use a cellphone number to log on to weibo? I mean i can also just add you directly. I did that for someone else. Let me try that now.


Edit: I just added  your account to the group, so you are in it now. Maybe see if you can open it?

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